HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/21/1948 440 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington April 21, 19~ :> The Corrnnission met in regular session at 10,00 A.f.!., and Vias called to order by Mayor Epperson. Officers 1lPre'Sent were: Mayor Epperson, Commissioners Steale and Johnson, Attorney Wilson, and Clerk Law. I ' 'If.inutes of the previous session were read and approved. I'cn~er the head of applications for building permits the following were granted: · II soo ~ H. 'J. Levick' Build 2-Car Garage; Lot 15, Blk. 102, Townsite Jack DelGuzzi Build 4-Room Dwelling; Lot 3, 3lk. 551, Townsite W. Forsman Put in Foundation, Remodel Roof, Add 5 Ft. to Back of House; Lot 1, Blk. 1, William & Cramer Add. Remodel, Add 2 Rooms to Present Dwelling; Lot 4, 91k. 1, P.S.C.C. Construct Partition in Existing bldg.; Lot 10, Blk. 22, N.R.Smith Add. Remodel, Build l-Car Garage, Build Green House; Lots 1-4, Blk. 1, Cains 21 Remodel Front of House; Lot 5, 31k. 23, N.R. Smith Add. Repair Existing Garage; Lot 9, Blk. 6, Lewis & lIastick Add. Remodel & Addition to Present Store; Lot 10, Blk. 225, T<>vmsi te 800.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 500 .00 500.00 1,500.00' 100.00' 100.00 1,200.00 Prices I, ,Max Kunkel lie. 1(. Archer ~o\tis V. Sommerville 'Il. 'R. Hale Jack Gehrke Ed 'Herman 'Under the head of unfinished business, the bids to furnish one light service truck were considered. 'quoted were: Schrewer Chevrolet Co., $1,718.81; Janish ~;otor Co. $1,768.07. It was moved by Mayor Epperson that the bid submitted by Schreiner Chevrolat Co. be accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Steele. All voted Aye. Motion carried. ,\", l' .0 l {. II .\:011"" "h' 111'1",,11,' g"1\'l'l! ,lhl.t1 ,1)~<..lk' Dids for t~ransformers for the Light Department were opened as follows: Westing- 1-~~ilill~:'>:t~:"',I,~I'-rl.{,;Jr .~~;'~t'tr~;,';~'~~~~.\- house Electric Supply .co., $608.00 each; Line l1aterial Co. $672.00 each. It was ~!:f.~:I~~<l:~~\tl~::\b~~~t)'1l \~;~,., .{'pr{::>,,;~ moved by Conunissioner Steele that Supt. Lean check catalogue nwnbers to verify I J~II)o.. to fllnli,.h [OT t.ll\' .LI", It . .. li"Il!H'tIlH'llt.' :j...ILI11, 1,\.\ 1.1':ln~ b1.ds and award to lowest b~dder. Mot~on seconded b;r Ma;}ror Epperson. All voted , m::,:,;;;l:::;::~":II~~~:j'::::::::::':::::'I~~':::, ~ye. Motion carried. " II !I ['Ulo""";'; ,\',',,,,,',", "', j,1<, under the head of new business, Mr. E. A. Stewart of Port Angeles !.Iotors, requeste~ permission to install 12 foot driveway for parking lot on West First Street. The I Commission decided to approve permit for breaking curb if property owners would agree to replace curb when there is no further need for driveway. 'JAr. Stewart, as property owner, agreed to sign permit as requested. Mr. stewart also informed of inconvenience caused by trucks parking in their driveways and suggested that COlr.mercial zones be established. The matter was referred to Chief Ide for consideration. Mr. Venable informed the Commission that plans are being made for establishing a Y.M.C.A., and a drive is underway for support of the same. Mr. Johnson confirmed personal approval of the Commission, but informed that the COJunission 2S a Civic body could not sanction the drive. l{.r. Venable also informed that the ,Chamber of Commerce requests that ways and means be arranged to send a representative to Washington D.C., April 28th, when the National awards for fire prevention will be presented. The 6hamber suggested that the Fire Chief Wolverton be sent as representative from this City. The Commission decided to discuss with Chie f Wolverton. Attorney Doherty appeared before the commission regarding cancellation of lease with U. S. of America for a west portion of Lincoln Park and re-leasing the same to Clallam County Airport. The Commission and 'officials decided to make survey of property and decide at later date. A supplemental agreement between the U.S. Government and the City was discussed by the Commission. The iagreement provides for extension of the term of lease number Vr04-l93-eng-475l on a 20 