HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/28/1948 443~ Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ~pril 2R, 19~ I I I I I. .. .ZJ "':\.... ......M..""...........,'Nl,....._.......~..la7'18~ '11'The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.H., and was called to order by Mayor Epperson. Roll call of officers showed the following present: Mayor Epperson, Commissioners Steele and JDhnson, and Clerk Law. 'I Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. I I Ii ,'Under the head of appli.\'~tions for wilding permits the following were granted: I" I /l,~o - Petersen & traver Build 5-Room Dv1elling; S2 Lots 17-18, Blk. 177, Townsite '1,500.00 'L. O. Madison Remodel Kitchen, Add Breakfast Nook; Lots 1, 2, Blk. 155, Townsite 1,000.00: IP.. C. Rowland Put in Basement; Lot 1'1, Blk. 268, Townsite 500.00, ,0 K Rubber Welders Build Storeroom; Lot 18, Blk. 25, N.R. Smith Add. 300.00" liE. L. Edwards Build 4-Room Dwelling; Lot 16, 31k. 121, Townsite 2,500.00, 'Bernard Nelson Tear Down, Rebuild l-Car Garage; Lot 10, Blk. 269, Townsite 600.00 James Gallauher Move Dvrelling; Suburban 10 Acre Tracts 3,000.00: ,Ansell!.attson Build 2-Car Garage; Lot 12, 8lk. 41, N. R. Smith Add. 1,500.00 IUr~n Riepe Build 2-Car Garage; Lot 7, Blk. 286, Townsite 500.00; IUnder the head of unfinished business, the hearing was re-opened for vacation of Victoria Street from Front I ,Street to the west rrargin of Peabody titreet, and Chase Street from the north margin of Front Street to the south margin of Railroad Avenue. ,It was moved by Commissioner Steele that the petition for said vacation be 'denied. Seconded by Commissioner Johnson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. IAttorney Doherty appeared before the Commission regarding leases on city property west of Lincoln Park. It I'was moved by Commissioner Johnson that the Government leases be terminated, and t he City lease the said property to Clallam County if leases are approved by the City Attorney. Motion seconded by Corrunissioner I Steele. All voted Aye. Motion carried. 'Under the head of new wsiness, Claude Bradford and Tom Window spoke in behalf of the Chamber of Commerce iregarding the use of courtesy nickels in parking meters. The representatives pledeed co-operation with the Commission whether the plan is a success or failure. After dlle consideration, it was moved by Mayor :Epperson that the Conunission accept the recommendation of the Chamber of Conunerce that the cOllrtesy nickel Iplan be inaugurated for trial for an indefinite period, depending upon the co;,operation of citizens. 'Motion seconded by Commissioner Johnson. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. IAttorney Severyns and Anthony Vendettuoli requested permission to move Ade's Taxi stand from west First IStreet and havs stand for two cabs at Front and Laurel Streets and one cab at First and Laurel Streets. :The Com:nission wmld not agree to change without further c~nsideration. I !IUnder the head of introduction of resolutions fer the sale of real property by the City, the following were iin~rodllced : ,IA.: G. McKnight ',Edgar L. and 1mb" Edwards '. f- It: was Ir.oved by Commiesioner Steele that the foregoing resolutions be approved and. the property sold. Seconded by Commissioner Johnson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. 25 .00 I 175.001 I N2 Lot 16, Blk. 225, Townsite Lot 16, Blk. 121, Townsite The Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: IcuRREI'T En'ENSE FUND: / N f 0 'Andrew Severyns ,Middleton Motor Parts Co. [Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. iWaitkus Supply Co. ITower Super Service ICi~y Treasurer CITY STREET FUND: ..21'/ ~o 'l.!iddleton Motor Parts Co. 'IT<>!mr Super Service rm1ard-cooper Corp. . "K ATER FUND: C; ?J' - 'Jliddleton t:otor Parts Co. !OlYmPic Foundry Co. ;Alaska Copper & Brass Co. 'Seattle Plllmbing Supply Co. Marckmann & Williams 'i ~ r LIGHT FUND: , '3 , Mc1lahan Fuel Co. ipacific Tel. & Tel. Go. !Bob Smith's Service <Tower Super Service ,\Port Angeles Upholstering & FUrn. ',Gen. Electric Supply <Ccrp. 'l'iTeptinghOUSe Else. Supply Co. Puget Sound Navigation Co. SANITATION l'UND: 1 ~ t 'Army & Navy ;;;tore IPARK FUND: I:? r. ,7:J- C.M.St.P. & P. Railroad Co. ra~ni~n T:~[r~~rrl c~:vice Co. IIAngeles Gravel & Supply Co. 'Thermador Ele c. Mfg. Co. ,P.'M.&T.C.FUND: '6':,-0 l'Waiter ti. Nissly, lnc. Epperson & Sons 0 P IL.' 1. REVOLVING FUND: 'f /~ '- 'CJ.ty Treasurer jHarryCohen 'There being no Acting as Police Judge One Deflector, Tools and Hardware Services 800, 872, 126, 1627, 1532, 361W 5 Bud Switches Acetylene, Oxygen. Demurrage Sign Cloth, Frt., Express 5.00 16.731 5O.59i 1.591 52.52 8.471 i Parts, Tools and Hardware One Ring Gear, Acetylene, Oxygen, Demurrage One Clutch, Bearing 22.541 71.12 i21.14 6.741 90.741, 500.40 I 16.04 14.66 33.05'1 67.61' 2 .06~ .28 30.90' 467.351 57.15 5.li, Parts Bend, Fittings Copper Tubing Fittings Tools FUel Phone Wash Car Parts Co. Repairs Hardware Kick-anns Frt. Chgs. Pai nt I 1.29, I 8.06 65.55 10.57 27.411 15.15 Frt., MIS5 Playfield Equipmenti lost on original order Services 1550M, 105 Sand. Cement Repa2red Thermador Air Heater Brushe s Lumber 45.84 22.36 Taxes Paid Return Payment on Lots, 11, 12, 15, 14, Elk. 54, Townsite further business, the session was declared adjourned. 16.08 400.00 I O. G. (j -;!:.QM/; City Clerk @.(<~ ~~~ Mayor ~