HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/19/1962 116 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington APRIL 19 19~ '-.Il H PRINTlNU Cl?o. 1>.Z4.Z:M ..... The City Council met in ~egula~ session at 7:30 p.m. Office~s present were: Mayo~ Maxfield, councRl- men Richardson, Smith, Tho~ne, Randall, Caldwell and Haguewood, Manage~ Slanka~d, Atto~ney Moffett &nd Clerk McNeece, II ,It was moved by Councilman Richa~dson that minutes of the p~evious meeting be accepted and placed on [file. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and ca~ried. I IThe ~epo~t on extending wate~ lines in the a~ea south of the Boulevard will be ~eady fo~ ~epo~t at Ithe next Council meeting, the City Manager ~eported. Because of the Area Redevelopment Repo~t and I ithe State Beautification Repo~t, there had not been time fo~ adequate study of the matte~. ' ilThe claim of Frank Kaemmle filed against the retained amount to Ha~bert Construction Co~p. having II :been settled, it was moved by Councilman Richardson that the final payment to Harbert Construction 'Corp. in amount of $111,814.76 be paid. Seconded by Councilman Thorne. The City Manage~ commented I for the records: "On Feb~uary 28, 1962 the Consulting Engineer stated after the final inspection that all work was found to be finished in accordance with the contract documents. F~om discussion within ~ecent hours -- about 3 o'clock this afternoon -- it appea~s that parts from the factory to make a valve partial modulation instead of full modulation has not arrived to be installed. In 'view of this, my ~ecommendation is that final payment be made to Harbert Construction Corp. and that the Contractor and Bonding Co. be notified by lette~ that upon ar~ival and installation of the valvl [parts, it shall be the obligation of the valve manufactu~er and the Contractor to make su~e that Ithe valve is completely installed to the satisfaction of the City." After further discussion, on called vote, all voted "Aye". Motion carried, , ,Unde~ the head of new business, one ~equest fo~ t~ansfer of liquor license was ~eceived--Market i:Basket, 1105 So. Eunice Street, from Kenneth McLeish Henderson to Lova Loretta Ma~iani. It was .'moved by Councilman Caldwell that this request for liquor license transfer be approved. Seconded Ilby Councilman Richa~dson and carried, , jAs the new Municipal Swimming Pool will.. be ready for dedication in the near future, it was moved bYI 'Councilman Richardson that May 20th be established as Dedication and Open House for the new sWimmin" .pool. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and unanimously carried. Councilman Richa~dson having been the one who suggested the name of "The William Shore Memorial Pool" for the municipal swimming pool, it was moved by Councilman Randall that Councilman Richard- son notify Mrs. Shore of the dedication date for the William Shore Memorial Pool. Seconded by Councilman Haguewood and carried. The Mayor' reminded that anyone planning to attend the annual Association of Washington Cities Con- vention to be held in Yakima on May 9, 10 and 11, should get their reservations in as soon as pos- I ! sible. The seventh progress payment to K. T. Henderson, Inc., for materials and work done in the construc-, tion of the swimming pool was presented for approval, It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the progress payment to K, T. Henderson Inc. in amount of $22,571.12 be approved. Seconded by counCil-I' man Richardson and unanimously carried. The Mayor pointed out that this is approximately 80% com- pleted as far as payment is concerned. A petition requesting the naming of a portion of a street to "Oak Lane" was tabled for furl:her study. swimming pool were discuesed, It taking legislative action on fees yea~s of age;youths or teenagers-- ISuggested fees for swimming and other uses of the new municipal was decided to give more thought and study to the matter before to be charged. The age brackets are to be: children--under 12 112 to 17 inclusive; adults--18 years and over. IThe Ordinance pertaining to annexing a small area on the East end of Front Street will be presented Ifor approval at a future meeting. I It was moved by Councilman Thorne that the monthly Budget Repo~t of Expenditures and Police Judge's'i Repo~t for Ma~ch be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Richardson and ca~ried. I Claims payable we~e p~esented fo~ app~oval in amounts of: Gene~al Funds, $82,760,29, Wate~ Fund, I $3,070.59, Pipeline Fund, $2,296.19 and Light Fund, $48,357.96. It was moved by Councilman Caldwe]l , that the claims in total amount of $136,485,03 be approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Smith ,I and ca~ried. I Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of April 17th we~e read. Fi~st o~de~ of business being I application of G~een B~othe~s fo~ permission to re-platt Lot 8, McGui~es Addition to Po~t Angeles into ~esidence lots, each having an area in excess of 7,000 squa~e feet, The Planning Commission unanimously ~ecommenied that the City Council give tentative app~oval to the p~elimina~y plan with final app~oval to come at a later date, afte~ these p~e~equisites a~e complied with: 1. The st~eet be rough graded. 2. Installation of monuments. 