HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/20/1932 ~ 30 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Apr 11 20 193~ The Commission met in Regular SessiOn'lat 10 a.m. and VIas oalled to order by Mayor Davis. Roll aall ,showed the following offioers present. Mayor Davis, Commissioners Beam and Filion, Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for permits and licenses the following were granted. Axel Ahola, e C.L.Marquardt, E.A.Henry Northwest E.Olsen Nt Lot~ 19 & 20 Block 264 Townsite Lots 19 & 20 Block 292 Townsite Lot 9 Block 375 Tovmsite Master Plumber,for April,hfuy & June 1932 1 Truok, Jan.lst.1932 to June 30,1933 300.00 1000.00 500.00 6.25 3.75 2 room dwelling Remodel residense 4 Room Dwelling Plumbing & Heating Co., Under the head of New Business,- A petition signed by F.L.Christman and others,asking for the improvement of Peabody street from the South line of PeabOdy Gulch Bridge to the North Line of the Boulevard, by grading and graveling said street and treating the 40-foot roadway with asphaltio oil, also by oonstruoting oement sidewalks was read anq referred to the City Engineer for oheaking. It ooming to the attention of the Commission that a delegation in Washington was endevering to have Congress pass a law giving protection to Lumber and Lumber produots,- It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the City Commission send a telegram to all members in Congress from the state of Washington asking them to do all they aan to see that a law is passed plaoing a duty on lumber,pulp and all other lumber products suffioient to proteot the Lumber Industry and labor in aonneotion with the industry. Seconded by Commissioner Filion. On roll Gall all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Under the head of reports from City Officers,- To the Honorable Mayor and City Commission,- Gentlemen,- I beg to advise you that it is now time to issue bonds in Looal ,Improve- ment Distriot No.142. Total amount of warrants issued ---------------------___________________ Interest on warrants to May 6,1932 -------_______________________________ $ll6ll.08 298.01 Total of warrants and interest ----__________________________________ Total oash collected inoluding trans~er of $Z98.01 from the L.I.D.Gen.--- Amount of bonds to be issued and to be dated lfuy 6, 1932 --______________ ,Respeotfully Submitted, Madge H.Nailor City Treasurer. It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the above report be accepted and that the City Treasurer be instruoted to transfer the sum of ~298.01 from the L.I.D.General Fund to 'the Funds of L.I.D No.14Z to take care of the' 'Interest due on the warrants issued. Seconded by Mayor Davis, On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor dealared the moti~n carried. ll909.09 1527.02 l0382.07 Under the head of New Business,the following resolution was introduoed,- RESOLUTION DESIGNATiNG AREA FOR TAXI STANDS. The owners and tenants of the following abutting property having given written concent to the establishment of a taxi area in front of their respective properties; BE IT RESOLVED as folows: That the following areas be and are hereby designated as areas for taxi stands for the taxi oompanies indioated, to wit; Twenty-five feet immediately in front of the East Half of Lot Seven. Block One, Tidelands of Port Angeles East of Laurel Street, be nad it is hereby designated as taxi stand area for ~he Owl Taxi Company. That an area of Twenty-five feet immediately in front of the Big Place at 113 East Front Street, being the West half of lot 8ix,Bloak One,Tidelands of Port Angeles, East of Laurel Street, be and is hereby desiganted as taxi area for the Big Plaoe Taxiaab Company, .. This resolution is adopted in conformity with the authority and provissions of Section 15, Ordinanoe No. 960, Of the City of Port Angeles. It was moved by Mayor Davis that the foregoing resolution be adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Beam. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor dealared the motion oarried. Under the head of New Business the following resolution was introduced; RES 0 L UTI 0 N Whereas, the City of Port Angeles is the owner of the following real estate, to wit: Lot Nine (9), Blook Three hundred and seventy-five (375) of the Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington. Acquired by foreclossure of local improvement assessments under the provissions of Chap. 275, Session Laws of 1927, and one E.A.Henr~ has offered to purchase said lots for the sum of Two hundred sixty-six and IljlOO (~266.l1) DOllars, Fifty ($50.00) cash and the balanoe in installments drawing interest at seven peraent, and WHEREAS, it appears that this is a fair value for the property and exceeds the amount of delinquent improvement assessments. lil.... 1 1 I I .. I \ Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 31" April 20 193L I THEREFORE7 BE IT RESOLVED That.the said offer be aooepted and that the oity enter into a aontraot with the purohaser for the sale of the said property at said prioe; that the City Attorney prepare a oontraot of sale in aooordanoe with this resolution and that the mayor and oity olerk be authorixed to exeoute suoh oontraot in aooordanoe with the provisions of Chap. 275, Session laws of 1927, and partioularly Sec.4 of said law. It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the foregoing resolution be adopted and that the Mayor and City Clerk be instruoted to execute a oontraot for the sale of said p'roperty with E.A.Henry in aooordanoe with said resolution. Seoonded by Commissioner ~ilion. On roll call all member voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion aarried. . The offioial bond of Madge H.Nailor,City Treasurer,with the New York Casualty Co. ~as approved by the City Attorney as to form and aooepted by the Commission. . The Commission examined and allowed the following olaims and ordered warrants drawn for same. Current Expense Fund 1 Street Department pay-roll 130.00 City Treasurer City Treasurer Byron Winter Byron Winter Puget Sound Power & Light Co. , Light Fund Filing fees Express on stove parts Lamps Labor & material wiring Power bill City Treasurer City Treasurer Guarantlir Fund Taxes & Assessments ~n lot 9 Blk.375 Assessments on lot 9 Blk 375 for stoves ~ ~ 30 J ~17 I - .50 15.04 106.42 123.70 5731.62 119.59 245.32 City Treasurer Light Investment Fund Purahase of Munioipal Water Works Repair Fund Warrants No. 377 to 404 Ina. 509.85 There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. I ?1.7/liJ~ ;{(vO~ City Clerk Mayor 1 I .......