HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/20/1976 104 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington April 20, 1976 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:30 P.M. II ROLL CALL I Members Present: Councilmen Anderson, Buck, Haguewood, Hordyk, Ross, Wray. Members Absent: None Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Taylor, Clerk Parrish. D. Flodstrom, J. Warder, T. Honnold, D. Frizzell, P. Carr, R. Parrish, P. Rodman, H. Kochanek, J. Sweatt, R. Wait. Guests Present: J. Abram, J. Dain, N. Folk, F. Dalton, R. Olin, A. McWilliams V. McLaughlin, L. Hinshaw, J. Hinshaw, L. Stefani, A. Fletcher, V. Cameron, J. Melton, E. Hauft, P. Cline, Mr. & Mrs. C. V. Basom, B. Odell, M. Brook, J. Key, Mrs. H. Swenson, D. Johnson, T. Wilcox, D. Anding, P. Mathers, J. Kearin, J. Faires, J. Phillips, Mr. & Mrs. Vail, K. Olmstead, D. Price, Capt. C. W. Swickey, J. Jones, K. Clark, J. Jessup, P. Wilden, D. Livingston, H. Gray, P. Lieuranne, D. Pilt, Linda Switzer, W. Smith, M. Mattila. III MINUTES Councilman Hordyk moved the minutes of the April 6, 1976 meeting be accepted and placed on file as received. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and passed by the Council. I IV FINANCE 1. Bid Call Authorization. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize the Public Works Department to call for bids on one (1) wet well mounted lift station for Wastewater Treatment Plant Pump Station No.5. Councilman Ross seconded the motion and it carried. .2. Boulevard and ilL" Intersection Improvement Project. Councilman Haguewood moved the Council approve payment of $2,420.00 to James Bruch, Rt. 3 Box 228, Port Angeles, as the first (March) estimate of work done and material furnished by said contractor on the Boulevard and ilL" Intersection Improvement Project The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and passed by the Council. 3. First and Front Street Lights Project. Councilman Haguewood moved the Council approve payment of $3,969.59 to Harstad Associates, Inc. as progress payment No.5 for engineering services on subject project from February 26, 1976 through March 25, 1976. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and carried by the Council. 4. Vouchers Payable and Payroll. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve $403,953.66 Vouchers Payable and $103,319.88 Payroll Transfers. The motion was seconded by Council- man Ross and carried. I City Council Meeting April 20, 1976 _J5 V ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA :1 Val Cameron of the Federal Economic Development Administration addressed the Council regarding the Public Pier Project. Mr. Cameron stated his agency will be submitting a "potential projects" list for the next fiscal year funding. While the public pier project has been on an inactive status, he brought tothe Council's attention that the Coast Guard has under consideration the problems associated with the new 200 mile limit law which becomes effective in July 1976, and, if the City is favored with additional ships being stationed at Port Angeles, a public pier may become a live issue again. In two to three weeks time, after the Council have considered this matter, Mr. Cameron would like some indication from the Council as to whether the project should be included on the potential projects list or again be dropped from the list and put in a "hold" category. He also indicated he appreciates the fact that the City has under consideration the potential problems associated with its water system and stated he is prepared to assist in any way that is possible, depending on Congressional funding allocations for the total EDA Program. Councilman Ross encouraged the reinitiation of this community wide project and recommended Manager Whorton look into the background information on this matter. Councilman Haguewood commented the need for a public pier has existed since the 1920's and noted as an item of interest that the City had an offer from the General Servi'ces Administration for the Swiftshore Light ship to be used as a nautical museum, whiCh would have been a definite tourist attraction; the City however, could not accept the offer as'it had no place to accomodate the vessel. Mayor 01 son assured Mr. Cameron the Counci 1 wi 11 take thi s~matter under advisement. I Mrs. McWilliams of Seamount Estates Subdivision next approached the Council regarding the four requests made to the Council by the McWilliams on April 6, 1976 and asked for Council action on this matter at this meeting. It is noted that the McWilliams were provided a revised profile on April 7, 1976 as committed. After Mrs. McWilliams spoke, Manager Whorton reported concerning City Manage- ment's meeting with the McWilliams on April 20, 1976 for the purpose of reviewing the requests. Considerable discussion was devoted to this matter in an attempt to arrive at a