HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/21/1960 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington April 21 , 196~ l. a. H f>R1NTmG eo. P_24U4 ~ I II'he City Council met in regular session at 7:30 p.m. and was called to order by Mayor Richardson. Other IOWcers present were: Councelmen Sandison, Maxfield, Thome and Caldwell, Manager Slankard, Attorney IMoffett and Clerk Law. I, ~t was moved by Councilman Maxfield that minutes of the previous meeting be approved and placed on file. II Iseconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. I IMinutes of the Planning Commission dated Apr1112, 1960 were read. It appears that Del Guzzi Construction, I iirnc. applied for permission to construct a fireproof roof accress the alley from Aggie's Motel-Office to the !'new construction. The Planning Commission recommended that the application be approved provided that !'clearance comply with State Highway Standards of thirteen feet, six inches. It was moved by Councilman [""caldwell that recommendation be approved if the construction complies with the State Code. Secondedby Councilman Maxfield and carried. I I, I ' fThe Mayor accepted, on behalf of the City, Achievement Award from the Northwest Public Power Association, for this City having a Power Rate of less than one cent per Kilowatt Hour. :,'1 l' : jThe Manager informed the Council that the City is required to renew all radio equipment not later than August i, 1960 to comply with Federal Communication Commission regulations. Estimated cost of equipment renewal i! !^'ould be $18,000.00. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that specifications be prepared and call for bidsll published. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. J' I ' n was moved by Councilman Maxfield that the City enter into agreement for an Architect to prepare prelimina I' 'plans for a service garage for the Ught Department and other City Departments. Seconded by Councilman I, I - I! taldwell and carried. , Iii ,George Madison having requested that purchase price be set on Lots 1 to 10 inclusive, in Block 357, the ii' ',Mayor appointed Appraisal Committe to investigate. Those appointed were Councilman Caldwell and Maxfiel4, 'assisted by the Mayor. 'I:' '1 I : 1 I, ,Engineer Warder recommended that the Council consider purchase of 2, acres adjoining the Morse Creek grav~f :pit, thereby assuring adequate supply of road material. Purchase price is $6,300.00. It was moved by II' I " ',Councilman Caldwell that recommendation be accepted and property purchased. Seconded by Councilman ,I ,Sandison and carried. 1'1 '~ : ['Request having been made that slow signs be placed in the Vicinity of Eunice and Georgiana Streets, a traffic I!survey was conducted by the Police Department. Due to results of said survey, the Police Chief recommended it, hat request be denied. It was moved by Councilman Maxfield that recommendation be accepted and request II I,denied. Seconded by Councilman Thome and carried. i l'It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the Council authorize publication_of call for bids for rehabilitation il lof the power line in the Alley between Front and First Streets and from Oak St reet to the first pole East of I :'Uncoln Street, by installation of poles, wiring, transformers, etc. Motion seconded by Councilman Thome ::and carried. liThe Council considered a change order for installation of cast iron pipe under the water reservoirs instead of , Ilsteel pipe. The added cost being only $417.54, and the Water Superintendent having recommended the change, 1I,.:it was moved by Coun~ilman Caldwell that the change order be approved as requested. Seconded by counCil-:1 Iman Maxfield and carrIed. ,'An agreement from the State Highway Commission was submitted for furnishing State Personnel to inspect ' ;Asphaltic concrete plant and street paving operations in L.I. D. No. 179. The State to furnish up to four State :Inspectors during the laying of pavement at a total cost to the project of approximately' $l,BOO.OO. It was :1 'moved by Councilman Thorne, seconded by Councilman Maxfield, that the agreement be entered into with the i :State Highway Commission for the sum of approximately $1,800.00, and that the Mayor be authorized to sign ',the Agreement. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 3-60 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles authorizing and directing the Director of Highways to furnish State personnel to inspect asphaltic concrete plant and street operations for street improvements to the amount of eighteen " hundred dollars ($I,BOO.OO). : !'Departmental reports were submitted for approval as follows: Treasurer's Financial report, Police, Fire report~, :Budget reports of receipts and expenditures. It was moved by Councilman Sandison that all reports be accept": II ed and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried. 