HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/19/1988I CALL TO ORDER
Mayor McPhee called the meeting to order at 7:03 P.M.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Campfire Girls of the Adventure Group,
leader Terri Richmond, members Kristy Richmond, Lea Black, Jenessa Oakley,
Shailah Jennings, and Holly Daugaard.
Members Present: Mayor McPhee, Councilmen Gabriel, Hallett, Hesla, Lemon,
Sargent, Stamon.
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Public Present:
Port Angeles, Washington
April 19, 1988
Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Maike,
P. Carr, M. Cleland, R. Orton, S. Brodhun, L. Glenn,
J. Pittis, D. Wolfe, B. Becker, L. Danks, S. Hursh,
M. Campbell, O. Miller.
E. Colompos, A. Alexander, H. Berglund, K. L. Rose, E.
Hansen, C. Hulse, T. Marvin, L. Lee, D. P. Brewer, R.
French, James Johnson.
Councilman Hallett moved to accept and place on file the minutes of the
April 5, 1988, City Council meeting. Councilman Hesla seconded.
Councilman Stamon offered a correction to Register Page 987, paragraph 4,
last sentence, to read to be placed on the April 19th Information
Agenda also to Register Page 992, to strike the words "however" and
"not," from the fourth paragraph, second sentence, stating "this was
accepted by Councilman Gabriel
Councilman Sargent stated that Register Page 993, fourth paragraph, second
sentence, should read: which would hold a reception from 5 to 7 PM
on April 19th, in conjunction with the showing April 19th 22nd, in the
City Hall Atrium."
On call for the question, the motion carried.
Councilman Sargent moved to accept and place on file the minutes of the
April 14, 1988, worksession.
Councilman Stamon seconded and the motion
1. Request Payment to Riddell, Williams, of $11,347.36 for Legal
Representation of WPPSS Issues
Councilman Lemon moved that Council authorize payment of the March 19,
1988, and April 1, 1988, Riddell, Williams bills in the total amount of
$11,347.36, covering legal representation of the City in various WPPSS
issues. Councilman Sargent seconded and the motion carried.
2. Consideration of Bid Awards for Water /Sewer Materials
Councilman Stamon moved to concur with the recommendation of the Public
Works Department and award the bid for Project 88 -4, as follows: Invita-
tion 88 -4(1) miscellaneous water pipe and fittings, to Western Utilities
Supply Co., in the amount of $17,418.64; Invitation 88 -4(2) water meters,
to Fog -Tite Meter Seal Co., in the amount of $6,493.50; Invitation 88 -4(3)
fire hydrants, to Western Utilities Supply Co., in the amount of
$3,785.66. Councilman Gabriel seconded.
April 19, 1988
Councilman Sargent requested that the location of the firms bidding be
identified on the analysis.
On call for the question, the motion carried.
Councilman Stamon moved the Council accept the items listed under the
Consent Agenda, including (1) Request permission to call for bids for
electrical switchgear at Second and Valley Substation; (2) Correspondence
from the Washington State Liquor Control Board; and (3) Vouchers of
$239,639.69 and Payroll of 4 -3 -88 of $228,498.25. Councilman Sargent
seconded and the motion carried.
Pearl Nikodym, representing the Olympic Saddle Club, addressed the Council
again on the issue of the annexation of 451 acres to the east side of Lower
Elwha Road and south of the Airport. She stated that she felt it was
unfair that the property was annexed. One of her concerns was the response
time of the Fire Department to the area.
City Attorney Knutson explained the method involved in the annexation;
namely, the percentage of agreement by property owners on a petition.
After further discussion, Mayor McPhee directed the City Manager to provide
Council with more information on the matter, regarding the names on the
petition, and the percentage of the total vote. He then asked Mrs. Nikodym
to attend the May 3, 1988, City Council meeting, and Council would be able
to provide her with an overview of the issue; and that the information
would be sent to her, also.
1. Planning Commission Minutes of April 13, 1988
A. Conditional Use Hearing Loundagin
Councilman Hallett moved to concur with the recommendation of the Planning
Commission that Council grant the three -year extension of the Conditional
Use Permit to operate an electronics repair service as a Home Occupation in
the RS -7, Single Family Residential District, at 2717 South Laurel Street,
subject to the original conditions. Councilman Gabriel seconded.