3. Fu~nish City Engineer with a cloth based map II 'Iof platt. It was moved by Councilman Richa~dson that tentative approval be given on ~eplatting of , "II Lot 8 in McGuires Addition as submitted on the application of Green Brothe~s. Seconded by council-ll' 'man Thorne. Councilman Randall pointed out that this is contingent upon the ~ecommendation of the Planning Commission. On called vote, all voted "Aye". Motion carried. ! Second orde~ of business: application of Mrs, Violet Hu~long for variance from zoning law on Lots i 1,2,3,4 and 5, and pa~ts of Lots 6,7,8 and 9, Block 171, Townsite, at the corne~ of 4th & Peabody I IStreets. Application is for permission to establish and operate a t~ailer cou~t on the p~operty. ! It was the unanimous recommendation of the Planning Commission that the City Council approve the I application p~oviding all requirements and regulations of the State Board of Health gove~ning the I sanitation of mobile homes be complied with, and a time limit of six (6) months be applied on the construction of the project. It was moved by Councilman Richardson that the Planning Commission's recommendation for the va~iance be approved. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimously carried. Two petitions we~e received bearing twenty-two signatu~es, eleven of which were p~ope~ty owners, !I protesting the va~iance of zoning classification on Lots 4,5, & 6, Block 4, f~om second class resil dence to second class business, as requested by Mr. Carl Daugaard. Afte~ much discussion du~ing IWhiCh the City Atto~ney pointed out that a va~iance should be specific; applies only to the pa~ti- cula~ piece of property; fo~ a pa~ticula~ purpose as set forth in the va~iance ~equest, and does ,not change the zoning law, it was moved by Councilman Richardson that: this matte~ be referred to the Planning Commission and that they contact the person requesting the variance to get a definite I I I I ""I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 117 APRIL 19 .19~ L..HPFlIN,.INceO...._Hn.._~.. I established plan for what they intend to use the property for. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell. The Mayor suggested that the people protesting the variance should attend the Planning Commission meeting when they hold the hearing on this variance. After further discussion, on called vote, all voted "Aye". Motion carried. A communication from the Centennial Committee requesting a grant of $5,000.00 to be used as opera- ting capital to help insure the financial success of the Centennial celebration was read and dis- cussed. There being a budgeted item for special city events in the 1962 budget, and the Centennia~ celebration being a special event, it was moved by Councilman Caldwell that a budgeted item of J $2,000, to be itemized to the Council in the form of help to make this Centennial Celebration a success, be approved. Seconded by Councilman Richardson. After further discussion, on called vot , all voted "Aye". Motion carried. A communication from Edna Sisson requesting a comfort station be constructed in the City was dis- cussed, then tabled for future consideratlon. The City Attorney advised of a claim pending against the City inVOlving damage of from one to two hundred dollars to an automobile which allegedly drove upon a manhole which was in the traveled i portion of the street, the manhole cover being set aside during construction. Investigation by I the City's insurance carrier revealed that the manhole cover was in the traveled portion of the street, having been dragged there when the car backed up. Upon recommendation of the City Enginee, , that the City not pay the claim as they are not liable for the damages, the City Attorney recom- j mended that the claim not be paid and the claimant be so advised. It was moved by Councilman Rich ardson that the City Attorney's recommendation be followed and he be authorized to proceed with defense if necessary. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and unanimously carried. Under the introduction of Resolutions, the following Resolution was read: RESOLUTION NO. 5-62 I A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles com- mencing an annexation proceeding. After discussion, it was moved by Councilman Richardson that the foregoing Resolution be passed. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimously carried. Councilman Randall spoke concerning the City's summer recreation program for children and youths, and expressed deep regret that the use of Civic Field for the Centennial Pageant, June 17th to 23rd, will presumably tie Civic Field up for from three weeks to a month, thus hurting the summer recreal tion program. I Mr. Melcher, 306 W '2nd Street, spoke on the good which the Coas t Guard does for this area, and 'I suggested that the City give free access to the swimming pool to them and their families. The ~' Mayor advised that the free training for children will go on as at the old pool, and that the , training of the Coast Guardsmen could probably be arranged on the same basis as other organization . To the question of Wrn. Schultz: "Who is Bob Gardner that you're donating this $2,000 to?", the 'Mayor informed that the City is not donating $2,000 to Mr. Gardner, Chairman of the Centennial : Committee which is made up of numerous citizens of the City, But this amount will be in services only as the City's part in financing the celebration. I I Chief Kochanek, being President of the Lions Club, officially presented the I' behalf of the Lions Club. The Mayor accepted the flags with "Thanks" to be Club. Th,~ "'in, "" f""<h~ w."""'. <h, ~"ing w, "'c:zr d d lJh cn~-€r.J/ ('~ CITY CLERK MAYOR Flags to the City on conveyed to the Lions ~~~ I I I I ,I , I' I II .....Ill