HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/27/1949 I I I I I 541 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington April 27 , 19~ :The Commission met in regular se,sion at 10:00 A.M., and was callee to order qy Mayor Feeley. Roll call of' IOfficers showed the follo.nng present: Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull, and Clerk law, I'Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. . 'Under the head. of applications for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: ,I Building Permits: 1-3.,;1,"0 < John A. Stovall Construct 4-Room Dwelling; Lot 4, rllk. 1, Home Addition "H. C. Thorp Build Shed; Lot 13, Blk, 302, Townsite Thurston Fox Remodel Existing Dffelling; Rayonier Lease on Ediz Hook ,Calvin Bartholomew Construct Garage, Temp. Li~ing Quarters; Lot 8, Blk. 415, Townsite ,'Ed Anderson Construct Garage; Lot 3, Vi Lot 2, Blk. 114, Carters Sub. ; Ja~k Del\Juzzi Construct 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 12, Blk. 208, Townsite Arthur Tobias Construct Garage; Lot 12, Blk. 50, Tovmsite ',Russell Cays Dig dasement, Move Existing Dwelling; Lot 18, Blk, 332, Townsite yeo. H. Clark Remodel Existing Dwelling, Add Addition; Lot 3, Blk. 100, Townsite, Licenses: tS....o"'. J. G. Wooas Barber Shop iMorris R. Torvik Sahd dowl 'Salad Bowl I Salad dowl Salad iJowl 1,000.00 100.00 300 .00 5DO.00 500.00 6,000.00 400.00 400.00 3,000.00 I Barber Shop Operator Traveling Photographer Restaurant Amusement Machine Music Machine Soft Drink 2.00 10.00 12.00 24.00 12.00 5.00 Under the head of unflilished business, Rex Oaks informed that judgment in foreclosure proceedings of I Yellow Cab has been signed and motion made for neVi ,trial. Mr. Oaks ,also reques, ted that a license be. issued to. Rex's Radio Cabs. It Vias moved by Com~issioner Robinson that the license be is~ued and Oaks permitted to. use the stand at First and laurel until Yellow Cab has use for the said stand. J.~otion seconded by Commissioner Taj'lor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Attorney informed that the Ci:ty has authority 'I to regulate use of streets fur taxi stands. ' : Pursuant to :,ids published for repair of North Laurel Street, the following were sutmitted: Hugh Govan, i, It,em 1, $2,500.00; Item 2, $700.00; Item 5, i12,000.00; Item 4, $200.00; l'otal, $5,400.00. Owens Brothers, I Item 1, $2,420.00; Item 2, lkoo.oo; Item 3, $2,000.00; Item 4, $200.00; Total, $5,020.00. Due to bids ' , being over 10% above Engineer's estimate, and legality of awareing bids when in excess of 10% over estimate, it ViaS moved by Commissioner Taylor. that the bids be referred to the Engineer for further consideration. ! Moticn seconded qy Commissioner Robinson. All voted A'iJ:e. Motion carried, A petition for vacation of an alley in Block 3 of Cain Subdivision of Suburban lot 56 again appeared and was again refused consideration until submitted in proper legal form. 'Under the head of new business, Mr. Bussing and others, representing the Power Committee of the Chamber of I Commerce appeared before tile Commission regarding power shortage and diesel generator pur,chase. Mr. Llussipg ,informed that after an intense investigation the power shortage is still considered a~ute, with no J assurance of sufficient power if and when the iJonneville line is completed. There be,ing a definite and , immediate need for power, it was his opinion that the City should keep the generator plant. Mr. bussing read an opinion from Olympia stating that the City can proceed with operation of the diesel plant if proper, procedure is taken. Y~yor Feeley expressed desire for complete survey and information as to power situat~eri in this community and informed that C. M. Gregory, representative of General I>ngineering Company, Inc., of I I Consulting I.:unicipal Engineers, could advise as to cost of such survey. lIr. Gregory informed that it is a foregone conclusio.n-the 'power shortage will continue, and the City should determine if the diesel plant is I answer to emergency, if the right size end can be operated economically. Mr, Gregory also informsd that many communities capable of financing, are irstalling diesel or hydro for standby units. Mr. Morgan cited ., advice of Dr. Haver urging communities to avail themselves for power from all possibls sources. After I discussion and due consideration it was decided to take no action until definite decision and advice is I submitted by the Attorney Ceneral. A request from the Junior Chamber of Commerce for use of rooms in the City Building on Lincoln Street for " the Y.M.C.A. Youth Center was ordered filed. A letter from the Business and Professional ~omen's Club regarding , proposed traffic ,safety program was referred to Chief Ide. CALL FOR BIDS ~ R"a\{"d hins wllllle- recelveQ by the , Clly L~lerl( of the Cil)' ,of POJ;t_4n~ 1 :J~:l~t ~~~i~t~~d nUonttl{a.te).i.