HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/28/1937 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 485" April 28. 1937 193_ I I I, I J The Commission met in regular session at 10 ....M. and was called to order by Ma;y or Davis. Roll call showed ,the following officers pres.mt: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Henson and Masters, ...ttorney Conniff and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Applications for Building Permits the following was granted: George W. Macklin, Addition to House, Lot 4, Blk. 428, Townsite wlSD.DO Under the head of Reports from City Officers the following was read; April 28, 1937 To the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners Gentlemen: As re~uired by law each year, I hereby disignate the depositories for the year 1937, for the vity's moneys, as follows: The First 11ational Bank of Port Angeles, Washington The Chemical Bank & Trust Co. of New York City, N.Y. Respec tfully yo Ul'S, Madge H, Nailor, City Treasurer It was mov~d by Commissioner Henson that the Treasurer's action appointing the foregoing named banks as depositories for t~e City's moneys be approved. Seconded by Commissioner Masters. On roll call all menbers voted aye. The Mayor de~e~the motion carried. Under the head of Reading and Passa~e of Ordinances, the following ordinance was read by ti tIe and placed on its second and third read mgs; AN ORDINANCE supplementing Ordinance No. 900 of the City of Port Angeles by granting to Crown Zellerbach Corporation, its successoro and assigns, the right to const~ct, maintain and operate electric lower lines by means of poles and wires to be erected in certain streets, alleys and public places in the City of Port Angeles, for the purpose of furnishing electric current to certflin corporations, and repealing Ordinancs No. 1035. It was moved by Commissioner Mastcrs that the foregoing Ordinance be placed on its final reading and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Henson. On roll call all members voted aye. 'l'he Mayor declared the IJlotion carried. O. ~. Keeling having reported in writing that he had tr0nsferred his plumbing bm iness to C. J. Keeling and requested that his Haster Plumbine; License No. 3%5 be tranaferred to the said V. J. Keeling. The Commission instructed the City Clerk to make said trans- fer as re~uested. Thc Commission examined and allowed the following bills and ordered war~ants drawn for same: CURREN'C EXPENSE mND Pacific Tel & Tel ~o. 11 II II f'I Service " " 1.25 1. 95 ;~.50 6.90 10.13 Robert Banderob V ,3 EX]J ens e .dC coun t WATER ?UND Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Graham 'il. Ralston Nallace Tiernan Co. Renssealer Valve Ca. Hooker Electrochemical Co. J. Lloyd Aldwell Inc. Hillson Hardware Co. Service Insurance Manometer Liquid Hydrant Parts Chlorine Insurance Supplies 3~ ql ". 4.2.5 <:3. <;5 1.~O 21. 45 14.33 23.80 <:.40 LIGHT FUND Shell Oil Ca. Line Material Co. Graybar Electric Ca. Westin~house E~ec. ~ Mf~. Ga. A. :J. Knigh t Co. J. Lloyd Aldwell Inc. Pacific Tel & Tel "'0. Willson Hardware Go. General Electpic Co. G.uick ?r int Casoline Material Connectors Sockets Meter & Sockets Meter Boxes Insurance Service Battery Meter Cases Printing '12 j s~ " 40.00 13~.02 14.73 <::6.61 ;~3. 95 43.34 <::.50 1:5.05 2.75 26.83 23.00 LIBRARY FmlD Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Ser vic e 4.<:,5 PARK FUND Ja~es Har~ware Cowpany City Electric Co. 15.20 42.13 15.00 Hardware 1 Heat end with coil ...oiIl ,.. 486 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington April 28, 1937 193__ (continued) Johnson & Epperson James I~. Rent of E~uipment Fish Heal, etc. Seed Stain. etc. Lumber Plumbing and umterial GUARAHTY FlJND City Treasurer 11 11 32.34 ,17.8:; There being no at 10 A.M. to meet Saturday, lJay I, 19:;7, Ci ty Mayor May 1, 1937 The Commi ion met pursuant to adjournment at 10 A.tl. and Davis. 011 call showed the following officers present: Hens ann I,iasters and ~lerk Hawkins. examined ann allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for (j~ / V \ ll... I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington "'lll 487 _ApriUL 1957 193_ 1 1 1 I .1 PAHK FUND (co ntinued) Edward F. GlJ.kin Clallam era inCa. " II JJ Rent of Equipmcnt Fish Ileal, etc. Seed Stain, etc. Lumber Plumbing and Material 4.00 10.50 1.00 13.88 56.19 78.21 /1 r3~ Johnson & Bark Epperson & Sons James 17. Caven GUAHANTY FUND Oi ty Treasurer 11 II ,1 3D -' 32.34 47.83 Taxes Assessments Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions the fallowing resolution was introduced: RESOLU1' I 0lf VIHER~,.~S, Section 62 of Chapter 187 of the ~ession Laws of 1937, known as "The 7/ashing- ton State Aid Highway AClt" provides among other things that: "All funds for the construction, alteration, repair, improve- ment and maintenance of the city streets of any incorporated city or town, or for any other proper city street purposes, shall be deposited in and expended from a city street fund and no incorpor- ated city or town shall be entitled to recreive any funds from the motor vehicle fund of thiB state unless and until the governing authorities shall have satisfied the Director of Highways of com- pliance with the provisions of this section". AND WHEqEAS it is the desire and purpose of the City Commission of the City vf Port Angeles to conform to the reg,liiremen tfl of said law in every respect, and IVHEREAS, the DireCltor of Highways of the ~tate of ~ashington in a letter written bv him under date of April <:;3, 1937, to all City Cl~l'ks in the State of ',Iashington, sup,gests, recommends and instructs among other things, as follows: "The enactment of the Vlashington State Aid Highway "ct has made it incum- bent upon the ~irector of Hip,hways to make a number of re~ue6ts of the several inClorporated cities and towns, with special reforence to Sections 64 of Chapter 2, Washington State Aid Highway Act, Chapter 187, Laws of 1927. --M 1?