workable solution agreeable to both the McWilliams and the City. It was the consensus of the Council that a work session on subdivisions was required before any decisions could'be made. A work session was then scheduled for Thursday, April 22, 1976 at 7:30 P.M. VI LEG ISLATION 1. Mayor Olson introduced Captain Carlton W. Swickley of the U~ S. Coast Guard, Captain Swickley then presented former Mayor C. Vernon Basom with a plaque of appreciation for his contributions toward the spirit of cooperation that has always existed between the City of Port Angeles and the U. S. Coast Guard. I Mayor Olson presented a "Certificate of Appreciation" to Edward L. Hauff in recognition of his painting of a bald eagle which Mr. Hauff presented to the City of Port Angeles as part of our Bicentenni al celebration. The Mayor thanked Mr. Hauff on behalf of the citizens of Port Angeles. Certificates of Competency as water Works Specialist III (Ge~eral Division), issued by the Board of Certification for Washington State Water Works Operators, were presented to Donald L. Anding and Terry A. Wilcox by Mayor Olson. The Mayor extended the Council's congratulations to the recipients for their interest in the program and their service to the community. 2. The minutes of the Planning Commission March 29, 1976 work session and April 12, 1976 regular meeting were read by Mayor Olson with the . following action being taken by the Council. 106 City Council Meeting April 20, 1976 VI LEGISLATION Councilman Hordyk moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and deny the request of Pyramid Builders, Inc., for the rezone of the N~ of Lot 4, Broadway Addition (approximately 100'xI50') from RS-7 to RMF. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson. On the Mayor's call for discussion on the motion, P. Mathers of Pyramid Builders addressed the Council and expressed the firm's dissatisfaction with the Planning Commission's decision on their rezone request. In the firm's I opinion, the rezone does not fall in the category of "spot zoning", as determined by the Planning Commission, and Mr. Mathers indicated the reasons for the opinion. He also indicated a petition is being circulated among the adjoining property owners for requesting the rezoning of a larger area. Councilman Hordyk then commented that he moved to deny the rezone request as the lots in question are completely surrounded by an RS-7 zone; if a request is submitted to the Planning Commission via petition containing signatures of property Owners contiguous to the RMF zone, it would be proper for the Council to consider said request. Councilman Ross stated some of the existing zoning inequities should be corrected by the new Comprehensive Plan. On call for the question on motion to deny the request as submitted, the motion was carried by the Council with Councilman Ross abstaining. Councilman Anderson moved the Council concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and authorize a one-year extension to Charles J. and Mary H. Allen's conditional use permit granted them October 21, 1975 to operate a craft shop as a home occupation at 336 Whidby in the RS-7 zone. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and passed by the Council. Councilman Buck moved the Council concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and deny Peter L. Chase's request for a conditional use permit to operate an upholstery shop as a home occupation in his double garage at 1026 E. 5th Street in the RS-7 zone. The motion was seconded by I Councilman Hordyk. At this point, Mr. Chase addressed the Council and pro- vided the Council with additional information relating to his request. Based on the fact that this information was not available to the Planning Commission in total at the time the CUP request was considered by said agency, Mr. Chase I'equesteda fe-evaluation of his request for a conditional use permit. Councilman Buck then withdrew his motion to deny Mr. Chase's request for a conditional use permit with Councilman Hordyk withdrawing his second. Councilman Haguewood moved the C Custom Upholstery matter pre- sented at the Planning Commission April 12, 1976 meeting be referred back to the Planning Commission. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and passed by the Council. Councilman Wray moved the Council concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and approve the request of Anna A. Fletcher, 108 E. Whidby, for a conditional use permit to erect a duplex on Lots 5 and 6 of Block 414, Townsite located on the south side of west 14th Street between liB" and "C" Streets in the RS-7 zone. The motion was seconded by Councilman Haguewood and passed by the Council. Councilman Wray moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and disapprove as presented Jon Raymond's "Westend" preliminary plat. