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Minutes 04/30/1924
, .J~"";P~!L, 296 .., ,,';'- I M I t j " "~ ,\, {. ! ji ., , COIIIIISS\O~ .. ," -" ~'" ,.~ Proceedings of iheCiry ~'~f the CitJ'ri(Por{'A.ng~les.Washington I. ' e!1rA'LL3_9 it- , .; " 1924-.. PteO.._.........IUaJ_UL_tu.L u,...-- L -t~~.~ ..i--~. ~~.;~~~~ __lX/,^~ {~ c-aft,~ .l-_~J-L~__ l'~ -0Y)4-<,~.r.JI)n. ;J-~.~vU -~.,..q.~ /->1nJ'J\;{ l't- 'f;,.U~~ _*<_H' ~0;}V'--{~_ "'/)\T J-;~.~t~^""~~'j/.~,.' .('.V\>-\~"J,\~,ef:Jtr~J Ku-"'\_ ""....~ ..e..u.N1\. Q'\.'\..II~. " " .;' ',' ,. .~".,....'.;>.i.V.. .~~.iJ.~~";"\''''''l'1'~''-'''''''''''~~-~---' C:ALL'rF"~BID8 '~;1Q ~ ~ ' .., "I ,,'. " . . ~ '-'" , -,"t'~''''',''~~, ~.~,.'i':,t:~l" - E.'L~, .~~ ..AO _:tk\.. . "'C'LA-o/"""-i,:; c.JA, . L~.-J ~"h..,~ -V'-" " p...~d . ~?Ef.;;.~ _~~~~~4~:-2~~r,:t:~~~~~" ~.:r~;~:J:~~n~~la:;r~.:~U;::1 ., . , "~. fJ\ ,. . I _~ ClIO' ~ lor the Improvemllllt' of' ~tG<l ." '.' 'L -" ~ ~ . . ~~oL..~~,:/~"~1 :::.:r::.i -4'/j'" ~ /L..<.-a....-",- ~ 1 - -- -~ ~~. - .. J ------.. , ~.torbl,ResolutlOD.No.1OS~":. ~ )~'.,'n.', J -l-Q 'j';l..,' .:(~~;'jl '0. . fJ=< t:'''1 _... No."~' 1r_"-~"4'I. . . , t ~,..., , fY'1<J\._' -h./ UJO" -0k'-j ~"""r1") _ d. c> ,. . 10__ , ..nas.quanUtleeonthI8.job'wlllfD.. . '. . elud..Ii<, approxlma1e1y, ," 300 it. CQbl. 0 .' 0 ".. '1 -,...... f -'l' Q(...d.' . ') 4- r' .. ~.r,oraxca~uQll: <3,111' .Qua~_I'\~ _-{"a.A.A..t.<.-o_..l~.,;r,-,,\ :W,"'~ ..<J<<.l"'l", _, . J 3 . tJl+-._ ~~=~~:sz;:::.I-l: Jl~J-Utft-~ __ J.:w _~\(Mf!; e~QLLOM ~r{) _I ~ 4-1 ?4-~_ 'K8uho1ea. Coal Ohm... eta. ....t:,:.rM-....! ,~'. . . '.;" ,.~ ,. :~~ ~u::" ~ ~c":'::.:~.\.~~ I ~ Z.~^^ J.v\~ . (u.n It- ~vu.U "'~1"f) __, .~. ) :y~. n'__ . l:''':d'';:t, =b:': :u.:"'O::~i '0 DO 'r . ~I +.~ _I,..- ':""0 I, 9" . . ' r- " _ ,". or 'tho City Tre, IUlUrer Of, tho CllY _ lY'\A.A _ ~ ..w.v'Lt. -1.-. ..A..A \.. _--19.1:1... . 0"^r _ e-j.1-'='\UN\~ . or-port' Angeles. - WasIL,. or the bId . . - .. - - - 1 ' I will I Del if 'be : considered. : Bond ,j for Olt1 per COIlt ot the amount. of the_ ,.. _ ~. ____ . Contract Price must be rUrnls~ed .~y ~;.:::'":~u: .~~f~~;;';~'::"1';;\ 11[ ~~ ~ ~dV'IVVY'~ j~., ~...., ~ \ ll~,;bk- .'ivR ~~~~= ~o ~~b'8U~orO~ ;g:-A'#' . ~.- , - j ~rr----(.~MCi) uJ- - . tor .lbe retarn of the Aame; whleh 'd rJ- b. U . ,~\ r[3 .1/" 4-1.. ~ -- \) ':=lf~c\:~:D~,.r::Dd:l~J~~;"3.~ H_'~_(,,~U" U:::'l'V'~.-U .- ,Jf-;;':' ^::L..o..0~1 . ,O/\"~; :ks,g.!.CO ~r;t1mo of ~po~\_~..1i't.. -17 aM.~ ..fv.LU..k- 'JrL a.Zvttn ;;', Q.. =t ~ ~ The Cit,. Commlulou< l'CBeIT88 tho II L.^/r 'rllhl 10 roJoet aD>' or aU 'bids. - :.u. ,'..{,- ; b O.J A . . .EL01II'PJ C. KORlSON; _ ~("j\'\ _-1A, L _ c..""",.I!J\:<<--<-I _ ~ _ -n;.. "L _ ~6'V7-'I _ crt ::1 Ie'z. /0.uNT.... April 1&,,17. '15- ..... Clly Clork< Y ." ~ . I I 0\. ' ... I I'- . . . P.llfY\.~,_~.~ Jl'L...j~ ^~_euct~_J~ t-_ ~ {..U..t ~~(jALU_~ _ iV'A~ /cl A ~.i.J1rA' . __. ~~J.L-c~"c+r-g~~vu.1ta.lLJ.Vll'~-~ .J.MroOJv>~/1.;u_u..L(_~ "1...:tkLA9~~". ---... . r;~~:U-:I",,)citc),4L '" -"":-~l:~;~' , ;~,\iP~':::' .eH.... (()/L~"""",-\ ../J./vh-"-,,,^-L..v.~_ c.DJ'L.J.v~........~ .11. . h ~l. ~';tit~. """ A,,-~.....,...~~".v1-;U( .-. . ~.WctL~J'-L~'t.M'.. ~~,:k~, ~'~-Vh~i\ 'JV\,.~~~~,-V~JL- ta..~,.;:,..~. ~.:v Vf..J.~,.'W1~_::rk'z.._C~ ~Yu'.~ cM,.,.<r<.L......r-.vL<z. ro' 1;1 " " .~/l.-C~~", ' " ' .. .,.,. Il1'--'^'v,<VV'-~.n----\_~ fy.,,--ji~ lnrv-~~_-iG::_. c.olL~""'~ .~~ '-i~~'~ .c.t7o .--'l.-'....<o-....... ~ - <2/v--~\~ - ~-~ - ~'- ~1v..M. f'v--....J... rA.. L... <YL~......:....~ ~ _ ""'''-.c..~.J-:..~<.1 ~_ . . J~~_(DA-~~~_~ m>\_~~~'~~~-,rJ-_. ~cf:-:" ..<V'oA~C ~_a..~ -"2J .~~~,~R..~ :v-r<.-<-."6-u..... --" . f"v"vv~~ . ~""i~' a.~.~ :11[. i~~-~VYv~_VJM.rU<-RA6.A.A~cY',__.