HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/19/1956
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
- 493'"
April '9.
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The City COWlci1 met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. and was called to order by l~or Smith. Roll call I
of officers revealed the following present: COWlcilJDen Brown, Ileez:, Sandison, M;J.tthi~, Wolle and McFadden,
Manager Vergeer, AttornEff SevelYns ani Clerk Law. . ._
It was moved by Councilman Brown that minutes of the previous meeting be. approv.ed. Secorded by Councillllan
Matthieu ard earried.. . .
Under the head of unfinished bt<5iness bids to furnisl1 3750 KVA Subst~tion were received as follOl<s:
WESTINGHOUSE EI;ECTRIC SUPPLY CO., $49,050~00, Tax, $1,635.00
qRAYBAR EI,.ECT11+G.CO., ):~... .51,532.00, Tax, .1,717.73
MO~NEY ELECTRIC C9., GA?LAllD AFFOLTER ENG. CORP., Net Price complli.e, $50,169.00, Tax, $1,672.30
FEDERAL PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO., .' _ -45,985.00,. Tax, 1,532.83
ALLIS.~ CIlAIMERS CO., '. .. 49,157.00, Tax, 1,638.07
GENERAL EU;CTRIC ~PLY CO., 51,532.00, Tax, 1,717.73
Att-er tabulation. and due. consideration, Mr. Vergeer. recommended that offer by Federal Paci1'ic Electric Co.
pe accepted. It was moved by Councilman, McFadden that bid be awarded as recommended. SecolXled by Council-
man 1volfe and carried.
The following bids to furnish truck for th.e Light Department were feceived: .
SCflREINER CHEVROIET OOMPANY, 1956 3/4 T.Chevrolet !ruck, $2,826.48, Trade-in 1953
Net, $1,799.98 .' ..' .
Alternate: $2,919.48, Less, $1,026.50, Net $1,892.98
Chevrolet, $1,026.5~
. .
JANISH l1DTOR COMPANY, 1 - 1956 Dodge 3/4 T t1'l1ck and body complete, 112,521.05, Less trade-in, $950.00,
Net, $1,571.05 . '. _.
Manager Vergeer recommended th.at 1CMest bid be accepted. It was lllDVed by Councilman Neer that bid be
awarded to Janish Motor ComParw at $1,571.05. Secorded by.Councilman Sandison ani carried.
Pursuant to bids published, the following were r~ceived to ftu.nish truck mounted backhoe for th.e lvater Dept;
. FEENAUGHrY 14ACHINERY CO., 1 new Model 3/8 CUo yd. shovel with. backhoe mounted on International 6 x 6
carrier. (,..wheeLdrive,J~14,990.00 plus tax:. . . .
a.M.C. Surplus. truck, shovel and bachoe, $19,812.25 plus tax
. .
COLUMBIA EQUIPl-!ENT CO., One Sargent Eng. Inc. Model 38 excavator with. trench hoe attachment, $10,750.00
Tax, $358.33., .. -' . l
A. H.' COX: AND CO., One 1940 Model E 3/8 Quickway truck mounl;ed backhoe on 19LP'International 6 x 4 truc
$5,500.00, Tax, $183.33
IlEL GUZZI CONSTRUCTION., INC., 1951 model 3/8 yd. Schield Bantam on 1942 6x6 G.M.C. truck, $4,500.00
ToTm EQUrP.MENT OO~~ One -~odel J-2 Quickway i yd. truck sh~ve1, $3, 7~.LP. Back hoe atta~ent,
$998.00, T.,1;a1, $4,724.40. ...' .'
Alterrate: Used. backhoe attachment, $500.00. Used 6x6 truck, $1,850.00, mounting charge, $lf5.oo
Manager Vergeer recommended that onJ,y the three lOW' bids be considered, as operation for wb.ich machine is
required is not sufficient to warrant oc st of 00" equipment. It was lIIOVed I:w Coun::ilman l1cFadden that
recommendation be approved and th.e Ci i;y 1fanager and riater Superintendent be authorized to insped.t equipment
offered and choose' what is best adapted to needs. 1lotion seconded ~ Councilman Broun and carried.
Bids to furnisn concrete pipe for the Fifth and Peabody fill "ere received:
PORT NNGELES CON::RETE PRODOOTS CO:) 400' of 72"' x (ll extra strength c1,l1vert pipe @ $34.50, $13,800.00
961. of 72~ x 8' Standard reinforced culvert pipe @ 29.90, $2,870.LP ..
,. .. " ,
SEATrLE CONCRETE PIPE COMPANY: 400' ~ 72" extra strength T & G culvert pipe @ $30.00
96' of 72" Standard. reinf... T. . & G Culvert pipe, @. $27.00 .
It was lllOVed by Coun::ilman lioile. that the ~fer by Seattle Concrete Pipe Comparw be accepted. Secorded by
Councilman McFadden and ca.rl:ied.
Coun::il WaB advised that bids lior small transformers are received a!Xl it was moved by Councilman Brown that
authorization be approve to award such bids for transformer requirements without formality of Coun::il
hearing. Hotion secomed by Coureilman If.atthieu and carried.
One fixed estimate claim was ~pproved as follows: Albino Casillo, 1.1.0. No. 167 for extra concrete in p1- .
ace at alley between First and Front, $95.84. 11; we.,s movet;l by Coun::ilJllan JoIcFadden that fixed estimate
claim be approved and.warrarrt. issued on L.I.D. No. 167 Co~tlUction Funi in ~ent of same. Secorded by'.
Councilman "iolfe ani carried.