Councilman Sargent commented on the statement: for a three -year
period rather than two years, if permissible by Ordinance She questioned
whether or not it was permissible. Attorney Knutson stated that the City
does have a two -year limitation on Conditional Use Permits for Home
Councilman Hallett questioned allowing permit extensions to be handled at
staff level rather than through the Planning Commission, and if this would
require an amendment to the Ordinance. Attorney Knutson responded that it
Councilman Hallett requested Planner Carr to draft such an Ordinance, to be
brought back to Council for discussion.
Councilman Lemon asked Planner Carr if the two -year extension had always
been true. Planner Carr stated the original Home Occupation Ordinance did
not have such limitations, but when the revised Ordinance was adopted, the
limitations were set.
Councilman Hallett amended his motion to state a two -year extension subject
to the original conditions. Councilman Gabriel concurred.
Councilman Stamon stated that if the Ordinance was to be revised to modify
the time period, that the possibility of giving the authority to staff to
extend the time period also be pursued.
On call for the question, the amended motion carried.
B. Conditional Use Hearing Rathvon
Councilman Stamon moved to concur with the Planning Commission recommenda-
tion and approve the Conditional Use Permit to allow a pellet- making plant
to be located in the Airport Industrial Park, located in the LI, Light
Industrial District, and approve the Permit, subject to the following
conditions: (1) A site plan shall be submitted to the Planning Department.
Said site plan shall indicate the location, extent, and design of all
project components, which includes structures and signs. Utility require-
ments shall be included on the site plan, indicating water supply and
capacities, sewer discharge lines, and electrical utility easements. The
site plan shall include improved access to the site, off- street parking,
and a drainage plan for the site, to be approved by the Public Works
Department. In addition, description of all project components shall be
supplied with said site plan which must be approved by the City's Planning
Department prior to the issuance of a building permit; (2) A building plan
shall be submitted for review by the Building Section of the Public Works
Department, the Light Department, and by the Fire Department, to ensure
that the building meets those requirements necessary to comply with the
Uniform Building Code and Uniform Fire regulations; (3) The proposed use
shall comply with all requirements set forth in the Light Industrial
District of the City's Zoning Code and the purpose of the Port of Port
Angeles Airport Industrial Park Plan; (4) Access shall be 19th Street or
the taxi -way until such time as the property west of the subject site is
improved, and then 19th Street shall be improved; and citing the following
findings: (A) The proposed wood pellet manufacturing plant, as condi-
tioned, can comply with the purpose of the Light Industrial District; (B)
Mitigation measures included in the conditions of approval will ensure the
project is compatible with the park -like surrounding of the developed
property in the park -like setting of the Port of Port Angeles Airport
Industrial Park; (C) Design review of the required site plan will reduce
the visual impacts of the project to insignificant levels and ensure that
all standards of the Zoning Ordinance are complied with; (D) This use has
been conditioned to ensure that it shall not be detrimental to the health,
safety, comfort, and welfare of the general public. Councilman Gabriel
seconded and the motion carried.
Councilman Stamon commented that it was good to see that type of activity
occurring in the Industrial Park.
C. Conditional Use Hearing Heuther
Councilman Sargent moved to concur with the recommendation of the Planning
Commission and approve a two -year extension of a Conditional Use Permit
allowing a beauty shop as a Home Occupation in the RS -7 Single Family
Residential District at 815 West Ninth Street, subject to the original
conditions and original findings, and requiring that a fire extinguisher be
serviced. Councilman Stamon seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Conditional Use Hearing Wood
April 19, 1988
Councilman Lemon moved to concur with the recommendation of the Planning
Commission and deny the application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a
railroad car to be located in the CBD, Central Business District, on Rail-
road Avenue, for the following reasons: (1) The proposed railroad car
would not have sufficient historical value because it would not be a com-
plete interior and exterior re- creation of a bunkhouse car; (2) it would
not be a sufficient tourist attraction because the walkway up to the car
had been removed and replaced with a chain -link fence, which would keep
people away from the car. Councilman Gabriel seconded the motion. After
some discussion, on call for the question, the motion carried.
E. Zoning Code Amendment Railings
Councilman Stamon moved to set a hearing day for the May 3, 1988, City
Council meeting to hear public comments on the proposed Zoning Code
amendment regulating railings to conform to the Uniform Building Code.
Councilman Hallett seconded and the motion carried.