~1 "The creation of the City Street fund, from which all expenditures for the construction, alteration, repair, improvement And maintenance of the city streets must be made, might appear to be a diffiClult task to perform. How- ever, we feel that the desired results may be obtained without causing too great a burden to fall upon you. It is our desire that these sections of the law be complied with by means which will easily produCle efficiency in the accounting of your street expenditures. ".Ie ask your cooperation in this matter and we feel confident that you will be able to do I",hat we ask. You will note frcm the enclosed sections of the law that it is necessary for yuu to expend every street purpose dollar from one fund only, namely, the City Street Fund. It is also necessary that deposit all receipts for proper street purposes in sUClh a fund. J.!any cities and towns bUdget street expenditures in the Current Expense or veneral Eund. Some have a Secondary Highway Fund in addition to the budget items in Current Expense; still others operate a St~eet Fund and ~eClondary Highway Fund both separate from the Current ~xpense 2und. tlHowever your budget is mad e up at the present time it Vii 11 be a simple matter to create a City ~treet Fund and to transfer bUdget items into the new fund. This means that if you have already budgeted ,$7,000 for street purposes in Clurr'ent expense and ~lO,OOO in SeClonclary Highway, you "ill combine the tvlO into a revised budget of ~17,OOO and draw warrants on the vity street Fund to Clover expenditures from both items. "The creation of the "i ty "treet Fund and the neces~ary transfer of budget items should be acnomplished under authority of a resolution or ordinance by your Council or ~ommission. A copy of eaClh document should be filed promptly with the Director of Highways so trat reimbursements to your City will not be delayed. In those municipalities where a City Street Fund is already in operation it will be neClessary to do no more than transfer into this fund any other street items which shall be existent. This transfer' of course must be made by resolution or ordinance. de would appreciate very much your startin~ the City street Fund wi th ~'Iarrant No. 1 for "pril claims." hND WHEREAS, it is the desire and purpose of the City ~ommission of the City of Port Angelcs to fully cooperate in every way with the Director of Highways of the State of Washin~ton with respect tc all of the Matters and thinp's refcrred to in his letter ~nd in said law, NO';I TH;;:HJ:FOHE BE IT R33ULVED BY 'i'HE CITY COI/UoIISSION Of' :rm; CITY 01" POuT A~&KIJl:S that the bUdget of the said City of Port Angeles for the year 1937 be reviseu so as to ~Iclude a fund to be known as the tlCi ty "'traet Fund", in conformi ty with the ll'lw and the letter from the UireCltor of Highways above referred to, and th" t there be transferred to said Ci ty Jt;reet Fund from the current expense fund the sum of ,)47 \263.15 alloClated and budgeted to the ~treet Department, which includes the sum of ",15,Or'0.ro estimated Secondary Hi ~hVlay receipts; Iesro howevClr, the sum of ,,)10,547.55 already expended prior to April 1, 1937, by the Jtreet Department of the City of Port Angeles. BE IT REJOLVED FU~THER'that the City Clerk, the City Treasurer and other officials an~ employees of the vity of Po~t Angeles be and they are hereby instructed to change thelr accounts A.nd accounting system to Clonform with this resolution. ... r- 488 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Aoril 2e. 1937 193_ It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing resolution be adopted. by Commissioner Henson. On rolloall all members voted aye. ~he Mayor declared oarried. 11~ , , 3aturday,May I, 1937, ,at ;t1~ Seconded the motion I I Therebeing no further business the Commission adjourned to meet 10 A.II. Ci ty "'lel'k Mayor 1 , May 1. 1937 1 The Commission met pursuant to adjournment at 10 ".1.1. and Davis. Roll call showe~ the following officErs present: Henson and Masters and vlerk HaTIkins. was called to order by Mayor Mayor JJavis, Commissioners 1 The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Ci ty Treasurer Water 360.00 Marguerite ""ue Salary ,oS 75.00 Martin J. Sohnuriger " 100.00 J. R. McDonald Services as dog catcher Sc,(" 25.00 H. E. Dad ge Expense account 6.35 CITY STREET FUND Street Department Pay Roll 1412.00 Johnson Mfg. Co. Cushion Springs .74 Marshall-'ilells Co. Wheel Barrows ~ 14.00 Custom Tap & Body "hop Repairs 4.50 I D. A. Masters Car Hire (Io.j ;;.~.OO I Ci ty Treasurer Ha ter I 58.00 1 WATER FUND Water Department Pay Roll S. 895.00 A. G. l.lcKnight Garage Rent ~1~ 3.00 LIGHT FUI~D I Light Departmen t Pay Roll 1094 '.50 Chas. Beam Garage Rent 3.00 S. H. V1hite Car Hire ~,) 3.5.00 L. T. Guy Ja ni tor 1/31 .; 5.00 There being no fUrther business the Commission then ~ 'In:J~~ adjourned/rt;, / e".{)~ / / City ~lerk Mayor 1 I, .....