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APRIL 20, 1971
~The Council met in regular session at 7;30 p.m. Officers present were Mayor
WOlfe, Councilmen Basom, Edwards, Hordyk, McRevey, Olson and Ross, Manager
Herrman, Attorney Moffett and Deputy City Clerk Hobbs.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman McRevey and unani-
mously carried to accept and place on file, as received, the minutes of April 6,
-A motion was made by Councilman Basom, seconded by Councilman McRevey and unani-
mously carried to accept the low bid of Consolidated Electric for 2,500 feet of
5 kv 600 MCM copper in the amount of $5,300; the low bid of Maydwell-Hartzell I
-for 24,000 feet of bare 336.4 MCM aluminum in'the amount'of $2,785~ and the"low
bid Of Utility Supply for 1,200 feet of 15 kv 350 MCM aluminum in the amount of
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilwoman Ross and unani-
mously carried to accept the low bid of Olympic Skaters Association for the used
ice skating rink equipment in the amount of $9,960. This was the only bid re-
A motion was made by Councilman McRevey, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unani-
mously carried to approve payment of $156.91 for engineering services from Feb~u-
ary 24 through March 25, 1971 in connection with the Booster Pump, to CH2M.
A motion was made by Councilman McRevey, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unani-
mously carried to approve for payment Claim Vouchers in the amount of $152,144.43
and Payroll Transfers in amount of $68,914.69.
A motion was made by Councilman Basom, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unani-
mously carried to approve and authorize signing of the labor agreement between
the City and City Employees Local Union #1619. (Mr. Laube, Union Representative,
informed the Council that the Union was signing this agreement under protest due
to the retroactive date not being January 1, 1971.) .
A motion was made by Councilman McRevey, seconded by Councilwoman Ross and unani-
mously carried to concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and approvel
the request of N.A.N. Inc. for-a variance from therear yard setback requirements
for Lots 11 and.12 Block 394 TPA. . .
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman McRevey and unani-
mously carried to concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and approve
the request of Mr. Thomas Mills of 1701 West 7th Street for a variance to permit
him to enlarge a pre-eXisting, non-conforming single family residence.
A motion was made by Councilman Basom, seconded by Councilwoman Ross and unani-
mously carried to concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and approve
the request of Eleanor M. Priest for a 25' front set back and 20' rear yar~ set-
-back for Lots 1, 2, & 6, Block A; Lots 1-11 inc~. Block E; Lots 1 & 2, Block J;
and Lots 5 & 6 Block K, all in Cresthaven Subdivision.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Ross; seconded by Councilman Olson and unani-
mously carried to concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and approve
the request of Port Angeles Mall, In8. for relief from its off-street parking re-
quirements on the south side of East 3rd Street between Lincoln and Laurel Streets.
Parking is being provided for 108 cars instead of required 120.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilwoman Ross and unani-
mously carried to concur with the Planning Commissionts recommendation and approve
the proposed subdivision on the northwest corner of Peabody Street and Ahlvers
Road - Johnnie Key.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Olson and unani-
mously carried to accept and place on file the Planning Commission Minutes of
April 12, 1971.
A motion was made by Councilman McRevey, seconded by Councilman Edwards, and unani-
mously carried that the original amount of $2,500 budgeted'for be placed' in the
Publicity'Fuhd for use'by'the Publicity Board. .
APRIL 20, 1971 (Continued)
Amotion was made by Councilman Edwards, seconded by Councilwoman Ross and unani-
mously carried to commend the Chamber of Commerce for their efforts in putting to-
gether a package plan for the Publicity Board advertising.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Ross, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unani-
mously carried to acknowledge receipt of the memorandum from the Mayor and the
latter from the Board of County Commissioners regarding the portion of CroftTs
Addition being proposed for ann~xation and set the next regular Council Meeting,
May 4th, 1971 as the Public Hearing on this proposed annexation.
The proposed ordinance relating to licensing of amusement devices and music play-
ing machines was left on the table for further study.
A motion was ~ade by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Edwards and unani-
mouslY/f8rag~rn table to the next work session the proposed ordinance relating to
payment of a claim against the City of Port Angeles.
The following ordtnances were read.in full:
AN ORDINANCE relating to public dances in public
dance halls and amending the City code.
A motion was made by Councilman Basom, seconded by Councilwoman Ross and unBni-
~ously carried.to adopt the foregoing ordinance as read.
A~ ORDINAN~E relating to the sale of alcholic
beverages and repealing a portion of the City
A motion was made by Councilman McRevey, seconded by Councilwoman Ross and unani-
JTIously carried to adopt the foregoing ordinance as read.
