HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/24/1935 ~ 292 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington April 24. 1935 193,-- The Commiasia'n met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to. arder by Mayar Davis. Rall call shawed the fallowing 9,fficers presen t: Mayor Davis, Commissianers Lutz and Masters, Attorney Plummer and I"lerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previaus session were read and appraved. Under the head of Applicatians far Building Permits and Licenses, the fallowing were granted: Fred Po.llaw, Repair inside Lincaln Theatre, Lot 2, Blk. 31, N. R. Smith's Sub. Ethel Osterhaut, Remadel dwelling, Lot 11, Blk. 173, To.wnsite Mrs. Annie Merrill, dwelling, Lat 4. BIK. 54, To\maite Pershing Ho.tel, 15 raams Vialet T. Clark, Taat's Caffee Shap, Restaurant ~ 60.00 200.00 800.00 15.00 8.75 I Under the head af New Business, the fallawing resolutian was intraduced: RESOLUTION RELATING TO USE OF FUNDS TO BE RECEIVED FROM GAS TAX, PORT ANGELES-; WASHINGTON. WHEREAS, the .::ita te Directar af Highways has re quired that the (;i ty Cammissian o.f the City o.f Part Angeles shall by reso.lutio.n designate the percentage af mo.nies to. be reed ved by the City af Part Angel es under the pr avis ians a f Chapter 111, Laws of 1935, that will be used fro, street co.nstructian and maintenance and interest and principal' band paye nt; Now, ~herefare, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSiWN OF THE CITY OF POilT ANGELES AS FOLLOWS: That of the money to. be received by the Ci~ o.f Part An~eles under the provisians af Chapter 111, Laws a'f 1935, the City will expend fif~ (50%) per cent for street maintenance, and fifty (50%) per cent far street canstructian. I It was mo.ved by Co.mmissio.ner Masters that the forego.ing resalutio.n be appro.ved and adopted. Seco.nded by Commissio.ner Lutz. On roll call all manbers vated aye. The Mayo.r declared the mo.tio.n carried. Under the head o.f Intro.ductio.n of Ordinances the fo.llo.wing Ordinance was read in full and placed an its first and second readings,- AN ORDINANCE requiring surety bonds far certain emplo.yees o.f the ~ity o.f Part Angeles and repealing o.rdinances in canflict therewith. The Commissian examined and allowed the fallawing claims and ardered warrants drawn far same: CURRENT EXPENSE Fred Pallow Washington Pulp & Paper Washingtan Pulp & Paper Washington Pulp & Paper Washing tan Pulp & Paper Ca. ~o.. "'0. aa. 1 concrete raIler Hardware Pumping Unit Lime & Hardware Pipe. etc. 3~ ...\, 3 ' 10.00 17.33 146.68 19.97 69.40 I WATER FUND I Asso.ciated 011 00.. J. L~oyd Aldwell & Go.. Seattle Plumbing Supply ~o. Haoker Electra Chemical Ca. State Treasurer Sta te Treasurer Federal Tax Insuran ce on Fard Truok, Tees & Elbaws GhlaUne Tax Registration Fee Business Tax for March If! 1~'l.--- .50 23.BO 19.25 13.50 loCO 224.43 LIGHT FUND Willso.n Hardware Co. Kissner Matar Ca. KIssner Mator Co. KIssner Matar wa. J. LLo.yd Aldwell & ~o. To.dd Cycle Shap Oi ty 'Preasurer Sta te Treasurer State Treasurer Screws Rubber Cement Lamps Lall!P Bulbs, etc. Insurance on truck Sharpen Lawn Mawer Express Charges Tax registration Fee Business Tax far March 1.20 .50 30.05 64.69 63.05 1.25 1.;:4 1.00 339.88 I g~ .r.:>--- There being no fur ther bus ine s s the Cammissian then adJ aurned. ?l, 7J1;J-JUil1~ ./J ~0)~ / / I Ci ty Clerk. Mayor. ....