HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/28/1952 ,.. 2'54 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 52 19._ April 28 '"'''..''".....m..m''''....".........._ The Commission met in regular session; at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by ~or Feele.y. Officer present were: Mayor Feeley, COlIlIlissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull, and Clerk Law. Minutes of the : previous session were read and approved. Under the head:of applications for building permits. the following were granted: Buildino: permits: 1-1 ."" Martin Prasalowicz I Fred Raber Loui e CnockaeM; R. D. Cox Ira C. Epperso~ John H. Ward I Build a five-room house, Lot 5, Blk. 355, Townsite Construct residence-4 rooms, Lot 17, Blk. 371, Townsite Build balcony inside existing business store, Lot 4, Block 31, N. R. Smith Addi tion Add a living room, kitchen am bedroom to existing dwelling, Lot 15, Blk. 101, Townsite Build one car garage and utility room, Lot 3, Blk. 163, Townsite Move garage and apartment from lot 4, blk. .3 to lot 16, blk. 3. Dyke Land Co. Subd., and remodel into five room house $ 7,000.00 2,500.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 600:00 1,500.00 Under the head' of unfinished business. Commissioner Taylor reported regarding request for special c.emetery rates. It appears there is no Ordinancel'ftxing charges ani Mr. Taylor suggested that a proper Ordinance be prepared. After further discussion, the matter was temporarily postponed. Commissioner T~lor <&ivised that one week postponement of bids tor construction of stairwai at First and Laurel is nece~sary. The ti me of bid opening was therefore extended to May 12. The Conmission questioned Mr. Trumbull as to removal of obstructions on East Second Street. The Attorney advis ed that tt!e City me.y demand removal. but is not legally required to do so. The Attorney further ad- vised that he has been informed 1'>1". Steveneen will not remove Gbstructions until he is forced to do the same. Commissioner Taylor will discuss the matter with Mr. Geneis and Mr. Stevens en. . Under the head of new business, a petition signed by thirty-one property owners requested that the Commission conduct a surve.y and investigation in order tel determine what can be done to provide an adequate sewer systJef3) to serve property in the area known as the "West Side." The Commission was reminded that at the time a trunk sewer was installed along the Bouth side of West Fifth Street, all properties listed on the petition were assessed, yet the sewer was not installed in place elr manner to make connect- ions available for petitioners. Mrs. Otto Me1anier and Mrs. John Hansen appeared in behalf Gf the petitioners. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the petition be referred to the Engineer. Seconded by Mayor Feele.y. All voted AIle. Motion carried. I The Park Board alse filed a petitien requesting that the Commission take necessary steps to provide fums for installation of curbs in front of Civic Field and Erickson Children's Playfield before Race Street is paved. Amount recGnmenied was $1,958.00. It was moved by CommissiorR' Taylor that the request be referred to the Engineer fer consideration. Seconded b.r Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. It was moved by CGlIIllissioner Taylor t hat calls for bids be published for sale of one 1925 White Truck chassis owned by the Street Department, bids to be opened May 12. Motion seconded by CommissiGner Robinsliln. All voted AIle. J40tion carried. l'he Colllllission examined and apprGved the felllowing claims and ordered warrants issued in payment CURREIlT EXPENS E FUND: / f 1. .s r United States Treasurer Nailor Lumber Co. Natural Gas Corp. ef Wash. Schreiner Chevrolet Go. City Treasurer Olympic Stationers The Pacific Tel. and Tel. Co. Annual rental, Ediz Hook lighthouse Engineers 8.76, Civil Defense 4.94 Gas at police station, fire hall Car repair- police Postage-police Office supplies - civil defens e Service No. 8041 of same: 100.00 13.70 2.10 19.43 I 19.98 7.66 I 31.72 ! 42.75 34.32 3.21 89.20 CITY STREET FUND:/b?i<.1 ':Middleton IS Western Tractor & Equip. Co. :schreiner Chevrolet Ce. (ort Tie ani Lumber Ce.d WATER FUND:.t, .}'f4. I' IAddressograph-Multigraph ~orp. >Fred Pennoyer :H. E. Dodge Hooker Electrochemical Co. 'Olympic Foundry Co. IAngeles Gravel & Supply Co. iJ. W. Cunningham and Assoc. SANITATION FUND: :'Middleton's I PARK FUND: "1",38 'Angeles Gravel and Supply TAngeles Pittsburg Peint Ip ARKING !@ER AND TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: 'Olympic Electric conduit and coupling I There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. caps, rental on tahk, etc. seal, gasket, 'etc. sticks, cap, hose, etc. lumber Inv. 71.486 Sea 205861, fefum dup. payment expense chlorine valve box tops, fittings cSlllS11t et c. comprehensive 21.97 2.15 110.78 53.38 224.63 61.27 1,870.00 machine service study and r!,port on water system, as per agreement gasket, knife, hose, putty, etc. 4.89 concrete roof st ain 13.65 26.73 5.28 I Q () City Clerk e. :::l6(Ar. 4!P41~ -?l ~fiff Ill...-