AN ORDINANCE establishing and setting salaries of
certain officers and officials of the City of
Port Angeles and providing for the payment
A motion was made by Councilman Basom.and seconded by Councilman Olson to adopt
the foregoing ordinance as read. All Councilmen voted "Aye" except Councilman
Hordyk, who voted T'NO. IT Motion carried.
A moti0n was made by Councilman Olson, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unani-
mously carried to table the memorandums from the Light Department regarding the
City policy on light extenstions for further study.
A motion was made by Councilman McRevey, seconded by Councibuan Olson and unani-
mously carried to acknowledge receipt of and place on file the State AuditorTs
report on the Electric Utility of the City of Port Angeles - 1969.
The Department of Army Corps of Engineers announcement of public hearing on Ediz
Hook Erosion Control to be held at 7:30 p.m. on May 13, 1971 in the Roosevelt
Jr. High School Auditorium was noted.
A memorandum from the City Manager regarding changes currently being made at the
City Dump was read and noted.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Ross, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unani-
mously carried to table the letter from the Olympic Health District regarding
sewet'connec;tion.fe~s and to invite Mr. Weston D. Withers and his attorney to at-
tend the work session as Mr. Withers is refusing to pay sewer charge.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Ross, seconded by Councilman Olson and unani-
mously carried to accept and Place on file the Olympic Air Pollution Control
Authority minutes of March, 1971.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Olson and unani-
mou'sly carried to accept ,and place on file theLight 1;. Power Work Report-March;
The Water Department-March; Utilities Billing-March; Fire-March; Municipal Judge-
March; Police-March; Park and Recreation-March; and Sewer Department-March re-
por!ts .
-A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Olson and unani-
, mously carried to approve the transfer of liquor license from Edward Fred Herman
Parkway Grocery to Robert Lewis Thom; and the transfer of license from Ward
Pennington Ball and Rosalyn Ball, Harbor Tavern, to Edgar Roger Lisenbury.
The following resolution was read in full:
A'RESOLUTION aeclaring the intention of the City Council
of the City of Port Angeles to change the classification I
of the City of Port Angeles to that of a noncharter code
city in accordance with the provisions of Title 35A of
the Revised Code of Washington referred to as the Optional
Municipal Code.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Ross and seconded by Councilman Edwards to
table the foregoing resolution. All councilmen voted "Aye" except Councilman
Basom and Councilman McRevey, who voted "No". Motion carried.
A motion was made by Councilman.Edwards and seconded by Councilman Olson to
grant Greyhound Bus'permission to use additional parking space for one more bus
temporarily for a pedod of 60 days until the Police Chief can make an adequate
study, and then at that time reconsider, also charge them a parking fee com-
parable to what we are now charging other businesses. All councilmen voted
"Aye" except Councilman .McRevey, who voted tlNo." Motion carried.
A motion was made by Councilman Olson and seconded by Councilman Edwards to
concur with the City Manager's appointment of Rev. Canon W. McNeil, Jr. to the
Library Board to fill out the vacancy left by Frank Platt, whose term is to
expire March 1, 1972. All councilmen voted "Ayell except Councilman Hordyk,
who voted "No. II Motion carried.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Ross, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unani-
mously carried to concur with the City Manager's appointment of Mrs. Ray A.
(Juanita) Jacobs and Mrs. Dwight (CarOline) Kirsch to the Human Relations I
Commission, terms to expire March 1, 1973.
A motion was made by Councilman McRevey, seconded by Councilman Olson and unani-
mously carried to authorize the City Manager to notify Statewide City Employees
Retirement System that the City's released matching funds were to be used to
pay the City's matching funds for the remainder of 1971.
Meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m.
eputy City Clerk
. ~-"'.--CALL l'OBmDS l
Notice is hereby given t.hnt sc~~ed-'
111ds will be l'cceived by the City of
]'ort ..;\neg(:I./i, POrt Angclpi"i. 'Vash. f
InS-lOll, ulH.H !'i:(IO p.m. April 1, 1'971;
The .cnnstNlction, in~t[tl1nt[on and
hookup of n. 69 In:. r.;witch struc-
ture <lfl pel' plans and speClfica.
liuns .'It the City of POL't A n.g-elc~'
electrical substation at 2nd nnd
r ~~~~Wrc~i~~n~~~~~~r lllalls may be
i-(\xamtnecl at the: officu of the elt}.
