HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/27/1977~~7~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington April 27, 1977 I CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:30 P.M. II ROLL CALL Members present: Mayor Olson, Councilmen Anderson, Buck, Haguewood, Hordyk, Ross, Wray. Members Absent: None Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Walrath, Clerk Parrish, R. Rego, P. Carr, G. Holbrook, D. Frizzell, K. Rodocker, R. Parrish, H. Kochanek. Guests Present: L. Torres, A. & H. Haugstad, B. Leach, P. Downie, G. Phillips A. Lannoye, S. Fahnstock, F. Bird, J. Darin, R. Cline. III MINUTES Councilman Hordyk moved the minutes of the April 6, 1977 meeting be accepted and placed on file as received. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. IV FINANCE 1. Bid Awards A. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council award the bid for the Hot Oil ' Cleaning of 3 Energized Transformers to the sole bidder Transformer Consultants at a total bid price of $9,101.66 including sales tax. - The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and carried. B. Councilman Buck moved the Council award the bid for the Valley Street LDD Paving Project to low-bidder J. D. Shotwell and Co. at a total bid price of $32,619.99. Councilman Ross seconded the motion and it carried. The other bidder was Valley Asphalt at a price of $51,908.68. 1 C. Councilman Haguewood moved the Council award the bid for 6,000 feet of Asbestos cement water pipe to low bidder Hinds Supply, Kent, at a total bid price of $23,462.04 including sales tax. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried. Other bidders were HD Fowler, Bellevue, $24,284.16; Material Dist., Bothell, $24,588.98; Pacific Water Works, Seattle, $23,710.56; Johns-Manville, San Mateo, CA, $25,548.96; Bellingham r Supply, $24,321.47; ITT Grinnell, Seattle, $23,651.76; Western Utilities, $24,790.08. 2. Sewerage Facility Plan, Sewer System Evaluation Survey. Councilman Anderson moved the Council approve payment of $3,268.28 to CH2M/HILL for engineering services for 25 January through 24 Februa~zy 1977 for physical survey and rainfall simulation phases of Sewer System ' Evaluation Survey. Councilman Haguewood seconded the motion and it passed. 3. Downtown Signalization Project. Councilman Ross moved to approve payment of $168.45 far engineering service onthe First & Front Street SignalizationProject to Harstad Associates Inc. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. 4. Vouchers Payable, LIDS, Payroll. Councilman Horydk moved the Council approve $456,473.30 Vouchers Payable, $394.08 LFDS, and $120,041.59 and $109,987.34 Payroll. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. 218 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 27, 1977 V ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA Mr. R. Cline of 1233 W. 10th Street inquired about the status of the City's plan to possibly sell certain City-owned property. Mr. Cline would like to bid on a city-owned lot located next to his property. The Council's Real Estate Committee informed Mr. Cline that the Committee will try to meet before the May 11, 1977 Council meeting to make a determination on this matter. VI LEGISLATION 1. CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT Mayor Olson presented Gary L. Holbrook, Sewer Treatment Plant Operator, with a Certificate issued by the California State University, echool of Engineering which certified that Gary has completed a program in the operation of waste- water treatment plants, 1977. Mayor Olson also extended the Council's congra- tulations to Gary for his continued interest in theprogram and his service to the community. 2. LID No. 198-A PEABODY HEIGHTS It is noted that the gublic hearing on the Preliminary Assessments for L.I.D. No. 198A was held at the April 6, 1977 Council meeting. The City Council tabled the Ordinance which would provide for the creation of L.I.D. No 198A at the April 6, 1977 meeting and asked for a written explanation of the add- itional construction work which was completed on the L.I.D. No. 198 in- volving the ten property owners included in L.I.D. No. 198A. Public Works Director Flodstrom's report explaining the project changes which took place during construction of L.I.D. No 1'38 which eventually resulted in L.I.D. No. 198A was before the Council for their information at this April 27, 1977 meeting. ' A discussion concerning L.I.D. No. 198A public hearings was held between the City Council, City Manager Whorton, Attorney Walrath, and Mrs. Georgia Phillips. Following the discussion, MayorOlson announced that the next public hearings on L.I.D. No. 198A will be held at the June 8F 1977 Council meeting. Protests opposing formation of the Improvement must be filed in writing within 30 days from the date of passage of the Ordinance ordering the Improvement. Mayor Olson then read the title of Ordinance No. 1920 creating L.I.D. No. 198A entitled, ORDINANCE N0. 