HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/30/1951 I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 123-' April 30. 19~_ ><0' . .".... "<He< """'~"!""''''. ..... ...... I The Collllllission met in regular sesseion at 10:00 A.M., and ~as ~lled to oroer by Mayor Feeley. ~ present were Mairor Feeley, Collllllissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull and Clerk Law. , . Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for building pennits and licenses the following were granted: ~ ' Building Permits: /). ,/-50 - Stanley Yoder Foundation' and Remodel; Lot 7,. Blk. 40, Townsite Runar Hartull ,E nl8li'gt Garage; Lot 16, Blk. 389, Townsite Paul Kesler Construct Garage on Rear 1/3 of Lot; Lot 13, B~k. 266, Townsite Owens Bros. Build Concrete Foundation for Drive-In Bank; E Lot 7, Blk. 1, Tidelands East of Laurel Officers 1,000.00 150.00 1,100.00 1,200.00 9,000.00 Don Smith Construct 5-Room House; Lot 13, Blk. 193, Townsite ". Licenses: if- Mar's Restaurant Mar's Restaurant Music I>'.achine, 2 Mos. Restaurant, 2 Mos. 2.00 2.00 Under the head of unfinished business, pursuant to calls for bids the following were submitted: Construction of concrete sidewalks, West 5th Street: Owens Bros. Engineering & Construction Co., $3,369.80; Arvid T. Larsen, $3,690.75. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the bid by awarded to Owens Bros., as the lowest and best bid. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Construction of storm sewers at Memorial Hospital District: J. M. Bruch Co., $2,177.59; Arvid T. Larsen, $1,813.80; Port Construction Co., $3,269.05; Owens Bros. Engineering & Construction Co., $1,502.10. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the certified checks be returned except Ow.ens Bros., that their bid be accepted as the lowest and best bid, and that the City enter into agreement with the Hospital District. Motion seconled by CoIIIIIlissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I Curbs, gptters, drivswa;vs, L.I.D. No. 154: Por~ ~onstruction Co., $16,240.00; Arvid T. Larsen, $14,336.35; Owens Bros. ling. & Construction Co., $lJ, 156.60. It 'was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the contract be awarded to Owens Bros. Seconded by Collllllissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Bids submitted for Lots 1 and 2, Block 250, Townsite, were as follows: Wm. and Katherine Schrader, $125.00; J. M. Davis, $150.00. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the bid by II. M. Davis be accepted. Seconded by Mairor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. One. bid was filed by Forrest J. and Dorothy ~1heeler in amount of $117.00 for purchase of Lot 9, Blk. 427, Townsite. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the bid b,e accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All. voted Aye. Motion carried. ! pW:suant to a resolution passed by the Commission April 9th, the hearing for vac,ation of the alley in Block 1391 was opened. No objections having been made or filed, it was moved by Collllllissioner Robinson that the hearing be closed and the Attorney instructed to draw an Ordinance vacating the alley. Motion seconded by Ma;yor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Conimissioner Robinson moved that a resolution providing for parallel parking in specified areas be indefinitel.y postponed. Commissioner Taylor did not want indefinitely postponed, but seconded the moti'on. All voted Aye. Motion carried. A delegation of interested merchants and others appeared to protest I parallel parking and suggested provisions be made for more off street parking. Mayor Feeley explained that parallel parking would be onl;l Front and First Streets and the State Statute does not permit spending for I off street parking. Commissioner Ta;vlor informed regarding State Highway survey and further recommendations 'ex,peCted. After further, discussion the matter was postponed indefinitel.y. Commissioner Taylor reported on Seattle meeting concerning fluorine treatment of water system which he and Mr. Dodge had attended. Cost of installation would be approximatel.y $2,500.00 and $10,000.00 per year for maintenance. That noticeable benefits would not appear until ~sed for six to eight years. A laboratory would be required and it would be necessary to contaot the State Health Department for tests, etc., as water should not be over-treated. ' Commissioner Taylor also spoke regarding contract with AI:chitect Fields and plans for a police station. It is the opinion of Mr. Fields that the construction will cost more than money available. ,CoIIIIIlissioner Robinson suggested a meeting with the Architect and Mairor Feeley volunteered to arrange for meeting of the Commission, Police Chief and Architect. Commissioner Taylor then reported regarding estimate fqrwater.mains near lqth and I Streets. would require 8" line on I Street with 6" and 2" extensions at approximate cost of $18,597.00. decided to give due consideration before making final decision. Improvement It was It 'was moved by Commissioner Taylor that all bids for trench excavation and backfill on Ediz Hook be t rejected and the City proceed with the project using City equipment, the operation costing less than bids I offered and in conformity with Statutes governing. Motion seconded by Commissioner RbbinSon. All voted 1 Aye. Motion carried. : Under the head of new business, Mrs. Johnson and three other property owners on West 16th Street informed I that garbage and sawdust dropping from trucks and trailers