HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/20/1982 I I I CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington April 20, 1982 I CALL '.00 ORDER Mayor Duncan called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. II roLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Duncan, COuncilmen Gerberding, Haguewood, Hordyk, Quast, Whidden and Polhann1s. ~1ernbers Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Flodstran, City Attorney Miller, Deupty Clerk Lannoye, L. Cosens, D. Frizzell, L. Glenn, J. Pittis, R. orton, D. VanHerrert, R. MJrgan, R. French, G. Booth, M. CanlJbell. Public Present: B. MacCully, K. & L. Rose, L. Sunny, H. Hussy, G. Alexander, H. & W. Thanheiser, Mr. & Mrs. L. Beil, M. & S. Wilhelm, M. & M. Payne, B. Kirschner, M. R. Wilson, M. Miller, D. Feeley, C. Friedman, N. Johnson. III MINUTES councilman Quast moved the Council accept and place on file as received the Minutes of the April 6, 1982, meeting. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the rrotion carried. Councilman Quast then" moved the COuncil accept and place on file as received the Minutes of the April 13, 1982, special meeting. Councilrnan Whidden seconded and the rrotion carried. IV FINANCE 1. Equir:rnent Bids Councilman Quast moved to rerrove consideration of the bid award for the lO yd. dunp truck from the table; Councilrnan Whidden seconded and the rrotion carried. Council questioned Finance Director Orton regarding his recOl111'eI1dations for the bid awards and Councilman Quast then moved the Council concur with Finance Director Orton 's recorrmendation to reverse their action of 4/6/82 awarding the bid for the 5 yd. dump truck and body to Birdwell Ford for a used 1979 canplete unit; reject all of the bids received for the 5 yd. dump unit, and authorize staff to rebid this unit, specifically inviting proposals for new and alternate used units (the original bid specifications had not solicited alternate bids). COuncilman Haguewood seconded and after further discussion, the rrotion carried. Finance Director Orton also advised the Council that the lowest responsible bid received for the lO yd. dunp body was that fran Lynnwood TruckEquipnent of $10,171. LTE took no exceptions to the bid specifications; hcwever, the stock unit as bid will need to be ITOdified by LTE to meet all of the specifications. After further discussion, Councilman Quast moved the Council approve Finance Director Orton 's recomnendation to accept LTE's bid as the lowest proposal meeting all specifications, provided that the carpany guarantees compliance with all specifications. Should LTE be unable to meet the bid specifications, the bid would then be awarded to Mobile Equipnent for $lO,332 as the next lowest responsible bidder meeting the bid specifications. Financing of this unit will be through a Conditional Sales Agreerrent. Councilman. Gerberding seconded, and during discussion of the motion, COuncilman Hordyk'"took exception to "negotiating" with Lynnwood Truck Equipnent regarding their corrpliance with the bid specifications. Finance Director Orton indicated confirmation with LTE would only be "irade that their unit corrplies with the bid specifications. After further discussion, the rrotion carried with Councilrnan Hordyk voting "No". Councilrnan Quast then moved the Council accept the lcw bid of $36,600 received from Birdwell Ford for the cab and chassis of the 10 yd. dtmlp unit, as per the bid specifications, and authorize financing through a Conditional Sales Agreerrent. Councilman Polhamus seconded and the rrotion carried. 265 '266 City Council Minutes April 20, 1982 Councilman Haguewood then discussed with Finance Director Orton the conditional sales agreement. financing currently being used by the Equiprent Rental FUnd to purchase "large ticket" items. 2. Phase II DowntcMn Irrproverrent Project A rrerrorandurn fran Public Works Director pittis st.nrrnarized the results of the bid opening for the DowntoNn Irrproverrents Phase II bids. Councilrran Polhamus m:wed the Council concur with the reconmendation to award the bid to United ,"I Western Construction Co., Inc., the apparent low bidder at a total project cost of $623,705.93. Councilrran Quast seconded, and after further discussion regarding the scope of the project, the rrotion carried. Council then requested staff look into the best available means to utilize the difference in funds between the project bid award and EDA's grant for the project. 