HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/18/2009 e e 6429 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Peninsula College / Room J-47A - PUB Conference Room Port Angeles, Washington April 18, 2009 CALL MEETING TO ORDER AT: 8:00 A.M. ROLL CALL: Mayor Gary Braun, Deputy Mayor Betsy Wharton, Councilmember Dan Di Guilio, Councilmember Don Perry, Councilmember Larry Williams, Councilmember Karen Rogers and Councilmember Cherie Kidd. STAFF: City Manager Kent Myers, Executive Communications Coordinator Teresa Pierce. Department Heads Joining Meeting at Noon: Attorney Bloor, Director Cutler, Director Ziomkowski, Chief McKeen, Chief Gallagher, and Director West. PUBLIC: Rob Ollikainen of the Peninsula Daily News arrived at approximately noon and left when the meeting adjourned. No other members of the public were present. DISCUSSIONS: 1. FUTURE VISION OF PORT ANGELES Vision - 5 to 10 years Deputy Mayor Wharton. Port Angeles as an urban landscape, denser, rehabilitated place for living and working. More walkable, easier accessibility, working open landscape. City Government with a "can do" attitude. Less conflict in community and between government and public with more trust. Mayor Braun: 4 lane highway east of Port Angeles to the Hood Canal Bridge within 10 years. People that pay utility bills are not "customers" but owners. Councilmember Di Guilio. Re-energized downtown, take advantage of natural resources, development of waterfront, capitalize on waterfront, work with National Park, take more advantage of resources of ONP. Make Port Angeles a destination point. Councilmember Perry. Tourism in downtown area and revitalize downtown. Eliminate conflicts between groups and have more interaction. More joint meetings with Port, Chamber, etc., to set common goals for Port Angeles. Downtown is in dire shape, lots of vacant buildings. AlA had great ideas, downtown housing, condos, great revitalization, more emphasis on teamwork with different groups. Councilmember Kidd. Cleaner, more prosperous downtown. AlA showed difference between junky and cleanly arranged signing. We are an international host city but we don't show it. Hard to find Peninsula College and Olympic National Park (ONP). Signage is confusing. Change Race Street to Hurricane Ridge Boulevard and ONP is not really on Park Street. Get an ONP presence downtown. Paint the 6430 City Council Special Meeting April 18, 2009 Town idea is good. . ... paint up, clean up, can-do attitude, tourism is thriving. Port Angeles is "interviewed" every time a visitor comes here so we need to look our best and show the pride we have. e Councilmember Williams. Need to make sure essential core services and infrastructure are in place. Port Angeles is a classic case study when moving from rural based community to small metropolitan urban center. This has happened in other areas before and is now arriving here. Struggles are not unique or isolated. Need to focus on diversification of our revenue sources - getting new or replacement family wage jobs and long term wage jobs in the community. Councilmember Rogers. Port Angeles is 16 square miles and we have to be respective to the entire town. We need to celebrate what we've accomplished. Tremendous financial investment made in community but not recognized. We have to not just recognize downtown, but other business. We have to have an economy here. Commit to getting median income up with companies that pay benefits and provide health benefits. Peninsula College is a tremendous asset - signage is important. Council needs to have leadership to implement policies. Rayonier is an opportunity for a mix of uses, waterfront needs to be redeveloped, good to see the plans that the Coho has to update their ferry terminal. Timber industry is still a critical part of the community. Remember what has been accomplished and celebrate it and not just concentrate on the downtown. Added Comments. Port Angeles is a Harbor town, and civic pride is an important asset already in the community. 2. CITY COUNCIL RULES OF PROCEDURE Councilmember Perry: Rules and format of Council meetings are good. Not pleased with public comment period when Council cannot offer response. Councilmember Perry offered a suggestion for revising the public comment directions listed on the agenda so that Council and Staff could answer questions. City Manager Myers commented that Public Comments are divided into policy and management issues. Some need further research on policy issues and urged caution on responding. Management issues again may require further research. Some issues really need to be referred to the City Manager rather than debated in open forum. Discussion continued to find ways to better management of Public Comment period and find ways to appropriately respond, if necessary. Council does not want to have a silent response. City Manager Myers will work towards a method of offering a brief response during public comment period. Deputy Mayor Wharton suggested moving Committee Reports to the beginning of the meeting. Better way to update Council and community on issues and work being done. Councilmember Di Guilio suggested moving recognition of City employees to front of meeting. e Page 2 of7 6431 City Council Special Meeting April 18, 2009 e Deputy Mayor Wharton: Executive sessions. Public statement issued last summer about changing ways of working as a Council. Council had developed a mea culpa statement but no further action had been taken. She would like Council to develop a statement of intent and values for City Council. 