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Port Angeles, Washington
April 19, 1983
The special meeting was called to order by Mayor Duncan at 6:00 P.M. The
purpose of this meeting is to interview applicants for the Planning
Members Present: Mayor Duncan, Councilmen Gerberding, Haguewood, Hordyk,
polhamus, Quast, Whidden.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Miller, Acting Deputy Clerk
Headrick, M. Cleland, L. Cosens, R. Orton, P. Carr,
J. Pittis, D. Frizzell, L. Glenn, G. Booth.
Public Present: T. Sample, H. Berglund, J. Ware, S. Fahnestock, L. Ross,
P. Downie, B. Levin, D. Price.
The Council briefly interviewed the following Planning Commission applicants:
Mr. William Foth, Mrs. Sandi Hartmann, Ms. Lorraine Ross, Mr. Brad Banner,
Mr. Frank Feeley, Jr., and Mr. Ted Puckett.
Mayor Duncan called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. She then
read for the record a letter of reSignation from Patrick Downie, Planning
Commission member, effective June 1, 1983. Councilman Hordyk moved the
Council accept Mr. Downie's resignation with regret and direct Manager
Flodstrom to write a letter of appreciation to Mr. Downie for his many
years of service on the Planning commission. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Whidden and carried.
Mayor Duncan then suggested the Council consider Legislation Item #1 at
this time, Appointment to Planning Commission Vacancy. Balloting for the
selection of two Planning Commission members then proceeded, with Lorraine
Ross receiving the majority of votes on the first ballot, and Ted Puckett
receiving the majority of votes on the second. Ms. Ross will fill the un-
expired term of Richard Wight, and Mr. Puckett will fill the unexpired term
of Patrick Downie.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file as received
the minutes of the April 5, 1983 meeting. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Whidden and carried.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve the items listed under the
Consent Agenda including: (1) vouchers of $l73,966.24; and (2) payroll of
$182,222.05. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried.
Councilman Quast moved the Council authorize payment in the amount of
$6,481.42 to Riddell, Williams, Bullitt & walkinshaw for legal representa-
tion of the Utility Defense Group. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Gerberding and carried with Councilman Haguewood voting "No".
April 19, 1983
Councilman Gerberding moved the Council withdraw its appointment of Ms.
Carole Boardman to the Parks, Recreation and Beautification Commission, for
the reasons that Ms. Boardman did not submit a letter of interest for the 1'-'
position, and the Council did not interview her as is their regular proce-
dure. The motion was seconded by Councilman Haguewood. During the discus-
sion which followed, Councilman Gerberding agreed to amend his motion so
that the Council reconsider Ms. Boardman's appointment without prejudice at
the next regular Council meeting. The amendment to the motion was seconded
by Councilman Haguewood and the motion, as amended, was passed by the
Councilman Quast moved the Council honor the request of Ms. Boardman and
open the solicitation for letters of interest for the Parks, Recreation and
Beautification Commission. The motion was seconded by Councilman Whidden
and carried. Councilman Quast and public Works Director Pittis briefly
discussed the status of the Pacific Northwest Bell cable on Laurel Street.
In response to a question from Councilman Quast, Parks Director Frizzell
informed the Council that the finger piers had been installed at the
Municipal pier last week. Councilman Quast then asked Mayor Duncan when
the Mayor of Victoria was scheduled to visit Port Angeles. No date has
been set, but the Mayor will inform the Council as soon as it is scheduled.
Mayor Duncan announced that Coast Guard Appreciation Week has been resched-
uled for the week of May 15th instead of April 24th to coincide with the
events planned for Armed Forces Day on May 16th. Mayor Duncan also read an
invitation to the Council from the owners of the Harbor Tavern to attend
the first annual reunion for the crew of the U.S.C.G. Cutter CAMPBELL on
April 30th.
l. Appointment to Planning Commission
(This agenda item was discussed under Section IV - Call to Order.)
