HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/23/1947 I I I I I 337 .., Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington TlII:....Ul104T.IlUTtLLn..___1.I71. ~ April 2B. 193L. The Connnission met in regular session at 10 A.M., and was called to order hy Mayor Epperson. Roll call sh'owed the following officers present: Mayor Epperson, Commissioners. Steele and Johnson, Attorney Wilson ',and Clerk Law. , , The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. IU~der the head of app~ications for tnilding permits, the following were granted: , ./. ~. John O. Berg .5 7dtJ - Ben Kingsley ,Andrew J ohos on Mrs. J. K. Francisco Harry E. Wyatt i B,ooo.OO': 150.00 SOO .00 &l.00 To Construct 4-Room Th.elling; Lot 10, Blk. B, Dyke Land Add. fuild Garage; Lots 8-9, Blk. 209, Townsite Dig Basement, Repair Foundation; Lot 6, Blk. 41, N .R.S. Add. Iluild Drheway; Lots 15-14, Elk. 21, N.R.Smith Add. fuild Double Garage, wi tll 2-Room Apt. Bellind Garage; Lot 12, Elk. 288 Townsite 2,000.0011 Under the head of unfinished business, the Zoning Ordinance as revised, was discussed by the Commission, and if no objections are filed, the said Ordinance will be passed third and final reading and adopted at next session. Under the Ilead of nsvr business, Mrs. Burgman sod others appeared before the Commission regarding the perking of cars between Lincoln and Laurel Streets on Second Street. The committee informed that private driveways and parking strips were not respected as private property. The Mayor suggested that a petition shouJ.d be presented requesting construction of curbs for protection of parking strips and Chief Ide agreed to have I' cars tagged if parked in front of private driveways. The Committee also informed the Fire Chief that garbage in the street should have immediate attention. 'Mrs. Oscar Morse and Son spoke before the Commission regarding the luwering of hill on east Front Street and informed that they were willing to pay their share of cost but other property owners objected to project. !They also requested that the alley be surfaced. Mr. Johnson informed that the City intends to repair the , lailey if Commission cannot succeed in getting hill cut down. I 'The Commission discussed the construction of a pay elevator which might be built in conjunction with bus +- station and comfort station at First and Laurel Streets. The City Attorney Vlas instructed to ascertain if said project could be tnilt on street right of way. The report of Police Judge Taylor for the month of March showing IBO court cases tried and $1,997.00 'collected in fines vrss approved and ordered filed. IUnder the head of reading and passage of ordinances, the following was read and passed first and second , reading: 1'1 ORDINANCE NO. 1181 All ORDINANCE vacating the alley in Block Four (4) of Cain's Subdivision to the Townsite of Port Angeles 'running northerly from fourth Street to the alley rugnine east end west in said block. I,It was moved by llayor Epperson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed first and second reading. IICommissioner Steele. Ail members voted Aye. Motion carried. I 'Under the head of introduction of resolutions for the sale of real property by the City, the follovdng two resolutions were introduced: I " Seconded byl 1 It was moved by Commissioner Steele that the foregoing two resolutions be Seconded by Mayor Epperson. All members voted Aye. The motion carried. jThe Commission examined and approved the fOllowing claims and ordered warrants -,'CURRENT El{PENSE FUIID: .s ..(OJ' ~f 'Lawman & Hanford Co. IJanish Motor Co. [,Port Angeles Auto Supply 'Marlatt I s Grocery The Marina Aiken Motors S~~elson Motor Co. Fire Appliance Co. Nat'l Clean Up & Paint Up Campaign Bur. :~~ ~.;z.:U.z _.2.r Crown Zellerbach Corp. ,Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. i'iV' H. Hailer Hardware ,Aiken Motors I:Samuelson Motor Co. ,Diamond T Motor Car Co. IAngeles Gravel & Supply Co. 'Home Electric Co. "Fredericks 1 Electric Port Angeles Auto Supply IHjalmer c. and LeMartha L. Thorp Lynn J. and Helen E. Kushman WATER FUND: C:~6~...3 City Treasurer Wallace & Tiernan [!Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. Rensselaer Valve Co. 'Klipfel Mfg. llo. Clailam Adjustment Corp. I dh LIGHT FUND: .Jf77 , :Clallam Adjustment Corp. 'Line Material Co. I I Lots IB, 14, Blk. B02, Townsite Lot 16, Blk. 575, Townsite 1 400.00 500.00' I Cash Payments--Envelopes Parts, Cblor. Pa rts Pipe and Fittings Hydrant Parts Valve Parts Commission approved and the property sold. is sued in payment 0 f the same ,l 10.lJ 82.44' 11.10;1 5.15 5.05" B9.15' 11. 75' 2.22 41. 4211 507. 55 2.27' 21.6B,I' 8.75 1.85; 550.80, 1,096.85i ll.2l B92.851 18.58 I i BOO.OO 49.59 191.14' 1.14' 8B.28 1.08 One Map, One Standard Col. Book Parts, GOd Car Repairs Parts, Tools and Hardware 50 Lbs. Dog Food She lIs Labor and Parts Valvo line Oil; Repair Fender DuGas Cartridge Recharged Motion Picture Trailers; Honor Emblems Labor & Material, Waste Liquor System Cement 2 Pr. Rubber Boots Parts 12 Oversize Studs One 'Complete Motor for Chasis Special Gravel Acct. Parts Wiring Materl al Truck Repairs Commission Straps and Pads 1.08 2.80 ~ ,... 338 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19.sL April 25rd. continued, IILIGHT .FUND. continued: Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. Graybar Electric Co. 'Line l&iterial Co. General Electric Supply Corp. Schreiner Chevrolet Co. ,SANITATION FUND: /~ ~J Samuelson Motor Co. Cl31lam Adjustment Corp. 'Port Angeles Auto Supply i . .1";" LiBRARY FUND: ~ ~ _ McMahan Fuel Co. PARK .FUND: J'"j'"? Fred Leissler V. H. Halle r Hardware Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. James Hardware Co. PARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: liU. S. Rubber Co. , ~i L. I. GUARANTY FUND: "I', : City Treasurer CURRENT EllPENSE--GUMULATlVE RESERVE FUND: Campbell & McClanahan James W. ,Caven Plbg. & Heating Wire Kick-arms Line Transformers, Transformers ~!eters and Rildio Equip. Car Truck Repairs Commission Tools and Hardware Fuel Oil Extra Labor--Shrub Pruning 2 Pipe Wrenches Sand, Concrete, Expansion Joint 1 Pair Hedge Shears 71' -177- Traffic Signal Wire TaxSG .Paid /(,0/ ,65 Labor and Y~terial--Ccnstruction Boiler Union 'for Dog Pound There bei"" no further business, the session was declared. adjourned. o. (J &.~. lIl.... Clerk of Dog Pound ~--< ~ '7c::.~,_ 426.92 12.54 1,062.96 408.14 1,562.021 I 6.79, .571 7.57 I 60.02'1 6.00 5.57, 72.89 5.971 577.78' 68.04: 1 1 1,600.16! 1.49' ~ """-.../---... Mayer I I I -I I