3. Peabody Heights Pump Station Equiprent CouncilnEn Quast, referring to Public Works Director Pittis' rrerrorandum . regarding the bids received for nodification of the Peabody Heights Water Pump Station, rroved the Council award purchase contracts to the low bidders for: 1) nodif ication of pump to Industrial Pump Sales for $ 2 , 11 0 . i 2) fumishrrent of 100 HP rrotor, including trade-in for existing 15 HP rotor, to Central Electric, Inc., for $2,877.47; 3) Furnishment of electrical controls and equiprent to All Phase Electric for $3,590. CouncilnEn Whidden seconded, and the rrotion carried. V CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept the items listed under the Consent Agenda, including permission to call for bids for electrical transfonrers, Vouchers of $965,939.46 and Payroll of $182,844.58. Councilman Whidden seconded, and Council questioned staff regarding vouchers and the bid for the transfonners. On call for the question, the rrotion carried. I VI ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE Nor ON THE AGENDA None. VII lTE1>lS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL Nor ON THE AGENDA Mayor Duncan questioned if chainnen had been selected by the ROC and UAC and was asked by Council to appoint them. CouncilnEn Polhamus requested staff look into the possibility of taxing video game revenues. councilmen Quast and Gerberding requested an update regarding State legislation recently passed or to be passed and the inpacts of such on the City of Port Angeles. VIII LEX;ISIl\TION 1. Planning Corrmission Minutes Mayor Duncan reviewed the Planning Carmission Minutes of April 14, 1982, with the following action being taken by the Council: a. Conditional Use Pennit - Thanheiser & Alexander (Weenie Wagon) Councilman Quast rroved the Council concur with the reconmendation of the Planning Corrmission to approve the Thanheiser & Alexander request for a Conditional Use Permit to operate a Retail Stand situated at the ,northeast comer of First and Lincoln Streets for the maximum 8-rronth period, subject I [, I I I 0308A ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS City 01 Port Angel... DATE OF BID OPENING - March 3\,1982 , Sealed bids will be I r&<:9ived by th$ office of the City Manager, I~O West Front Street, 1'.0, Box 11!O, Port Angeles, Washington 911362, until 2:00 pm Wednesday," March 31,1982, and notloler, ! and will be opened publicly at 'I thaI lime in Ihe City Council ' Chambers. . The major prolecl eJemenls are: Resurlaclng street wilh asphall conerele pavements: improvements and land- scaping to Ihe Laurel Slreel Fountain oreo: Att"' im- provemenls Including pole painting, banners and Itree' nl.lmb.r signs: street and open .pace land.coplng; two , IIghled pylons: kiosk; Irofflc ~ ct.annelizotion; repoir of f sidewalks and curbs. 1 Delalled plans and speciflcallons may be ob, !ained from Ihe office of the Clly Engineer, City 01 Port Angele., upon paymenl of 0 non-refundable fee of $35.00 Dollars, Plans ore 01.0 available at Peninsula Plan Cente-r, S""t1le, A.G.C. Plan Cenler, Seatlle, Dodge Plan Cenler, Seattle, and Tacoma Minorities and Women Business Enterprise., Tacoma. Bidders shall be qualified f 0' the Iype of work proposed, A Bidder'. Con- struction E)(perlence form 15 Included In Contract Document.. All PraposaJs or Bids shall b. submi"ed on the prescribed form and in the monner CIS indicated in the Ptoposal Requirements c:md Conditions and sold Proposals or Bid sholl be accompanied by 0 certllied or cashiers check or 0 bid bond In Ihe amount of five p.rcent (5%) 01 Ihe lotal omounl of the Proposal or Bid, .aid bid band 1 .holl be issued by a surety' oulharized and licensed 10 Issue .aid bond. In the Stole" of Wa.hington. Th. City of Port Angel.. r...rv.s the right 10 accept Ihe Proposals or Bid. and award c:ontrocts to responsible bidders which are in the bestlntere" of the City: 10' poslpone Ihe ac- ceplance of Propasals or Bids and the award of Ihe con- Iracls for 0 period nol 10 exceed Ihirty (30) day.; or 10 ,ej.ct onyond all Propo.als or Bids received and further adverti.e Ihe project for bids. When awarded conlract., Ihe successful bidder shall promptly .xecut. canlrocts and shall furnish bonds af faithful performance of the contract. In Ihelut/ omaunt of the contract prices. Bids must be .""Ieel wllh Ih. oulside of Ihe .nvelope marked BID'OpENING DATE (March 31, 1982) PROJECT . (Downtown Improv.ments Pha.e II), Nome and oddre.s 01 Ihe bidder should also app.ar on the out.ld. of Ih. env.lop.. Bids should be oddr....d 10 Ihe City Clerk, I~O W.st Front S""el, P.O. Box 1150, Port An~les. Wa.hington 98362 AndrewJ.Ro.e City Engin.er Pub,: Mar. 8, 9,14, 1982 032iA- --~. ADVERTISEMENT fORBID. .'" City of Port Ange'8s:';. DATE OF BID OPENING Aprill~, 1982 Sealed bids will be received by the .office of the City Monege-r. 140 West Front Street, 1'.0, Box 1150, PorI I Angeles, Washington 98362, unlil 2:00 p,M. Wednesdoy, Aprill~, 19B2, ond nOlloter, and will be opened publicly at. .hot time in- the -City Council j CI1~Id.b:';il be token lor I One (1) one hundred (lOll) ! horsepower pump mofor Rebuild of existing 3-stoge pump Electricol conlrals lor pump and motor Detailed specHicction$ mey be obtained from the oHice of Ihe City Engineer, City 