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and carried. The Planning Commission recommended the division be reconsidered if the property were divided into two 70' lots both of which had frontage on "N" I. Street and did not rely on access from any possible future dedication of 17th Street right-of-way. Councilman Anderson moved the minutes of the Planning Commission April 12, 1976 meeting be accepted and placed on file. Councilman Hordyk seconded the motion and it carried. I- -->>. C \9--dJlN- . 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I Councilman Haguewood moved the Council deny Johnie Key's existing request for annexation of Vista Meadows to the City of Port Angeles. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray. It is noted a work session was held on April 8, 1976 on this matter; those opposing and proposing the annexation were in attendance and expressed their views for Council consideration. . Johnie Key addressed the Council at this time and requested the Council consider his annexation request as originally submitted and exclude con- sideration of the areas recommended by the Planning Commission to be included in the proposed annexation as these property owners reject annexation to the City. Mr. Key spoke at length about his annexation request and pointed out the benefits that would be derived from the development of his subdivision. He concluded his presentation by again requesting the Council to reconsider his annexation request as originally submitted. Attendees who spoke in opposition to the proposed annexation were Mr. and Mrs. Hinshaw, R. Pitt and Attorney R. Richards. Councilman Ross proposed that perhaps this was a situation whereby the City might contract for the extension of sewer services to the requestor, J. Key, contingent upon annexation of the property to the City when requested. In Councilman Hordyk's view, the major concern regarding the proposed annexation is the problem of serVicing the area with utilities because of its distance from the City limits. On call for the question on the motion before the Council to deny Johnie Key's existing request to annex Vista Meadows to the City of Port Angeles, the motion was passed by the Council. 4. The next order of business was consideration of the Final Plat of Block "A" Seabreeze Estates. Councilman Ross moved the Council approve the Final Plat of Block "AU Seabreeze Estates subject to the future amendments to the subdivision regulations regarding payment for utilities. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and passed by the Council. 5. Mayor Olson introduced the next agenda item relating to the acquisition of right-of~way at the intersection of Front and First Streets for the purpose of realigning the East city limits entrance to the City. Public Works Director Flodstrom reported on this proposed project. Stating that the State Highway Department has money appropriated in their 1977 budget for construction of the realignment subject to the City negotiating for the required right-of-way, Mr. Flodstrom explained that City Manage- ment has conferred with the State Highway Department, the owner of the involved private property, and two potential developers of the private property on this matter. Access to Front Street is one of the concerns of the potential developers. according to Mr. Flodstrom, and while the State's proposed realignment plan did prbvide' said access, it is the opinion of the Public Works Depart- ment that access to Front Street not be allowed under the present roadway realignment improvement plan. He then referred to an engineering drawing illustrating the proposed realignment of Front Street as recommended by the Public Works Department and explained the composition of the road- way realignment and the traffic flow and circulation patterns. He also pointed out the areas ingress and egress access patterns to Penn, Front, and First Streets. Members of the Chamber of Commerce, area business owners and potential developer representatives were in attendance and discussed with the Council and City Management cthe' ramifications of the proposed improvement. The length of the realignment barrier, vehicular traffic flow and hazards, intersection signalization, access to business establishments and the possible northerly extension of Penn Street were areas of major concern and were discussed at length. 108 City Council Meeting April 20, 1976 VI LEGISLATION Councilman Haguewood moved the Council adopt Improvement Resolution No. 199. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and unanimously passed ~ by the Council. The Resolution sets the hearing date on the improvement ell_JOYP""'''' u; "\ of Glenbrook Circle in the Glenbrook Subdivision for Tuesday, May 18, ~,1976 at 7:30 P.M. in the City Council Chambers at 134 W. Front Street. , '!:9tt'~96 I I' "OOS'61'S 'sadeJp pue sa~ue!ldde i" iua~~II~ 11\1 'all.Jell JeH e Councilman Haguewood moved the Spruce Street Water Request subject be pllzIS-Ja^o 'o'led ,~& 'd04S~JOM n "WOOJ AIIWej 'sa~eldaJH I, taken from the table. The moti on was seconded by Counci 1 man Anderson and t 'S41eq ';:l 'WOOJPiK! aaJ41 ~ carr1' d :MaIA 411M Aes wellelJ U! laAal 1 e . 