1920 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, providing for the improvement of a certain area within the city generally know as Peabody Heights by the grading, draining and paving of certain streets and alleys therein, the construction of curbs and gutters, and by doing all other work required in connection with such improvements, all pursuant to Improvement Resolution No. 198-A of , the City passed and approved March 16, 1977 creating a local improvement district tAerefoz, ps~oviding.fox the payment of a portion of the cost of said improve- ments by special assessments upon the property in said District, providing for the creation of Local Improve- ment District No. 198-A Fund and for the issuance and sale of local improvement district warrents and notes or bonds. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and unanimously passed by the Council. It is also noted for the record that five written protests, representing 41.8"; df the total estimated cost of LID No. 148A. have been filed. 279 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 27, 1977 VI LEGISLATION 3. PLANNING COMMISSION A. Councilman Wray moved the Council concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and approve a six month extention to Anna Fletcher's Conditional Use Permit to operate a gift and card shop as a home occu- pation at 108 E. Whidby. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and passed by the Council. B. Councilman Haguewood moved the Council concur with the Planning Commis- sion's recommendation and approve a six month extension to Mr. & Mrs. Charles Allen's Conditional Use Permit to operate a craft shop as a home occupation at 336 E. Whidby. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and passed by the Council. C. Councilman Buck moved the Council concur with the Planning Commissions's recommendation and authorize circulation of a petition to annex property south of the existing city limits in the area of Wabash Street, Ione Street and Mount Angeles Road requested by Mr. J. Key. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and passed by the Council. D. Councilman Wray moved the Council concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and approve the preliminary plat subject to the conditions set by the Planning Commission of John L. Miller, Uplands Division III, consisting of seven single-family lots on 2.13 acres,~located on the north- west corner of Golf Course Road and Lauridsen Boulevard. the motion was seconded by Councilman Haguewood and passed~Sy~the Council. It was pointed out b _pttorney Walrath that the preliminary plat could not be approved until a public hearing had been held. Mayor Olson then set a public hearing for May 11, 1977. Councilman Buck then moved to delay the decision on the Miller plat until after the public hearing on May 11, 1977. Council- man Ross seconded the motion and it carried. E. Councilman Buck moved to set a public hearing for May 11, 1977 on George L. Gilberts preliminary plat of Old Orchard, consisting of five single lots on 9.97 acres located on the southeast corner of Lauridsen Boulevard and Euclid Avenue. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and passed by the Council. F. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file the minutes of the Planning Commission April 22, 1977 meeting as read by Mayor Olson. The mbtionswas seconded by Councilman Anderson and passed by the Council. G. Councilman Ross moved to schedule a work session with the Planning Commis- sion for May 23, 1977 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers to discuss the Planning Commission's home occupation guidelines. 4. PUBLIC HEARING - PRELIMINARY PLAT The Council set the public hearing on John Miller's Upland Preliminary Plat Division III for May 11, 1977. See Agenda Item CSo. 3. tD) 5. PUBLIC HEARING - PRELIMINARY PLAT The Council set the Public Hearing on G. Gilberts Old Orchard Preliminary Plat for May 11, 1977. See Agenda Item No. 3. (E) 6. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION - M-1 INDUSTRIAL USE PERMIT Councilman Ross moved the Council concur with the Planning Commission's re- commendation and approve General Construction's application for a M-1 Permit allowing the firm to locate their base of operation in the Port of Port Angeles Airport Industrial Park, subject to the condition of restricting General Construction's traffic to the airport roads. The motion was seconded by Council- man Hordyk and passed by the Council. 2~n CITY COUNCIL MEETING Apfil 27, 1977 VI LEGISLATION 7. ORDINANCE - SHORT PLAT PROCEDURES Mayor Olson read Planner Carr's memorandum informing the Council that according to 1974 amendements to RCW 58.17, Subdivisions and Plats, it is necessary to amend the City's'Subdivision Regulations to-establish means of controlling-~ subdivisions of land into four or less lots. Mayor Olson then read the title for a proposed Ordinance amending the City Subdivision Regulations, Ordinance No. 1631. Councilman Wray moved the Council adopt the Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1631 as read by title. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck. During discussion on the motion, Councilman Ross stated she felt that the procedures _ and requirements for short subdivisions requires further study and then Council- man Ross moved the Council table the proposed Ordinance to a work session. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and passed by the Council. 