2. Planning Commission Minutes
Mayor Duncan referred to the Planning Commission minutes of April 13, 1983
with the following action being taken by the Council:
A. Conditional Use Permit: Ware
Mayor Duncan referred to Ms. Ware's request for a conditional use permit to
operate a community-based training and placement program for disabled
adults as a home occupation at 610 West 11th Street, noting the Planning
Commission's minority vote which stated they were opposed to the conditional
use permit because that operation in a detached garage did not generally
comply with the ordinance, and asked for comments or questions from the
public. There were no comments or questions. Councilman Polhamus then
moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission
and approve Ms. Ware's request, subject to the following conditions: (1)
the application terminates if the applicants are no longer employed in the
program; (2) a maximum of one non-resident employee is permitted on the I
premises; (3) there be no exterior remodeling that Changes the appearance
of the garage; (4) that an application be made for space in the Courthouse
within the next year; and (5) the hours of operation be from B AM to 4 PM
Monday through Friday. Councilman Polhamus added as findings of fact that
the proposed home occupation generally complies with the requirements. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Gerberding. During discussion on the
motion, Councilmen Hordyk and Quast expressed their concern that this home
occupation would be situated in a detached garage, not a home, which is in
violation of the Home Occupation Standards adopted by the Council. On call
for the question, the motion carried with Councilman Hordyk voting "No".
. ~
April 19, 1983
Councilman.Whidden then moved the Council direct the Planning Commission to
review the City's policy towards home occupations in detached buildings to
determine whether the policy is .in need of revision during these economic
times. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast. Councilman Hordyk ob-
jected to the motion, as the, home occupation standards are not just a
policy - they are in the form of an ordinance and therefore it ~ould be the
Council's responsibility to make any amendments to that ordinance. Follow-
ing further discussion, the motion carried with Councilmen Hordyk and
. Polhamus voting "No."
B Temporary Use Permit: Jehovah's Witnesses
Mayor Duncan referred to the request by the, Jehovah's Witnesses Church for
a temporary use permit to park a trailer on site for seven days once every
five months, located at 1714 South "N~'. Street, and requested any comments
or questions from the audience. There were no comments or questions.
Councilman Quast then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of
the Planning Commission and approve the temporary use permit for a one-year
period initially, for location of .a travel trailer on the Jehovah's Wit-
nesses,Church site for seven days once every five months for the Circuit
Overseer anduhis family' only, subject to the following conditions: (1)
that a fire extinguisher and smoke detector be provided in accordance with
the requirements of the Fire Marshal; and (2) that the existing City water
hook-up be inspected by the Public Works Department. Councilman Quast also
added the following findings of fact to his motion: (A) a travel trailer
on a temporary basis at this location will not have a significant impact on
local'streets, utilities and public services; (B) the Temporary Use Permit
will not cause a significant increase in population density in this residen-
tial neighborhood or seriously overcrowd the site; and (C) located adjacent
to the church and on a relatively large parcel of land, the travel trailer
will not have a major visual impact. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Polhamus and carried.
C. M-l Permit: Del Hur, ,Inc.
Mayor.Duncan referred to Del Hur Inc.'s request for an M-l .permit to expand
an equipment and material storage area for an existing contractor's shop
and office located at 4333 Tumwater Access Road, and asked for any comments
or. questions from the audience. There were no comments or questions.
