HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/01/1950 I 1 IJ ,I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Page 653 ~~..!';!!LJ,._ 19~ The COllllllission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers' present were: Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull, and Clerk Law. . ,1.11' Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applica.;o!ons for building pennits and licenses, the following were granted: &11ding Permits: /~ f 30 Anselm BlolI<luist Build 5-Room Dwell~ng; Lots l~, 12, 8lk. 106, Townsite T. C. fl.aller Put in Stairway; E Lot 13, 11 Lot 14, Blk. 15, N.R.Smith Add. Sidney Eby Add 2 Bedrooms to Existing Dwelling; Lot 8, Blk. 415, Townsite John R. Nelson Build Garage; N2 Lots 8-9-10; Blk. 524, Townsite hed Anderson Construct Garage; Lot 4, Blk. 180, 1'ownsite Harris & Schuller Construct Metal Sign; Lots 12,13, Blk. IS, Townsite ~. Licenses: ;;.,; - Ed Vannausdle I . 9,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 200.00 300.00 350.00 I ( Junk Dealer 25.00 1 submitted asl I Under the head of unfinished business, bids to furnish pipe for the Water Department were follows: 8,000' 8" Class 150 Mono-Gast pipe @ li2.07 per foot 10,OOO~ 2" Class 150 Cast Iron pipe @ $.52 8,000' 8" Class ISO Cast Iron @ ~.13...1~17,040.00 8,000' 8" ISO Cast Iron Pipe @ $2.06.. .$16,480.00 10,000' 2" Class 150 Cast Iren Pipe @$.518S...$S,185.00 10,000' 2" Class 150 Cast Iron, 18' length @ $.5355...$5,535.00 8,000~ 8" Class 150 Asbestos Cement pipe @ $1.83.. .1;;14,640.00 I 10,000' 5" Class 150 Transite Asbestos Cement pipe @ 1.62.. .$6,200.00 2% Discount if both accepted. " 8,000' 8" Class 150 Cast Iron pipe @ :1)2.067.. .$16,536.00 10,000' 2" Class 150 Cast Iron pipe @ $.496...t;4,960.00 8,000' B" Class ISO Universal cast Iron pipe @ $2.41...$19,280.00 10,000' 2" Class 150 Universal Cast Ircn pipe @$.576...$ 5,760.00 Ii.wes moved by Commissioner Taylor that the bids be referred to Supt. Dodge for checking, decision to be sul:rnitted by 3:00 P.M. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I' Pursuant to call for bids for the sale of Lot 18, Blk. 141, Townsite, one bid was received from otto R.,! Melander in the amount of $200.00. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the bid be accepted. Seco'nded by. Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. .1 I h delegation representing l:usiness and other professions again appeared regarding day light saving time. The majority of those present favored fast-t:i1ne and suggested that the Commission re-consider their former decision and adopt Daylight Saving Time. The reasons for changing to fast time were as follows: ; Practically all of the western part of the State is Daylight Saving Time, confusion to tourists and others, all ferries except Chinook, operate on Daylight Saving Time, acting as barrier to tourists, majority of'l residents want more time for gardens and recreation, majority of laboring class want Daylight Saving Time, and that this will be known as an outstandingly backward corrununity, staying on Standard Time. 1 American Cast Iron Pipe Compeny: Pacific Water Works Supply Co:: Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co: Alternate Bid...... Johns-l~ville Sales Corp: Alternate Bid...... United States Pipe & Foundry Co.: Western Utili ties Supply Co.: Those opposed to changing time were tavern operators and others in sympathy with school children and con- fusion created in school bus service. , It-was the opinion of Commissioner Taylor that as the County is on Standard l'1me, the City, adopting Day- light Saving Time, might cause more confuSion, but if setting up clocks would be better for the communi,ty and visitors, he might consider adopting Daylight Saving time, when the school term is finished and toutist season begins. j . Commissioner Robinson informed that he has not changed his mind and is not willing to jump at conclusions. That it is the desire of the COllllllission to do what the majority of the citizens want, and that accord:Lng to'phone calls and conversation it is his opinion that Standard Time and Daylight Saving Time are 50-50. propositions. It was decided to further consider the matter and, if advisable, take another vote at the next session. A surety bond was filed by the AlIIlrican Surety Company fo~ the Meter Advertising Corp.,' Ine., as principal. After approval by the Attorney, it was moved by Mayor Feeley, that the bond be accepted. Seconded by'; COlllr:\issioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. ! I Under the head of new l:usiness, Archie Nailor requested that the City remove deposit which Peabody Cree~ has accumulated under the Angeles Gravel Dock. Commissioner Taylor and the Engineer will inspect on the low morning tide. II .1 Frank Lindsay, for the American Legion, requested permission to sponsor a carnival to be located near the Peninsula Plywood Corp. It