'IJI Plo'JeaA.& In=llJ_n\l3S :l 'S96t-&89 'OOS'6t$ ~ !-sa!pooti J3lUO 'sa&..~ ~! nJI 'U! , '.asop 'a~eldaJ!I 'aw04 )4:)lloIS ; I , Ja~OJ8 'weas '1 sape4J 1 6lSt-lSt aue<lle<l , :88GI-lSt snWe410<lqoa I ""^3 'OOS'l9$ !'aW04 AIIWej 'saw04 al!qow Z is,a::Jeds XIS '>lJEd JaJje...,! '000'08$ 'aw04 ^IIWej Ida~'lIaM 'aDJel ptH? 'Sl! un L .'nrl1<:lS',Je ~JosaJ~-":-" , :l\lI:)1oI3WWO'_ OOO'O~$ sa., ''-01. OOG'SL$ S9JJIl!i 'ELlMI3 JaMO, ooo'OtS saJ~e Ql; 000'1:$ saJ~e 01 'Aalle^ lIaP3 '3!l''3101:)'t :0. i9VO-l'" II~j ~'n1!'~U-~;11 'eUO'lssajoJd 'uaAOJd i IUjsn 'asnOIl JnoA IUasaJd l.L l\l3101 NMOlol:) OlO!) lal I JaMsue a4110 aJns IOU aJe noA I i.llaSI! lias asn04 JnoA ue~ al RS ISej R a~ew 01 pll&U noA =II i 'ttt&-S~6 'plIelJaulns !~el uo u!qe~ pue 101 't&6l-l,t lie) 'peolol ~OWpal<l.a~Aor uo saJ~e 3^1=I '9>l&'St6 'spua~aaM IOl9&-tt& 's6ulua^" ~aaM 'awou al,qow sy Aq H IlI!M SIOI ; 'eaJe iueseal<l 'IW ~3MO' " ;6l~-&S9 'pOOMaJ!j 10 E*OI 'saa..ll '..laMod punoJISJilpun ~ !peoJ pooO uo 'w!nbas 10 IsaM I sal!W S 'S'lJ~e , 'JaUMO AS 'SGS'S-E1l9 '0>,9-&89 'a~UeU!1 ! II!M JaUMO 'UNlOP MOl 's~!dWAIO 'f; ,,' '0 MalA ~lIselue~ ,IlIIM puel pllJeap uo PI!nq" JaAlloI s'SitUa6una U! E!.UE papOOM UMO bno^ WOJI 4S11 - saJ~e 3^1 =I .9t8C'C89 peJIUO~ . JaUMO A8 'w!nbaS 10 IsaM sal!W 'III 'pa~ua=l Alddns Jal!!M pue alleuj.Jp 1"uall9jxa 'Mal^ U!E'~unow 'sa~!~ 5UIPl!nq "J~" 11"4 pue OMi 5. cont. It was the concensus of the Council that a representative from the State Highway Department, namely, the District Engineer, should be contacted and asked to attend the next Council meeting to discuss this matter; Manager Whorton will arrange. In the interim, the disposition of McDonald's application for a building permit required clarification. After a brief discussion, Councilman Buck moved the City commit itself to the realignment of the intersec- tion at Front and First Streets. Councilman Ross seconded the motion. The discussion continued and on call for the question the motion was passed'by the Council. The McDonald's representative also requested Council assurance that the realignment barrier would not extend west of Penn Street. The Council made no commitment on this request. The discussion continued regarding the State's proposed realignment plan versus the Department of Public Works recommended plan for the roadway rea 1 i gnment. COlJncilman Anderson moved that thi s subj ect be tabled until a regular Council m)eting is held with a respresentative from the State Highway Department. The motion was seconded by Councilman Haguewood and pas'sed by the Councn. 6. In reference to the Plaza annexation, Attorney Taylor reported that the City has received from the County the Quit Claim Deed to that portion of Block G lying west of a line extended south between Lots 5 and 6 of Block E and that everything isin order except the public hearing and the Ordinance. Current plans are for the public hearing to be held at the May 4, 1976 Council meeting with Council consideration of the annexation Ordinance following the hearing. I I I 'OOO'S!$ 'sallS 6UlPI!nq ^laAOI BaJIlI 'pJeAaln08 a41 aAoq... Agenda I tern No, 10 "Sale of 140rse Creek Gra ve 1 Pi t" was 1 eft on the table. 'OOS'9l$ 'aAO:) pJI1l1ew Ie 101 all.el 11 'pueIJa4~ns a~e-l :SlO' --------.,..-..----.. ._.......~._-~.._..... Mayor Olson read by title a Resolution entitled, IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION NO. 199' A RESOLUTION of the Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, declaring the intention of the City Council to improve a certain area within the City by grading draining, paving, and installing curb and gutter, and by doing all work necessary in connection therewith, and fixing a time and date and place for the hearing on this resolution of intention. Councilman Haguewood moved K. Folk's request to hook-up to the City's water system for property located on Spruce Street just west of the City limits be denied as the property is not located within the city. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk. On the Mayor's call for discussion of the motion, Norma Folk spoke in defense of the request. Councilman Ross stated this is another situation where a contract with agreement to annex when requested shou1d' be considered. On call for the question, the motion carried with Councilmen Ross and Buck voting "NO", Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve the Port of Port Angeles application for a shoreline management permit for an addition to the Northeast corner,of the Port Angeles Boat Haven as recommended by Manager Whorton. