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Port Angeles, Washington
April 20, 1999
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Braun called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Braun, Councilmembers Campbell, Doyle,
McKeown, and Williams.
Members Absent: Councilmembers Hulett and Wiggins.
Staff Present: Manager Ibarra, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B. Becker,
B. Collins, K. Godbey, J. Pittis, T. Smith, Yvonne
Ziomkowski, J. Hicks, G. Kenworthy, and T. Riepe.
Public Present: T. Harmon and L. Lee.
Interview Applicants for The City Council interviewed the following applicants to fill vacancies on the Planning
Vacancies on City Boards Commission: Frank McPhee, Bob Philpott, and Theresa Schmid.
and Commissions
ADJOURN - SPECIAL Mayor Braun adjourned the Special Meeting at 5:50 p.m.
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Braun called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Braun, who then asked for a
ALLEGIANCE: moment of silence for the Columbine High School students in Littleton, Colorado.
CEREMONIAL 1. Proclamation Recognizing May 3 - 7, 1999, as Public Service Recognition
Mayor Braun read a proclamation recognizing May 3 - 7, 1999, as Public Service
Public Service Recognition Recognition Week. Manager Ibarra recognized the services provided by public
Week employees and noted that the City's service luncheon would be held during Public
Service Recognition Week.
Deer Park Gateway Project 2. Presentation by Rich James Regarding Deer Park Gateway Project
Tim Smith, Economic Development Director, introduced Rich James, Clallam County
Senior Planner.
Rich James, Clallam County Senior Planner, 2813 E. Bay Street, gave a slide
presentation which demonstrated the Gateway Project. Mr. James noted this project
was unique, as the partnership is between the City, County, Clallam Transit, Olympic
National Park, and the Elwha S'Klallam, Jamestown Klallam and Quileute Tribes. Mr.
James described where the Gateway would be located and how it would be accessed.
- 1 -
April 20, 1999
Deer Park Gateway Project He stated the Gateway would contain a Transit shelter and 25 paved parking spaces for
(Cont'd) the users of the Olympic Discovery Trail, as well as restrooms and interpretive signs.
This project would also allow for a park-and-ride facility with a pedestrian overpass
connecting the two sides of the highway.
Mr. James discussed what kinds of signs could be utilized, the type of information they
would contain, and where they might be located. Mr. James suggested landscape
architects and sign companies be asked to present proposals for the site.
Funding packages were then discussed, and Mr. James explained the sources of funding
thus far how the money would be spent. Charrently, there is a $91,000 shortfall, and Mr.
James explained that grants would be pursued. He stated those working on the project
would like to form a Design Review Commission, and he asked for the assignment of
one Council representative. As there was not a full Council in attendance, the
representative will be chosen at a future meeting.
Mayor Braun thanked Mr. James for his presentation.
WORK SESSION: 1. 1998 Year-End Financial Report
2. Quarterly Financial Report for Period Ending March 31, 1999
1998 Year-End Financial
Report Director Godbey gave a powerpoint presentation summarizing the information provided
in the packet. She stated the General Fund did well in 1998, as revenues exceeded
Quarterly Financial Report budget by $1 million. Director Godbey explained how and why this occurred.
Through March 31, 1999
In reviewing the sales tax.figures, Director Godbey indicated this tax is the most
Five-Year Financial difficult to estimate; she noted the spike in sales tax for 1998 was the result of new
Forecast construction. In 1999, sales tax is decreasing as construction declines. Councilmember
McKeown asked for a sales tax report less construction, which Director Godbey will
Director Godbey reviewed expenditures by department and stated the City was within
0.1% unexpended. She explained that the net increase in Fund balance for 1998 was
slightly over $800,000; the Fund balance is now estimated at $3.1 million. Director
Godbey then presented a breakdown of Fund balance. She reminded the Council that
they opted to designate $1 million from the Fund balance to fund the Capital
Improvement Program. The 1999 budget deficit, which consists of Capital Outlay, will
be financed from the 1998 surplus, and the estimated fund balance at the end of 1999
will be $2.6 million.
Hotel/Motel taxes were reviewed with Director Godbey comparing 1997 to 1998, when
the tax was increased to four percent. She noted that this tax has risen by about three
percent, which may be an indication that the tourism programs funded by these dollars
are beginning to work.