was regularly moved and seconded that permission be granted. Motion carriep. Under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the following was placed on third and final readinls: ORDINANCE NO. 1225 I AN,ORDINANCE relating to weeas, vegetable and horticult~ral growths upon private property obstructing :1 streets, sidewalks and sidewalk areas, and creating a menace to public health, safety and welfare, providin for the compelling of the removal thereof by property owners, the removal thereof by the City of Port Angeld at the expense of property owners, providing for the declaration of nuisances, providing for the enforcamen of this ordinance and fixing penalties. I I It was moved by Mayor Feeley that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third 8:ld final reading and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. 'I the following claims, and ordered warrants issued in payment of safue: I 41. 77 25.2.4 8.91 , ~2.87 The Commission examined and ?proved CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: ~;l,51- Ed. B. Taylor Evening News Press Pioneer, Inc. Trick & Murray Car !lileage 100 Copies of Annual Report Election Supplies Permanent Registration Binder & Index I} Page 654 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington May: 1st, continued, 19~ CURIlENT EXPE~ISE FUND, continued: Hea~rick "'epa ir Service laper Oil Burner Co. W. S. Darley & Co. Pac~fic Telephone & Telegraph Co. Port Angelas Auto Supply Nat (1 Fire Protection Assn. Nat'l Clean Up-Paint Up-Fix Up Bureau , t/ CIT~, STREET FUND: 5 f t Western Tractor & Equipment Co. SamUelson Mctor Co. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. \ 91 WATER. FUND: Jfl_ City Treasurer City Light Dept. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. H. E. Dodge Wills on Hardware Co. Hooker Electrochemical Co. Jame's M. Spencer west'ern Utili ties Supply Co. E. N. Hallgren Co. I 17 LIGHT FUND: 1~1- Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. The Ryding Co. Eugene E. Williams Dobson Electric Co. Art & Eddies Shell Service Schreiner Chevrolet Co. Petersen & Craver Capt. Stephen ~. Sanislo City: Water Dept. Nailor Lumber Co. Wills on Helvre. Co. Line' Material Co. Home Electric Co. R. E~ Uptegraff Mfg. Go. General Electric Supply Corp. ,I ;;?3 SANITA1'ION FUND: Sf- Syd ,Tozier Ins. Agency City; Treasurer Jani",h Motor Co. Automotive Parts Service Middleton'Motor Parts Porky's ilobile Service 1 05 LIBRARY FUND: .:291- City, Treasurer Demco Library Supplies Goss' Stationery Port: Angeles Public Library The 'Stationers, Inc. Library Service J. B,. Mathews Glass Co. Syd Tozier Ins. Agency New ilethod Book Bindery, Inc. The ,Persona 1 Book Shop, Inc. Doubleday & Co., Ine. I PARK,ING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: Craybar Electric Co. C i t~ Treasurer FIREMEN 'S PENSION FUND: 33 Dr. J. C. Hay & Associates Clel1am Co. Med. Service Corp. I There being no further business, and on motion by CODllIlissioner Robinson, the session was recessed until 3:00. P.M. Pursbnt to recess declared, the Commission convened at 5:00 P .ll. with all officers present, except the Attorney. I The bids for water pipe having been checked and given due consideration, it was recommended by Supt. Dodge that' the bid submitted by Johns-Manvilla Sales Corp. for 8" transite pipe and 3" traClsite pipe be accepted. It Was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the recommendations be accepted and bid awarded accordingly. That the bid'is more desirable by date of delivery, and the 3" pipe of more capacity and non-corrosive. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion caITied. Therk being no further tusiness, the meeting was adjourned. ! 0" O. 8. (j Car Repair Repa ir to Heating System 2-.4& MH. Police Revolvers Phone Services Parts Pos ters Jete. Tabs, Streamers, Trailers 65.09 411. 64 82.52 62.31 4.36 48.75 34.49 Disc, Bearings, Gaskets, etc. Tube Repair Service 3540 46.60 3.09 9.75 Postage Lights at Reservoirs Phone Service Expense Tools Chlorine Backfilling ~'ittings Fittings and Lead 3.00 5.76 81.56 16.94 44.28 51. 06 20.00 27.08 142.23 Phone Phone Cord Coilers Car Expense Parts Tire Tube Lub & Repairs Repairs Posters, etc. Water at Sub-stn. Tile Drills Connectors, Wire Wire Transformer Wire, Cond. Ell 12.78 9.79 25.41 1.74 5.19 59.96 9.41 14.57 3.50 2.16 1.54 284.68 197.91 352.19 508.54 Add. Premium Truck License Door Lock and Link Parts Fittings, Parts I< Material Gas, Charge Battery, etc. 5.37 2.00 2.51 26.92 15.53 5.90 Light, Water, Garbage Supplies Tabs, Labels, etc. Postage Stencils, etc. Book Jacket Covers, etc. Taking off Door Check & Resetting Add. Ins. Premium Books Books Books (",1 '?:f King and Occidental Express and Postage 11.46 7.20 L91 2.00 14.71 52.06 5.61 16.06 14.74 108.65 58.65 [ [ 52.53 8.51 May Med. Fees, Firemen May Med. Fees, Firemen 9.00 24.00 ;f~. City Clerk -/dd /~ !Jayor I 1 I 1 I