HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/25/1934 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington "01' il ",5, 19-54. 193_ 203 " I I I 1 :1 _ '~he 1Jommission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and ','/as called to order by J.layor :j/avis. Roll call showed the following officers present: llayor Davis, Commissioners :Lutz ar,d Masters, Attorney Plummer and Clerk HaYlkins. The minutes of the previous session rlere read and approved. Under the head of building permits and licenses the following vlere granted: Gilbert Hudson, addition to residence, Lot 9, Elk. 108, Townsite, C. O. \':ilson, remodel store room, Lot 3, Blk. 16, N.R. Smith's Sub. Fred Owens, repair building, Lot 3, Blk. 13, mownsite, L. E. Stark, Dance at LO.O.F. Hall, April :01, 1934. 100.00 500 . 00 100.00 5.00 Under the head of Communications the following vias read,- To the City Commissioners of Port Angeles: "e, the f/omans Christian Temperence Union, bog to submit the following resolution, in behalf of the younger generation of Port Angeles. "bereas, because of the large proportion of films ~hich portray a small but law- less segment of Amerioan life. The influence of the Motion picture is increasing law- lessness, and instruoting many of the younger generation in methods of oommitting orime and is a detriment to moral and social progress at home and to America's good name and interests abroad. lihereas, the use of cigarettes and tobacco among the minors is under- mining the brain power and the good manners of our boys and girls, and whereas :Jhereas, now th'\ t liQuor stores ~re located and draft beer is being diopen8ed in the "down town" or business streets of Port Angeles, be it resolved ' Tbat our Honorable City Commissicners pass an ordinanoe to a strict enforcement of selling liQuor or beer or cigarettes to minors. Also to re-establish the LJu.rfew causing all minors under sixteen to be off the streets by 9:30 0'olock unless accompanied by parents or guardian. (Signed) Mrs. Isadora J. Thompson, pres. J~s. Elizabeth LJIUukie, Vice Pres. Hl'S. Laura Hand, Treas. nITs. Ida L. MacKechnie, Seo'y. 'rhe oommUl1ication V!a~ ordered filed fer fnrthcr oonsideration. Under the head of Unfinished business,- The Superintendent of Utilities and the City Engineer made their report on the bids opened April 18, 1934, to furnish and deliver certain Hood pipe to the ~ity, the report being as follows: ~- i o 0, B IDS FOR PIPE FOR EDIZ HOOK LOO, OPENED ilPRIL 18 ,19Z4. ~ "" <lli .; I ~ i ~ ., '" ., I'q I ~ " " ... I'> ALTEllNATIVE Ill, (Single Coat) Item (DOuglas Fir) # FOB Port. Angeles, Wn. 0 ,; <> 0 ~ ~ <<l 8 . 8., ,; 0 ~~ <ll '" !~ 0, .:0 " I:J " " ... ~E " " '" " R " ., ~ R" 'M ~.... g'l:: AI'< gr1 .,., .,.., ~ M ~ .,.., .,., 'M P;P< .,.,,,. ~Pl P;oJ alal MP; 11 .... " i~ ".,., ~.,., ..-1.,., "+' ~';;j '" I-< .