Director Godbey reviewed the Light Fund and displayed a graph which compared Port
Angeles rates with eleven other cities. She noted that, on the average, Port Angeles
utility rates are approximately 60% lower than the other listed utilities. Director
Godbey also reviewed Water/Wastewater and Solid Waste Funds.
Director Godbey noted the packet contained summary numbers for the quarter ended
March 31, 1999. She stated that all expenditures and revenues are on target for the first
quarter. She then responded to questions and provided clarification.
3. Five-Year Financial Forecast
Director Godbey stated the five-year forecast had been updated with 1998 actual
April 20, 1999
WORK SESSION: revenue and expenses. Using the actual data, as well as trend analysis, staff provides
(Cont'd) a forecast as to where expenses will be in five years. There will be an infusion of tax
dollars in the year 2000, as City Hall will be paid off.
1998 Year-End Financial
Report At Councilmember McKeown's request, Director Godbey explained why the forecast
for Workers' Compensation claims is so high. She stated this program is being
Quarterly Financial Report analyzed, as it may be more cost effective not to self insure this program. Director
Through March 31, 1999 Godbey went on to review the five-year forecast and explained how the numbers were
determined. Based on the assumption that expenses will continue to outpace revenue,
Five-Year Financial in five years there will be less than $1 million in reserves. Ms. Godbey responded to
Forecast (Cont'd) questions and provided additional clarification.
Investment Report
Yvonne Ziomkowski, City Treasurer, presented the investment review. Ms.
Ziomkowski stated the City's investments were very safe and comply with the three
major objectives of safety, liquidity, and yield. In 1998, the yield was approximately
5.8%, or about $1.7 million. The return for March was slightly less, as the interest rates
went down.
Ms. Ziomkowski explained that the City's investments are diversified based on types
and maturities. Currently, the portfolio is heavily invested in the U.S. Government
agencies because the yield is higher than the U.S. Treasury and CD's. Ms. Ziomkowski
noted that approximately $500,000 mature each month and went on to describe the
Treasury Yield Curve for 1999 as compared to 1998.
Ms. Ziomkowski then eXPlained GASB 31, which she described as a controversial
statement issued by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). She
explained that, at the end of the year, she must convert all securities to fair market value
and report this plus interest on the Statement of Revenues and Expenditures. Ms.
Ziomkowski stated this did not present a mae picture. Had this been done in 1994, it
would appear the City suffered a loss of about $500,000, when there was no loss at all.
Ms. Ziomkowski responded to questions and provided clarification.
FINANCE: 1. Award Bid for Traffic Maintenance Material
Traffic Maintenance Mayor Braun reviewed thc information provided by thc Public Works Department and
Material asked Director Pittis for additional input, which he provided.
Councilmember McKeown moved to declare the Core Products, Inc. bid as non-
responsive due to lack of bid bond and non-collusion affidavit and award the bids
as follows: To Zumar Industries: Sign Blanks - $3815.02; Reflective Signs -
$1417.81; Sign Border Tapes and Radii - $210.36; Sign Fastening Hardware -
$625.82; Sign Banding Hardware - $901.12; Safety Warning Signs - $1301.81;
Reflective Signs. - $1716.15. To Universal Die-Cut Corp.: Die-Cut Sign Letters -
$429.81. To Hall Sign and Post -Sign Support Hardware - $365.78. To Traffic
Safety Supply Co. - Sign Supports -$3988.09. To Newman Traffic Signs: Raw
Aluminum Sign Blanks - $318.84 and Anti-Theft Nuts - $302.12. All amounts are
plus tax. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
April 20, 1999
4°~ St. Reconstruction and 2. Award Bid for 4th Street Reconstruction and l~'ne Street Retaining Wall Repair
Pine St. Retaining Wall
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department and
asked Director Pittis for additional input, which he provided. Councilman Doyle asked
if the project was delayed due to FEMA's inactivity, and Gary Kenworthy, City
Engineer, responded af£u-matively.