01 Port Angeles. . Bidders sholl be qualified for the type of work proposed. All Proposals or Bids .holl be s.ubmitted on. the prescribe form and in the j manner as indicated in the Proposal Requirements and Conditions ond said Proposals or Bid sholl be accompanied by a certified or cashier's chock or 0 bid bond in the, amount of five percer" (5%) ~ of the total amaunl of th. Proposal or 8id, said bid bond' sholl be issued by a su,ety authorized end licensed 10. lssu& said bonds. In the State of Washington. Th. Clly of PorI Angeles fe$erves the right '0 accept the Proposals or Bids and award contracts to responsible bfdders whIch are in the best interest of the City; 10 poslpone tne ac- ceptance of Proposals or B1ds and tne award of the con~ trocts for (I period not ta exceed thirty (30) days; 0' 10 reiect any and (JII Proposals or Bids received and furthe,... adver'ise tne prolect for bids. Wilen awarded contracts, the successful bidder sholl promptly E!')(:ecute contracts and sholl Ivrnish bonds of failhful perlormance of 'he <:ontracts in the full amount of the contract prices, Bids must be se-aled with the outside of tile envelope marked BID OPENING DATE (April I~, 1982) PROJECT' (Peabody Heights P.S. Modification), Nome and ~ address of the bidder should Qlso appear on Ihe outs-ide of Ihe envelope, Bids should be )' addressed 10 the City Clerk, 140 West Front Street, P.O. Box 1150. PorI Angeles, Washinglon 98362. Andr.w J. Ro.e City Engineer Pub.: March 21,26,28, 1982. __ _ __J I I I City Council Minutes April 20, 1982 to the following conditions: 1) The pclW'er source approved by the City Fire Chief shall be as follows: a) One dry chemical fire extinguisher with a 10 B.C. rating; b) all propane tanks must be filled at the bulk plant, or any other site which has the capability of a bottle-fill site. No L.P. delivery truck shall stop to fill any L.P. bottle at this location; 2) the applicant sign a hold-hannless agreement with the City, if deered necessary; 3) If the retail stand proves to be an impedirrent to pedestrian traffic, the use will vacate the site on inspection by and order of the City Engineer. Councilman Quast also cited the following findings of fact for his motion: A) the proposed stand will not create a pedestrian or vehicular hazard; B) the location is coopatible with existing businesses; C) it will prarote and carplement the pedestrian nature of the general area; D) the stand will not endanger the public health, morals, safety and welfare. Councilman Whidden seconded, and the motion carried. b. Conditional Use Pennit - Rose Councilman Quast moved the Council concur with the recatTl'EIldation of the Planning COIl1l\i.ssion to approve the Rose request for a Conditional Use Permit to establish and operate a lumber yard at 724 East First Street, subject to the following conditions: 1) that a l6-space off-street parking area be installed in accordance with the requirements of the Public Works Departnent; 2) that provision for fire protection be made in accordance with the requirements of the Fire Marshall; 3) that a visual screen of wcod slats be incoIpOrated into the existing chain-link fence; 4) that all rraterials delivered be unloaded within the property boundaries. Councilman Quast then cited the following findings of fact for his notion: A) the lumber yard is generally conpatible with existing coomercial developuent along First and Front Streets, and cooplies with COllIIErcial Policy No.7; B) the site and existing structures are suited for a lumber yard; C) the reuse of the property for this ccmnercial purpose is in the best interest of the camumity. Councilman Polhamus seconded and the motion carried. c. Conditional Use Permit - Clallam Transit System Councilman Haguewcod nnved the Council concur with the reccmrendation of the Planning Carrmission to approve the Clallarn Transit System request for a Conditional Use Permit to establish and operate a Public Transportation Passenger Transfer Site/Terminal in the M-2 Heavy Industrial District inrnediately west of Oak Street, between Front Street and Railroad Avenue, subject to the following conditions: 1) the landscaping identified in the submitted site plan be provided in conjunction with the Do.omtown IIlprovement project this sumner; 2) the shelters be constructed ircmediately adjacent to the Oak Street right-of-way; 3) the shelters have clear side and back walls, constructed of lexan plastic or a similar material. (Councilman Quast requested Condition 4, rec<::m1EIlded by the Planning Camtission, be eliminated.) He also cited the following findings of fact for his motion: A) The proposed use is carpatible with the purpose and intent of the M-2 Heavy Industrial District; B) it caIlplies with Comprehensive Plan Circulation Policy No. 15 (p. 38); C) it is carpatible with the Waterfront Trail Plan; D) it will prarote the general health, safety and welfare of the Downtown, the Transit System users, and the general camnmity; E) it is for the ccmm.mity good, and will nake a positive contribution to Do.omtown developnent. Counci1rnan Haguewood seconded. During discussion of the motion, carments were received from C. Fidler in opposition to this location for the transfer station; C. Friedman regarding the loss of on-street parking; and Transit Manager MacCully also answered questions raised by the Council. on call for the question, the motion carried. d. Shoreline Management Permit - Clallam Transit System This item will be considered during a public hearing scheduled under Item 2 of the Legislation agenda. 