HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/21/2009 e CALL TO ORDER- REGULAR MEETING: ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: PUBLIC CEREMONIES/ PRESENTATIONS: Occupational Therapy Month Proclamation Earth Day Proclamation Certificate of Recognition - Jack Caldicott PUBLIC COMMENT: e 6436 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington April 21, 2009 Mayor Braun called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Members Present: Mayor Braun, Deputy Mayor Wharton, and Councilmembers Di Guilio, Kidd, Perry, Rogers, and Williams. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Myers, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Upton, G. Cutler, T. Gallagher, D. McKeen, N. West, Y. Ziomkowski, P. Lusk, T. Pierce, T. McCabe, and H. Freilich. Public Present: G. Tate, P. Lamoureux, M. Bell, V. Sanstrom, 1. & C. Caldicott, N. & L. Lang, and D. Somerville. All others present in the audience failed to sign the roster. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Councilmember Di Guilio. 1. Occupational Therapy Month Proclamation: Mayor Braun read and presented a proclamation to Linda Williamson, Strait Occupational & Hand Therapy, and Amber Harmon, Crestwood Rehabilitation Center, declaring the month of April, 2009, as Occupational Therapy Month. Wednesday, April 29th, they will pick up food at area businesses for the Helping Hands Food Drive. 2. Earth Day Proclamation: Deputy Mayor Wharton, joined by Mayor Braun and Waste Reduction Specialist Helen Freilich, read a proclamation declaring April 22, 2009, as Earth Day. Ms. Freilich announced upcoming community events in recognition of Earth Day, with a celebration on the Pier on Saturday, and Benefit Dump Day on Sunday. 3. Certificate of Recognition - Jack Caldicott: Waste Reduction Specialist Freilich read and presented a Certificate of Recognition to Jack Caldicott for his outstanding contributions in waste reduction by installing and monitoring food waste compo sting systems in five local schools and one business in 2007 and 2008. Ms. Freilich then answered questions regarding Benefit Dump Day. Gail Tate, President of the Board of Directors of the North Olympic Land Trust, presented information concerning the Land Trust's activities and accomplishments. She noted the Land Trust has preserved over 1,500 acres through conservation land easements. Ms. Tate described arrangements for stewardship, the saving of the Dungeness Creamery in coordination with Friends of the Field, the monitoring of properties, as well as collaboration with others to provide workshops for small woodlands and farmlands. The Land Trust is working with Clallam County on a community driven conservation planning process for the North Olympic Peninsula, as well as with the - 1 - 6437 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 21, 2009 PUBLIC COMMENT: (Cont'd) Cascade Land Conservancy in an effort to be proactive in finding land for conservation and preservation. e Diana Somerville, address not stated, advised the Council she has been working on issues of sustainability and climate for over 40 years. She discussed the great strides taken over recent years in the interest of sustainability and the global climate. She has been writing a column on sustainability in the Peninsula Daily News, and she indicated there is much" happening in the community. Sustainability money is coming from Washington, and there are things they would like the City to consider in terms of placing green information on the City's website, establishing a broader public education program, and adopting a downtown building to be used as a prototype on how to improve energy efficiency. Ms. Somerville suggested the City transform a second story downtown into a green residence. Jim Williams, 232 Eberle, Sequim, shared information on two organizations that were formed in the interest of sustainability. Because of the number of groups working towards sustainability, a network of nodes was formed for the purpose of connecting all of the activities. Each node is an action area, to include transportation, food, and the local economy. The nodes are connected to "Sustainable Peninsula". Mr. Williams reviewed the "Business Alliance for Local Living Economies", indicating they are committed to the concept, buy local/think local. Sam Fox, Associate Planner for Clallam County, 125 Orcas Avenue, presented the Climate Action Plan for Clallam County as adopted earlier in the day by the Clallam County Commissioners. Mr. Fox summarized the process utilized to formulate the plan, something that was written by employee volunteers who served on a Climate Advisory Group. Mr. Fox advised the Council that the County would like to partner with the City to engage in a similar process to determine ways to proceed in the future in doing more with less and to position the entities to enter into partnerships and manage resources. Clea Rome, Coordinator for the North Peninsula Resource Conservation & Development