HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/23/1951 I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 121'" Awil 21, 19.5L '"" . ....". e"..' """-". .,,"'"' ..... <4IIroo The Comndssion met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mqor Feeley. Officers present were: Mqor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for building permits the following were granted: /( 30 foo ~v Pet-erson & Craver' Construct 6-Room House & Garage; Lots 10-11, Blk. 272, Townsite 13,000.00 St"nley Yoder Build a Wash Rack; Lot 1, Blk. 69, Townsite 200.00 Stanley Yoder Build Garage; Lot 10, Blk. 192, Townsite 1,200.00 E. L. Gilbertson Add On One Bedroom & Kitchen; Lots 16-17, Blk. 5, P.S.C.C. 2,000.00 P.'E. Burke Construct 5-Room House; Lot 10, Blk. 207, Townsite 7,000.00 I Paul Kesler Build Retaining Wall; Lot 9, Blk. 1, Tidelands East of Laurel 1,100.00 Paul Waite Build a Garage; Lot 6, Blk. 151, Townsite 350.00 I Carl Fors Construct Garage; Lot 10, Blk..157, Townsite 200.00 Dudley Dunlap Construct Garage; Lot 4, jllk. 224, Townsite 1,000.00 . R.' D. Cox Construct 4-Room House; w4 Plot 49, Townsite 2,000.00 I Wm.. H. Jackson Construct 4-Room House; E2 of W4 Sub. Lot 49, Townsite 2,000.00 ;!W. C. Gear Tear Down Old Garage & Build Car Port; Lot 15, Blk. 35, N.R.Smith Add. 200.00 I LeRoy Jagger Build a Lean-to on Back of Present Bldg~; Lot 19, Blk. 258, Townsite 150.00 i U~er the head of unfinished business, bids for approximately 7,200 feet of trench excavation and backfill Ion. Ediz Hook were submitted as follows: Arvid T. Larsen, 54~ per foot, $3,888.00. J. M. Bruch Co., 45~ I per foot, &3,240.00. Owens Bros., Engineering & Construction Co., 55~ per foot, $3,960.00. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the bids be referred to the '''ateI' Superintendent for study. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Ii At: this time Mqor Feeley instructed Mqor Lannoye to introduce officials elected by the High Sch~ol Student Body, said officials to take over City Government for the day. I Still under unfinished business, a letter of recommendation from the Planning Commission w;'s read before . the Commission. The Planning Commission recommended that due to an honest error whereby the Safeway Store was constructed nine inches outside of property line, their request for vacation be approved in extent of nine inches outside of property line, t1bt the one foot as requested in petition. Aleo recommended was. that the City take steps at an early date to direct that the engineering department make basic surveys wch will control future l~t of projects, thereby reducing chance of error. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the matter be referred to the Attorney and, if pOSSible, the recommendatio.ns be followed. Motion seconded by Commissioner 'Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I C~mmissioner Taylor reported that he had contacted the Office of Price Stabilization regarding prices for i' certain lots and burials in Ocean View Cemetery. The Board refused to render opinion until receipt of i detailed letter stating facts regarding present charges and previous burials. : Under the head of new business, a resolution requesting that the Commission petitio'n General Mills to l1mmediately replace Hopalong Cassidy on Wheatie boxes with General MacArthur, and send ~opies of the ~ resolution to all Hears.t Papers was read and ordered filed. . Mrs. Stark residing near loth & "I" Streets appeared before the Commission complaining about water shortage and requested that adequate water mains be installed to serve all users in that vicinity. Commissioner Robinson informed that no funis have been used to correct water shortage in this area and requested estimate of cost. Mayor Feeley suggested that the matter be immediately investigated and plans submitted whereby the consumers would know cost of improvements if a Local Improvement District is necessary. Commissioner Taylor informed that a larger line is necessary and that the improvement is not possible except by the property otmers paying for the same. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the matter be referred to the Water Superintendent with instructions to submit a report in the near future. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Mqor Feeley introduced Don Morrison of the Health Department and A. L. Chapman, Cit,y Building Inspector. Mr. Morrison reported regarding sanitary conditions on Valley Street ani informed that situation is the same as the 1948 survey. That open sewers flow direct into Valley creek and are very unsanitary. Also I that property O""I1ers are willing to cooperate .for sewer installation. Commissioner Taylor informed that an adequate sewer system is the best solution, but if this cannot be financed, owners should put in septic I tanks. Mr. T..,.lor also advised that the Engineer will ascertain cost of installation by L. I. D. compared to septic tanks and possibilit,y of the City financing all. sewer installations by revenue bonis. It was I moved by Mayor Feeley that Commissioner Taylor be given authority to investigate required installations and I. financing the same. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Mr. Morrison volunteered the services of his department in conducting the investigation. The Commission considered recommendation from the Planning Comndssion whereby angle perking would be II discontinued and parallel parking adopted. Commissioner Robinson cited recommendation by the State Highway Department for angle parking and agreed that the time is coming when the parallel parking shollld be adopted i but proper notification should be given. It was moved by Mayor Feeley that the City install parallel , parking on all streets under their control. After further discussion, the motion was withdrawn and the I Attorney instructed to draw up . necessary matter for changs of parking system. j Residents on East lOth Street between Peabody and Vine Streets requested by petition that a Local Improvement District be established for construction of curbs and gutters. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the request be referred to the Engineer's Department. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted ilye. Motion carried. Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was placed on first and second readings: ORDUANCE NO. !d!i7 j An Ordinance relating to residence lighting, heating ani cooking service of the municipal' light and power I system of the City of Port Angeles, prescribing rates, tenns and conditions for the sale, and fixing the i rate for such service, and amending Schedule 2 of Section 17 or Ordinance No. 890 as amended by Ordinance i No. 1138. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed the first and second reading. I Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I I It was then moved by Commissioner Robinson that the High School Students as selected by their Student Body , take over the chairs and conduct all business they see fit. 11otion seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. ...4 '"" 12-2 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 1951" _ ApT'i 1 '>J'P"rl, ("on+i tvled.;r ,." . ...;.. ''''M, '''''"''"', ...,,"' moo ..... I,Pursuant to for~going motion, the acting officials took t~e. chairs to which they were appointed. The officials di~cussed numerous resolutions ani suggestions regarding parking problem and parking lots, playfields, condition of streets, etc., after which Mayor Feeley announced that all are invited to be guests at the Elks Club for lunchlion. The Commission examined ani approved the following claims and ordered warrants made payable for Same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: C. 'J !.! IBay' Auto Trim and Upholstery ,W. S. Darley & Co. .3 / 'cITY STREET FUND I t (;, '1'1 -. Howard Cooper Corp. IWiUson Hardware Co. ,Gas. Tax Refund Div., Dept. of Licenses ;Owens Bros., Eng. & Const. Co. lOwens Bros., Eng. & Const. Co. Hugh Govan IA. $. ;Iilkerson 6 tJ CITY SHOP FUND: ~ 77 - lRichfield Oil Corp. 'Willson Hardware Co. IAngeles Machine & Welding Works Aiken Motor Co. '. ' . The Texas Co. . '0. f' \WATER FUND: b;3:'- Clallam Co. P.U.D. No.1 'Birney's Drive In Hugh Go~an E. N. Hallgren Co. f ,LIGHT FUND: '" 7 / C 'jG. C. McLennan Clallam Co. P.U.D. No.1 Graybar Electric Co. l\~estinghouse Electric Supply Co. General Electric Supply Corp. ~7 ,sANITATION FUND: ,/,0 1 lEarl Davidson - IHarris & Schuller PARK FUND: f-t' I 0 'IClallam CooperativeAssn., Inc. Harris & Schuller ',Willson Hardware Co. Angeles Millwork & Lumber Co. PARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: I City Water Dept. lwashington State Penitsntiary Willson Hardware Co. '" ,J. L. I. D. 'REVOLVIIG FUND: c;. 3 3..'} City Treasurer 1 Front Seat Cover 1 Siren and Siren Control 4 Rollers Saw, Brooms 1951 Permit 3rd & Final Est., Ediz Hook Bulkhead Contract No.1" lst & Final Est. Ediz Hook Bulkhead Contract No. 2 Truck Rental Hauling t!l Spit Fill 53 Gal~ ~lotor Oil Oil Paint Machine Work Pressure Plate Gasoline, Oil Electric Service Meal for Men Truck Rental Sluice Gate & Fittings Expense Refund Adv. Bill 50 Amp Meters Meters Wire Car Mileage for March 8 Metal Containers, Radiator Repair Sickle Knives, Rivetts Roof Jacks 3 Garden Rakes Plywood, Brushes, Paint, Glass, Putty, etc. i t' -J-~! Truck & Labor Signs Tools and Hardware There being 'no further business, the meeting was then adjourned. Taxes and Costs o G. tI X(;WJ- . City Clerk ~ ~~.! /lLr 27.el 41.30 227.42 34.73 .50 266.27 5,944.05 Ip4.p8 62126 .1 42.86 - .17 15.45 20.75 598.37 6.66 6.34 46.88 1 453.20 I 24.61 15.21 118.09 75.70 438.37 28.14 62.83 6.70 4.64 8.29 29.07 13.20 165. 60 4.75 63.34 Mqor I I