April 19, 1988
6. Request from Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce to "Rename" Railroad
Councilman Stamon stated that she felt the proposal had a good deal of
merit, and that the most appropriate thing for the Council to do would be
to accept the request and to schedule a public hearing.
Attorney Knutson responded that in order to formalize the change, there
needed to be an ordinance, but there was no requirement for a public
hearing. He advised Council that the Public Works Department would
coordinate with the Po$t Office in formalizing the change.
Councilman Stamon cited several of the reasons behind the Chamber's
request: (1) indicates a beautiful area; (2) provides a better image.
Councilman Sargent pointed out that the name change would occur over a
two -year time span.
Councilman Gabriel stated that he felt it was essential to have a public
hearing before any decision was to be made.
Councilman Stamon moved that a public hearing be scheduled for the May 17,
1988, City Council meeting. Councilman Hallett seconded and the motion
Mayor McPhee recessed the meeting for a 15- minute break at 8:15 P.M.
7. Discussion of Policy on "Vehicle Lock -Out" Program
James Johnston, representing Chris' Auto Rebuild, Towing and Recovery,
stated that he represented 37 auto clubs and that it was the opinion of the
clubs that each tow truck driver be trained and equipped to unlock
vehicles, using the proper tools and techniques. Their policy is that if a
vehicle is locked and cannot be unlocked by the procedures used by the
driver, then the vehicle is towed to a locksmith.
Mayor McPhee asked the rate for the service and was advised by Mr. Johnston
that it is $15, and that they are available 24 hours a day.
Councilman Stamon asked Mr. Johnston if he would like to be placed on the
call list if the policy was to be changed. Mr. Johnston replied yes, and
he felt it would be most beneficial to the public.
Councilman Gabriel asked for a breakdown of the calls. Chief Cleland
stated the vast majority were during the daytime, with some tapering off
toward the evening hours, and almost none during the night.
Councilman Gabriel asked how many of the 800 calls during 1987 were valid
calls which required assistance. Chief Cleland stated it was between 90%
and 95 He further stated cars with electronic locks were not opened by
the officers unless it was an emergency situation.
Councilman Lemon noted that only one case of liability has been filed
during the past practice. Chief Cleland added that a claim was recently
filed by a woman who had locked her baby in the car and the vehicle was
opened by an officer who did some damage to the locking system.
Councilman Gabriel stated he did not feel it was necessary to regulate the
businesses. Councilman Hesla commented that he felt this to be a tremen-
dous service and was in favor of staying with the status quo.
Councilman Lemon moved to continue the practice because it is a very viable
tool for public relations. Councilman Hesla seconded.
Councilman Stamon offered a friendly amendment to direct the Police Depart-
ment to obtain information for the officers as to the types of vehicles
which can and cannot be opened, by consulting a list of models. She spoke
in favor of the motion, stating the public safety issue outweighs the
liability problem. Councilmen Lemon and Hesla concurred.
April 19, 1988
Councilman Gabriel spoke in opposition, citing as reasons (1) Three private
businesses offer this service; and (2) The possible court decisions.
Attorney Knutson stated he was not aware of any present court decisions and
was comfortable with Council's decision to continue the practice.
Councilman Hallett asked how this practice could be phased out. Attorney
Knutson stated it was because of the changing of the automobile industry,
reducing the number of cars which can be unlocked by the Port Angeles
Police Department method.
Following further discussion, the question was called and the amended
motion carried, with Councilman Gabriel voting "No stating that during
normal working hours, there are three companies which provide this service,
but he would be in favor of the Port Angeles Police Department handling
after -hours calls.
8. Request to Establish Joint Meeting with Clallam County and Port
No formal action was taken on this matter.
9. Consideration of Ordinance Amending 1988 Budget
Mayor McPhee read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
revising the Budget for the City of Port
Angeles for the fiscal biennium ending
December 31, 1988, and amending Section 2
of Ordinance 2428, as amended by Ordinance
Councilman Gabriel moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Council-
man Sargent seconded and the motion carried, with Councilman Hesla voting
10. Consideration of Final Acceptance of City Hall Project
Councilman Stamon moved to concur with the recommendation of the Public
Works Department and accept the work performed, authorize final payment in
the amount of $5,000, and authorize release of the retained percentage in
the amount of $150,642.03, after the 30 -day lien filing period has elapsed
and releases have been received by the Departments of Revenue and Labor and
Industries. Councilman Hesla seconded and the motion carried.