8. ORDINANCE - FUND TRANSFERS. Mayor Olson read the title of Ordinance No. 1921 entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 1921 AN ORDINANCE authorizing transfers from the Municipal Contingency Fund to other city funds for purchase of an Animal Control Van; property acquisition; and reimbursement of certain expenses to the Street Fund. Councilman Haguewood moved the Council adopt the Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Olson. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unanimously passed by the Council. 9. SALE OF PORTION OF ABANDONED HIGHLAND DRIVE. Mayor Olson read Public Works Director Flodstrom's memorandum concerning Mr. Les Sample's request for a deed from the City for that portion of abandoned Highland Drive which crosses his property. The Department of Public Works study indicates that this right of way property was acquired and paid for by the City in 1926 to offer a route from 5th Street to 4th at "I" Street and to complete an L.I.D. Since the right-of-way has been abandoned, Mr. Flodstrom recommends that Mr. Samples hire a qualified appraise:, arrive at a reasonable present-day appraisal value for this property, submit same to the City for consideration and if acceptable to the City Council, a deed be issued to Mr. Samples for the property under discussion. Councilman Buck moved the Council approve and accept the recommendation of the Director of Public Works. The motion was seconded by Councilman Haguewood and passed by the Council. 10. COMPREHENSIVE RECREATION AND PARK PLAN Manager Whorton briefly reported on his continued recommendation to the City Council that the consulting firm of ORB, Seattle, be employed to develop a Comprehensive Recreation and Park Plan. An approved plan would qualify the City to apply for possible 100 Federal and State grant funding to upgrade the waterfront and our parks. As grant funds are not available for preparation of a comprehensive plan, Manager Whorton recommends that a portion of the - Revenue Sharing monies set aside for renovating Owens Brothers Dock into a fishing pier be transferred into the Recreatioh and Parks budget to assist in covering the cost for development of a Comprehensive Recreation and Parks Plan. With an approved Plan, a Public Fishing Pier would be eligible for perhaps 100 financial assistance from the State and Federal Governments. Councilman Haguewood stated that while this is a good project, he continues to feel that a Council decision not be made until after the May 17, 1977 Spacial Bond Issue Election. Councilman Haguewood then moved the Council table this matter until after the May 17, 1977 Special Sond Election. The motion was secanded by Councilman Hordyk and passed by the Council. Gt~l CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 27, 1977 VI LEGISLATION 11. SHORELINE MANAGEMENT ACT EXEMPTION Councilman Hordyk moved the Council grant a Letter of Exemption from the Shoreline Management Act to ITT Rayonier to replace its old wood chip un- loading crane, replace piling and make a small extension to the mill dock. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and carried with Councilman Anderson abstaining. City Engineer Warder recommends the Letter be granted as the project concerns the repair and maintenance of an existing dock structure located at the foot of Ennis Street. 12:. COASTAL ENERGY IMPACT PROGRAM L. A. Torres, Project Director, Clallam County Government Council addressed the Council concerning the City participating with the County on a 808 grant funded planning study of the impact energy resource development would have on our area. The project is estimated to cost approximately $100,000 in total. At the present time the State is expressing primary interest in funding through apparently Phase II of the study on a eighty-twenty percent. ratio. The estimated cost of Phases I and II is $40,000, with Phase III estimated to cost $30,000. Phases IV and V are not considered at this point in time. The Council discussed the planning study at length with Mr. Torres. During the discussion it was determined that the County will submit a grant appli- cation to the State for Funding Phase I, Phase II, and possibly Phase III and is very interested in the City participating in the Study both financially and with City Planning Staff time. Following the discussion, Councilman Buck moved that in the event a Study is authorized for the County for $40,000 to $70,000, that the City show their good faith by participating 58 tiP either $40,000 or $70,000. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross. The discussions continued regarding the City Planning Staff's involvement in the Study. Following this discussion, Councilman Hordyk moved this subject be tabled to the next Council meeting with Manager Whorton providing the Council with a memorandum explaining how the staff would work with the proposed project. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and passed by the Council. 13. MECHANIZED GARBAGE COLLECTION The Council accepted the Department of Public Works Mechanized Garbage Collec- tion Report. Public Works Director Flodstrom informed the Council that the report has been updated to include information gathered from the Walla Walla trip.and accounting data on operational costs with and without mechanized collection. 