HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/01/1984 136 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington May 1, 1984 I CALL TO ORDER Mayor Duncan called the meeting to order at 7:01 P.M. II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Duncan, Councilmen Gerberding, Haguewood, Hordyk, Schermer, Quast, Whidden. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Knutson, Deputy Clerk Anderson, D. VanHemert, M. Cleland, R. French, J. Marsh, L. Glenn, J. Pittis, R. Orton. Public Present: C. Friedman, N. Boyse, D. & G. Johnson, D. Price. III MINUTES Councilman Gerberding moved the Council accept and place on file as received the minutes of the April 17, 1984 meeting. Councilman Quast seconded the motion. Mayor Duncan made the following correction: John Tangedahl, President of Peninsula Security, addressed the Council (Register Page l29, 130) regarding proposed amendments to the Fire Alarm Ordinance. His name was incorrectly listed as "Hingle". The motion to accept the minutes as corrected carried. IV CONSENT AGENDA I Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept the items listed under the Consent Agenda including (1) Request permission to call for bids for line I extension for DelHur Eastside Annexation and other loads on Golf Course Road; (2) Correspondence from Washington State Liquor Control Board; and (3) Vouchers of $2l5,01l.22 and Payroll of $200,299.12. Councilman Schermer seconded and the motion carried. V FINANCE 1. Consideration of Bids Received on Sale of Rock Crusher. Councilman Quast moved to concur with the recommendation of the Public Works Department that the high purchase price of $13,001.99 from Blake Sand & Gravel of Sequim be accepted and awarded the work. He then moved to concur with the recommendation that the funds received from this award be assigned to building a permanent handrail in place of the temporary one on one of the Eighth Street Bridges. Councilman Whidden seconded. Councilman Hordyk stated that these are two separate issues and should be separate motions. Councilman Quast then withdrew the second part of the motion. On call for the question, the motion to accept the bid of Blake Sand & Gravel carried. 2. Progress Payment on Hazard Elimination Project to Lakeside Industries in the Amount of $18,371.77 Councilman Gerberding moved to authorize payment to Lakeside Industries in the amount of $18,371.77. Councilman Quast seconded. The motion carried. 3. Approve Payment of $7,054 to Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce for a Brochure Councilman Whidden moved to grant the request of the Port'Angeles Chamber of Commerce and authorized payment of $7,054. Councilman Gerberding seconded. Councilman Whidden noted that the funds would be derived from hotel/motel tax funds. After discussion, on call for the question, the motion carried. VI ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE TO BE PLACED ON THE AGENDA None. I I I I CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 1, 1984 ITEMS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL TO BE PLACED ON THE AGENDA None. VII LEGISLATION 1. Planning Commission Minutes of April 25, 1984 A. Amendment to Zoning Ordinance Changing the Definition of Trailer Parks to Exclude Recreational Vehicles - Located Citywide Councilman Whidden moved to set a public hearing for May 15, 1984, for the purpose of considering the amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried. Councilman Gerberding then moved to accept the Planning Commission Minutes of April 25, 1984, with Councilman Hordyk seconding. The motion carried. 2. DelHur westside Annexation Environmental Impact Statement - Sanitary Sewer Appendix Mayor Duncan refrained from participating in the meeting due to conflict of interest. Councilman Haguewood presided as Mayor Pro Tem. Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood reviewed a background memo from the Planning Department. Councilman Hordyk inquired as to whether the cost of an EIS wa's budgeted for 1984. Manager Flodstrom indicated that it was not and that if this recommendation were approved the Council would have to approve $l5,000 additional expenditures in the Sewer Utility budget. FOllowing discussion with staff at length, Councilman Hordyk moved to authorize the expenditure of $15,000 to assist in the preparation of a sanitary sewer appendix for the Environmental Impact Statement for the DelHur, Inc., Wests ide ,Annexation request. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried. 3. Selection of Councilmember to Represent City on Steering Committee for Harbor Management Plan Mayor Duncan informed the Council that at the special meeting of April 25, 1984, the Council had concurred that the Economic Development Council would set up the meeting and that a representative from the Council should attend. She then volunteered to represent the City. Councilman Whidden moved to appoint Mayor Duncan as representative on the Steering Committee. Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried. 4. Discussion of Community Development Block Grant Assignment of Administration Duties Mayor Duncan refrained from participating in this portion of the meeting due to conflict of interest. Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood presided. Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood reviewed a memorandum from the Planning Department outlining recommended division of administrative functions. Following discussion, Councilman Gerberding moved to concur with staff recommenda- tions and authorize the division of responsibilities as recommended, directing staff to prepare the necessary agreements with the Clallam County EDC which would include authorization for approximately $12,500 of the administrative funds to be allotted to the EDC for their portion of the duties. Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried with Councilman Hordyk voting "No". 5. Consideration of Conditional Use of Public Pier by Derby Days Arts and Crafts Fair Mayor Duncan reviewed a letter from Derby Days, Inc., requesting permission to occupy the City Pier from August 24, 1984, through September 3, 1984, for the purpose of conducting a crafts fair. Following discussion, Council- man Gerberding moved to grant the request of Derby Days, Inc., with Council- man Schermer seconding. The motion carried. 6. Opinion of the City Attorney on City's Liability Due to Proposed Amendments to Fire Alarm Ordinance Mayor Duncan reviewed a memorandum from the City Attorney stating that the City does not assume liability in the event of a failed fire alarm merely 137- 138 CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 1, 1984 by requiring such an alarm by ordinance, and outlining areas that may present liability. The Council and staff discussed implementation of hold harmless agreements to be Signed by installers of alarms. Attorney Knutson proposed that the Fire Chief research the possibility of establishing set guidelines for residential alarms as an attachment to the Ordinance. After further discussion at length, Councilman Quast moved to table decision on the matter, with Councilman Schermer seconding. The motion carried. 7. Adjustment to Joint Use Pole Rental Agreement and Fees Between Pacific Northwest Bell and the City Councilman Hordyk moved to authorize the Mayor to execute the supplemental agreement with Pacific Northwest Bell. Councilman Schermer seconded and the motion carried, with Councilman Gerberding abstaining. 8. Amendment to City Gymnasium Ordinance Mayor Duncan read the ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2299 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles amending Ordinance No. 207l and Chapter 12.08 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, and providing for additional types of permitted activities in the City Gymnasium. Councilman Schermer moved to adopt the ordinance as read by title, with councilman Whidden seconding. Councilman Quast indicated the need for the installation of showers at the Gymnasium in conjunction with certain sporting events that might be held there. On call for the question, the motion carried. 9. Consideration of Using Funds from Sale of Rock Crusher for Handrail Replacement on One Eighth Street Bridge Councilman Quast restated his previous motion to authorize the purChase of the handrail material by advertisement for bid, funds from the sale of the rock crusher to be used for the purchase. Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried. Council and staff discussed the purchase at great length. 10. Declaring Surplus Equipment to be Placed for Bid Mayor Duncan reviewed a memorandum from Finance Director Orton and the Council reviewed the list of equipment recommended to be declared surplus. After clarification on a particular piece of equipment, specifically a bucket for a miniature front-end loader from the Cemetery Division, and the addition of items to the list including brass pipe fittings, a riding lawn mower and some pumps, Councilman Hordyk moved to declare the equipment listed as surplus and authorize the disposal of such equipment through a sealed bidding procedure. Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried. 11. Consideration of public Defender Contract Attorney Knutson proposed that the Public Defender contract be contingent upon the Public Defender agreeing that representation would include Superior Court appeals and interlocutory appeals to the Washington Supreme Court. Following further discussion, Councilman Schermer moved to auth- orize Mayor Duncan to execute the contract with the Clallam-Jefferson Public Defender, including the contingencies proposed by the City Attorney. Councilman Quast seconded. Following discussion at great length, on call for the question, the motion carried. 12. Proclamation of Coast Guard Appreciation Week Mayor Duncan proclaimed May 5th through May 12th, 1984, as Coast Guard Appreciation Week in Port Angeles. 