Councilman Quast then moved. the Council concur' with the recommendation of
the Planning Commission and approve the M-l Permit, subject to the follow-
ing conditions: (1) that grass, trees and shrubs be planted on the berm
and along the west and north property boundaries, to provide visual relief
and transition between the residential .and industrial districts; (2) that
if security lights be installed in the equipment storage 'yard, or on the
site, they be directed inward and away from the outer property lines. No
signs or other business identification be placed along the north and east
boundaries. of this property or be visable from adjacent residential zones;
(3) thatjno heavy trucks, commercial vehicles or mobile equipment be per-
mitted on "c" Street Extension or on Newell Road north of the: property,
except those destined for job sites absolutely requiring use of these two
roadways; (4) that removal of trees, the garage or the existing dwelling
unit on the northeast. corner of the property and expansion of any component
of the use must be preceded by an amendment to .this M-l. Permit; and (5)
that the hours of heavy equipment movement to and .from the storage area be
limited.to 6 AM. to 7 PM. Councilman. Quast also added the following.find-
ings of fact to his motion: (A) the existing berm and fence, along with
the required landscaping, will provide adequate visual and light-suppressing
buffer between the use and adjacent residential development, in compliance
with Comprehensive Plan Industrial Development Policy No.6; (B) with the
condition that there. be no .egressor ingress onto either Newell Road or "C"
Street Extension, and that. commercial vehicles.and heavy equipment be re-
. stricted from these roadways, adequate separation between industrial-
oriented traffic and residential traffic can be assur.ed, in accordance with
Circulation policy No.9. These measures will also prevent land use. con-
flicts. resulting between incompatible uses, as required by Land Use Objec-
tive No. .2, and .reduce. the intermingling. of disparate uses.; (C) the
construction-industry type of use meets the purpose and intent of the M-l
Industrial Zone because, provided the conditions are attached, it will not
have an undue adverse effect on the land use in the surrounding area or the
traffic patterns in the neighborhood; and (D) provided the conditions are
April 19, 1983
attached, the proposed use would comply with the basic criteria for per-
mitted uses in the M-l Zone. Councilman Gerberding seconded the motion and
it passed with Mayor Duncan abstaining.
D. Annexation Hearing: DelHur, Inc.
Prior to any Council discussion on DelHur, Inc.'s request to circulate an
annexation petition of approximately 425 acres adjacent to the City limits
(south of the airport, north of Edgewood Drive and east of the Lower Elwha
Road), Attorney Miller pointed out to the Council and audience that this
was not a public hearing. The Planning Commission recommendation on this
matter was to permit circulation of the annexation petition provided the
two small areas near the east and west boundaries be included, the annexa-
tion area assume the bonded indebtedness of the City, and the property be
classified RS-9, Residential Single-Family 9,000 square feet per lot.
Councilman Quast then noted that the Council was well aware that two small
areas near the east and west ,boundaries had been excluded from the original
annexation request (which did not obtain the required ]5% approval), making
the proposed annexation area rather "piece-meal", and questioned staff at
length regarding the area's sewer system,the impact of such an annexation
on fire insurance rates, the Fire Department's approximate response time to
the area, how much it would cost to purchase the ,area's energy supply from
the PUD, and development uf the area. The Council and Attorney Miller also
discussed whether the Council could or could not deny circulation of an
annexation petition, and what improvements would have to be made if the
annexed area were developed. Following further discussion, Councilman
Quast moved the Council deny DelHur, Inc..' s annexation petition request in
its present form and encourage the previously suggested annexation area.
The motion was .seconded by Councilman Polhamus. During the discussion
which followed, the Council questioned staff at length regarding the south
boundary in relation to Edgewood Drive, why two small areas had been
excluded by the requestors, and which roads would need to be improved if
the area were annexed. On call for the question, ~ouncilmen Gerberding,
Polhamus and Quast voted "Aye", with Councilmen Haguewood, Hordyk and
Whidden voting "No. ". Mayor Duncan abstained from voting because of a
conflict of interest.
Councilman Quast then commented at length on the impact of such an annexa-
tion on the City, and moved the Council schedule a public hearing on this
matter. The motion died for lack of a second.
Mayor Duncan then called for .a five minute recess. Following the recess,
the Mayor advised the Council and audience that, under the Doctrine of
Necessity, a Council member. .is allowed to vote by disclosing hisjher con-
flicting interest, when it is necessary that he/She vote in order that the
Council may reach a decision. Mayor Duncan then informed the Council and
audience that she is a member of a development corporation together with
DelHur, Inc~; however, the property is not within the proposed annexation
area nor is it affected by it. Mayor Duncan, voting to break the tie,
voted "No" and the motion to deny the annexation petition request failed.
Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of
the Planning Commission and permit circulation of the annexation petition
provided the two small areas near the east and west boundaries be included,
the annexation area assume the bonded indebtedness of the City, and the
property be classified RS-9, Residential Single-Family 9,000 square feet
per lot. The motion was seconded by Councilman Haguewood and carried, with
Councilman Gerberding voting "No".