267 268' City Colmcil Minutes April 20, 1982 e. Conditional Use Permit - Payne Councilman Hordyk moved the Council concur with the recarrmendation of the Planning Corrmission to allow beauty shops as a Conditional Use in the OC I Zone, due to their similarity to other professional uses, and they do not create additional traffic irrpacts; and to approve the Payne Conditional Use Permit to operate a beauty shop in the OC District at 408 Fast Boulevard, citing the following findings of fact: 1) the Corrmission has interpreted that a beauty shop can be a conditional use in the Office CoII1rercial (OC) District. He made his notion subject to the following conditions: A) that the Applicant conply with the City codes regarding off-street parking; B) that the requirements for a fire extinguisher be met, pursuant to the Fire Marshall; C) that the operation be limited to three operators; D) that if the property is sold or leased to a different beauty operator that a new conditional Use Permit hearing will be required. Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried. f. Conditional Use Permit Betting Councilman Whidden rroved the Council concur with the reconmendation of the Planning Colmlission to approve the Betting application to operate a Marine CUstans Broker and Vessel Agent business as a hare occupation at 1804 West Fourth Street, subject to the following conditions: 1) that develOJ:"lTl2l1t standard "E" of Section l7.86.040 be modified to permit two non-family rremi:lers Working in the Hare Occupation because the additional non-family member will not change the basic residential character of the dwelling unit nor detract in any way from the residential character of the neighOOrhood.; 2) at least one 2Al0BC dry chemical fire extinguisher be installed in a conspicuous location, subject to an on-site inspection by the Fire Marshall. I' . He cited. the following findings of fact for his motion: A) the proposed office use involving phone and paperwork does not introduce noise, srroke, dust, fures, vibrations, odors, or other hazards in excess of those normally found in residential areas; B) it will not significantly increase local vehicle traffic because most of the work is done by phone; C) the small scale of the operation will not cause injury nor be detriIrental to the adjoining or abutting properties; D) marine custans broker and vessel agent office Hare Occupation will not endanger the public health, morals, safety and welfare, and it would be in the public interest to enable this service to be provided in the corrmunity. Councilman Quast seconded, and after further discussion, the motion carried. g. Rezone Hearing - Adamson, et al Councilman Quast moved the Council schedule a public hearing to consider the Adamson request to rezone 7,000 square feet fran RS-7 to CSO-C2 at the southwest corner of Ninth and Lincoln Streets for the May 4 t 1982, Council neeting. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried. Councilman Whidden rroved the Council accept and place on file as received the Planning Conmission Minutes of April 14, 1982. Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried. 2. PUBLIC HEARINGS I a. Shoreline Pemit - Clallam Transit relocation to Oak Street Mayor Duncan opened the public hearing on Clallam Transit System's application for a Shoreline Management Substantial Devel~:t Permit for ~.r~ E~t~r~~-go 2:~.s~~5~ S.E-g"i~ ~~~~S~O~~S.! e=220E~~E~ 6~...!1?28 ~ u ~ '::'t: 0""2 ~.~ 1/1 ~ : tII j ~~ = 0': l1. ~.., e.~:: 5 3: a.. 'E] ~ ~.!!! c... -: ~ Q,:: _ ~ ~ 1 &. 0 a.. . w)- i ~ 8. :0 ~.f~-~ 6l"~r$l ~~~ g .a ~8i3.!!!=o ~ E ~ ~.~ 8: IV~.E g:u-s Gl ~ ~ ~.;,e~.~~~ 50 ~~5~< ~ ~ E O. - oS ~ ~.~ U QJ.E! m 0)::: E c OJ S- .~ 3.~ L.. ttl 1: ~ tEe lU' ~ -f _.... ::.... l: E C l,J ~ ?-...... > w..2 _:= C .... ZO;if"~.:.:tv~;l:l...-gtl.-~l...r... >- )(GI~UJu"'Ou--OCl:--S:o ao 2~2-~>-~I1l-._~aJ::I:ono.;:-o , - '% ;'R'~a--:! >-~ 6..c...... <( &. 0 UI "'D ~ 01 >._ 1V...o - -- 6 l: .,g g. 0...2 _ III ~ Q..c 111 In ~'u <5 0 ~ ~ u ~ 0 ~ C Q.. >> ~..- ag~ a:'- i.~] !~~ >-t~'~tQ;~ ~u "C~.~~s]~~-.E~~t,~.e a~'; g.iE~.c-~~ ~li~o~~~ g] ~:::I m-- ~ - E .., E a.. n....o ~ L U E"i d) ~ olP r:: - 2: ~ E iQl.." ~ t;J C w- g: I1J r... - 0 -::: z:..c - () 0..... c.j . 