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and passed by the Counci 1, RES 199 IMAAOVEMENT .:: F\~SOLUTION . NO. 199 ',A RESOLUTION 01 the Council 01 the City 01 Port Mgeles, WaShington, declaril:'g the intention of the City Council to improve a certain area within the Citl' by grading. draining, ~~~i~~it:~,da~nJt;~I~~~n~U~~ 1 ~o~rn~ctio~et~~~:~rhJ a~~ , fixing a time and date- and I place lor the hearing on th,. resolution of intention. BE IT RESOLVED BY I H" CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITYI OF PORT ANGELES. WASHINGTON, as lollows:. Section 1. That it is the intention of the City Council of the City 01 Port Angeles Washington. to order th~ ImprO'lJemf:!nt of an area within the City by grading, draining paving, and installing.curb and ~ gutter on Glenbrook Circle in r thE Glen brook Subdivision. and performing all other work I necessary in connection with I the improvement described in ~ this resolution. It is the intention of the City I Council to form a local~ Improvement district for the above purposes. Section 2. It ;s the intention of the City Council Ihat assessments shall be- made against the property within the Glenbrook Subdivision, and the adjoining properties, in accordance with .~the special b-enefits derived by suCh property Irom the above. described improvements. S~ction "3. The City's engineers are hereby directed to submit to the Council at or prior to the date lixed lor the ~::t~i~~nr~f :~~Ses~~~i~~O~os~ ~ .and expense of slJch I improvement. the portion of such cost to be borne by the property, with in lhe proposed ' improvement district. the locat i improvement district/ I assessments outstanding and unpa i,d aga in.t the properly' therem. and the aggregate actual valuation of the real estate, including 25 per cent of !he actual valuation of the. '''!lpr~vements 1n the proposed distrIct according -to the valuation last placed upon it for the purposes of general taxation, together with a diagram or print showing thereon the lots, tracts, par!!s 01 ,land and other prop I_ which witl be special y benefited by said improvements, .;tnd the estimated amount of the cost and expens.e thereof to be borne by each lot, tract or parcel of land or other property within the proposed improvement district . Section 4. All person Sf who may desire to object to the formation of such imprQvement district. are hereby notified to appear and present slJch objections at a meeting of the City Council to be held in the Citv Council Chambers, 134 West Front Street, Port Angeles. Washington, at 7:30 P.M, on May 18, 1976, which time and place are hereby fixed for hearing of matters relating to said proposed improvements and all obiections thereto, and for determining the method of paying for said improV'ements. The CilY Clerk and Engineers are hereby directed to prepare and give notice of such hearing in the manner required by law. PASSED by the Council 01 the City of Port Angeles. Washington and approved by tts Mayor at a regular meeting of said COllncil this 20th day of April, 1976. , CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON' ... '!ly Carleton B. Olson Mayor ATTEST: Marian C. Parrish City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Stanley A. Taylor City Attorney I, MARIAN C, PARRISH. the duly qualified and acting City Clerk 01 the City of PorI Angeles, Washington. DO HEREBY CERTI FY thaI the fore-going resolution is a true- and correct copy of Resolution No, 199 01 said City, dUly adopted by its Council and approved. by its Mayor at a regular meeting of said Council ~:~~, on the 20th day 01 April, Marian. C. Parrish L) City Clerk Pub,: April 23,\C9l.1976. IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION NO. 199 A RESOLUTION of the Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, declaring the intention of the City Council to improve a certain area within the City by grading draining, paving, and installing curb and gutter, and by doing all work necessary in connection therewith, and fixing a time and date and place for the hearing on this resolution of intention. . Councilman Haguewood moved the Council adopt Improvement Resolution No. 199. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and unanimously passed by the Council. The Resolution sets the hearing date on the improvement of Glenbrook Circle in the Glenbrook Subdivision for Tuesday, May 18, 1976 at 7:30 P.M. in the City Council Chambers at 134 W. Front Street. Councilman Haguewood moved the Spruce Street Water Request subject be taken from the table. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried. Councilman Haguewood moved K. Folk's request to hook-up to the City's water system for property located on Spruce Street just west of the City limits be denied as the property is not located within the city. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk. On the Mayor's call for discussion I of the motion, Norma Folk spoke in defense of the request. Councilman Ross stated this is another situation where a contract with agreement - to annex when requested should be considered. On call for the question, the motion carried with Councilmen Ross and Buck voting "NO". Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve the Port of Port Angeles application for a shoreline management permit for an addition to the Northeast corner of the Port Angeles Boat Haven as recommended by Manager Whorton. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and passed by the Counci 1 . Agenda Item No. 10 "Sale of Morse Creek Gravel Pit" was left on the table. .1 City Council Meeting April 20, 1976 109 VI LEGISLATION 11. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize Manager Whorton to proceed with legal proceedings, if necessary, for the collection of Mr. J. Willis' delinquent water bill. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried with Councilmen Ross and Haguewood abstaining. Manager Whorton reported a meeting has been tentatively scheduled for Monday, April 26, 1976, with Mr. Willis to discuss this matter, I 12. Manager Whorton reported on the substandard condition of the City owned rental property located at 808 South Valley and requested Council authorization for demolition of the house and the garage and to clear the site. Councilman Ross moved the Council authorize demolition of the buildings, and the site cleared, at 808 South Valley Street. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and passed by the Council. The possi- bility of demolition with the Fire Department burning the buildings will be investigated, and, as an alternate, the work experience program will be explored. 13. Agenda Item No. 13, "Mobile Concessionaires" was left on the table. 14. Councilman Hordyk moved that Councilmen Ross, Wray and Anderson be designated as voting delegates representing the City of Port Angeles at the 1976 AWC annual convention June 15-18, 1976 in Spokane, Washington. The motion was seconded by Councilman Haguewood and carried. 15. Councilman Haguewood moved the minutes of the Park and Beautification Commission March II, 1976 meeting be accepted and placed on file. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. 16. Councilman Haguewood moved the minutes of the Civil Service Commission March 22, 1976 and April 8, 1976 meetings be accepted and placed on file. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. 17. Notification from the Washington State Liquor Control Board of application for transfer of Class H Liquor license from Ross E. Wait, Michael A. Wait and George lindell, dba the Cedars, to Charles Elyman and William A. Branberg, dba The Bushwhacker at 1527 East First'Street, Port Angeles, Washington is noted for the record. Manager Whorton reported concerning a letter received by the City from John A. Beare, M. D., Director of the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services relating to the City Water supply. The letter states that in accordancw with WAC 248-54-460 the Department formally orders the City to commence water system improvements by either constructing a filtration plant on the City's Morse Creek water supply or by developing an alternate source of water on the Elwha River by use of Ranney Collectors, and concurrently develop a time schedule for implementation of the alternative selected. The City is to commit to the Department the alternative selected and shall submit in writing the time schedule no later than May 10, 1976; if the City fails to comply with the terms of the order, the Department will seek to enforce the order by legal proceedings. Manager Whorton requested direction from the Council regarding this order. 18. I Attorney Taylor reported that the Attorney General has advised the city that failure to comply with the State order"will initiate legal proceedings against the City in the form of a court injunction. Mr. Taylor also re- quested Council direction relating to successfully defending the City in this matter; the Council did not issue such direction. 19. After discussing the matter, the Council authorized Manager Whorton to inform the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services that the Council is taking no action on the letter and does not anticipate taking any action. It was the concensus of the Council that they prefer a Judge direct the City to comply with the State's order. Mayor Olson read a letter directed to Mr. Jack Graham, Office of the Secretary of State, authored by James R. McMahon. Mr. McMahon requested hi s 1 etter be publ i cly read by Mayor Olson and be made a part of the record of the Council. In his letter, Mr. McMahon insists Mr. Graham's office and the Governor examine for possible falsification of records the Annual Report filed in Mr. Graham's Office February 11, 1976 by the 110 VI LEGISLATION 19. cont. Northern Tier Pipeline Company, 206 Eklund Building, Great Falls, Montana. Mr. McMahon stated he intends this to be an official citizen's complaint and expects to hear from Mr. Graham in the immediate future. By reference the letter becomes a part of the Council record. 