Following .the Council action to concur with the recommendation of the
Planning CommiSSion, Councilman Quast requested that when this matter is
again before the Council, staff provide a map of the entire City as well as
the proposed annexation area; the impacts of such an annexation on the Fire
Department, Public Works Department, Police Department, Light Department,
etc.; the cost to the City if the proposed annexation is approved; and any
other pertinent information which may assist the Council in their decision
on this matter.
" """"
~ . .'
April 19, .1983
E. Conditional Use Permit: Hoelscher
Mayor Duncan referred to the request by Ms. Hoelscher for a conditional use
permit to operate a bookkeeping service as a home occupation at 2l3l West
7th Street, and requested comments or questions from the audience. There
were no comments or questions. Councilman Whidden then moved the Council
concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve the
conditional use permit for a one-y.ear period f.or the client as the only
employee, and provided there was~,a. fire extinguisher on the premises.
Councilman Whidden also cited the following findings of fact: (I) the home
occupation will not generate excessive noise or introduce obnoxious condi-
tions into this residential neighborhood; (2) there will be no, significant
increase in local vehicular traffic; and (3) the home occupation will not
be injurious to adjoining properties or endanger the public health, safety
or welfare. The motion was seconded by Councilman Gerberding and carried.
Councilman Quast moved the Council accept and place on file the Planning
Commission minutes of April 13, 1983. The motion was seconded by, Council-
man Whidden and carried.
Mayor Duncan referred to a memorandum from Public Works Director Pittis
explaining that the City had received four pages of questions from the EPA
in response to the City's application for waiver from Secondary Treatment.
Since the firm of CH2M Hill prepared the original waiver application,.and a
timely expert preparation of the response is necessary" Public Works has
regarded the questions as a continuation of the previous agreement with
CH2M Hill and sent the questions to them. Their response to the questions
necessitates a modification of the City's agreement with CH2M Hill, and
they have quoted a price not to exceed $5,000.
Councilman Polhamus then moved the.Council authorize Manager ,Flodstrom to
enter into a modified agreement with CH2M Hill for an amount not to exceed
$5,000 in response to the EPA's questions for Secondary Treatment Waiver.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Gerberding and carried.
Light Director Cosens and Power Manager Greg Booth were present at this
meeting to report on Phase I of the feasibility study on the Morse Creek
Hydroelectric project. phase I elements included: review existing data;
field reconnaisance; geotechnical investigation; hydrologic analysis; power
production determination; and selection of possible plant configuration.
The feasibility study basically examined two alternatives: (A) construc-
tion of a 500-600 kilowatt plant producing approximately 4~ million kilo-
watt hours annually , with an estimated capital construction cost of
slightly over $1 million (using the existing pipeline); and (B) construc-
tion of a 4,000 kilowatt plant producing approximately 20 million kilowatt
hours annually at an estimated cost of $8 million. It was Mr. Cosens'
recommendation that the consultant be directed to focus on the small con-
figuration plant, using the existing pipeline, since the larger plant would
not be financially feasible.
Power Manager Greg Booth then reviewed several details of the study includ-
ing summary of power and cost for alternatives, 20-year economic analysis
summary ,and evaluation of alternatives 3 (existing pipeline) and 4 (new
pipeline) .
Following this presentation. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize
the Light Department to proceed with Phase II of the Morse Creek project
feaSibility study which includes: surveying, geotechnical investigation
continued, power house siting, and preliminary environmental investigations.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Gerberding and carried with Council-
man Haguewood voting "No".
During the February 1, 1983 regular Council meeting, Fire Chief Glenn
reported on the progress of the proposed Advanced Life Support System for
the citizens of Port Angeles and recommended the program be funded by
April 19, 1983
levying a utility tax of approximately $1 per month on residential accounts
and $5 per month for commercial accounts. The Council agreed at that time
that staff should prepare a random survey questionnaire to be mailed with
the monthly utility bills to determine citizen reaction to paying a'utility
tax for this service.