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Conditional Use Permit - Payne Councilman Hordyk IlDVed the Cormcil concur with the reccmrendation of the Planning Ccmnission to allow beauty shops as a Conditional Use in the OC I Zone, due to their similarity to other professional uses, and they do not create additional traffic irrpacts; and to approve the Payne Conditional Use Permit to operate a beauty shop in the OC District at 408 East Boulevard, citing the following findings of fact: l) the Ccmnission has interpreted that a beauty shop can be a conditional use in the Office Corrrrercial (OC) District. He made his notion subject to the following conditions: A) that the Applicant carply with the City codes regarding off-street parking; B) that the requirements for a fire extinguisher be met, pursuant to the Fire Marshall; C) that the operation be limited to three operators; D) that if the property is sold or leased to a different beauty operator that a new Conditional Use Permit hearing will be required. Cormcilman Quast seconded and the notion carried. f. Conditional Use Permit - Betting Councilman Whidden IlDVed the Council concur with the recorrrnendation of the Planning Camlission to approve the Betting application to operate a Marine CUstans Broker and Vessel Agent business as a hare occupation at l804 West Fourth Street, subject to the following conditions: 1) that developrent standard "E" of Section l7. 86.040 be rrodified to penni.t two non-family nembers working in the Hare Occupation because the additional non-family member will not change the basic residential character of the dwelling unit nor detract in any way from the residential character of the neighborhood; 2) at least one 2AlOBC dry chemical fire extinguisher be installed in a conspicuous location, subject to an on-site inspection by the Fire Marshall. I' ~ He cited the following findings of fact for his notion: A) the proposed office use involving phone and paperwork does not introduce noise, SIlDke, dust, furres, vibrations, odors, or other hazards in excess of those normally found in residential areas; B) it will not significantly increase local vehicle traffic because nost of the work is done by phone; C) the small scale of the operation will not cause injury nor be detriIrental to the adjoining or abutting properties; D) marine custans broker and vessel agent office Hare Occupation will not endanger the public health, norals, safety and welfare, and it would be in the public interest to enable this se.rvice to be provided in the corrm.mity. Councilman Quast seconded, and after further discussion, the motion carried. g. Rezone Hearing - Adamson, et al Councilman Quast moved the Council schedule a public hearing to consider the Adamson request to rezone 7,000 square feet from RS-7 to CSD-C2 at the southwest comer of Ninth and Lincoln Streets for the May 4, 1982, Council meeting. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the notion carried. Councilman Whidden moved the Council aocept and place on file as received the Planning Comnission Minutes of April 14, 1982. Councilman Quast seconded and the notion carried. 2. PUBLIC HEARINGS a. Shoreline Permit - Clallam Transit relocation to Oak Street I' Mayor Duncan opened the public hearing on Clallam Transit System's application for a Shoreline Management Substantial Developrent Permit for I.... I.. oIldll...'G-"'tIO.ctlle ~--;~CLItt--o'D I,~OC O(j~8 .~~g' 5~ :0;.50. ~~~~!!o ~ti!~u~~-Eo~o ~~~~~oo~~~ ~~~O ~~~_ ~G= ~~ ~~g~> ~ga._.~.!~ ~~i~]Q,.~~oi.tU ~~~io2~~cp~ U1~~~ .EM~ ~a:;~ -E=- 8~~5< tQllIf.IQll.ga.-8-;: 8.::ufl.&c:ast~"'.J:o..>- r.n~III':::'::o..c~15.2 ->-~OE lD~..c-o 2o~:g_ -<__>-~ ..cQJ.J:,-oO:::- 'c<(.l:C:f-"cn~::!95 .::: o~=::~:"'>t>> =G/i:t>> G:lEEs:; g-. ...v ~_'c..c: \:~:~]~::'e::i]~Olii;u;i'E '~og>~'iEiEr~:g,~~~;;.2 ::_~~ ~<:~ ~~ ~~~~ ~<..c~:~O~~f~E~~J:~~~e ~i~~~~gog~~~~j~ ~o~~~~~-~~$ ~~~o ~li]U~~~8~1~~~~~~'6gL M~:'6~Q.1U]c&...,:],~~ .,;g~,;~.o~~~":'; ~:t.g ~:s ~ ~ ~." ~~ :-8 t6- .,;.g ~.~ '2 ~-ri l5 < o~.~E : g ~ ~ ': ~ l5 ; &.~ ~ l5 3:-f~ ~.g-c ~ ~.2 ~ g ~ u ~ , oC_~2c~~t>>=~~~~mme_-'::~~Eooo~QlI::!v~t~g~=~g~~5UQJ~M~=~~1~ ~ ~ ~~ :~~! ~o ."E &i: ~]S~ ~~ 0 0 ~-f-g~ ~~] 1: JJ.B >-~ BJJ ::=Q~J: 13 ~~: ~.glL':~ ~i~i5ge~~~8]';~~S~]D~l2 S<~v'g~<i5~~ ~5~~ !8-5o CLnQ; ~co_ oof ~ ~ c iJ~;S ~",:: . u.2~", ' j~u_! \, j ~~~~ " ~~~ ~ ':-:c:~-i:E :n,oo:: Q)" ~~~8~ I I I City Council Minutes April 20, 1982 construction of four portable passenger shelters as a part of a DowntcMn Public Transportation Passenger Site/Terminal situated imrediately west of Oak Street, between Front Street and Railroad Avenue, and requested caments or questions fran the audience or staff. C. Friedrra.n indicated the rreasurerrents of the drawings submitted for the application are inaccurate and Council discussed alternatives to relieving the