'I It was moved by Councilman Th'orne that claims payable be approved and paid in amounts of: General Funds, ~I :$B, 741.50, Water Fund, $6,B90.88,Pipeline Fund, $79.53, Light Fund, $33,019.93. Motion seconded by :1 I Councilman Caldwell and carried. :Ii r I ;It was moved by Councilman Sandison, seconded by Councilman Maxfield, that the Water operating statement,ll' and work report, and the Light operating statement and work report be approved and f!led. Motion carried. , :The Council ack~Owledged receipt of the State Examiner's report on activities of the Municipal Water Dept. I covering the period from January 1, 195B to December 31, 1959, which was very favorable. Ii 'The Manager informed that on a,ll sizable contracts a certain amount of change orders are contemplated, and ii' $57,750.00 is provided in the Water Reconstruction Contract to pay the cost of such change orders, but they I would not be allowed if not absolutely necessary. I William Schultz filed protest against the City purchasing Lots 2 to 10 inclusive in Block 14, and using Light i Funds for the same. The Mayor explained that the City plans b consolidate operation and maintenance of City equipment and may consider off-street parking at a later time. [Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was introduced and read in full: ~ I I I I I I I ~ I '1 29 April 21. (cont'd) Proceedings of t~e City Commission of t~e City of Port Angeles, Was~ington 19JJL l. 110 Ii PI1IINTUIC GO. r.H~" ~ ORDINANCE NO. 1457 AN ORDINANCE providing for the renewal of a contract for the sale of industrial water at an agreed price of $50,000.00 annually. It was moved by Councilman Thorne that the foregoing Ordinance be adopted as read. Seconded by Council- man Maxfield and unanimous Iy carried. There being no further business. the meeting was adjourned. 0, G- L~ t1 CITY CLERK NO'l'ICE: or CALL rOB BIDS ) NOTIOEo orAc~;,r~~8~~11 1 CitY" of Port AIllfclu, WlJ.llhing'ton I City of P ~y"'. 1960 I ~O'.f1I~E l~ f.J.liiHBY GJVE~ tl\f~t ~OlI~~I~Wl;~~r~I.:~~~~~NbY t~:~l f1C't\.lcd, \.lids v.;ill h~ r-ccd'verl up to tit,: of Po~t AnS'c]es, \Yash1ngton. up [i:00 IJ dock]. ~1., ~1t\~. lG, HJGQ, ,It b" formed Is the dlgging of holes' lh,\: offi;\: (;.f t~l~ C'lty .:'l~t1<IKCl', 110 H~ rl~~ Office of the City Manager. "\;l'Sl.l'rou, ~tJe~t. Illlt AJlgcle~. l~'O '''-est Front Street, Port Angole~: ~'I~i-;l~l~lg~J,~lnZ'~c~:I,C !~~iJ~~~l:Il.~\J!'(bid~ 'I ;~a~~II;~~oiol~b~VI~hge ~~~k~ necessary I t.o he operu:;u .Ll .UIO 0 iJlIl_k A. 1\1. General sllec!ftcations for all workl ~f~Y :.\!~~ ~~t;~.l)lete rrssr:mhly, COllsIst. ~~bor ~:~st~ll~W:;;len~f f1~;f~~a~~ :~d [ng ot ('h:tSf;If;, budy Hlll1 !addCl' com- e I~ 'If. 1[J1~!; for the Li~ht DeJ [1Ie1<' ready [01. use. ~cc~~,,~;i of the CIty of Port Ange-I I'll: ton t1'\lcl, ctllLS"l>iS with (hml, far ::1'), loc~\t16n of the rp.construC-I" GO re~~1;W]~~:J~[l, to' rcnr llAlc wh~<lI, ~gr ]~I'l':j: si~;et;II;K(1 bf~~~eOlll~~~J ' G ~~.Ji~;(IC'rs 145 11 P Minimum, ~ Lhlcl>fn- -s-treeti, -a:-<lfsla.nce -OC ar>-~ ~ ~~}2c:r~'{ \r~!lsllllllr~i~~~~s with f'lla.l"; I r~'Of,Ioo<L~~~o~O~;f~~. r.1:; r~~r~9~~1 maullted. Bt'1\.kC' lJrCI'.o;ure /ii:uaKā‚¬ land setting 12 4;) foot powel ))ole:5 ~~~L C~L~~~~h~n()untcd Oll ~tl:erlng :,tr:~:j~~d 1 ~~? li S~~~~dIl1y fr~~~~ CauLlnl1 \!ghl~, dimctlonfl] ltghtli, j,stt'Cct lIght v.lre, and 3 No. li "H.Ull 1 [Iff fwd on fI:JShl,ng ]jght~, :O;Pfll'j!darY wires. IllSUI.11 llew transform-, lIght and two rear vtew mirror:. . ers on p.Ole mounts and the neces- ~~l7:::lete unit to be dark blue ,j~ ~~~~?era.~I~aeC~18ir:g O~e~ :~: Lud(]or. to be 32 feN platform tG IViCca to thc new Installation and the gl"ound with Fibreglass top sec- remova.l of all cxlstif1g structures, f HOI1. ~la\'e valve to}) and bottom wires. transformers, guys and polel;, ~ control'" Fle\'utton extension ull(I ~ This being a business district, the ~iWlti~1~~et~ Y~]\.e f~f~l :~1t~~U]l~: ~~~;~IC~e~: ~iut n~~e3::Zic~b~~c~i ~ ~~~r\J~~IT~~~(,I;};~I\ b~ ~~cr~~~: ,;~~~:~~~~~n t;~n~~~::;d d~:c~h;ed~d~ 1 filter for cl('anlng- oll. I A detailed plan of work to be BOdY. to he heavy duty with com part. ;performed may be secured from the. mPflLS fur hot line Hicks, lam]!s, :Llght SupeMntendent at the City tonls 1.'1(". Bou:!, tu be 56" wldtf\ I Hall. The City l...Ight Depa.rtmf'llt I to cover aUlll wb~tJl:-; alld h.ngtll -wIll tu;nl.eb .fill materials, Including to l>e appr()xlmately S6'. O1lfo:tde . pOJ~S', ~lr~ transformers, cross ann'!. ~~~:n:li~~1io ~~~h (~rubeek. palnted. ~~su~~to~:it~~;~ut:;; e~;Oj~~lt ~~eri~ Bidders shall submit a 5% bid C1ty. The City to remove all old IderO~lt with each bid. The City of' mMerln.l from project, Port .\ngeles re~'el.ves the right to Time limit after awa.rd of the pro- accept or l'l:j~('r~ ~~? ~L.~~I~~~I~.D, ;~b\nl~a.~ t% t~d d~~;'os~id~1th ~~~ Cltv Manager bid. Contractor shall carry the nee- lP, ublh<hec1: AJlr!l 28 anu ~ray &, I9[t(l .~~~ w~eU6ra~;e2.ltn~m:]~;'e~~g*,~~ ~ . . City of Port Angeles reserve.'S the II b~~~to~o ~~:otrt~~nr~hee~~o~~Y or all I M. W. SLANKARD, , Ci ty Ma.na.ger Pu!,1i8h~:_ !I!R!-5 ~9~O.~ I