11. Consideration of Amendment to Arai /Jackson Agreement for City Hall
Councilman Sargent asked if the amendment was to cover an increase in the
total cost. Public Works Director Pittis explained that the original
contract stated that the fee for the architectural services was tied to the
actual construction cost for the facility, stating this is a traditional
form for this type of service provided by the American Institute of
Councilman Lemon directed a question to Public Works Director Pittis,
asking if the change order in the architectural plan came about during the
time of building the facility. Director Pittis responded it was correct.
The increase was due to change orders which were higher than what had been
projected initially. He added in order to consider the recommendation that
Council had received would involve $20,614 additional, over and above the
$250,494 that was the initial projected cost.
Councilman Stamon asked if the recommended net increase was $20,614.
Director Pittis answered yes.
Mayor McPhee asked Attorney Knutson if the amendment would increase the
amount the City has to pay and if so, what will the City receive in return.
Attorney Knutson stated the amendment would be an agreement to pay the
architect additional money. Further, he stated what we would receive is
what we already have, which is the benefit of the services that have been
performed by the architect. He pointed out in the contract, although it
April 19, 1988
does tie the original fee in with the originally estimated project cost, it
also provides that should the cost budget vary, the compensation for the
architect shall be adjusted in accordance with the noted state fee
Mayor McPhee asked why Council had to be involved, if the cost was auth-
orized by a previous Council. Attorney Knutson replied the contract
contemplates in order for the total fee to be adjusted, there must be a
formal amendment.
Mayor McPhee stated he was not in favor of the increase and asked what the
consequences would be if Council refused to authorize further spending.
Attorney Knutson stated it was possible the architect would sue the City
for the increased amount of the fee and possibly even more.
Mayor McPhee asked Steve Arai of Arai /Jackson if he was already authorized
to do the work, wasn't he authorized to get the money? Mr. Arai addressed
the Council, stating the City of Port Angeles has set a rather unique
situation with regard to contracting services for the firm. As he under-
stood the agreement, the firm was to be paid a percentage of the actual
construction cost, which is in accordance with customary state public works
procedures. In addition, the agreement the firm has with the City indi-
cates that any change in the amount paid must be adjusted by amendment. He
stated further that state contracts would compensate automatically for the
actual cost of construction.
Councilman Gabriel asked why this wasn't brought up sooner. Mr. Arai
replied that adjustments to the contract had been brought up in May, 1987,
and at that time, it was decided to wait until the final cost was deter-
mined, due to anticipated change orders. He further stated that the firm
decided to defer payment, which is not customary, and also interest charges
to the deferred contract.
Mayor McPhee asked Mr. Arai why the firm would defer charges, when normally
they would not. Mr. Arai stated that the firm had enjoyed a very good
working relationship with the City of Port Angeles and found the City to be
one of its trusted clients, and wanted to continue an amicable working
relationship. He stated this to be mutually agreed upon by the City and
Arai /Jackson.
Director Pittis explained that in order to avoid the changing of orders
back and forth, they felt it would be appropriate to wait until the actual
construction cost was known.
Mayor McPhee stated that a previous Council had authorized the work and he
felt that they should have also authorized the increase. He did not feel
this Council needed to take any action. Attorney Knutson responded, saying
legally the City would be liable for the amount of the increased services,
whethet the amendment was approved or not, but the main purpose for the
amendment is to put the paper trail down in writing, to ensure payment has
been approved by the Council all the way along.
Councilman Lemon agreed with the Mayor, stating the''change orders had been
done by a previous Council; that it was the Council's starting and ending
point of the cost overruns; and he felt it should be left with the previous
Council. He stated he would be in opposition.
Councilman Stamon moved to accept the recommendation of the Public Works
Department and to authorize the Mayor to sign the amended architectural
agreement No. 3, revising the final fee to $262,996, for City Hall design
and construction administration; with the understanding it is a $20,614 net
increase over the previously agreed upon amount. Councilman Hallett
Councilman Stamon, in speaking to her motion, stated she did not feel it
was a question of which Council was to approve the issue, but rather a
piece of business that needs to be concluded that has come before the
Councilman Gabriel asked if the previous Council or the public was aware of
the possible cost overrun. Councilman Stamon stated she believed that they
were aware. She pointed out that Arai /Jackson has chosen to "eat" a
significant amount of the cost overrun.
