HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/25/1984
Port Angeles, Washington
April 25, 1984
Mayor Duncan called the special meeting to order at 12:12 P.M. The purpose
of the special meeting is to consider how best the City might proceed with
the Harbor Management Plan.
Members Present: Mayor Duncan, Councilmen Haguewood. Schermer, Quast,
Members Absent: Councilmen Gerberding and Hordyk.
EDC Present: R. Orton, B. Levin, F. Ducceschi, C. Applegate,
M. Crawford, H. Buchmann, F. LaFerney.
Port Present: C. Boddy, K. Sweeney, A. Nesbit.
County Present: D. Feeley.
Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Knutson, P. Carr,
D. VanHemert.
Public Present: S. Miles, D. Bragg, S. Fahnestock.
III - VI - Suspended
1. Contents of Work Session
Mayor Duncan further explained that the purpose of the meeting was to
advise the community of the EDC' s interest and specific intent in
developing an active Harbor Management plan and to determine if the City
Council wants to go beyond individual efforts into a coordinated Harbor
Action effort. She reviewed a summary of the results of a study completed
by the Small Business Development Center of Washington State University
School of Business and Economics, stating that a plan is essential for
future change and that the biggest need is a plan which sets objectives
that are agreeable to the majority of present users and to the citizens of
the County.
Finance Director Orton then addressed the Council. He introduced members
of the audience to the Council, including Charles Applegate, Frank
Ducceschi, Harriette Buchmann and Rusty LaFerney, all representing the EDC.
He also introduced sarah Miles, an interested citizen. Mr. Orton explained
that the need for a plan arises from EDC clients' increased and somewhat
intense interest in developments on the water, particularly the Port
Angeles Harbor, and that the EDC is looking for instruction from the commu-
nity as to what direction to go. He suggested the possibility of a market
study by a consulting firm. Bob Levin of the EDC then addressed the Coun-
cil, stating that the City of Port Angeles, the Port of Port Angeles, and
Clallam County all have Comprehensive Plans; that there is a need to go
beyond that to a coordinated plan - an action plan rather than a passive
plan. He stated that an assessment of economic impact, gross output and
value added would be of benefit.
During open discussion, a representative from the Tourism Development
Council noted appreciation for the cooperation of the EDC.- Another
individual stated that there was a need for the backing by the Council of
prospective new industries and that these industries need assistance with
problems if they are to locate here.
Manager Flodstrom stated that the Department of Natural Resources has
placed a lot of importance on harbor planning, not specifically from the
commercial aspect, but for the purpose of meeting the State's needs for
establishing available land for appropriate water-borne uses. He stated
that there is a need to convince the Department of Natural Resources that
all needs can be met.
April 25, 1984
City Planner Carr stated that the Department of Natural Resources is dif-
ferent from the Department of Ecology, Shorelines Management Plan, and that
the City needs to look not only to shorelines planning but Harbor planning
- the water area itself. Mayor Duncan noted that the 1984 budget has items
that exist for studies such as the ones being discussed.
The open discussion continued at length, with general consensus on the need
for involved entities to establish common goals. Following. discussion,
Mayor Duncan requested comments from the Council on their suggestions for
the next course of action. She asked how the City might best proceed.
Councilman Quast favored receiving input from all other entities involved.
He stated that the leader should be from a neutral corner, possibly a rep-
resentative from the EDC or a retired person with specific expertise in
this area who would voluntarily take over chairmanship and guidance.
Councilman Schermer supported development of the Harbor and stated that
cooperation with the other groups was a necessity and also favored a
neutral group as leader. He stated that the major goal is Harbor develop-
ment and developing a Plan. Councilman Whidden stated that all entities
have to unite to come up with a common goal. He noted that a portion of
the property on the Harbor, specifically Ediz Hook, is currently owned by
the Federal government and the City has no control over that area. Council-
man Whidden also favored obtaining consensus from all groups on what
direction to take. He favored the EDC as leader. Councilman Haguewood
stated that there is a need for an inventory of what is happening in the
Harbor. He stated that he favored forming a joint committee with the Port,
the City, the County, all entities. He stated that basically you have to
depend on elected officials to lead this type of planning. Mayor Duncan
surmised that there was consensus that nothing was going to work unless
everyone got together and that there is a need for neutral leadership. Bob
Levin then addressed the Council, stating that the Economic Development
Council does not want to be a lead agency. He suggested a joint inter-
local compact between Cities, the County and the Port District; specifi-
cally a steering committee. He stated it would have to be consisting of
elected officials. Councilman Schermer suggested that each entity decide
who their representative would be for a steering committee. Andy Nesbit.
from the Port stated that an individual would be selected to partiCipate in
the steering committee at their next meeting, which would be held May 8th.
He stated that the Port does want to cooperate with the City. Don Feeley
of Clallam County stated that the County was more than willing to
Mayor Duncan then asked if there was consensus on the need for a consul-
tant. Frank Ducceschi did not support the idea of another study unless the
study resulted in specified action to be taken. He stated that a committee
should be formed only for the purpose of determining who will lead us
through this. Following further discussion at length, Mayor Duncan sum-
marized the consensus of the Council: That representatives from the City
of Port Angeles, the Port of Port Angeles, the Economic Development Council
and Clallam County would each select a representative as a member of the
steering committee for the development of a Harbor Management Plan. This
group would meet through the facilitation of the EDC before the end of May
for the purpose of determining an agreeable goal and a process plan for the
completion of a Harbor Management Plan.
Mayor Duncan adjourned the meeting at approximately 1:35 P.M.
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