foot strip of land in IN.E. quarter of the II.E. quarter, Section 10, Township 50 North, Range 7 W., W.M. After due consideration, it was moved by :Commissioner Johnson that the said Supplerrental Agreement be approved and signed by the Commission. Seconded by Mayor Epperson. On roll call all members voted Aye. The llayor declared the motion carried. IA petition signed by seven property owners was read before the Commission requesting vacation of that portion of West Fourth Street between C and D Streets. _"-fter due consideration, the following resolution fixing date for hearing of petition Vias introduced: RESOLUTION FIXING T1ME FOR HEARING PETITION ro VACATE PORTION OF STREET I WHEREAS, CHARLES W. SCHMIDT, CHARLES LIND, I'ARGARET S. LIND, CHARLES W. SELLlll, MARANDA A. SELLIN, GLENFORD ;..I. MCI.'.AHAN AND 1:RS. DOROTHY A. MCMAHAN, have made and filed their petition with the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles requesting the vacation of the following portion of a street vnthin the City of Port Angeles, to-vtit: That portion of West Fourth Street between "C" and "D" Streets in said City, on which a1:ut the follovnng described lots, to-lVit: Lots One (1) to Ten (10), both inclusive, in Block One Hundred and Nine (109); and Lots Eleven (11) to Twenty (20), both inclusive, in Block One Hundred and Ten (110), Townsite of Port Angeles, AlID, WHEREAS, rr,ore than two-thirds of the pr;;,vate property owners, to-wit: All of the private owners of property abutting on said portion of said street sought to be vacated, except the owners of Lots Six (6), Seven (7) and Eight (8), have signed the petition. NOIY, THEREFORE, BE IT RESO:n;VED, that Wednesday, the 19th day of May, 1948, at 10 o'clock A.II.. of said day, at the COllUnissioners' room of the Fire Department Building at Port Angeles, Washington, at the regular meeting of said COllUnission, be and the same is hereby fixed for hearing and determination of the said 1'lPetition, at which time all persons having any interest therein, may appear or make and file any objections Ithereto. BE IT FuRTHER RESOLVED, that the ,City Clerk be, and he is hereby instructed to give twenty (20) days notice of the time and place of hearing on said petition by posting as is required by the laws of the State of Washington, including Section 9297 of Remington I 8 Revised Statutes of Washington. ~Passed by the City 'Corrnnission and signed by the Mayor the 21st day of April, 1948. It was moved by Commissioner Johnson that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by }.'eyor Epperson. All m€lllbers voted Aye. Motion carried. I I I ,. .i;o J I II II II -\!I;.:" o~ - Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 441 ~ April 21. continued, 19~ _,. __',K"~~'_ _P', '"'' ~ j IN Tfl.E MATTER OF THE VACATION OF ) IMT PORTION OF WEST FOURTH STREET) I BETWEEN "c" AND "D" STREETS IN THE ) I. CITY OF PORT ANGELES, VlASHING71lN. ) I INOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on April 14, 1948, a petition was filed with the City Clerk of the City of !port Angeles, Washington, executed by Charles W. Schmidt, and other IJi'mers of abutting property, requesting' I' tJie vacation by the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, of the following described portion of I Fourth Street in the City of Port Angeles, Washington, to-wit: Ii ,I NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION TO VACATE , ,I That portion of Fourth Street lying between "c" and "D" Streets, on which abut the following described Lots, to-wit: Lots one (1) to Ten (10). both inclusive, in Block One Hundred and Nine (109); and Lots Eleven (11) to Tvrenty (20), both inclusive, in Block One Hundred and Ten (110), Townsite of Port Angeles, Clallam County, Washington. ' I iThat said petition was signed by all of the property owners on lots abutting on said portion of said street,1 I,except the owners of lots six (6), and seven (7), and eight (8). I ' I .