HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/01/1943 .... 521 ft oril 28. 1945 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19_ I I I I I WA Ti':R FUND Port Ji\ngeles Thrift Store ':5 hell Oil Co. W. S. Darley Co. Water Dept. Cleaner Kerosene Torch Wicks Pay Roll LIGHT F~ND Quick Print Elk Drug Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. General Electric Supply Co. ~ n n ~ Forms FlashligHs Service Meter Sockets Meter Parts Pay Roll Light Dept. LIBRARY FUKD Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Service PARl' FuND Pa cHic Tel & Tel Co. !lDld Glory.n ;"~fg. Co. M. R. Alleman Service Flag Zanolite L.LD GUAHAIDY FUND Cit:, Trea surer 11 It Taxes Assessments REVOLVING FUND City TreA surer . It Taxes CITYWIDE SID~ALK CONSTRUCTION FU1~ Mrs. Dowell Hilt Deposit Hefunded There beir.g no further busines~ the Cormnission adj Durned to meet a.t 10 fl.. .k~. J }.~ay' 1, 1945. 1J~~ City Clerk MAY 1, 1945 .59 ')? 7.21 tb ~ 5.55 55.00 6.70 2.16 29.20 10.28 )~ 2.57 28.80 ~o 72.88 4.25 2.75 'Ii ~ 6.97 \..,,-/ 4.17 ~12.56 ~Ir 99.67 52.05 "" 55.44 I}\"Y' 28.86 28.56 Mayor The COIl'Jllissi'Jn met pu!'suant to 2d~oummentat 10 A.1'. and was called to or::le~ by Mayor Robinson. Roll calJ showed the follcwing officers present: Mayor Robineon, Commissioners Beam and Maste~s and Clerk Hawkins. CURRENT $KPJ?;g;E_ FU:.'lL The Comrrission exa~incd and allowed the folluNing claims and ordered warrants drAwn for same: Police Dept. street Dept. Civilian Defense Dept. l}o~m H. Thatcher J. ~. McDonald Fire Depart~_ent Special Police Pay Roll Pay Roll 'II II Radio Repa ir Servi ce Services as dog cat~her Extra Men Pay Roll CITY STEEET .'i:UND Street Dept. Pay Roll WATER FUND Faal RotJerts Salary PARK FUN12 Park De;>t_ Playfield Dept. Pay Roll TA"1:"':r There being no fur':he:- busL'less the COIT1llissiC':1 then adjo-......rned. 7} ,'?Y0I ~ City Clerk 0-:;. .f'. 108.CC 160.00 100.00 20.00 25.00 65.00 1065.00 57.00 ""' or ...-;.yO 145.00 75.00 ~/dE~ Mayor ...4