4 & 5. CURRENT FUNCTIONING OF CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS Revisions to packet after it has been distributed on Friday, will not be distributed until the Council meeting. This applies to minor changes. City Manager Myers requested that if Council has any questions about the packet to please ask him, or Staff, before the meeting rather than ask at the Council meeting. Executive Sessions. Councilmember Di Guilio was not sure if we always need to discuss certain issues in Executive Session and hopes that they can be kept to a minimum if at all possible. General Discussion continued as Council serves as role models for community, and to "agree to disagree" and share information. Taping of executive sessions. Deputy Mayor Wharton thinks it is a good idea for reference purposes. Would like to have further conversation on issue. 5. COUNCIL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS Deputy Mayor Wharton suggested moving seating positions around. Respect for new councilmembers and mutual respect for all councilmembers. Equal sharing of information is important. 6. COUNCIL STAFF RELATIONS No issues with staff. Staff does a tremendous job for the City. Council will try to use Groupwise more efficiently. Teresa Pierce will set up training/orientation with Councilmembers. 7. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEES AND ADVISORY COMMITTEES FUNCTIONS AND STRUCTURES Councilmember Williams: Committees were designed to provide detailed info to up to 3 councilmembers, to allow for them to consider several different options for advisement purposes, so it could then be brought to full Council. Committees are less than effective now and maybe it's time to reconsider to increase transparency. Councilmember Di Guilio favors work sessions over subcommittees with the goal being to eliminate duplicate conversations and a more open process. Discussion continued whether Council wants the opportunity to vet certain things through before an issue makes it to the regular Council Meeting. Discussion included the thought of transferring some of the committees to a work session setting that would be held the week before the regular Council meeting. Consider having on alternate Tuesdays at a time yet to be determined. e Page 3 of7 6432 City Council Special Meeting April 18, 2009 Councilmember Di Guilio still wants to be able to publicly discuss issues and ask questions of Staff to a further promote openness. ,., Community Conversations - consider stopping or relocating at other places. Low turnout may be an indicator that Community Conversations is no longer necessary. 8. CITY/COUNTY WORKING RELATIONSHIPS Relations are very good overall. Consider something like Agencies Working Together. Buying supplies in bulk, sharing equipment and other resources. City Manager Myers believes communications have been very good between the two entities. Growth Management is an issue that both City and County will need to work together on. Consider joint City/County meetings 9. WORKING RELATIONS WITH OTHER ORGANIZATIONS Port Angeles Downtown Association (P ADA), Port, Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe and others. Councilmember Perry suggested that more work needs to be done with P ADA. Consideration of joint meetings with P ADA from time to time. Consider restructuring parking downtown. Consider joint meeting with City of Victoria Council. Port Angeles School District relationship is good - need to continue maintaining that to keep our radar up. Emphasis on economic development and recreational tournaments. Coordinate efforts better with Forks and Sequim and the Olympic National Park Service. Work with Chamber to promote yearly celebration of ONP - tours, events. DEPARTMENT HEADS JOINED RETREAT FOR LUNCH AT NOON. City Attorney Bloor, Director Cutler, Director Ziomkowski, Chief McKeen, Chief Gallagher, and Director West. Agenda order changed to accommodate Department Heads. 13. CITY FINANCES AND STATUS OF 2009 CITY BUDGET Councilmember Williams wanted it to be specifically noted that by City policy, any budgetary savings from 2008 must go to Capital Improvement Projects rather than for Maintenance and Operations. There is no plan to spend that money for any capital projects at this time. Recommendation is to consider setting those funds aside as a "rainy day" fund due to the current economic outlook. Personnel is the largest part ofthe budget. Consider limiting temporary/seasonal to no more than 4 months to avoid unemployment benefit costs. This affects utilities as well as general fund. Staffing costs have a major impact on the budget. 28.5 positions added over the last 5.5 years. Cannot continue to grow this way. Salary increases to be considered, union wages and negotiations. City Manager Myers wants Council to have an understanding of the current budget status. Cuts in personnel will have a direct impact on services from front lobby to maintenance of parks and other facilities. e Page 4 of7 6433 City Council Special Meeting April 18, 2009 e General discussion about cutting front counter / customer service hours at City Hall as agreed as part of the 2009 Budget process. Councilmember Williams added that the City cannot continue to appear that we are still operating as usual. Other policy decisions will be forthcoming to City Council. As the City moves forward, what kind of public input do we want and how to collect that information with suggestions of a forum, town meeting, regular public comment or invite people to come' with their comments for proposed cuts. A survey was suggested to get a broader sense of the entire community rather than just hear from those that are concerned about a specific issue. Cutting City facility hours and te~porary/seasonal help will have to be considered. Councilmember Williams prefers focusing budget planning with an emphasis on determining core servIces. List of direct services and support services was distributed. Items were not listed in any particular order. Councilmember Williams would like to see a listing of the subcategories and prioritize them further. So when push comes to shove, Council can better understand when it comes to tough budget decisions. Deputy Mayor Wharton offered for discussion whether the Council eliminates an entire service area or do we just cut a little bit everywhere? Use school district matrix as an example. Councilmember Di Guilio