Councilman Campbell moved to accept the bid from Primo Construction in the
amount of $9,717.21 for the Fourth Street reconstruction and the bid from Horizon
Construction in the amount of $30,921.00 for the Pine Street retaining wall repair
and authorize the Mayor to execute the respective construction contracts.
Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Asphalt Paving and 5-Year 3. Award Bid for 1999 Asphalt Paving and Five-Year Pavement Management
Pavement Management Program
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department.
Director Pittis distributed a written report to the Council, describing the bid received for
this program. He then reviewed the information contained in the packet. Referring to
Page 44 of the packet, Director Pittis reviewed the streets which would be overlayed or
chip sealed from 1999 through the year 2003. He stated this program is in addition to
regular street maintenance such as pothole patching.
. Director Pittis informed the Council that the Street employees have met with
Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) employees to learn new
patching techniques. WSDOT has made a new grinder available to the City, and it will
be used in repairing the 8th Street corridor as well as other areas. He continued the
review of street improvements and explained what the improvements would entail.
Director Pittis noted that this program did not cover any of the City's alleys, and some
of the commercial alleys should be ranked and addressed in the future.
Director Pittis informed the Council that only one bid had been received, thus Lakeside
Industries was the lowest responsible bidder for asphalt paving. He explained how staff
decided which streets, would be repaired and how much money would be dedicated to
the project. Director Pittis recommended the contract be awarded to Lakeside.
Discussion followed, and Director Pittis responded to questions and provided
clarification. Director Pittis thanked Manager Ibarra for making streets one of the
budget priorities in 1999.
Councilman Doyle moved to award thc bid for 1999 asphalt paving to Lakeside
Industries in the amount of $241,885.00. Counciimember MeKeown seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilmember McKeown moved to accept the Consent Agenda, including: 1) City
Council.minutes - April 6, 1999; 2) Voucher list - April 14, 1999 - $1,210,365.22; 3)
Out-of-state travel request for electrical engineer; 4) Travel request for American
Planning Association National Conference for Senior Planner and Planning CommissiOn
member; 5) Change Orders #2 and/14 for Landfill; and 6) Appointments to Senior
Center Board. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried
Break Mayor Braun recessed the meeting for a break at 8:l0 p.m. The meeting reconvened
at 8:30 p.m.
April 20, 1999
CITY COUNCIL Councilman Doyle attended a Pavement restoration meeting.
REPORTS: Councilman Williams attended an RTPO meeting and took part in a discussion
regarding a tollagain being placed on the Hood Canal Bridge.
Councilman Campbell attended a Public Outreach meeting for the Morse Creek/Elwha
watershed planning.
Mayor Braun read the "Drag Free Washington" proclamation at Stevens Middle School.
He, along with Manager Ibarra and Councilman Wiggins, attended a joint meeting with
the Port and the Vice President of Rayonier to discuss the future of the Rayonier mill
site. Also, Mayor Braun met with the Auditors and received a brief report on the status
of the City, attended a Clallam Transit retreat, and the Mayors' meeting.
Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings - None.
City Council 1999 Goals Resolutions
Resolution No. 6-99
1. Resolution approving City Council Goals for 1999
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the City Manager and asked
Manager Ibarra for additional information, which he provided. Manager Ibarra felt the
goals and objectives identified by Council are aggressive and ambitious, and he looked
forward to meeting the objectives by year-end. Mayor Braun read the Resolution by
title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City
of Port Angeles, Washington, adopting the
1999 goals and objectives.
Councilman Williams moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Councilman
Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Policy for Payment of 2. Resolution Revising Policy for Payment of Expenses at Certain City Functions
Expenses at Certain City
Functions Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the City Attorney's office and
Resolution No. 7-99 asked Attorney Knutson for additional input. Attorney Knutson pointed out that, as a
result of Council input at the last meeting, the Resolution has been modified by adding
a "not to exceed" dollar amount. Mayor Braun read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City
of Port Angeles, Washington, revising the City's
policy for payment of expenses at certain City
functions and rescinding Resolution No. 19-91.
