HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/01/1958 I I 1 'I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Pori Angeles, Washington 589 May 1 19~ "", . .,...., .m"., ".,,,",,. .."".. ..... ..... I The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. and wa~ called to order by Mayor Smith, Roll call showed the following officers present: Councilmen Sandisnn, Matthieu, \'/:life, McFadden, Maxfield and Thorne, Manager Vergeer. Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law. Minutes of theprevious. meeting were amended as follows: The motion by Councilman McFadden approved as matter of policy the hiring of intern in Political Science during the summer period. Also the mDtion by Councilman Wolfe to postpone action on Personnel Resolution was seconded by Councilman McFadden and carried. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that minutes of the preyious meeting be approved as amended. Seconded by Councilman McFadden and carried. Under the head of unfinished business, one bid was received fromE. A. Jensen, Shell Jobber, in amount of $310.00 f or purchase of fuel tank from the Light Department. It was moved by Councilman \\\:>lf~ that the offer be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Saniison and carried. Bids to furnish one car for the Light Department wer~ received as follows: DAN ROBERTSOl PONTIAC, 1958 Chieftain, net, $2,278.92; MURRA.Y MiJI'ORS, 1958 Plymouth, net, $2,076.18; LANNO'iE MiJI'OR CO., 1958 Plymouth, net, $ 1,970.83; SCHRFINER CHEVROLET CO., 1958 Chevrolet DelRay, net, $1,907.17; Alternate, 185 H.P., V.8, net, $1,887.54; SAMUELSON MOTql CO., 1958 Ford V8, net, $1,751.24; Alternat'e::, ,1958 Ford V8, 300 H. P. motor, net, $1,798.77. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that the bid by Samuelson Motor Co. for Ford at $1,751.24 be accepted. Seconded by Cauncilmm Maxfield and carried. The Pollution Control. Commission having submitted report showing results of Pollution and bacterial ,tests in harbor waters, the report was sum~arized and copies will be made available for Councilmen Elect. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that report be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Council- man Sandison and carried. Under the head of new business, claims payable May 1 were approved in total amount of $57,944.21. It was moved by Councilman Maxfield that claim vouchers be approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Me- r=adden and carried. It ..as moved by Councilman Sanidson that reports of the Police and Light Departments be approved and filed. Seconded by Councilman McFadden and carried. Lloyd L. and Eleanor B. Flatau filed written request for permission to connect to Penn Street Trunk Sewer for service to Lots 15 and 16, Blk, 3, P.S.C.C., agreeing to pay all cost as provided by Ordinance, It was moved by Councilman McFadden. that request be approved. seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. ~onsideration of Personnel Resolution defining vacations and sick leave for City employees was tabled un- til futtre date when the matter will have been discussed with the new Councilmen. One request for transfer of beverage l~cense was received: Market Basket from william 0, James to Lova Loretta Mariani. It was movtd by,Councilman Matthieu that transfer be approved. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. The Manager read communication from State' Department of Health by. A, G. Koch, Sanitary Engineering Section, which referred to inspection of the Morse Creek watershed by Mr. Koch and John Beck, Olympia Heal th District Sanitarian. The engineer cited silting condi ton of water supply caused by timber removal and construction of park roads. Also pos~ibility of unsanitary conditions due to use of watershed by fisher- men a,nd trespassers. A meeting will be arranged for May 14, if this date is satisfactory. Represented will be the City, National Park, State Dept. of lIealtb, County 9ommissioners and Olympic Health District. Meeting will be for the purpose of discussing futae protection of water shed. Fred Overly, National Park Supt., acknowledged receipt of report from the health department and agreed to meet with officials. Mayor Smith showed scroll presented by Alderman and Chairman of Greater Victoria Association on arrival of the first boat of summer schedule Sunday. Also flag commemorating Victoria Centennial. The Mayor also displayed certifiate of appointment as member to the Board of Trustees for Statewide City Employees Retirement System. James Caldwell, Councilman-Elect, aSked Council if any progress is being made toward construction of com.. fort statiOnS. Mayor Smith said he has contacted,officials of the American Legion, also the Planning Commission, Location for a City Center station is being investigated. The Ediz 1I00k Station will be further considered due to extension of" air strip. It was moved by Councilman Wolf e that the City proceed with acquiring inf~~mation concerning construction and cost of a downtown comfort station. Motion seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carril:d. . There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned. Q, t. ;;L~ (/ City Clerk BldH WI~l'~~M-~Sthe' otii~ of th~ CItY r.mna:g(:l", 140 West F'r{)lJt Str(!ct, P9Tt Anft!l.le3.. "'aBhlngton! up to 5:00 c'tlock P. M.. Mar, 1:1' U:JS on l?"'c only u8ecl' 2500 K'\TA It ttansfonner; J HH5, U;~~O, - ,;~~() ~{~ ~~~~~ ~se::[tI<:!. \VuahJIlJ;'tcm. A fi p~r~~n\~~ ~Ind ~~~P~~I_~,eJ)~~ S:(!l ~~~~~:n~ ~l1all not. exceed fourteen },l;lU'sl Only l>tandftrd, mnnufacture transfor~ mars wm -be' con~ldcre": CJty reserve~ the' right to aC'ce'pt 01" reject any bid, proposal. ClTY OI<' -PORT ANGEt.Es q",8. Vcrgeer. I Publlsll(ld May 8 ~l~K r~~i~~~~ BldSl wt~r:-C:~c~~tS the oWcc ~f, the City _MMn/;'cr, 140. w.est FJ',o~tJ St~~.t. Porl Ange1cf', \\'al'lhlngtoll, up ~~ll~:tn:_m. May 19, 19';3 Oll tbe ~g:ri'~:~!"G"~~'r~PtAEsh~1!Jr.iFStJP- . T (I) 1~.[WO fo't. co<l~woni ~"SllaTk"l N~l. 2 - ,-s.trnnd alunllllum conauctor ~.Ilh 4{G4" nl!oprcnf,: In!Julatl(m and ~ou~ it, -co~{i, neutral messenger. in Alternate. bld IIlR)' be submlti.ed on i.~E)a,~g.oggp~~i:. =--:jt~ -4J6~~n1~;~~: ~~~:<<,ad~er.N,~ 5~O R~~,ldco~~rc cOJlper MTI~~e5rylO ti,~~te a~;n~~fccetu~e:~. n~;;;i ~~~e]~~5;V:~boll~II~~~~ :11 ~el~~ent bid CITY Of.' PORT A."(a~LES G. S. Verge!)r Puhllshed: May R ~~~' :j~nl~~~ '7f~b Mayor * /