Council, 612 E. 2nd Street, informed the Council that the focus of the NPRC&D is economic and resource development. Ms. Rome commended Mr. Fox for the County's Action Plan, and she encouraged the City to embark on a similar planning process. Ms. Rome indicated the NPRC&D had offered"to pay for area jurisdictions to participate in ICLEI, and she noted the importance of the planning efforts. The NPRC&D is here to support climate action planning. Nancy Lang, 808 Golf Course Road, stated "she is a citizen of the community and the planet, and she cited examples of what individuals can do to contribute to sustainability. Mrs. Lang indicated she and her husband have adopted Ediz Hook by pulling scotch broom, and she felt there is more work that can be done. Larry Lang, 808 Golf Course Road, encouraged the City to facilitate all citizens who have an interest in sustainability by directing them to organizations regarding their personal objectives. Jane Vanderhoof, 585 Wasankari Road, is a farmer and vendor at the Farmer's Market, as well as Vice President of the Farmer's Market Board. Ms. Vanderhoof is also the Chairman of the Site Committee, who is actively looking for a year-round, permanent site for the Farmers Market. She noted the AlA SDA T Team recommended that the Farmers Market be returned to the downtown area, as the Courthouse is not satisfactory for the long term. Ms. Vanderhoof asked that the City work collaboratively with the Market to find the best permanent site for the Market. She advised the Council that the Port Angeles Farmers" Market is one of very few year-round farmers markets in the State. e Paul Lamoureux, 602 Whidby, briefly referenced the Council Retreat and then directed attention to an article in the newspaper regarding earthquakes and tsunamis. He felt the City should again focus on a southern route in and out of the area, as recommended by - 2 - e PUBLIC COMMENT: (Cont'd) WORK SESSION: AlA SDA T Grant Break PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: 2009 Grant Opportunities - Port Angeles Police Department e CITY COUNCIL MEETINQ April 21, 2009 6438 the Port Angeles Forward Committee. Mr. Lamoureux urged the Council to start the process. 1. American Institute of Architects SDAT (Sustainable Design Assessment Team) Grant: Community & Economic Development Director West presented recommendations submitted by the American Institute of Architects Sustainable Design Assessment Team. At the conclusion of their March visit, they presented approximately 30 items recommended for implementation. Director West said a complete report will be submitted in early to mid-May, at which time the full range of the recommendations will be known. In the meantime, the Port Angeles Forward Committee appointed a steering committee to rank the items as they would'like to proceed. He presented the two steps recommended for action by the Council. Discussion followed, and Director West and Mike Gentry were commended for their efforts on this project. It was noted that one group has already started the project of painting downtown buildings. Director West answered questions raised by the Council, and discussion ensued on the entryway monument on the east end of the City, the possibility of the College being included in the monument, the need for replacement of the wood sign on the west side of the City, the issue of the City limits versus the Urban Growth Areas, the parking study in the downtown area, the importance of receiving the final rl;:port, the fact that the plan is not funded, and the proposal to remove parking regulations in the downtown area. The Council also discussed the possibility of making some changes now to the Parking Code, the need for and the scope of a parking study, and the incorporation of certain recommendations in the Capital Facilities Plan. Following further discussion, Councilmember Perry moved to direct staff to incorporate Capital Project Items 1, 4, 5, and Policy Item 1 as identified into the 2009 Capital Facilities Plan, and further, to direct staff to evaluate the implementation of Policy Items 2 - 5. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Kidd and carried unanimously. Mayor Braun recessed.the meeting for a break at 7:04 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:10 p.m. 1. 