~ .;i '"0 III 0 6> ~I:> ~"" '8 . +' " 0 " 0 'd <> " '" e; Jl"" " e; "'" " ,'"' 0 I'q <> 3500' .:505 .321 .357 $1057.50 1123.50 2% 1 Wire wound wood stave pipe 300' Head 4" diameter 2 Wire wound wood stave pipe ZOO I Head 6n diameter 3 Wire 'r.ound wood stave pipe ZOO' Head 8" diameter TO~~ Cash di scount in 16 days ALTEllNATIVE II 2, (Double Coat) (DOuglas Fir) Item FOB port Angeles, Wn. 8500' c 439 .4658 ,151& "7.51.50 $3959.L30 58 .6078 .671 $2510.00 $.2734.20 $7409.00 ~7817.00 Dis ounUO as. 148.18 $7260.82 $7817.00 2% 2% 4500' " ) 1 Wire wound wood stave pipe :5500' :000' Head 4" 'diameter 2. Wire wound wood stave pipe ZOO' Head 6" diameter 8500' 3 Wire wound wood. stave pipe :000' Head 8n diameter 4S00' TOO~ "" Discount for cash 10 days .6309 .751 $2785.75,2839.015 $7978.'75 $8149.35 159.58 $7819.17 8149.35 96~.OO .397$123.2.00 "'1l78.45 352 .3367 2% .576 $3961.00 466 .4851 2f> 2% 6195 ALTEBNATIVE # 3 (Single Coat) (Redwood) Item FOB Port Angeles,Wn 1 Wire wound wood stave pipe :000' Head 4" diamater 2' Wire wound woo'd stave pipe :000 I Head &" diameter 3 Wire wound wood stave pipe 300' Head 8" diameter TClr./ILS 3500' .40:5 1410.50 8500' .56 $4760 .00 t3330.00 $9500.50 4500' .74 Corttinued on next paGe. ~ r' 204 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington April 25, 1934. 193_ .... ,",' 1 ALTERNATIVE" 4 (Double coat) (Redwood) Item FOB Port Angeles,Wn. 1 Wire wound wooci stave pipe 300' Head 4" diameter 3 Wire wound wood stave pipe 300' Head 6" diameter 3 Wire wound wood stave pipe 300' Head 8" diameter TOTALS 3500 · .443 11550.50 15270.00 ~690 .00 'ii'5Io.'5O 8500 t .62 4500' .82 It appearing that the bid of the Federal Pipe & Tank vo. YIflS the lCl'icst and best bid,- It ~as moved by Gommissioner Lutz that the bid of the ~ede~al Pipe & Tank Co. be aooepted, subjeot to all the reservations and provisi,ons provided for in tho bid.d.lue,; SfivctJ, ~d that a oontraot be entered into with the Federal Pipe & Tank Co.; the said oontract to prcvide that it shall become null and void in oase of the failure of the Federal Government to oonstruct the Haval Airport contemplated on Ediz Hool, ~ighthouse Reservation. !,lotion seconded b;i l'.!ayor .1Javis. On roll call Mayer Davis and uommissioner Lutz voted aye, Commissioner Masters not voting. The Mayor deolared the motion carried. Under the head of Intr1iduction of Resolutions ,-the fcllol'ling resolutions were introduced,- RESOLUTIon 20 SUPl':bY lLWERIAI.5 .FOIl USE \'lITH I'IASHIJJGTOn RELIE}' ADlUJ:ISTRATIOII. ~MEREAS. the TIashington Emergency Rel~ef Ad~inistration has arranged certain labor for improveClents I'lithin tbe "'ity of Port .\ngeles, it inl': eguircd that the City of Port ~ngeles aC'ranee to supply the materials ne<.:essa~;B ~aking said improvements, and ':mEREAS, improvement of Port "ngelea Public Parks b court in Block 4, Cain's Subdivision of Lot ~l at / a e Streets is dee~ed to be a desirable improvement and it is determined tk.t ma ,.1al in 8.Clount and for prices as hereinafter set forth are necessary to car '-J-6 said1~or];:, NO':I, THEREFORE, E::': IT RESOLVEllTha "'i t'J'-p.f' Pert Angeles do furnish, provide and deliver all neoessary and proper 6 r.~ follows, to TIit: Conorete 100 yds. ,~~ ~ J 0 8.30 830.00 Lumberforms..dlO ,-if:P.llo)y-"'.--/( ~ ~ 17.00 ;).57 Ex~ans~on JUl ts . ft.O C .05 1.00 To ta 1 Ha te",a l/ ' shed -857-:57' for use in ,qn. c - n with the TIashington Emergency Relief Administration for TIashi~gton lab)11 upon !If:!':' l'ojeet in the sum of $837.57. ViaS moveD. by Gommissioner l~asters that the foregoing ltesolution be approved ",nO. a _ eo.. SecondeD. by Commissioner Lutz. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor -e-e-l~-J'~,tj 0'0 ,,~~-,.i Pd..., RESOLUTION. "~EREAS, it appears that Lots Three (3) and Four (4) in Block Three hundred twenty-three (323), Townsite of Port Angeles, have been sold for general taxes and are now the property of Clallam County, ,'ilashingtcn, and may be sold by said county. It furtber appearing that the "'ity of Port "ngeles has a considerable amount of unpaid assessments against said real estate whioh '{/ill be los t unless the City takes over the property from the oounty for general tax. It further apFearing that the property is well TIorth the amount of general taxes and looal inproveoent assessments oharged agains;; it. ~{3~EFORE, BE IT RZSOL'mD That the fair aas~ value of the property above described e~uals or exoeeds the total amount of general taxes against it, together with the general amount of lccal improvsment assessments against it, and it is to the best interests of the oi ty .)f Port ngeles to pay the gane=l taxes thereon and ta',e a deed to ~he property inaccordance with law. , BE IT FURT,rl<." J;\:::SOLVED That the City -Treasurer is bereby instruc"ted to r.l::';~C applica tion to the "'ounty 'Treasurer for the pri vilee;;e to pay the said general taxes and secure a deed to the property from the County Treasurer. It was moved by Co~missioner llasters that the foreeoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Seoonded by J.layor Davis. On roll oall all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Commission examined and allowed the following olai~s and ordered warrants drawi1 for same. CUR'1:8:"T ;';XI'EIISE F1P.ID City Treasurer ;ias te "'aske ts .98 " " Stamps ot~ 2.00 '1.., ',lATER FUHD Bensdm >o)j H. I:. '.later Analysis 5.50 LIGHT FmJD Zellerbaoh Paper Go. "upplies 8.09 Poole Eleo. "'0. Repairs 3.20 J. O. Donnell ~/ood 3.00 Jobn F.. Olson ';!ood 5.50 Wes tinghOl.se Eleo. Supply Co. Supplies 9.48 Olympio Utili ty SUpply: Co. 7/ire 590.87 C~ty Elefitric vc. Oommissiol1s 1";'~1. 96.12, " Supplies 7.70 1 1 I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington April 25. 1934. 193_ 205 " PARK FUND "'. T. Filion C. L. 'sarff Salary Grinding Lawn Mower , .,.j 1....' 71. 25 3.00 Under the head of introduction of Resolutions, the follovling resolution rlas in troduoed,- :1 RESOLUTIon TO S1JI'PLY l.L\Tr:;RIALS FOR Use ~7ITH \'l.\SHn:GTOH RELIEF ADI:nrI3T1ATIOll. 1 ':m~cRZAS, tbe '.7ashington 8r.1ergency Releif Administration has arranged to supply oertnifl' labor for improvemnets within the City of Port Angeles, it being reQuired that the City of ?ort Anc;eles arrange to sUllPly the r.J.ateriats neoessary, in making said improvements, and ~ ''fHER'::AS, improvement of the l'ort of Port Angeles is deemed to be a desirable improvement aJ1d it is determined tbat materials in amBunt and for nrioGs as hereinafter set forth are necessary to carry out said work, . No'a, THEI1SFO:m, BE IT RESOLVED That the City of Port An,geles do furnish,providG and deliver all necessary and proper materials as follows, to wit: Tractor and grader for 24 days $10.00 !~240 .00 @ for use in oonnection with labor provided by the Pashington EmergenGY Relief Adminis- tration upon said project in the sum of 0245.00. It Vias moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing resolution be adopted and approved. Seoonded by Ccmrnissioner Lutz. On roll call all members voted aye. The J.layor deolared the motion carried. There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. ~ '?11!~~ ~, / \Cr/J~ r } City Clerk HaHor 1 1 1 ~