April 19, 1988
Mayor McPhee suggested payment might be provided without having to sign the
amendment. He stated he was not opposed to authorizing the payment, but to
the amending of the agreement.
Councilman Sargent stated she would be voting in favor of the motion; how-
ever, it would be under protest, as she felt the City had already con-
tracted to do the job, and so the City is obligated to approve it. She
stated, for the record, the total cost of construction for City Hall is
$2,947,962, plus the architectural fee of $267,970, for a grand total of
Councilman Hallett stated some of the Council would like to move forward,
but somehow Council keeps revisiting ghosts of the past.
On call for the question, the motion carried, with Councilmen Stamon,
Sargent, Hallett and Hesla voting "Aye and Mayor McPhee and Councilmen
Gabriel and Lemon voting "No
12. Presentation of Year -End 1987 Financial Information and First Quarter
of 1988 (Continued from April 5, 1988)
Council requested this information be provided in written form in the
Information Agenda.
13. Commercial MCS (Model Conservation Standards) Options to Satisfy BPA
Surcharge Policy
Councilman Stamon pointed out that the Utility Advisory Committee has
spoken on this matter, and that in essence, this is the commercial equal to
the Super Good Cents program; it provides the City with the opportunity to
break even or to get ahead, while giving design assistance to commercial
customers. Additionally, there is no cost to the City, since BPA has
provided the City with grant funding.
Councilman Hallett moved to concur with the recommendation of the Light
Department and authorize the City Light Director to (1) Submit a plan to
BPA stating that the City intends to satisfy the MCS Commercial Surcharge
Policy Requirements by operating the Energy Smart Design Assistance Program
(ESDAP); and (2) Submit a grant proposal for the ESDAP, Option 2. The
proposal will include operating the program as a cooperative effort with
the Clallam County PUD, providing this approach is also approved by the PUD
Board of Commissioners. Councilman Stamon seconded.
Light Director Orton stated that the PUD Board of Commissioners has
approved the joint effort.
Councilman Hallett gave thanks to Sheila Hardy and the Conservation staff,
as well as Director Orton.
On call for the question, the motion carried.
14. Consideration of Expanding the Utility Advisory Committee to Include
Citizen Participants
Councilman Stamon commented that the Utility Advisory Committee had dis-
cussed the issue and it was their feeling this was a good idea, as well as
being an opportunity for citizen involvement. She stated the UAC's recom-
mendation was to advertise for the opening of two positions: (1) Indus-
trial customer representative; and (2) "At- Large" representative, repre-
senting residential utility users. The UAC felt the City Council should
consider Jeff Rosbach because of his broad background and interest.
Councilman Gabriel, as a point of clarification, stated that at the UAC
meeting, he had specifically stated Mr. Rosbach be considered as all other
Councilman Lemon commented he felt the "at- large" person not be limited to
residential users. Councilman Stamon replied the "at- large" position was a
catch -all term for all other utility users.
Mayor McPhee suggested (1) the increase be to four members, as this may
result in a tie vote; (2) candidates for industrial were not necessary; (3)
citizen representatives were not needed as the Council was the representa-
tive of the citizenry; (4) good idea to appoint Jeff Rosbach, but not as
industrial representative; and (5) advertise for the position.
Councilman Stamon stated the reason the UAC discussed the matter was it was
their understanding that the Council wanted to increase citizen involve-
ment. Councilman Stamon strongly advocated the five member Committee.
Councilman Hallett questioned the technical requirements of the Open Public
Meetings Act. Attorney Knutson stated if there was a formally constituted
committee of the Council, then the members of the committee are under an
obligation to comply with the confidentiality requirements. If the five
member board were to take place, they would be entering into a situation
where they would have to comply with more formal requirements. One of
those requirements would be to have open meetings.
Councilman Hallett stated that UAC meetings are currently open to the
public, but it would be more a matter of advertising and posting of such
meetings that needed to be in compliance.
Councilman Stamon moved for agreement with the recommendation of the UAC to
proceed with the appointment of two citizen members, one a representative
of industrial customers, the other an "at large" representative, which
could include business, residential, commercial types of accounts, and to
direct the City Attorney to establish an ordinance to allow Council to
undertake the issue. Councilman Hallett seconded.
Councilman Sargent was in favor of the motion, as she felt the City would
benefit greatly.