2009 Grant Opportunities - Port Angeles Police Department: Police Chief Gallagher presented information relative to grant funding available under the 2009 Recovery Act Edward Byrne Mem9rial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program from the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs' (OJP) Bureau of Justice Assistance. One ofthe grant requirements is that the public be afforded the opportunity to cOmment on the grant application, and it was determined this could best be accomplished via the public hearing process. Chief Gallagher explained the first grant is a Bureau of Justice Assistance grant in the amount of$49,592.00 to be used to replace. annual contributions for the Downtown Resource Officer Program, and the second is under the COPS Hiring Recovery Program in the amount of $500,21 0.00 to be used for salary and benefits for two police officers for three years. Discussion followed as to the deadline for applications; the expected award date of September 1, 2009; acceptance of grant funds as relates to a prioritization list; and the evaluation of ongoing costs of maintenance and preservation. Mayor Braun opened the public hearing at 7: 16 p.m. There being no public testimony, the public hearing was closed at 7: 16 p.m. - 3 - 6439 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 21, 2009 ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: Claims Management Ordinance Ordinance No. 3362 LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS: RESOLUTIONS: OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: Grounds Keeping Services for Light Operations Sub- Stations and Wastewater Treatment Plant PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL: FINANCE: Medic I Billing Agreement with Clallam County Jail 1. Claims Management Ordinance: Attorney Bloor advised the Council this would be the second reading of the Ordinance, which updates from $15,000 to $25,000 the City Manager's authority to settle claims or initiate legal action for recovery of losses in keeping with previous authorization for the City Manager to enter into contracts, leases, and agreements to a value of $25,000. Reports are regularly provided to the Council, but a sentence was added to the Ordinance that settlements will be added to the report. e Mayor Braun conducted a second reading of the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 3362 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising Chapter 2.76 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Claims Management. Deputy Mayor Wharton moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilmember Perry seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. The matter of a services contract for grounds keeping services for the Light Operations Substations and Wastewater Treatment Plant was added to Other Considerations. None. 4. Grounds Keeping Services for Light Operations Substations and Wastewater Treatment Plant: Director Cutler presented bid information regarding grounds keeping services for the Light Operations Substations and Wastewater Treatment, something that was authorized in the 2009 Budget. Brief discussion followed. Councilmember Perry moved to 1.) Award and authorize the City Manager to sign a contract with Parsinen Landscape Maintenance, Inc., in the amount of$29,143.12, including sales tax, for the base year of contract PW-09-004; and 2.) Authorize the City Manager to sign the option years and indefinite quantity delivery orders of contract PW-09-004 with Parsinen Landscape Maintenance, Inc., when they become due. Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion, which carried 6 - 1, with Deputy Mayor Wharton voting in opposition. None. 1. Medic 1 Billing Agreement with Clallam County Jail: Fire Chief McKeen reviewed the proposed agreement relative to inmates incarcerated at the Clallam County Jail who are treated and transported by the Port Angeles Medic I personnel. To provide consistency in ambulance transport billing and to ensure timely payment for services, the Fire Department worked with the Clallam County Jail staff to develop an Ambulance Billing Agreement. The agreement specifies that the City will be paid at pre-determined charges using Medicaid rates. There is also a provision that requires prompt payment to the City once a bill is submitted. Brief discussion followed, and Chief McKeen was commended for his effort in this regard. Councilmember Rogers moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the Ambulance _ Billing Agreement with Clallam County. The motion was seconded by Deputy . Mayor Wharton and carried unanimously. - 4 - e Eastern Corridor Phase II Funding (1 st Street Sidewalks), Project 06-21 Olympic Discovery Trail Paving, Project TR07-07 CONSENT AGENDA: \ Krei Architecture Consultant Agreement Extension e CITY COUNCIL MEETINQ April 21, 2009 .. 6440 2. Eastern Corridor Phase II Funding (iSI Street Sidewalks), Project 06-21: Public Works & Utilities Director Cutler summarized the Federal Transportation Enhancement Program Grant in the amount of $363,000 to fund the Eastern Corridor Entryway Phase II, which includes design and installation of curb, gutter, and sidewalks on First Street between Golf Course Road and Liberty Street. To fully fund the project, . a budget adjustment is required. Director Cutler indicated that, during design, it was determined that it would be cost effective to replace and/or repair street lighting in the same area, plus the Council had previously asked that electrical be undergrounded. The issue was discussed by the Utility Advisory Committee, who recommended approval. Discussion followed on the cost of undergrounding electrical wires, as well as future planning