At this meeting, Fire Chief Glenn reported that l,OOO utility customers had.
been surveyed at random. 43% of the questionnaires had been returned, with
80% in favor of the proposed Medic One program. The Council and Chief I
Glenn then discussed 'whether the utility surcharge should be implemented by
ordinance or by ballot in September. Following this discussion Councilman
Quast moved the Council authorize staff to submit additional data and
figures on the proposed Medic One Program to the Council prior to the last
meeting in July so that the Council can make a decision as to whether this
issue should be put on the September ballot. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Whidden and carried.
Finance Director Orton was present at this meeting to review the City's
financial position at the end of the first quarter of 1983. As compared to
the first quarter of 1982, the City's finances are no better or worse than
last year, reported Mr. Orton. The main problem, as with 1981 and 1982, is
the negative cash flow in the General Fund; only l7% of revenues have been
collected at present. Specific areas which Mr. Orton reported on were
property taxes, sales tax, telephone and telecable franchise fees, gambling
taxes, building permits, motor vehicle excise taxes, liquor excise taxes
and profits, cemetery and pool fees, court fines, and in lieu of taxes
charged against electric, water, sewer and solid waste utili ties. In
conclusion, Mr. Orton stated that April, May and June should be good months
in terms of revenues. The Light Utility has made a significant recovery
and the departments are being very prudent and budget-conscious. The only
on-going problem is the deteriorating operating position in the combined
Sewer/Water fund which Mr. Orton will keep the Council advised of.
Councilman Quast moved the Council repurchase the following cemetery lots/
crypts as recommended by Parks Director Frizzell: (A) buy back from Mrs.
Betty M. Ruud Lots 1, 2, 3, Block 38, Section L at $75 each, for a total of
$225; (B) buy back from Ms. Jean Elterick Lot 8, Block 38, Section L, and
Lots 4 and 7, Block 38, Section L, at $75 each, for a total of $225; and
(C) buy back from Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. McDonald Crypts 3 and 4, Row D,
in the amount of $300. The motion was seconded by Councilman Gerberding
and carried.
Mayor Duncan referred to a memorandum from Attorney Miller explaining that
the proposed ordinance will be amending Section 2.60.010 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code which deals with the method by which the City
handles its surplus property. At present, Section 2.60.010 does not
include the reference to RCW 39.33.020, which requires a public hearing
before the Council may declare surplus any real or personal property of the
City with a value in excess of $5,000. The reason for including this
statute in the City's ordinance is to avoid any possibility of overlooking
the necessity of compliance with RCW 39.33.020 before selling any City
property. The ordinance does not, therefore, make any change in the
present procedure which the City would use to sell surplus property, but I
makes certain that applicable procedures will be complied with.
Mayor Duncan then introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2254 entitled,
April 19, 1983
AN ORDINANCE of the City of P~rt Angeles
directing compliance with the State
statutes for the disposal of surplus
property, and amending Section I of
Ordinance 2168 and Section 2.60.010 of
the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Councilman Whidden moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read
by title by Mayor Duncan. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast and
carried unanimously.
Mayor Duncan read a Proclamation proclaiming the week of April 24 - 30,
1983 as GRANGE WEEK.
~rr. Bob Levin, Clallam County EDC Director, addressed the Council to give a
brief update on the status of the Convention Center since the Council's
AprilS, 1983 meeting. During that meeting, the Council took action which
included authorizing Manager Flodstrom and the EDC a period of 90 calendar
days to attempt to market one of the downtown convention center sites to
the private sector.
At this meeting, Mr. Levin informed the Council that four inquiries had
been received thus far concerning public/private partnership in the proposed
convention center. The EDC has also met with the Clallam County commissio-
ners to request they approve Item #4 in the EDC's April 1, 1983 letter to
the Council. That item was as follows: "That the Clallam County Commis-
sioners reappropriate not 80%, but 100% of the accumulated hotel/motel tax
fund balance, as well as the entire annual receipts, to County-wide tourist
promotion activities specified by the Economic Development Council's Tour-
ism Committee." Mr. Levin reported that the EDC did receive a commitment
from the Commissioners strongly endorsing that project, and another meeting
with the Commissioner has been scheduled for April 26th. The EDC has also
met with the executive directors of three Chambers of Commerce and they all
have indicated a willingness to participate to whatever extent is necessary
to make the tourist promotion project a success.