added that quality of life is crucial and used the example of Parks being an important part of that. Consider new revenue sources, new fees, etc. Discussion continued on the importance of educating the public on exactly what functions a City is required to do, versus what they perceive a City should do. Councilmember Rogers - there is opportunity in crisis and a crisis can provide a better way to work more efficiently in the long run. Money is not going to come from the State. Cities will have to figure out how to do this regionally. Department Head Comments Department would like to know more specifically what direction Council wants to go. It can be difficult to plan without specific direction. Mandates are both State and Federally driven, but they are different with State being more restrictive. Director Ziomkowski: - biggest problem for Finance are all of the Federal mandates such as GATSBY requirements as they consume a huge portion of personnel's time. CFP process will be starting very soon with adoption needed to be done by July. Councilmember Williams suggested adding a lO-year, 15 or more years timeline to the CFP, even though it is not required by law. Example being a cross-town route plan. e Chief Gallagher stressed the importance of remembering to keep public safety in long-term planning - for both Fire and Police. Page 5 of7 6434 City Council Special Meeting . April 18, 2009 11. WAYS CITY CAN IMPROVE COMMUNICATIONS AND BECOME MORE TRANSP ARENT e Councilmember Rogers stated that the City has done a very good job with public records. The City has been very proactive and ahead in the process in comparison to many other cities. The issue can be very damaging to a City and to morale of Staff. We are committed to the process. Attorney Bloor offered that the general public is not usually aware of whether we have a good system or not, but that Port Angeles is well ahead of the curve in efficiency and responding to requests. However, Staff is at a breaking point right now unless more staff is added and with the budget being the way it is that is not likely to happen. We don't have the people or the technology. Director West added that he spends approximately 20 hours per month on public records requests. City Manager Myers lead discussion on what other types of public records can be added to the City's website: He reported that public records request at this time last year numbered 29, and at the same point this year we have received 52 requests with many of these requests involving hundreds of pages of information. City Clerk Upton had estimated the cost for processing public record requests so far for 2009 was just over $20,000 and this was just in Staff time. Consideration will be given to having a "public library" of sorts that provides a place for records of several agencies and ways to better manage and provide that information to the public. 15. FUTURE SUST AINABILITY IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES Environmental. Denser, more urban, development. Get people out of their cars. Charging stations for electric vehicles. Director Cutler offered that sometimes it costs a lot more money to do something than it seems and it is sometimes better to wait for technology to improve before going with that technology and for the price to go down. Sometimes expense discourages citizens from pursuing. Zoning, height restrictions are talked about but not discussed as a policy change and finding ways to more forward. Director West added that the City has done a lot in regards to sustainability but the public is just not aware of it. Building height is an issue but it is expensive process. Balancing state mandates with all of these other issues while still trying to move forward. Councilmember Williams: Regulatory impediments - what needs to be changed so things can be changed. Infrastructure - what do we need that we need to plan for today? Operational- what combinations of things need to be done - or undone - to provide for sustainability in the future. Chief McKeen offered that leadership issues include the day to day polices that need decisions, but the other polices that are very important are the 10, 15 and more year vision. He is starting to look at those policy decisions that need to be made today and how they affect they way things will be in the future in those 15 to 20 years. The first domino needs to fall so those things can happen down the road. Service delivery standards are important to show what we can do, and also what we can't do. Start looking for more ways to do things differently. e Page 6 of7 6435 City Council Special Meeting April 18, 2009 e 11. WAYS CITY CAN IMPROVE COMMUNICATIONS AND BECOME MORE TRANSPARENT Consider more public forums for issues as necessary. Councilmember Kidd said there needs to be greater outreach between the Council and the public. Community Conversations has not been that well attended. Councilmember Williams - suggested using a 5th Tuesday as a time for a Town Hall. Suggestion was made for City Council to have a booth at the Farmers Market. Deputy Mayor Wharton proposed having a set topic for Community Conversations or Town Meeting or Forum on that 5th Monday of the month. 10. WORKING RELATIONS WITH LOCAL MEDIA There are a variety of ways to distribute information through press releases, utility bills inserts, website, display ads can be used if necessary. Community Government column in the newspaper or a City Council column. Letters to the Editor or a Point of View piece are options. AmeriCorps provides a media-service. Councilmembers can also join the City Manager on KONP. 12. SHORT -TERM AND LONG-TERM GOALS FOR CITY MANAGER 14. REPRESENTATIVE FUNCTION OF CITY GOVERNMENT Items 12 and 14 will be carried over to a Council meeting in May. NO ACTION WAS TAKEN. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 3:05 P.M Meeting notes provided by Teresa Pierce. b:J/3.~ Gary Braun, aYOf ,A; ~Q>~ ,1 ifibA Becky J. on, ity Clef e Page 7 of7