for undergrounding. Deputy Mayor Wharton moved to authorize the re-allocation of$150,000 from the Electric Utility to fund undergrounding and the replacement/repair of street lighting, and to allocate $70,000 from the Surface Transportation Program (STP) funds to Eastern Corridor Entryway Ph.ase II, Project 06-21. Councilmember Di Guilio.seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 3. Olympic Discovery Trail Paving, Project TR07-07: Director Cutler advised the Council that Lakeside Industries was previously awarded a contract to pave and improve a portion ofthe Olympic Discovery Trail, from the east end of the existing paved part ofthe trail coming from Port Angeles to the west side of the Morse Creek Trestle Bridge. Lodging tax funds were to be used for this project. The contract awarded was for chip sealing in the amount of$85,675. The project was placed in suspension due to extreme weather conditions this past winter and spring. In the meantime, petroleum prices have declined, and Lakeside has agreed to pave the trail in lieu of chip seal at the same contract amount. Discussion followed on the durability of asphalt as compared to chip seal. Staff was asked to put together a map of the trail for which the City is responsible. Deputy Mayor Wharton moved to approve Change Order No.1, changing the unit price of hot mix asphalt and directing paving with hot mix asphalt, with the total contract amount remaining unchanged at $85,675. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Kidd and carried unanimously. \. " Di Guilio asked that Item No.7, Krei Architecture, be considered separate from the Consent Agenda, to which the Mayor agreed. Councilmember Perry moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include: 1.) City Council Meeting Minutes of April 7, 2009; 2.) Expenditure Approval List from 3/28/09 to 4/10/2009 for $726,369.69; 3.) FEMA Public Assistance Grant Agreement - Resolution No. 7-09; 4.) Police Department Used Vehicle Acquisitions; 5.) Police Vehicle Purchase- State Contract No. 04608; 6.) Police Vehicle Purchase - ES 09-005; 7.) Krei Architecture Consultant Agreement Extension - to be considered separately; 8.) Remote Monitoring System, Project CL03-07; and 9.) Vehicle Agreement with Clallam County Fire District #3. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Rogers and carried unanimously. Krei Architecture Consultant Agreement Ext{msion: Director Cutler presented for consideration the consultant agreement extension with Krei Architecture, the consultant for the Gateway Project. The time for the project has been exceeded, and the extension would allow for two additional months at no additional cost. The project cannot be finished until the issues with the east wall are resolved. The City and Clallam Transit are the clients ofKrei Architecture, and the Clallam Transit Board voted to approve the approve the extension. Lengthy discussion followed, and Councilmember Di Guilio indicated he would not be - 5 - 6441 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 21, 2009 Krei Architecture Consultant Agreement Extension (Cont'd) CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: INFORMATION: EXECUTIVE SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: voting in support of the agreement extension, as a message needs to be sent to Krei in view of the already lengthy project. Lengthy discussion followed on the merits of extending the agreement, the need to have a mechanism to move forward and direct the work, and the possible legal ramifications should the Council choose to not extend the agreement. Manager Myers clarified that the intent of the amendment was to complete the project. Councilmember Rogers moved to authorize the Mayor to sign Amendment No, 12 to the agreement with Krei Architecture, extending the terms of the agreement two months, to May 31, 2009. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Perry and carried 5 ~ 2, with Councilmembers Kidd and Di Guilio voting in opposition, It was suggested that Manager Myers ask for daily updates on the project. e Councilmember Rogers commented on the frenzied work of the Legislature and the bills being passed. '-- Manager Myers cited information reports contained in the packet. He referenced the compilation of the Capital Facilities Plan, noting staff is ready to meet with the Council to discuss the preliminary plan. He suggested a special meeting of the City Council on May 5, 2009, at 4:00 p.m., in the Jack Pittis Conference Room, to which the Council agreed. With regard to the recent City Council retreat, Manager Myers indicated notes from the retreat will be forwarded to the Council, along with a list of follow-up items. As an outcome of the discussion regarding the City's financial challenges, staff will move forward with the closure of the Customer Services counter for certain hours; a plan for that closure will be submitted'to the Council at its May 5th meeting. None. The meeting was adjourned at8:14 p.m. G~YO~~ e - 6 -