~You are further notified that Wednesday, the 19th day of May, 1948, at 10 o'clock A.1I. of said day, at the l I Cit.y Commissioners room in the Fire Department Building at Port Angeles, Washington, at the regular meeting , ! of said COJlillission, has been fixed as a time and place for the hearing on said petition to vacate. I i lHl persons having objections to the vacation of said portion of said street are hereby notified to be ,I present at said time and place and make or rile their objections. I This notice is given under and by virtue of resolution of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, I passed the 21st day of ~pril, 1948. J. E. Law, City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles , IN THE WATTER OF THE VACATION OF ) THAT PORTION OF \'lEST FOURTH STREET) 'BETWEEN "c" AND "D" STREETS IN THE ) CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON. ) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING STATE OF WASHINGIDN ) ~ ) ss. I COUNTY OF CLALLAJ.1 ) Paul T. Poulsen, being first dul:: sworn on oath, dcposes and says: That at all times herein referred to, I' Ihe was and is now over the age of twenty-one years, a resident of Port Angeles, Clallar. County, State of : 'Washington and a citizen of the United States and of the State of Washington; that on the 21st day of April,l ., 1948, he posted four true and complete copies of the original notice of hearing on application to vacate I Ijthat portion of Fourth Street in the City of Port Angeles above described; that he posted said notices at .'1 I the following places all in the City of Port Angeles, Ca.allam County, Washington: I One in the lobb~. of the first floor in the Courthouse; one at the entrance to the City hall on the Southeast' I corner of Front and Oak Streets; one in the lobby of the Courthouse on the floor in which the SUperior 1 l:court is held and one in a conspicuous place on Fourth Street between "c" and "D" Streets, which is sought ,I II to be vacated in the petition filed in the above matter. " 'I r Paul T. Poulson i I Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st day of April, 1948. Betty M. Church, Notary Public in and for the State of Washington; residing at Port Angeles. the following claims, and ordered warrants issued in payment of the ,The Commission examined and approved I: same: I ~1 I CURRENT EIO'ENSE FUND, 77- J. W. Laven The Ol;Ylllpic Printery Steve 's Service City Treasurer Olympic Laundry & Cleaners ,Smith Ice & Bottling Works J OAASOn & Bork 33 CITY STREET FUND: /:;_ City Treasurer Isamuelson Motor Co. Allan Dist. Co. , hi' 1 WATER FUND: 1/-/9- ISeattle Plumbing Supply CO. Puget Sound Navigation Co. i'Marckmann & Williams Li. C. Bland 111M. M. Lory ;z/ SANITATION FUND: :l 0 r "- I Fredriksen & Conrad Covering & Cleaning Gravel 'Samuelson Motor Co. Pump, Autopulse, etc. PARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: C. ': r Puget Sound Navigation Co. Frt. 69137, 69158, 65645 Refund Duplicate & Cancelled Plbg. Permits Adm. Tax Sta tement s; Criminal He cords, Yellow Five Quarts Oil Cash for Money Order Laundry 2 Cases Paper Towels Paint I I 10.00 Pads 21. 99 2.00 2.95 12.55 10.30 17.73 .50 I 8.59 6.49 i i 27.771 2.36 145.12 ,I 46.82 197.61 " I 195.501 15.71 6.59 I I ...4 ! Application for Refund Permit One Re cap Stove Oil Fittings Frt. Chgs., Fittings Pipe Pipe Locator -.......... 69750, 69522 Pit, Labor ,.. 442 April 21, continued, Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19~ ILIGHT WND: ;Z3Z:?.... 'Olympic Printery McGraw-Hill Book Go. IISannJ.e lson Moto r Co. Port Angeles Evening News Port Angeles Thrift Store Mrs. Sam Hand line Material Co. IIMaydwell & Hartzell Byron Winter Graybar Electric Co. Su pplie s Book Repairs Adv. Supplies Poles Connector s Insulators Transformers Switch, Drawbar PARK FUND: .J /, (j 7 II Seattle Radio Supply, Inc. One Webster Chicago Record Charger Samuelson Motor 'Co. Vulcanize Pitchers Plate sO CURRENT EIPENSE, CUMUIATIVE RESERVE WND: S/, Byron A. Campbell Building New Steps at 110 West 5th St. I There being no fUrther business, the session was declared adjourned. 0, E; Xa-ur (j City Clerk 0ZuJ ..... uJ~, I 80.55, 5.60 155.61' 4.081 1.71, 504.29' 14.09 26.20; 1,500.00 59.98, 50.06 1.05 51.50 ~~ Mayor , I I I I ,I '1- ! ' " ~." \"