loss of on-street parking on Oak Street. Mayor Duncan closed the public hearing when no further cCll'tU'l'ents were received; and Councilman Quast moved the Council concur with the recCJITmendation of the Plarming Camli.ssion to approve the Shoreline Substantial Developrent Permit because the proposed use complies with the Shoreline Master Program, specifically the Use Activities, F .16 (a) (p. 61) and F.16(h) (p. 62). Councilman Polhamus seconded, and after further discussion, the rrotion carried. b. Convention Center - Proposed Final Schematic Design Mayor Duncan opened the public hearing on the proposed final schematic design of the Convention Center and requested e<:JImeI1ts or questions fran the audience or staff. She also introduced County Conrnissioner Feeley and County Administrator Wilson, and invited their participation in the public hearing. Manager Flodstrom updated the Cormcil regarding events occurring since the April 6, 1982, meeting; review-ed funding possibilities for the facility; and reccmrended the Cormcil proceed with final design of the facility and work closely with the County to resolve funding, facility operation and rnanagerrent, and camnmi ty involverrent in the facility. County Administrator Wilson addressed the Council regarding soliciting business and canmmity support for the facility. L. Sunny requested the Council allow liquor be sel:Ved on the premises. Councilman Hordyk expressed displeasure with the architect's basic design for the facility, due to the extension of the building onto the street right-of-way. L. Beil, Port Angeles, requested the facility be designed to substantially enhance the ability of Port Angeles to hold conventions over currently existing facilities. L. Gaydeski, Forks, indicated west-end support of the convention facility ITE.Y not be favorable, and Mayor Duncan closed the public hearing when no further ccmnents were received. Councilman Quast expressed his concems regarding the convention facility and the need for establishment of a Tourist Visitors Bureau. Council and Manager F1odstrom discussed the issue further, and Councilman Quast then moved the Council instruct staff to initiate the proceedings and permit process on the setback, the variances needed, and other conditional permits which are needed in order to facilitate the present design structure. Councilman Hordyk seconded and the notion carried. Councilman Quast rroved the Council proceed with a limited final design process. The rrotion died for lack of a second. After further discussion, , Councilman Gerberding moved the CO\lllcil work closely with the County to resolve funding, facility operation, facility managerrent, and corrmunity involverrent in the Convention Facility. Councilman Whidden seconded, and after further discussion, the notion carried. 3. City's Back-up Ambulance - Procedures Established Mayor Duncan read Resolution No. 9-82 by title, entitled Resolution No. 9-82 A RESOLUTlOO of the City of Port Angeles establishing procedures for the use of the City's back-up ambulance . Manager Flodstrau reccmnended an amended Section 3 to the Resolution; and Co\lllcilman Whidden rroved the CO\lllcil adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by title, anending Section 3 as recorrrnended. CO\lllcilman Quast s~conded, and after further discussion, the rrotion carried. ,< 269 270 City council Minutes April 20, 1982 4. Municipal pier - Amending Moorage Use Requirements The Council instructed staff to prepare the following ordinance at their April 6, 1982, rreeting. Mayor Duncan read Ordinance No. 2209 by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2209 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles increasing the length of recreational boats that may use the floating moorage facilities at the City Pier, and amending Section 12 of Ordinance 2169 and Section 12.l2.l10 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. I Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing ordinance as read by title. Councilman Whidden seconded, and after further discussion, the rrotion carried. 5. SWinrning Pool Fee Adjustments Mayor Duncan read a IlIelIDrandum from Parks & Recreation Director Frizzell advising the Council of the Parks Recreation and Beautification Cannission's recomrendations for swinrning pool fee adjustments of 30%. Cquncilrnan Gerberding moved the Council concur with the reccmrendation of the Parks Ccmnission and adopt the proposed swimning pool fee adjusbIents. COUncilman Polhamus seconded, and after further discussion, the rrotion carried. Staff will prepare a resolution i.rrplerrenting the fee schedule and bring it back to the Council for their consideration for implementation effective June l, 1982. x 6. Draft Policy on Termination of WPPSS Projects Nos. 4 & 5 and Related Issues Mayor Duncan referred to Manager Flcxistrom's me.Jrorandum