Under th.e head of rew business, Tom Bailey filed claim in amounl; of $92.22 for dama~es to his truck caused
by sinking in street wb.ere water. ser:vi.ce pipe had rusted out. It was moveel by COWlcilman Brown that 'c1aim
be referred to the Attorney am Insurance CODlpar.tY. Secomed by . Councilman Sandi,son and carried. +" .
Paul Fletcher appeai-ed before the Council ~equesting to be. exempt from 0rdi11anc e Nll. 1255 which requires
Master Distributors License to place coin operated aI!lllSement 'machinEll[ in the City. . After discussion and
due wnsideration it. was mewed by Councillllan Brown that the City adhere to Ordinance.without exceptions.
goti on seconded by Councilman Neer and carried. .
~ ~~
Claims paid April 6, 17, and 18 wl!re approved in total amoUnt of $51'1341.63. It was moved by Councilman
McFadden that. clam be approved as FBid. Seconied by Coure i;!Jnan, Brown and carr.ied.
Co~ci1 considered request ~ Pacific Telephone ani Te~graph Comap\v for easement BCroSS City property in
the Elwha area far right-of-way for telephone cable.. It "as lOOVed by Courcilman Wolfe that request be.
granted ani the Mayor andClerk authoz:ized to execute said easement. S",co!lded by Coumilman Brown ard carr'd..
- . . . . l
Council also considered option with Mr. and Hrs~ W. S. Loucks for purchase of property in Peabody Gulch where
filling of Fifth Street is contElIlp1ated. It. was inov~d by Councilman Neer that option be apprvved ard
purchase of .property authorized. Secorded by Councilma1\. Bram a!Xl carried.
Owens Brothers "equested that the City conside~ vacation ~f Victoria Street f~m ?hase to Peabod;y St~eets.
It was. moved by COWlcillnan Wolle that request be referred to..th.e Plar\!.tiJlg COllll!Il.ssJ.on for r~cOlllJllEll1dation.
Secord ed by Councilman Brown and carried.
Purchase of lot for location of West side substation was considered. It was moved by Councilman Neer that
I . ~
r 494
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
---April 19 continued
:the Ma,yor ani Manager be authorized to proceed with negoti.ations and purchase of llu1table substation site.
\secOrried by CO.WlCilman Brown' and carried.
IThe City Treasurer filed report of collections during the thirty day prepayment period for L.I.D. No. 169
sha.ing cash payments of $17,905.20. l~arrants outstanding, $76,828.21. Total borris to bll issued,
'$58,923.01. Also filed financial report for too month of April. It was moved. by Councilman Mcfadden that
'reports be approved an:! placed on file. Secomed by Councilman Matthieu and carried. .
I:Dne request for transfer of beverage licellS:e was receivedfrom Babe's Tavern. From Gordon W. Burt to M:u.l
'am Frieda T. ~!oore. It was moved by Councilman Matthieu that. request for tramfer be approved. Seconded I
by Councilman Samison and carried.
I .'
,Under the head of int reduction and reading of, resolutions the. follawing were introduced. and read- for Council 1
approval: . . RESOLUTION NO. 13 - 56 . .
I. . A Resolution of the City Council of the City. of Port. Angeles relating to the illitial dates
10f emplOyment.in connection with prior.service of certain emp;Loyees~ .'
It was moved by Councilman Matthieu that the foregoing resolution be approved an:! adopted. Seconded by
,Councilman Sandison and carried. ' .
j. .
!A RESOLUTION of the City of Port A~eles, ~lashingto!l, de.claring.the. intention of the. City C~uncil to im-
prove a certain area wi thin too city by the. Construction and installation of trunk an:! lateral storm
sawel'S therein an:! the gradin,g, ballasting an:! paving of certain streets therein and too ocnstructing
'of curbs and gutters tlB-efor where necessary am by doing all work necessary in connection ~oorewith,
'and fixing a time and date for the hearing on this resolution of intention and repealing Resolution No. 170.
I . . ,
'It was moved by Councilman Brown that the foregoing Resolution be approved ani adopted. Seconded by
'.Councilman Hatthieu and carried.
:A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles, l'lashington, .declariog.the.intentiofl of the City COWlcil to im-
prove a eertain area . within the City by the construction and installation of lateral, .stom and sallitary
sewers therein by the construction and installation of a combination stonn. ani sanitary lateral sewer,
including services to each property line, ballasting and paving of an alley ani by doi~ alll<ork. n!,cassary
'in connection thereWith, ani fixing a time and date for the hearing on this resolution of intention.
! " . . .
It was moved by Councilman Brown that the foregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Sepon;l.ed by Council-
,man Sandison and carried.
I Under the hsad of introduction and reading of Ordinanc~s, the follOW'ing was intro>iuced,. read, in,fulJ: and
I placed on first reading:
AN ORDINANCE declaring the alley as. the f1allle is now constructed and in use and operation
between Lots 20 ani 21 of Block. 124 am, connecting the alley in the Easterly portiop of said block l-r.ith
ChaJllbers. Street, am the alley as the SaJlle is nOl< in use and operation betl1el'O ~ts 21 an:! 20 in Block
125 connecting the alley in the ~lesterly portion of said !llopk 125 with Chambers Street, all inD.. W.
Morse Subdivision of Suburban Lei< 8" Townsite of Port Angeles to be a public alley, am providing a
continuous alley through Blocks 124 and 125 of saj,d D. .W. Morse Subdivision.
It was moved by Councilman McFadden that the foregoing Ordinance be passed first reading.
Councilman Brown and carried..
Seconded by
There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjolIrned..
Q e. :Law-
tJ C1 ty Clerk
Mayor.. .. ... .'