Mayor Duncan referred to a memorandum from Attorney Miller concerning a
proposed ordinance dealing with the bunkering and lightering of liquid
fuels and cargoes in the Port Angeles Harbor. To date, staff has pro-
gressed to a third draft of the ordinance, which has been distributed to a
lengthy list of interested persons for their comment and review.
Attorney Miller then informed the Council that he had just received com-
ments from the Coast Guard concerning their interpretation of the Coast
Guard's regulation of similar activities and the relationship between those
regulations and the City's proposed ordinance. A fourth draft will be
completed by the end of the week, incorporating and handling the majority
of comments which the City has received.
Councilman Gerberding then moved the Council schedule a public hearing for
its meeting of May 3, 1983 to receive additional comment from those persons
who have already commented on the proposed harbor use ordinance as well as
comments from agencies and persons who were not on the City's draft
ordinance mailing list. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and
As per a request from Manager Flodstrom, Councilman Quast moved the Council
remove this item from the agenda. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Whidden and carried.
April 19, 1983
Mayor Duncan read a letter from Ms. Mary Tate, Cla1lam County Amateur Radio
Club Secretary, inviting the Council to a formal open house and dedication
of the newly completed Amateur Radio Section of the Emergency Operations
Center of the Sheriff's Department on Saturday, April 23rd.
Manager Flodstrom read a letter from Bob Levin, EDC Director, urging the
Council offer to lease the Municipal Pier berth to the U. S. Coast Guard or
U. S. Navy for $1 for one year. Manager Flodstrom informed the Council
that he had spoken to Mr. Levin regarding this matter and indicated that
the idea was somewhat premature as an inducement. Councilman Hordyk also
commented that to waive the rent for the berth would be a violation of the
trust of the voters who approved the bonds for the municipal pier project.
Councilman Hordyk noted that the fence between Haines Park and the Knebes
property had been removed and questioned staff regarding its replacement.
Parks Director Frizzell indicated that he had received a letter from Mr.
Knebes offering to replace the fence and maintain it for as long as his
office is located next to the park. Councilman Hordyk and Parks Director
Frizzell also discussed whether the Municipal Pier anchors will be replaced
and/or relocated soon.
Councilman Whidden requested Manager Flodstrom check on the status of
SSB 3066 which deals with harbor lease monies being paid to cities.
Questioned Attorney Miller regarding the status of the newspaper stands.
Requested a copy of the City's policy regarding electrical rates, deposits,
Councilman Quast informed the Council that pictures of the Council will be
taken at the next meeting. He suggested that former Councilmen Harold Buck
and Carole Boardmen be invited also so that a picture can be taken of the
former Council to keep the Council photos updated. Suggested staff discuss
with the Port the possibility of storing one of the old fire trucks at the
airport for fire protection if that area is annexed. Moved the Council
send a letter to Governor Spellman urging him to sign ESB 3992 (lowering
the Hood Canal Bridge tolls). The motion was seconded by Councilman-Hordyk
and carried.
Mr. Bob Levin commented briefly on some of the recent happenings in Clallam
County; i.e., seaweed manufacturing, and developments on the waterfront.
The meeting adourned at 9:55 P.M. to an executive session.
The meeting returned to open session at 10:45 P.M.
Councilman Hordyk moved that the amounts deposited in a restricted access
account for possible payment of the City's debt for WPPSS Projects 4 and 5
be removed from that account and deposited in a permissive escrow estab-
lished by Judge Coleman in the Chemical Bank v. WPPSS case in King County
Superior Court. The motion was seconded by Councilman Gerberding and
Mayor Duncan adjourned the meeting
City Clerk
April 19, 1983
at 10'JP.M. ~