13. Proclamation - Senior Citizen Month Mayor Duncan proclaimed May Older American's Month in Port Angeles. I I I I I I I CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 1, 1984 14. Proclamation - Derby Days Mayor Duncan proclaimed the period of August 24, 1984, through September 3, 1984, as Derby Days in Port Angeles and encouraged everyone to participate in the many activities that will be taking place. VIII LATE ITEMS Lease Agreement - Air Compressor at Fire Station. Manager Flodstrom and Fire Chief Glenn presented a revised Lease Agreement for the air compressor at the Fire Station to the Council. Councilman Gerberding moved to authorize Mayor Duncan to execute the lease agreement with Coundilman Whidden seconding. Manager Flodstrom commended J. Sweatt for his cooperation in the agreement negotiations. ' Downtown Banners - Replacement. Manager Flodstrom and Public Works Director Pittis then presented a recommendation to the Council for replacement of the Downtown banners. Following review of the background memorandum, Councilman Quast moved to concur with the recommendation of staff to accept and award the low quote of Blyn Sail and Canvas in the amount of $2,566.62 for replacement of 52 Downtown banners within the allotted time frame. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried. Re-Bid Authorized - Alder Street Property. Manager Flodstrom reported that no bids had been received at the bid opening held earlier that day for the sale of the Alder Street property. Councilman Schermer moved to place the property for rebid, the Council to review the bids, with no minimum bid requirement. Councilman Hordyk seconded and the motion carried. AWC Annual Conference. Manager Flodstrom then requested information as to whether any members of the Council would be attending the Association of Washington Cities conference to be held in June. At this time, it appears that no Council- members will be able to attend. Councilmen Schermer and Gerberding will be attending a conference May 18, 1984, entitled "Keys to Effective City Council" to be held in Seattle. IX ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA None. ITEMS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL NOT ON THE AGENDA Councilman Gerberding questioned staff regarding the City's maintenance of a fire alarm system at the Hong Kong Restaurant. Finance Director Orton explained that this was in the interest of public safety. Councilman Gerberding then questioned Police Chief Cleland on the procedure for the transfer of liquor licenses. Councilman Whidden then discussed with staff the status of delinquent utility accounts. I Councilman Quast thanked Richard French for the new name plates made by Richard and Tom Sperline of City Light for Councilmembers. He then inquired as to the status on trees to be planted Downtown. Parks Director Marsh informed him and the Council that the trees would be arriving within the next few days and would be in the process of being planted by the end of this week or the beginning of the next week. Councilman Quast then commended the Public Works Department for the good job done on the resur- facing of Park Street. Councilman Haguewood reported on another city that he had visited recently that had problems with the trees planted downtown. He stated that Port Angeles is not an isolated case; that problems exist in other cities with trees planted in the downtown areas. ]39 140 CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 1, 1984 Councilman Whidden then reported on a recent Convention Center Committee meeting. He stated that the Committee has begun to refer to the Vern Burton Memorial Gymnasium as the Burton Civic Center and that another meeting will be held May 15, 1984, and will result in issues being brought back to the Council for their review. Councilman Whidden also commended the Police Department for their booth at the Home Show held recently. City Light also had a booth and the mechanized collection garbage truck was on display. Mayor Duncan reported that a convention had been held in Port Angeles the I previous weekend for the Washington Optometric Association. Approximately - 400 people attended. The Council discussed further the upcoming meeting to be held regarding the proposed Harbor Management Plan. Mayor Duncan reported on a Camp David retreat held April 28, 1984. Council- man Whidden, Councilman Gerberding, Councilman Quast and Mayor Duncan attended. The retreat was for members of the Human Services Council. X ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Duncan adjourned the meeting to executive session for the purpose of discussing litigation for delinquent utility bills at 8:40 P.M. XI RETURN TO OPEN SESSION The meeting returned to open session at approximately 8:50 P.M. XII ADJOURNMENT Mayor Duncan adjourned the meeting at approximately 9:00 P.M. ~Q.~,~ Cl rk J~~~ I I