Councilman Doyle moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Couneilmember
McKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Final Assessment Hearing 3. Resolution Setting Final Assessment Hearing Date for Golf Course Road
for LID #215 Sewer LID #215
Resolution No. 8-99
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department and
April 20, 1999
Final Assessment Hearing asked Director Pittis for additional information, which he provided. Mayor Braun read
for LID #215 the Resolution by title, entitled
Resolution No. B-99
(Cont'd) RESOLUTION NO. 8-99
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City
of Port Angeles, Washington, fixing the time
and place of hearing upon the assessment roll
for Local Improvement District No. 215, which
the City intends to convert to a Utility Local
Improvement District.
Councilman Campbell moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Councilman
Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Consultant Contract - Other Considerations
Tumwater Street
1. Consultant Contract for Tumwater Street Slide Repair Design
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department and
asked Director Pittis for additional input, which he provided. Gary Kenworthy, City
Engineer, responded to questions posed by the Council. At Councilman Doylc's
request, Mr. Kenworthy explained that design and repair can take place now and, if
FEMA funding is granted, thc bills forWarded to them at that time.
Director Pittis explained that this is not a lifeline roadway, and there was not initial
insurance that this project would be eligible for FEMA funding. By approving this
tonight, thc City would be able to move forward and complete thc engineering portion
of the project risking only $33,000 of City funds. It is hoped that, by the time thc
design is completed, staff will have a truer picture as to whether funding will bc
available for approximately 87% assistance.
Mayor Braun thanked Manager Ibarra and staff for moving on this project in a timely
Councilman Doyle moved to authorize the City Manager to enter into an
agreement with the firm of Milbor-Pita & Associates in an amount not to exceed
$33,000 to provide engineering design services for repair of the Tumwater Street
slide. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Landfill Status 2. Landfill Status Report
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department and
asked Director Pittis for additional input. Director Pittis reviewed the role of the Solid
Waste Advisory Committee. He stated that, in order to move forWard, a date must be
set as to when the Port Angeles landfill will close and another method of refuse disposal
begun. Director Pittis reviewed the method used to arrive at the date of December 31,
2006, as the final date to accept municipal solid waste at the landfill, and he reviewed
the City's three landfill closure options outlined in the packet.
April 20, 1999
Landfill Status Discussion followed, and it was noted that the compost facility would remain open after
(Cont'd) the landfill closed. Councilman Doyle moved to establish December 31, 2006, as the
final date that municipal solid waste is accepted at the Port Angeles Landfill.
Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
INFORMATION: Manager Ibarra noted an error in the June meeting report, the time of Jack Pittis'
retirement party should read 6:00 p.m.
Search for Public Works The list of candidates has been reduced from nine to five. Interviews are scheduled for
& Utility Director May 12 and 13, 1999.
Government & Education Clerk Upton reviewed the information provided in the packet. Clerk Upton explained
Channel Advisory that, by obtaining new software which is PC based, the character generated messages
Committee will be far more professional in appearance, as well as user friendly. Manager Ibarra
noted that Clerk Upton did an excellent job on the calendar and programming for
Channel 21.
Manager Ibarra reported he would be out of the office from April 21 returning April 26,
1999, and Director Pittis will be in charge during his absence.
At Manager Ibarra's request, Director Pittis reviewed the status of a clean-up day,
scheduled for Sunday, June 13, 1999, as well as the Co-op Sidewalk program.
Discussion followed regarding the sidewalk program. Director Pittis also provided
updates on the status of the 'T' Street sidewalk project.
Personnel Justification - Manager Ibarra reviewed the information contained in the packet. By consensus, the
Police Dept. - Records Council agreed that efforts should proceed to replace the Police Records Specialist.
Police Monthly Report Councilmember McKeown asked about the item regarding the transporting of sassafras
oil. Deputy Chief Riepe stated that the case has been turned over to Federal authorities
for investigation.
City Pier Welcome Sign Councilmember McKeown asked if Council could see a picture of this sign at its next
meeting. Director Brodhun stated he would bring a replica of the sign for Council's
ADJOURN TO Mayor Braun adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 9:35 p.m. for
EXECUTIVE SESSION: approximately sixty to ninety minutes to discuss items of real estate, personnel, and
RETURN TO The meeting returned to Open Session at 11:25 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 11:25 p.m.
B~cky~. l)l~n, ~ Clerk/--- ]Gary l~r~un, Mayor