On call for the question, the motion carried, with Mayor McPhee voting
Light Director Orton asked if Council desired an ordinance be drafted and
the Committee be organized. Councilman Stamon requested that staff adver-
tise concurrently. Attorney Knutson stated he was in agreement. Light
Director Orton questioned if the appointments were to be made after the
ordinance was adopted. Councilman Stamon responded yes.
15. Proclamation "Keep America Beautiful Clean -Up Week" April 23 May
2, 1988
Councilman Hallett moved the Mayor proclaim the week of April 23 May 2,
1988, as "Keep America Beautiful Clean -Up Week" for the City of Port
Angeles. Councilman Lemon seconded and the motion carried.
Councilman Sargent commented that she hoped this could be a year -round
project, and not just one week.
April 19, 1988
Councilman Sargent invited everyone to attend tie Clallam County Art
League's miniature show, held all week in the City Hall Atrium. She asked
that Item No. 10 on the Information Agenda (Port Angeles Police Department
Lobby Hours) be placed on the May 2nd Agenda. She also commented on "We're
All Ears" cards re: beautification, stating again the need for beautifying
the Downtown area.
Councilman Stamon asked for a status report on the skateboard issue. Parks
Recreation Director Brodhun said the issue was going to be discussed at
the upcoming Park Board Meeting. Councilman Stamon asked if there would be
a patrolman Downtown this summer, walking the streets. Police Chief
Cleland stated an officer will be assigned.
Councilman Stamon commented on the Golf Course Road relocation looking at
the possibility of undergrounding lines, stating the UAC had decided to do
a combination of the two, replacing existing overheads where they are, and
undergrounding new portions.
April 19, 1988
Councilman Stamon publicly thanked the Fire Department for allowing her to
spend time with them during their work time, stating it was a real eye
opener. She also noted the upcoming AWC meeting June 29th to July 1st, to
be held in Tacoma, urging Councilmembers to consider attending.
Councilman Gabriel asked if he could attend the Permit Process Review Com-
mittee as a citizen, as he feels strongly about some of the issues. Attor-
ney Knutson stated if he attended and did not participate, it would be
apparent he was there only as a citizen and there would not be a quorum
Councilman Hesla asked that an overview be done of the Permit Process
Review Committee meeting. A meeting date was set for April 27, 1988, at
Councilmen Hesla suggested that Item No. 11 on the Information Agenda,
property for sale adjacent to the Landfill, be referred to the Real Estate
Councilman Hallett questioned the Board of Adjustment minutes, commenting
on signs in violation of the Ordinance, and wondered what action has been
taken. Planner Carr replied action has been slow because notification
needed to be sent to all owners of non conforming signs. Letters will be
sent to approximately two dozen customers with non conforming signs to
notify them of their violation.
Councilman Hallett asked the status of the Golf Course Road improvement and
the one person who needs to contribute. Administrative Services Director
Wolfe stated that the party had been informed and that he, in turn, con-
tacted his lawyer for propriety, and will be responding within the 30 -day
time limit.
Councilman Hallett stated that when conditions are implemented, the City
should see to it that they are enforced. He also said the Pet Population
Committee will be meeting May 4th at 7:30.
Manager Flodstrom updated the Council on the current status of the private
ambulance in town. Fire Chief Glenn reviewed the meeting of the Medic I
Advisory Board, stating that they had recommended implementing the quick
responder program within the Port Angeles Fire Department, for the first
60 -day interim period, while ambulance service is being provided to
District #2 on a contract basis by Olympic Ambulance. He stated that due
to the fact that only one ambulance would be providing basic life support
as well as advanced life support services, the Board felt this would cause
a diminished level of service to the Port Angeles area, and by implementing
quick- responder, it would allow for sufficient time during the 60 days to
assess the impact without interruption to the present Medic I system. He
stated the cost involved would be approximately $2,500.
After `further discussion, Councilman Stamon moved to concur with the
recommendation of the Fire Chief and approve the expenditure of approxi-
mately $2,500 for a quick- responder program for an initial period of 60
days. Councilman Hallett seconded and the motion carried.
Mayor McPhee adjourned the meeting to executive session at 10:07 P.M. to
discuss an item of litigation.
The meeting returned to open session at 10:50 P.M.
The meeting adjourned at 10:51 P.M.
Clerk Mayor
The City of Port Angeles, Department of Public Works
hereby advises all interested parties that Contract No.
85 -25, Port Angeles City Hall, with Fremont Construction,
P.O. Box 31639, Seattle, 98103 has been accepted as of
April 19, 1988.