regarding the public hearing held April 13, 1982, on this issue; and COilllcilman Hordyk rroved the Council adopt the "Policy of the City of Port Angeles Concerning Termination of WPPSS Projects Nos. 4 and 5 and Related Issues" as presented in draft form to the Council at their April 6, 1982, rreeting and reviewed by the public on April 13, 1982, as the City's fonral policy in regard to these issues. Councilman Gerberding seconded; and Councilman Quast took exception to Policy #5, Bond Sales Before the Effective Date of. Initiative 394 and requested clarification of the legal ramifications of the City refusing to pay WPPSS for termination costs. On call for the question, the rrotion carried, with Councilman Quast voting "No". I 'I. 7 . Electrical Rate Increase Ordinance Relating to WPPSS Projects Nos. 4 & 5 Council had considered an electrical rate increase to offset the financial impact of the WPPSS 4 & S termination agreements. Mayor Duncan read Ordinance No. 2210 by title, entitled o 01 AI'lCE NO. 2209 AN ORDINANCE of the City 0' Port Angeles increasing the length of recreational boa~s .hat may use the ~loatin9 moorage facilities ot tl1~ City Pier, and amending Se(ljon 12 of Ordinance 2'169 ancfSec1ion 12.12.110 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. I .BE IT ORDAINED BY TilE Ci. TY'COUNCIL OF TilE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, os follows: Section 1. Section, 12 of Or. dinance 2169 and Section i 12.12.110ofthe PQrtAflgeles I Municipal Code are each hereby amended to read os follows; 12.12,110 Regulation of ~Ii~ti~ple~oo~~~e ~~~~t~~~~: Park. A. No boat or other vessel. ottler than recreationol boats of less than- forty feet in length, and seaplanes, shall use fhe floating moorage facifities at fhe City Pier and Woterfrol'tf -Pat-k....., "'ll>..-"lt", i . 8. .No boat or seaplane shall I I moor at the Pork for 0 period of longer thon twenty-four consecutrve hours. I Section 2. This ordinance shall fake effect as provided . by law, I PASSED by the Cif)' Council I of the City of Port Angeles at o regular meeting of the Council held On the 20th day of April. 1982. Dorothy Duncan MAYOR ATTEST: Marian C, Parrish, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig L. Miller, C it)" Attorney PUl>"--Ap,U27, 1982_ ORDINANCE NO. 2210 . AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles altering the rates for the sale of electricity; and arrending Sections 3, 4, 6, and 9 of Ordinance 2054, Sections 3, 4, 6 and 9 of Ordinance 2l37, Sections 1 and 2 of Ordinance 2173, Section 1 of Ordinance 2198, and Sections 13.12.020, l3.l2.040, 13.12.060 and 13.12.090 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. I' I I City Council Minutes April 20, 1982 Councilman Polhamus rroved the Cormcil adopt the foregoing ordinance as read by title, inserting the effective date of May 1, 1982. Cormcilman Quast seconded, and after further discussion, the notion carried. B. Discussion of Establishing "Civic Pride" F01ll1dation This item was tabled at the April 6, 1982, meeting and the Cormcil concurred to leave it on the table. 9 . Letter frem Bill Knebes regarding property at Boulevard and Eunice Street. Mayor Duncan read a letter frem Bill Knebes regarding LID and taxes on Lot 16, Block 338, and noted this as an infonnational i tern. The Council tcok no action. 10. Letter frem Darrell Vincent regarding property on Valley Street The Carmcil concurred to refer this item to the Real Estate Ccmni.ttee for their consideration. VIII rATE lTE1'1S Manager F10dstran relayed Mr. and Mrs. Pearce I s request for an audience of the Real Estate Conmittee on the site of the property they had requested to purchase frem the City. This was scheduled for Thursday, April 22, 1982, at 5:00 P.M. IX ITEMS FRCM THE AUDIENCE AND/OR CITY COUOCIL Nor ON THE AGENDA ColU1cilroan Hordyk requested the vacation process of the 4/5 alley west of Valley Street be initiated. Councilman Hordyk noved the Council direct the Plarming Ccmnission to review the Parking Ordinance, as the Cormcil feels the Ordinance is too strict; COlU1cilman Whidden seconded and the rrotion carried. Councilman Whidden questioned the status of detennining if the City of Port Angeles can impose a fee on bunkering and lightering taking place in the Harbor. and also questioned the .Ci ty' s liability for volunteers working for the City. Councilman Quast addressed the reasoning behind his vote concerning the X Policy of the City of Port Angeles with regard to WPPSS 4 and 5. He also questioned the progress of groups volunteering to plant annuals in the I:lcMntoNn planters. cormcilman Haguewood !rOVed the COlU1cil make available for the use of the Clallam COlU1ty Museum the mem:>rabilia received from the Coast Guard Cutters CAMPBELL and WINONA for display use on a loan basis. Councilman Quast seconded and the notion carried. councillllan Polhamus