IManager, PO!'t Ang('I<,S, \Vasllingt0J1!
~pf'clncation~ tni1Y bt;' pUr{'ha~ed .at
"$l:i.OO nor seL 1\.0 refund will bo
mane ~Ol' retUl'n, of ~peoClficDlionR.
Bid::! must be nccomjlRnied by a
certified check for the ~um ot not;
less than 5 % of the prQPCt~at or bid i.
bond (If e-qU:l] amount. payable- to lhe.
City of Port Angeles.
Bids wilt be consi(]~red hy the City
Council In l'egulnr ~l"!:;sl(m Avril G.
~r;l~i I:e~~~i;t ~~U~;l~c~c~~lr;e~r ~\~ j
lJ'ids, DO~.ALD D, HERIn-fAN
C"l ty M~nl1ger
...!-=,.u,b,1isred: March 11 and II?:. lG71.
. , . --~~_J
C.i\LL Fon tlIDS
I XotiC"(I i"" here-b)" givel1 that !;:('al('{]
hl(~:'I, '\,;'ll1 he !"('c'd\'mj by th{): Cit:>' of
Port Angelel", I'ort ~.\llg,,'J(;~, "-d.;:<hin~-
{(,nt ulllll f):tJCI ]1.1l1. March]] lnl
for: ' ,
'1'\\'0 7.100 KV..\ Olltdlll)l' lJu[t Srlb-
· 8tatlnns. ("()n~hitll1g ut' tran:-:-
fonner, switchgenl-. ill~rrulll~'Il-
tati{)l1, l'elay~ iLnd as~;uciatcc1
H1JL.;.'1.t1('~ltiolt!'i and/or plnns 1l1,1~' he
f\xa.mln(ld ~_t UH.' offi('e uf the City
~rall:q:~el'. Purt Angd['~, \\';al"hhlgtoll.
HPl'cll'ir.'HLi(ms may lH} IHl\'cha~(>d at
-$;;.00 per Sl't. XQ rd\lll(l wlll h~ made
for l'J..,tul'n of f'])C'ci fir'ations.
Bld~ mwn he u("('!)mjHHlierl bv :'i
cm'tlfieel ehL'('k fo!' the t<:um or -not
If.!,;f'. than fi ',7" of the IJr/JllU:<-:al or ]jld
hand of e(!lUlt HOlount. jJ:I'>a'->lc tu the
Cit.\' u-f Pm't .A11 !;-ell..':':. ~
HIr:l~ will hd l..on::;:W....rerl by tlw
City Cauneil in rlJgulnr f-l~."'f-lon Mnl'ch
l(j., 1:.1,1. The City COlllle!l rescrn~s
tile l'j~l1t to accept or ndcct an\' ur'
all hJdfl. .
1JOXALl1 )). Hl~nn)'L\:-;
Cit~.. i'o.fanag'(~r
r;~l~~IShed: l-'ebruar~: 2;:; and :\I~r{'h 4,
(J /J,~,-
Mayor Ii
--. -/
Xnti-cc J~ hcreh~' ~Iven thnt seal.Od
b1rl~ will be I'ceejY€d by the City of
.l)ort Angeles, l'm't Ang('lcs, "\VnRh-
Jngt,nn, until 5;00 nom. AprH ~O, 1971
'.I'11~ ~onf'ltruct!()ll, Installation and
hoolatp of a 6~ ky switch ~truc-
tlll'C as per )ll:lnR and R]lC~jf[catllJns
at the City of Port An&ele~' elec-
t.dcal :mlwtation at 2~ld antl \Vash-
Jngton Streets.
Spcdflcf\tl-onl'; nnrl/<>r plans may be
e-:x.:ttnined fLt the oUice -of the City
M::mnger, Port Angeles, ".a$hin~ton.
~l}eclFicn.t1()n~ mrry he 1l1l1'c1Hl:icd at
$5,00 per tier. Xo refund will be llut(1c
for return of s))ccifJcRtlonl'-:!,
D1df'i mu~t b~ aecompn.nled bv a
cC!rtlfied ch{>ck for the !'um or' not
l.ess than 5% of the l)rQ]1Qsnl or hiel
hond of ('t'jual am.;\lnt. payable to the
City of Pnrt Angcl{>R.
Bids wlll bo consldCj'r.<'l by the C'ty
CQuncH in regulat' session 1Iny 4,
J !J71. The Cay Council I'csenres the
rig-ht t.o accept or reJe-ct any -ot' tlll
City Manager
Pl1bl:i~hC!rj: April 15 and 2Z. 1971-