HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/29/1936 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 381 ~ April 29, 1936 193_ I I I I I The Commission met in regular sesJion at 10 A.M. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Lutz and Maste~'s, Attorney Gonniff and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read anti approvcd. Under the head of ~pplications for Building Permits the following were granted; 500.00 200.0r 1400.00 A. \7. McLean, Garage, Lot 8, Blk. 3, 'riilliams & Cramer's SuM.. Sig Larson, Remodel Basement Entrance, Lot 10, Blk. 16, N. ". Smith's Subd. Eugene a. Burdick, Build Residence, Lot 18, Elk. 74, Townsite Under the head of Unfinished Business,- Provision havin~ been made in the 1936 Budget for the purchase of a 500 gallon pumper for the Fire epartment, the Commission, on the recommendation of the Chief of the Fire Department, authorized the purchase through the Paris Motor Company of one 3eagrave Chevrolet 500 gallon pumper wi th 150 gallon booster tank and standar(t eCluipment, as per specifications on file. Under the head of New Business,- The following Petition was presented to the vommission; To the Hon. City Commission, Port Angeles, aashington. You are hereby respectfully petitioned for the vacation of the alley-way through block ~49 ?f ~he Towns~te of p~rt nnGeles, in support whereof your petitioners the State of ilash~ng ,on, the voun ty o. Clallam and the "i ty of Port Angeles assert and cer tify tha t they are the only proper ty owners affec ted ther e by, be ing owner s of re cord as follows: Lots 1 to 5, block 449 owned by Clallam County Lots 6 to 15, block 449 o\7ned by the s ta te of 'IIashin "ton Lots 16 to ~O, block 149 owned by the Gity of Port ftnPBles all in accordance with plat of said block 449 hereto attached a~d made a part of this petition by reference as fully as though completely set out herein. State of Nashington By L. V. I'r.urrow, Director of Hi/t.'lways County of Glallam- By Arnold Levy, Chairman - Board of Gounty Com. Hayes E-\l:ans, County vommissioner Clyde ". "hore, County Commissi oner City of Port An5eles By R. E. Davis, Mayor Attest: N. M. Hawkins, Clerk. After duly consider ing the foregoing Pe ti tion, the foll owing resolution was intro- duced. RESOLUTIUN FIXING TIME FOR HEARING PETITION TO VACATE POTITION OF ALLEY 'IIHZREAS, The State of washington has made and fil cd its peti ti on wi th the City Com- mission reCluesting the vacation of the following portion of an alley within the CIty, to-wit: That portion of the alley between 17th and 18th Streets, "B" and "C" Streets which abu ts the following described lots, to-Vii t: Lots one (1) to ten (10), inclusive, and Lots e+even (11) to twenty (20), inclusive, Block Four Hundred Forty-nine (449), Townsite of Port Angeles, VIHER~,S, more than two-thirds of the private property owners, to-wit: All of the private property owners of property abutting the portion of the alley which is sought to be vacated, have signed the petition. NOW, THE:.EFORE, BE IT 9ESqLVED, That Wednesday, the 27th day of May, 1936, at 10 o'clock A.!.1. of said day, at the ~ommissioners' room of the Fire.lJel!artment Building at Port Angeles Y1ashington at the regular Ijleeting of said Comm~ss~on, be and the same 1S here- by fixed for the he~ring and determination of the said peti tion, at which time all persons having any interest there~n, may appear or make and file any objections thereto. BE IT ?URTHER !(ESOLV~~D That the ~ity Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to give twenty days notice of the time and place of hearing on said petition by posting as is reCluired by the laws of the State ofilashington, including See, 9297 of Remington's "ode. It was moved by Commissioner Masters tha t the foregoing rlesolution be Rpproved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Tlie Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURiJ.EN'C EXPENSE FU1:TD Street Department C. H. Harvey D. Talrart H. A.-Fisher William "'orsinger Johnson Transfer Co. Johnson Transfer Company Pay Roll Haulin~ men to work Truck Hire 11 II 1076.3<:: 18.75 ItJ.aO 22.7,5 25.37 25.37 4:3.50 .... I"" 382 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Wasbington April 29. 1936 193_ Garvin Auto vo. ! Riohfield Oi:j. Co. '. Union Oil Co. Howard-Cooper Gorp. , Seagrave Corp. R. E. Davis D. A. Masters J. VI. Hooker Thos, T. Aldwell R. G. Jose J. A. Hoare ~ellerbach Paper ~o. Howard-Cooper Corp. Howard-Cooper Corp/ , 'fhos. T. ""ldwell City Treasurer Repai rs Gasolinc Oil Supplie s Fir e Truc k Expense "'ccount Car Expense Premium on Bond Insuran c e Special Police 110 ad Towe ls, etc. Fire Hose Suppli es Ins. Premium 'rIa ter ~, 6 ?'7~ ..::- 2.87 51.'W 31.5:) 65.00 3753.75 25.20 25.00 50.00 15.00 21.00 35.00 15.00 612.00 16. .50 10.00 420.00 I WATER FUND Water Department Marshall ~ells Co. A. G. McKnight LIGH'f F1J1m Light Department Ci ty Trea,mrer L. 'f. @Uy Chas. Beam S. H. "hite Consumers ~aper Co. Pay Roll Tools Garage Ren t "" t1'+ - 860.00 11.00 3.00 I Pay .toll Tax Jani tor ,'Iork Garage Rent Car Expens,e Wiping Cloths -v3- t{\ 1\ 1057.00 18.05 5.00 3.00 35.00 23.15 I!lTH ST. BRIDGE CONSTRUC'rION FUND 8th Jtreet Bridge Pay Roll 450.00 Under the head of Introduction of Urdinances the following Ordinance was introduced, read in full and placed on its first reading,- AN ORDINANCE Relating to the use of electric current furnished and distributed by th City of Port Angeles and prescribing am fixing charges and rates for the sale of the same; Prescribing oertain duties of thc Superintendent of Utilities; Providing a discount for the prompt payment of bills for clcctric current used; Providing for the termination of service for non-payment of electric current used; authorizing the Superintendent of Utilities, subjeot to the approval of and confirmation by the City "ommission, under certain circumstances, to make speoial rates to individual customers; Substituting the rights and provisions of this ordinance for those contained in Ordinanoe No. 913 and Ordinanoe No. 977; Repealing Ordinance No. 913 and Ordinance No. 977, and making this Ordinance an amendment to Seotions 17 and 20 of Ordinance No. 890: Providing for and declaring an emergcncy; Placing this Ordinance in full force and effect after its lawful publication. There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. I ?7~~ ~~ ,,/"\C _P<.:::.! Ci ty (,)lerk Mayor I I ~