The legal lien period becomes effective for the filing of all
liens and claims against the retained percentage of pay-
ment to the contractor on the above date.
Any liens filed after May 19, 1988 will not be recognized.
City of Port Angeles
Department of Public Works
Jack N. Pittis, P.E. Director
Pub.: April 24, 1988.
that sealed bids will be rec-
eived by the City Chic of
the City of' Port Angeles at
321 East Fifth Street of said
City until 2:30 P.M. Tuesday,
April 26, 1988, for furnishing
the following:
Bid sheets, specifications
and instructions are avail-
able from the City Clerk's
Office, P.O. Box 1150, Port
Angeles, WA 98362. Phone
(206) 457 -0411, extension
Sealed bids, shall be opened
at 2 :30 P.M. Tuesday, April
a6, 1988, at 321 East Fifth
Street, Port Angeles City
The City Council reserves the
right to consider delivery
time and to accept or reject
any or all bids or any part
David T. Flodstrom
City Manager
Pub.: April 12, 19, 1988.
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles revising the Budget for the City of Port 511t I
the fiscal biennium ending December 31, 1988, and amending Section 2 of 111,00a1,5 241')1
amended by Ordinance 2473.
WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it is in the best interest of the Qty to do,.[ e..,:
a portion of the total appropriations for the purpose of reducing the overall cost of Lovern:nent.
WHEREAS, this budget revision will result in reductions in the Street. Light. Solid W.+,te
Water /Sewer, Equipment Rental, and Self-Insurance Funds and an increase in the General 1
WHEREAS, funds were received in excess of estimated revenues during the current bu'nn
that will offset the increased appropriation to the General Fund: NOW. THEREFORE-
Section 1. Section 2 of Ordinance 2428 as amended by Ordinance 2473 is hereby anu:n:i 1
read as follows:
Section 2. That the following is a summary of the totals of appropriations for each sepnr to 6111
and the aggregate total for al/ such funds combined.
Department for Fund
A. General Fund
Mayor Council
City Manager
General Administration
Administrative Services
City Attorney
Public Works
Parks Recreation
B. Special Revenue Funds
Convention Center
Arterial City Street
Revenue Sharing
C. Debt Service Funds
1977 Water Revenue Bonds
1978 G.O. Bond, Pier
1985 Bond Fund
D Enterprise Funds
Solid Waste
Water /Sewer
Medic 1
E. Internal Service Funds
Equipment Rental
Self- Insurance
F. Trust and Agency Funds
P.A. Fine Art Center
Firemen's Pension
Michelle Maike, City Clerk
Craig D, Knutson, City Attorney
Pub.: April 24, 1988
6,762,742 6,983.333
1,881,990 13569/6
1,957,108 Si 1.878,759
5 51,756
TOTAL FUNDS $34,032,380
Total Expenditures for Basic Accounts:
500 Proprietrary Services
510 General Governmental Services
520 Security of Persons Property
530 Physical Environment
540 Transportation
570 Culture Recreation
590 Internal Services
1 ..107,889
119 328
1 699,643
869 698
508 398
1 228.591
1,107, 789
144 800
569 600
166 5 70
309, 780
1237 701
2 348,04 J
1h5 46d
5,',3 648 0
5 51,148
69, 320
523 648(1/6
2.569, 341
1 878.759
Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in tull force and effect atter its passage, approval and
publication as provided by law.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council hew
on the 1901 day of April, 1988.
Frank McPhee
Pub.: March 28. April 4. 1988.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sea bids will be received
by the City Clerk of the City of Port -MOes at 321 Seat
Fifth Street of said City until 2:30 P.M. Tuesday, April 12,
1988, for furnishing the following equipment and! or
Bid 11C -88.80 ONE (1) HEAVY-DU OADER.
Bid sheets, Mans a uctions are available
from the City Clerk's, Office, P.O. Box 1150, Port Angeles,
WA 98362. Phone (206) 457-0411, extension 118:
Sealed bids shall be opened at 2:30 P.M. T April
12,1988, at 321 East Fifth Street, Kitt Aerobes City Ha.
A certified deck or bid bond for 5% of the amount bid
shall accompany each bid. AA bids to include delivery
F.0.B Port Angeles, Washington.
The City Council reserves the right to .s sills delivery
time and to accept or reject any or all bids or any part
David T. Flodstrom
City Abe