14 BOARD AND COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS After a brief discussion on appointments to the Board of Adjustment, Park Board and the Planning Commission, Councilman Buck moved the Council table these appointments to the May 11, 1977 Council meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried. 15. LIQUOR LICENSE ' Notification from the Wasfiington State Liquor Control Board of Liquor License renewals for Hansen's Westside Grocery and Handi-Spot Graocery; and of appli- cation of a class H in lieu of C, D license for Marine Cafe, 536 West Marine Drive, iS noted for the record. 16. LATE ITEMS LID No. 200, Valley Street. Mayor Olson read City Engineer Warder's Certifi- cation., dated April 22, 1977, that the thirty day protest period on L.I.D. No. 200 has expired and as of the opening of business, April 17, 1977, there have been no protests filed. ~~~ ` 2~2 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 27, 1977 VII STAFF REPORTS 1. Councilman Haguewood moved to accept and place on file the 1976 Yearly Financial Reports, Clallam County Humane Society Report, Animal Control Officer March Report, March Fire Report, March Municipal Judge Report, March Parks & Recreation Report, March Police Report, March Utilities billing, March Public Works Utility Reports and Out of Town Reports from Wait, Warder, Flodstrom and Honnold. 2. Councilman Ross: Requested timely reports be delivered to her home. 3. Councilman Hordyk; 4. Councilman Wray: 5. Councilman Haguewood: 6. Councilman Anderson: 7. Manager U7horton: VIII. ADJOURNMANT The meeting adjourned at 9:25 P.M. G~U ~. ~G~ City Clerk Requested Police Chief check that the Peninsula Security Guard hired by the hospital not be armed with a weapon; night stick only. Also requested an investigation by Police Chief Kochanek on what requirements are in existence regarding policing activities in public areas. Tptquired about curhing wheel- chair ramps in conjunction with the Downtown Traffic Light Project. 1 Encouraged the Council to read Jerry Honnold's article on Power. Oregon has vetern loans for housing, no loans are approved unless housing meets the new energy standards that the State of Oregon has adopted. Tacoma raising electric rates. Inquired about the City's adoption of the 9A Criminal Code Mechanized garbage system petition was circulated at ITT Rayonier and showed 179 against and 5 for. The railroad crossing on Marine Drive is deteriorating. Dave Flodstrom will contact the Railroad. Prepayments on L.I.D No. 198 amounted to $520,000. Manager Whorton will be out of town on May 5 and 6 and D. Flodstrom will be acting City Manager. l ~l G~~~~ • Mayor NOTICE OF ICADLL FOR BIOS ~ NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GrvEN that sealed bids will be received '• by Me Director of Public Works, City of Port Angeles, 140 WeSf Front Street P O Box 711 Pori An eles WA 98362 til 2 00 P M Call For Bids Valley Street LID No. 200 ealed bids will be recelvetl a t , . . , g , , un : . ., April 22, 1977, and Me Cify will re(ect all bids received offer the' l Sched l d l i ti s ~NOTILE IS HEREBY GIVENtha ffice of the City Engineer at the CItY Halh 140 West Front l i k u e c os ng me end tlate, end wail be opened publicly et ` that time for furnishing the following equipment and•or materiel: the o h e ihat Time ih `Street, Porf Angeles, Washington until2ubllGly at and will be opened P te quantities Of t later Item: I 6,000 L.F. B" Asbestos Cement Plpe I , 797 antl sno roxima I Cit Cou cil Chambers for the following aPP Class 150 , Bitl speelficatlons may be obtained from the Office Of th twork and materials: Streets 017 Tons Asphalt Concrete Class"B"or"F" Streetsl1 k1 e Director of Public Works. A rtifi d f , f 697 Tons B611a st Sireeis I Crushed Surfacing btained from the ce e check or bid bond for 5 ercent (S ercent] of he amount Of the bid Shall accompany a ch bid. All bi0s f0 Include 676 Tons be o } Detailed plans and spec if irs^ioan Eeposit Of lwentY-five dollars v o idders tlelivery~F.O.B., PortAngeles, Washington. Bids will'be o en d d t b l t d f p joffice of the Giy Engineer Said deposit will he refunded to all prospective b 00) p e an a u a e or he Clty Coundl for consmera~ion by saitlCOUnell in session April 27, 1977. . t(525. ,upon return of the plans and speclficahons. nt) of total bid deposit check or bid bond of The Council reserves the ri ht to consider deliver time and to accept Or to re~ectany or all bids Or any part thereo}.y Alive percent (S perce (equal amount must accompany each proposal. es shall be clearly marked to Indicate The unit price shall prevail antl the Clfy reserves the right to correct any extensions or Improper safes taxes. ~ All bid proposal envelop 1 what The bid is for and the time and date of opening: ed and the C+ty reserves the r ut g bidders Is r Pub.: April 1, 0, 1977. e d b d , pualiflcation of ' right to refuse to Qualify any ~ t any or all propose Is• the City The City reserves the right to relec Official acceptance. rejection, or continuation by il Chambers et 7:30 P.M. ~ Council will be made in the CITY Counc April 27, 1977. John B. Warde t En Inee CI y g City of Port Angel APril 1, 8, 1977