~t t~e I! office of the Olt)' C.'1erk of the City ~g~t:"ia&J1~i,l:;iv:~~lnfo~nib~t ~~ IIOWlng materials: 10,000 lin. It. of 2 lncb, clas."I IS(J QUIt Ir<ln Pipe 500 11n. ft. of {; inch, clags 15(1 Cast !roqPlpe 4 _ 2" ~50'Bcnds., BB Double Kate yalves, Iron body. bronze mounted, Rensselaer Valve Co.. List 13 or equal (j _ 8 lnch Hub cnd valves \ 2 _ 0 Inch Hub end valves 1 _ I) inch Flanil'6 val VB Ii "._ €Hi _ 2 Inch Hub cnc valvM 1 _ ]4xH:t:Sx8 Crose. BBBB ] _ ]1:%12x8x8 Cro8e, BBBB 1 _ 12x12x&xtlx Cross, BBBB 1 _ 3xSx6xG Cr~es, BBBB 1 _ S:d:d:d - IUfliD 1 _ 8X8xZx2 BBBB 1 _ Gxflx6xG BBBB I_BxG 1 _ 14x Bell outlet. 2-12" 2',600 IbR. Y roUte Joint Com. pound. or equai SO() lbs. HemD 200 _ "-"xl%," CorpoNot1aU. MueHl!!!. - H 10003 200 ~.. Collver Elba"..-Jl.U6}. ler _ H 1541. 200 %" Btop Cock. Copper to Iron - Mueller H li171 Speclfl<'.ll.tJonll and bl.d.41nc .bM may he obtaJ.ned tI'Om the CitY Cl.rJt,i , The ctty ruerTee tho r1..~t to "l~t ~ny or 1L11 LJld... ~ J.. E.Jt;."6w-*. \ Publlllh AprU 28 ..1I4M_,. 6, lU~. I The Commission discussed possibilities regarding perpetual care and maintenance at Ocean View Cemetery. Commissioner Taylor vnll make comprehensive survey and report later. The Commission also dis cussed payment for accumulated vacation to employees when services are terminated. It,was moved by Commissioner Robinson, seconded by Commissioner l'aylor that it be the policy of this Commission to allow pay for accumulated vacation .rhen employment is terminated. Motion carried. Commissioner Taylor spoke regarding utility labor in the departments being done i by City employees at costs exceeding ~500.00. It was decided to follow procedure, of other cities as approved by State Examiners, Commissioner 'j'aylor being per- mitted to use his best judgment regarding the same. I 1 \ I A petition signed by property owners was filed with the Commission requesting that the alley betVleen First and Second Streets end Lincoln and Chase otreets be ' graded and seVier installed, cost to be paid by property owners. Petition referred to Commissioner Taylor. Mayor Feeley announced the appointment of Henry Boni to the Library Board. It was moved by COr:1missioner Robinson that the appointment be confirmed. oeconded by Commissioner Taylor. !ill voted Aye. Motion carried. Correspondence by Chiarelli and Kirk, Architects, advised that construction is completed on the fire hall except items 9 and 10, and that the fourth or final estimate is due the contractor. It was regularly moved and seconded that final payment be held until completion of construction as per contract. 542 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19-AJL April 27. continued. 'J. Nester Into, having transferred his interest in Lot 17, Block 121, Townsite of Port Angeles, to Edgar L. II "and Ruby Edwards, requested in writing that when all payments have been made, the deed be issued to the said I Edgar L. and Ruth Edwards. The Cornrr~ssion approved request for transfer. Commissioner Taylor rec;.uested that bids be published to furnish for the Viater Department 10,000 I of 2" C.1. pipe, SOD' of 6" C.r. pipe, with fittings and material for installation. Bids to be opened May llth. It I,was moved by Commissioner Robinson, seconded by Mayor },'eeley, that the said bids be published. Motion carried. I,The Commission examiued and approved the follovdng claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: ,CURRENT EXPENSE fUND, p.J!.. Ed B. Taylor Seattle Radio Supply, Inc. "Nat'l Clean Up-Paint Up-Fix Up CITY STREET FUND: .2o\l.~ Service Equipment Co. Nailor Lumber Co. Angeles Gravel &. Supply CD. ''WA TER FUND: 'li ~ :1.-i.!!.. 'Nat"l Cash Register Co. Hooker Electrochemical Co. ,Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. .Hersej- M8nuf~cturing Co. 11.,0&7. J2.. ,1J]!ITJJllW..:. "Jame s C. Martin Westinghouse Electric Sup. Graybar Eleotric Co. 'General Eleotric Co. ',Port Tie and Lumber Co. Sp.NITATION FUND: /t.J..'f. II1'mver Super Servic e ~$j,.i!. UBRARY FUND: Il.ae Hodson Peninsula Fuel Co. City Treasurer ,Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Willson Hardware Co. J. B. Mathews Glass Co. University of Wash. Press "A. C. l!.cClurg & Co. J. K. Gill Co. of Wash. Doubleday and Co., Inc. Co. Tra veling Expense Conductors, Driver Bur. Motion Picture Trailers Crawler Drive Cha ins Lwr,ber Cement Cash Register Service Chlorine Pipe Fittings Meters Expense Inspector Cur. and Pot. Transf. Trans forrn rs Sub-stn. Equipt. Lumber Parts and Repair Co. Po stage, Frt., Grind Lawn !lower, Etc. }tiel Oil Light, Viater, Garbage Service 7244 Lawn Mower Rspair Door Check Book llooks Books Books FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND: ;:j:J< Clallam Co. Medical Service Corp. May fl'.ed. Fees--Firemen LIBRARY MEMORIAL FUND: 'f,..9~ "Puget Sound News Co. Books There being no further bueiness, the session Vias then adjourned. Q 61 ~ -P L<> ~ ~ Ci ty Clerk ~Ad4 32.85 38.57, 22.00" 182.09, 21. 63 5.16 47.59 33.82 68.74'1 192.51 18.41 255.88 531.23, 15,155.42 106 . 83 16.84' 7.76. 54.14 9.91 7.46, 31.47 2.58' 2.40 66.54 34.84 6.80 3~.OO 40.93, Mayor I I I I I