20. Councilman Haguewood moved the Council accept the perpetual easement I trom Standard Oil Company with said easement used for the sole purpose of maintaining on the easement premises a guy wile anchor for securing a guy line in connection with the City's traffic control signal at Front and Race Streets. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and passed by the Council. VII STAFF REPORTS 1. Councilman Hordyk moved to accept and place on file the following staff reports: February Financial Reports, Revenues and Expenditures, and Treasurer's Report; March Reports tor Fire, Municipal Judge, Police and Utilities; and J. Honnold's Out-ot-Town Report. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried. I 2. Councilman Wray: Commented he will report on his attendance at the Portland Energy meeting at the May 4, 1976 Council meeting. 3. Counc)lman Anderson: Commented on the problem that exists in Shane Park. VIII ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned to Executive Session relating to the New Finance Director at 10:30 P.M. ~ . :.!".A..tU City Clerk &~ RES 199 IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION , " .~'lTO~f-Ih"e'''. ( NO, 199 Q:lu~cil of the CitY,Of Port \' ._~ ...An!1ele-s, WaShlngton):p actual 'ValuatJOl'1uof tne reaq declaring the intention .of estate I including 25 per cent of. the Cify Council to improve' the actual valuation of thel a certain area within the Jmprove-ments in the proposedl City by grading, draining, ,districl according to the paving, and installing curb valuation last place-d upon it for. and gulfer, and by doing all Ihe purposes of general work necessary in taxation, together with a1 connection therewith. and... diagram or print Showing lixing a lime and dale and Ihereon Ihe lots. tracts, parcels place for the hearing on Ihis .01 land and other properly resolution 01 intention. which will be specially \ BE IT RESOLVEO BY THE:. benefited by said gl;Y C~~~~L OFA~~~~~:'; i~F,;;~~~m;;;,t~~nl ;Nhe ::.; WASHINGTON, as f""owS:) and expense thereof to be borne Sedion 1. That' it is thi by each iot, trael or parcel 01 intention of the City Council 0,1 )and or other property within '. fhe City of Port Angeles J~he proposed improvement Washington, to order thli fitiru:.lct. ---' ' improvemenl of an Mea within- SeCfiOri '4. All' perj;ons, wli'5 the City by grading, drainlngl may desire to oblect to the paving, and installing cL!rb and'.- formation of sLlch improvement gulfer on GlenbrooK Circle I~. districl, are hereby notified to the GlenbrooK Subdivision, and, appear and present such performing all other wO,r obiections at a meefing of the necessary in connection with. City Council to be held in the the' improvement des-cribed i,' City Coundl Chambers,' 134 this res.olution. ~. West Front Street, Port It is the intention of ihe Cily. Angeles, Washington, at 7:30 Council to form a local P.M, on May 18, 1976, WhiCh, improvement district for the' I time and place are hereby fixed above purposes. '.. for hearing of matters relating Seetinn 2. It .!S thli intention Of'l fa said proposed improvements Ihe - City' - Councn- 'tMI and all objections therelo, and ! assessments shatl be made' for determining the method of , against fhe Droperty with in the paying for said improvements. I I GlenbrooK $Ubdivislon, and,lhe The City ClerK and Engineers adjoining properties, in are hereby directed to prepare accordance with the special and give notice Of such hearing benefits (jerived by SUCh'l in the manner required by law. property jfrom Ihe abo'te. PASSED by the Council 01 the described improvements. City of Port Angeles, Section 3, The CifY'$, Washlnglon and approved by engineerS, are I1ereby direded I its Mayor.at a regular meeting to submitl to the Council ;at or t of said Council this 20th day Of prior fa fl>e date fixed lor Ihe April, 1976. hearing on this resolution a CiTY OF PORT ANGELES, statement of lhe estimated cost WASHINGTON, . J' and expense of such . B Carleton B, Oison ~~f;o;:sr~~tl b~h~o~O:t~o; ~~i . O! property within the proposeii' Improvement ~istrict, Ihe local improvement distric~ assessments outstanding and unpafd against the propert'" re' a~"1lattl, ~llT~ Mayor I rAPE" : ~. M8"I~n C. Parr,ish (;\ily ClerK . APPROVED AS TO FORM: Stanley A. Tayior City Attorney , I. MARIAN C. PARRISH, the duly' quaiified and acting City ClerK 61 the .City of Port ~~~eiy c~t'~i~~tOt~;al ~~ foregl)ing resolution is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. 199 01 said Cily. duly adopted by its Councii and' approved by its Mayor at a Ii ' regular meeting of said Council held on Ihe 20th day of April, 1976. Marian C. Parrish City ClerK Pub.: April 23, 30, 19'-6" I