makes the street most unsightl.y. The matter was referred to Chief Ide with instructions to take steps to prevent speeding and dropping refuse. The 1 property Oii'ners also complained about smoke from burning fill at the cemetery. Collllllissioner Taylor I I informed that the fire will be extinguished as soon as possible. I i c. E. Shields requested that Fourth Street be improved by paving from Peabody Street to Cherry Street, curb : to curb, including storm sewers, the same to be by Local Improvement District. It was moved by Mairor I Feeley that the Attorney be instructed to prepare a proper resolution for the Local Improvement District. ' I Seconded by Collllllissioner Ta;v lor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. ~ 1 Mrs. Caryl H. McGee requested in writing that her resignation from the Planning Commission be accepted. ;I It was moved by Mayor Feeley that the resignation be accepted and Mrs. Haidee M. Hampton be appointed to the .1' Planning Board to serve the remaining term of Mrs. McGee, which expires March 1, 1954. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carrtsd. .....4 , 124 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington April 30th. continued, 19_5L "'0< . """... ""... ".""... ........ m.. ...... ~Mayor Feeley informed regarding vacancy on the Library Board by expiration of the term of Mrs. Wilson. It 'was moved by Mayor Feeley that E. H. Woodruff be appointed to serve on the Library. Board for a five year Iterm. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. -Earl Davidson discussed lots to be sold by the City to interested parties and appraisal of the same. It ;was moved by Mairor Feeley that calls for bids be published tor sale of the lots. Seconded by Collllllissioner !Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head .of reading end passage of Ordinances, the following was placed on third and final reading: ORDINANCE NO. 1247 An Ordinance relating to residence lighting, heating and cooking service of the municipal light and power system of the City of Port Angeles, prescribing rates, terms and conditions for the sale, and fixing the rate for such service, and amending Schedule 2 of Section 17 of Ordinance No. 890 as amended by Ordinance No. 1138, It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third and final reading and adopted. Seconded by CoIlIlllissioner Ta;vlor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. 'Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was placed on first and second reading : . ORDINANCE NO. i-z'fl AN ORDINANCE vacating all of the alley running through block three hundred ninety-one (391) of the Townsite of Port Angeles. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed first and second reading. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. ITh'e Commission examined and approved the following claims, and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: '/-(,5 ~! I'G' P. Lockwood Herman Ahl.vers Jerr,y Nelson Agency 'Netural Gas Corp. of Wash. lWillson Hardware Co. Ol.ympic Laundry & Cleaners INat"l C.lean-Up-Fix-Up-Pai~t Up Bureau CITY STREET FUND: c:.z5 r.../ Robert D. Mulligan Howard Cooper Corp. Jerry Nelson Agency Nailor Lumber Co. Taylor Heating & Plbg. Co. Seattle Belting & Supply Co. Puget Sound Navigation Co. ',WATER FUND: 'I f 3 ~ JH. E. Dodge Jerry Nelson Agency Thos. W. Roeser -Western Util.ities Supply Co. Grinnell Co. of the Pacific Port Tie & Lumber Co. Puget Sound Navigation Co. Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Taylor Heating & Plbg. Co. Hooker Electrochemical Co. LIGHT FUND:;:<j 71'1 f5 IJerry Nelson Agency ~ jClallam Adjustement Corp. Clallam Co. P.U.D. No.1 Park and Shop Food Stores Puget Sound Navigation Co. Ci ty Water Dept. F & L Service The Electric Co. OJ.ympic Electric Co. Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. (2. ).~- State Examiner Traveling Expense Insurance Audit Premium Gas Bolts, Washers and Tools Laundry & Cleaning 2 Films 161.79 23.63 197.63 3.30 11.64 45.52 22.00 Truck & Driver One Frame Ins. Audit Premium Nails, Lumber, Spikes Pipe 6 Gates V-Belts Frt. 287.50 167.26 36.49 22.16 12.94 98.13 1.43 Exp. Supt. and Comm. Ins. Premi um Hauling Pipe Clamps Pipe and Fittings Lumber Frt. on Pipe Pipe Pipe and Flush Ball Chlorine 26.49 430.53 20.00 10.34 193.54 12.36 12. {,g 70.31 131.49 35.66 Ins. Premium Coll. Expense March Power Ammonia Frt. Chgs. Water at Sub-stn. Wash Car Lamps Lamp Globes Cur. Transf. 192.16 5.48 23,590.57 1.05 1.43 3.00 2.06 .86 17.01 100.83 SANITATION FUND: Jerr,y Nelson Agency Puget Sound Navigation Co. Insurance Audit Premium Frt. 16.72 9.40 There being no further business, the mesting was then adjourned. .... o. e, ':iru<!'. (j City Clerk i i;~;:,~:~~~i;;~:;i~~;;~~~~\,\2~'i)\_,Wt:i \,I)iA"o.IU~:!~.OWlil :So ]I!{)l'!{ J41. l\1lullillilll ')IA'h" 1 alld :?, Hlo('J~ ::~,::, "'Unlmul'tl Ii ,;~:b$t~~i~i~~~:? 10, mock 4~1, ;\!ini- All in tfl,l 'T6\\'I1~ltl' of Pvrt ,\11- ,gule'-<, \\........hll1~l<}ll, ,u, }lriv.ntl' lfalr' tn till' lilg"lH'st A.!1d IJt,~t blUd"I' Illl' '::H;ll J~:t1!d th:\t ;;l'III(-04 I)id~ fH2COlllll:IIl\i,(! JI 11'lti! t,,~n pl!l'Nmt lIf the 1l1UI.lUllt (,If !': :i;l't;~',I,(ic~\~j;.l (~)l~~:t;~t~t~ ~l.~ lt~~l';',t~!:,~'~ _; -'ltg-"h-!; lIl' 10 IllHl not latel' tlwll 10 ~IO'I::'\ll~.k di.~I(~~;:,>~~~njllJ::'~~.~l'l",!; lll\! I~,.ig:hl lo r"J('(,t HiJy-nnd all 1.,ltl:<, 1:11, I'a!,.ti al Pul'l ,\n/.:f'lp.~" l'-~IShjll~_ LO~i. t}Y~[,~{r\.:lli:Yl~~f01~:"~"" 1~1:,[ J :~,t ~.l i~~<:1~,t)~{II~;~17,l']{i~'- l'i;:l~hll1gton ~,/t9. 4 Mayor I I I I