and Manager Flodstrom discussed attendance at the NiiC Convention to be held in Spokane this May. X ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION I Mayor Duncan adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 10 :03 PM. XI REI'URN TO OPEN SESSION The Council returned to open session at 10:40 P.M. 271 272' City Council Minutes April 20, 1982 l. IBEW Salary Ordinance ORDINANCE NO. 2211 Mayor Duncan read Ordinance No. 2211 by title, entitled AN ORDINANCE of the City COuncil of the City of Port Angeles, providing for an adjustrrent in the wages of the employees represented by IBEW IDeal 997 in the Light Departrrent and the EquiJ:'Xrlel1t Rental Division of the Administrative Services Departrrent for the period of April 1, 1982, through March 31, 1983, and declaring a public emergency. Councilman Hordyk noved the Cciuncil adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title; COuncilman Whidden seconded and the rrotion carried. 2. Administrative Group Mayor Duncan read Ordinance No. 2212 by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2212 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles arrending section 4 of Ordinance 2l9l defining the fringe benefits for Administrative, Technical and Clerical (non-union) Personnel employed by the City of Port Angeles for the year 1982. COuncilman Hordyk noved the COuncil adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title; COuncilman Haguewood seconded and the !lOtion carried, Councilman GerJ::;erding voted "No". XII ADJOtlRNMENT Mayor Duncan adjOUTIled the meeting at 10:50 P.M. ~(j,~ City Clerk ~LHI4~A- \' ORDINANCE NO, 2211 ' I AN ORDINANCE 01 t~e City Council 01 the City of Port Angeles, providing for an odilJstment in. t~e w~ges of the i em loyee. repre.ented by ISEW Locol '1'/7 In the Llg~'.Depo't, I me~t and the Equipment Rental ~h(iston of t~e AdminIstratIVe ~ Services Department for 'the period of April 1, 1982 through March 31, 1983, ond declaring 0 public emergency. " WHEREAS under out~ority of RCW 35A.S3.1Q5, the CIty IS i (luthorized to ma~e on annual adjustment f.o~ ~mployees of the-Lighf Deportment end Equtpment Rental DIVISion; and I. WHEREAS. p"rsuonl fo f~e provisions of the 1982.1983 !obor , Agreement between th~ City of Port Angeles and the CI.ty of I Port Angeles Employees.' lOCI:d Union No. 997, Internafl~mal I~ 'Brotherhood of Electrical Worke.rs. Article l. 2., such on adlust. ~ ment is provided for; and, 983' . WHEREAS, such on adiustment tor the year 1982-1 l!lo In the best interests 01 the City; 0 NCIL NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED 8Y THE CITY C U ; OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES os follows: . ~ Section 1, Ellective April I , 19S2 throug~ March ?1~ 1~1~:: . eluding and retroactive to tl1at ~ate, the wQ~es ~ t e 0 ing designated position$ are adlusted .as fol ows. h . . PO$ition Percent of Lmemo~ 1B2~~';.ro fer 16~9; . Ltne FOf"eman 100% 15.08 lineman ,.Apprentice Lin.eman!Meterman lst.step 2nd step 3rd step 4th step ; 5th step 6t~ sfep t Eqvipment Operator ~ Head Groundman i Groun.dman Inspector I Meter~Journeyman , Worehousemon Wireman EQUlPMI:NT RENTAL DIVISION Blo/. 12.21 Mec~onic 65.2% 9.83 Maintenance Man fP 't A I sot a ~ASSED by Ihe City. Council 01 the City 0 or nge d 1 ~, rogulQr. me~t~ng-o( the City Council he~d o.n the 20th oy 0 'April, 1982. . Dorothy Duncan Mayor 75% . 78% 81% 84% 90% 95% 1l'l.5% 82,5%' 78% , 100% 1000/.. 87% 100% ATTEST: Morif;ln C. Par.risn, . City Clerk , APPROVED AS TO FORM: 06--.C.-oigl. Mille-r, Ot)' Attorney Pub.: Al'r;t 27,1982 11.31. 11.76 12.21 12.67 13.57 14.SS 1S,5O 12,4. 11,76 15.08 15,OS IS,12 15.08 ORDINANCE NO. 2212 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles amending Sec- tion 4 of Ordinance 2191 defining the fringe benefits. fo.- Administrative, Technicol and e'erical (non.union) Per. sonnel em'played'by .;he, City of Port Ange]ei~for tne yeor 1982. SE IT ORDAINED BY THE CI. TYCOUNCll OF Tlll' CITY O~ PORT ANGELES, as"lollows: Secnon 1. Section .. of Or. dinance 2191 is hereby amended to read as follows: Tl1at os of January 1, 1982, the Fringe benefits. for Ad- ministrative. TechOlcClI and Clerkat {non-union) perso~- nql shall be as set for-tl1 10 'I amended Schedule B. dated I Ap,i1 20, 1982. attached to t"ls ordinance and made a part thereof by refere~ce. Fr- inge benefits shall mclude mandatory reqlJiremeots of stote and federal 9overnm~nt on retirement programs. Sick leave vocotion, holidays. o.,d ~edlcal. 1:tental ond op- tica' insurance. Se<:tion 2, This. ordinance s"oll toke effect as provided by ~~~SED by the City Council of t~e City 01 Port Angeles 01 o regular meeting of the I Council ~eld on the 20th day of April, 1982. Dorothy Duncan MAYOR ATTEST: Marion C. Parrisl1, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Croig L. Miller. ~~l.~~~:~e{7, 19iti , " I I I