HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/23/1953
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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
Apri I 2J
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The City Council met in special session at 7:30 P. 11., and was called to order by ~l",yor Smith. Roll
call of officers showed the following present: }Iayor Smith, Councilmen Brown, NeeI', Sandison, Powell,
l'lolfe, and ~lcFadden, Y.anager Vergeer, Acting City Attorney Severyns, and Clerk Law.
Maoo-or Smith advised that the meeting had been called for the purpose of making decision regarding
purchase of Ci~l Defense fire fighting equipment and the improvement of Laurel Street Bluff.
First considered was plans of proposal submitted by the Ol,ympic State Bank for improvement of Laurel
I Street, the same to be constructed ,'iithout cost to the City and including retaining wall, drivel<ay, and
limited parking space, also drive-in banking facilities. Another plan proposed was material furnished
. for replacement of stairway, planting of shrubbery and erection of a welcome sign.
K. O. Erickson informed of difficulties with dirt sliding on his property and exhibited statements
showing $7,000.00 cost of maintenance. J. J.l. Davis, tenant in Erickson building, also spoke regarding
improvement, agreed to co-operate with the Bank, a~~ only objection was elimination of three car
parking space.
Herrill Oakes, of the Olympic State Ban.1<, cited agreement to furnish material for replacement of stair-
way if the drive-way and retaining wall proposal is net accepted.
After further discussion, it was moved by Councilman Ncer that toe proposal by Olympic State Bank for
installation of retaining wull and dl'i vewey according to plans submitted, and ;lithout obligation to the
City, be approved and accepted. Motion seconded by Councilman 11aile and unanimously carried.
The Council next considered purchase of Civil Defense fire /lighting equ~pment for which the City pays
50% and the Government 50%. It was the opinion of the Council that if equipment can be obtained at
price quoted it should be purchased,.
Fire Chief Wolverton informed that Ii mobile radi~ unit is available for the tl-uck at appr~te cost
of $600. It was moved by Councilman \.Tolie that the City make application for the Civil Defense equipment
offered, including truck and pumper of 750 gallon capacity, hose, etc. as per specifications, also
that radio must be included. ~lotion seconded by Councilman McFadden, All voted Aye. I'lotion carried.
~lnnager Vergeer f'eported concernine execution of street and storm se,rer' cont~act \11th the .Pieler
Construction Co. Hr. Vergeer advised that signing of contract Nas only formali.ty and contingent upon
conditions and qualifications, of the contractor. The same having been fully confirmed, it was moved
by Councilman HcFadden that the report be accepted and that the contract be officially executed with
the contractor. Hotion seconded by Councilman Brm,n. 1\11 members voted i'<le. !-iotion unanimously carried.
}~. Vergeer then submitted clai~ vouchers for material furnished for L.I.D. No. 163, claims to be
from "1953 Street Improvement Construction Fund" as foll01'lS:
City .'l~ater Dept. lOll(; distance toll
T'ne Olympic .Printery office supplies
Ol,ympic Stationers office supplies
It was moved by Councilman Powell that the claims be approved
Seconded by Councilman Sandison. On roll call all vot~d Aye.
S 1.45
and ,-{arrants issued in payment of the same.
The Ma;yor declared the motion carried.
Under the head of introduction of resolutions, the fo],lowing was introduced and read in full for action
by the Counc~l:
A RESOLUTION creating "Sidewalk Construction Fund No.1" in the City Treasury and providing
for the mariner of disbursement and providing for a loan from t,he L.I.D. guarantee fund.
l'lliEREhS, due notice ~fas given of the City's requirement .that sidewalk and curbing be installed
along Lot 10, Block 22 of Norman R. Smith's Subdivision.and,
\'lHEREAS, a public hearing was duJ,y held to hear objections to the proposed improvement, and
no objection was recorded at said public hearing, and
HHEREAS, said construction was ordered by the City Council in session and the o,mer of t he
property to be assessed agreod in \<riting to the proposed improvep1ent and assessment of the cost .thereof,
vlHEREAS, said property owner agreed to pay such assessrr,ent in five equal annual instalments,
and a construction fund needs to be created.
That the City Treasurer be and is hereby directed to creatl:~"Sidewalk Construction Fund No.1"
on which shall be issued all warrants in payment of the costs incurred in_making the improvement herein
referred to. '
That there shall be advanced by th~ L.I.D. guarante~ fund as a loan to the Side>1alk
Construction Fund such sums as ~ be found necessary.for said improvement, and warrants bearing interest
at four (4) per cent per annum shall be issued by the ~ide1'lalk Construction Fund No.1 to the L.LD.
guarantee fundin such amounts as ;,ill be readily redeemable from time to time by the assessment payments,
and the amount' of such loan deposited in said Sidewdk Construction Fund.
That the. cost of said improvement mey be paid by cash ;farrants drqwn against the Construction
That the cost of interest on the warrants up to the date of
considered part of the construction cost, And, included in the total to
benefited including, but not limited to cost of advertising, engineering
the completion of the work.
That said construction fund receive all moneys collected on said assessment roll and that the
treasurer is hereby authorized to call any warrants held by the L. I. D. guarantee fund, as herein provided,
at any date funds have became avm.lable.
alOProval of the assessment roll be
be assessed against the property
and anyother costs necessary to
It was moved by Councilman Bro,m that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by
Councilman NeeI'. 10.1 voted Aye. Motion carried.
I There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned.
(). G. :tCUAr
(J City Clerk
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