HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/01/2007
Recognition of Port
Angeles High School
Symphonic & Vocal
Unlimited Choirs
Recognition of Port
Angeles High School
Jazz Band
Recognition of Older
Americans Month
Recognition of Police
Officer Dan Morse
Port Angeles, Washington
May 1, 2007
Mayor Rogers called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at
6:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Mayor Rogers, Deputy Mayor Williams, Councilmembers
Braun, Munro, Petersen, and Wharton.
Members Absent:
Councilmember Headrick.
Staff Present:
Manager Madsen, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Upton, G. Cutler,
D. McKeen, T. Riepe, Y. Ziomkowski, T. Pierce, 1. Mason,
1. Viada, T. Gallagher, R. Gunn, K. Ziegler, G. Roggenbuck,
D. Morse, M. Karjalainen, D. Arand, L. Hainstock, T. Rooks,
P. Bartholick, R. Horton, D Bellamente, E. Kovatch, S.
Coyle, B. McFall, and A. Brusseau.
Public Present:
T. Ahlgren, B. Booher, and C. Kidd. All others present in the
audience failed to sign the roster.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by retiring Police Chief Riepe.
Proclamation in Recognition of Port Angeles High School Symphonic & Vocal
Unlimited Choirs:
Following a choir rendition of Somewhere Over the Rainbow, Mayor Rogers read and
presented a proclamation recognizing the Port Angeles High School Symphonic & Vocal
Unlimited Choirs for taking first place in the Lionel Hampton International Jazz Festival
in Moscow, Idaho. The proclamation was accepted by Jolene Gailey, Director, and the
choir members.
2. Proclamation in Recognition of Port Angeles High School Jazz Band:
Following a quartet's performance, Mayor Rogers read and presented a proclamation
recognizing the Port Angeles High School Jazz Band, who took first place in the jazz
band category in the Lionel Hampton International Jazz Festival in Moscow, Idaho. The
proclamation was accepted by Doug Gailey, Director, and the jazz band members.
Proclamation in Recognition of Older Americans Month:
Mayor Rogers read and presented a proclamation to Councilmember Braun and Eleanor
Tschimperle, Senior Center Board member, declaring the month of May, 2007, as Older
Americans Month.
4. Proclamation in Recognition of Police Officer Dan Morse:
Mayor Rogers, joined by Deputy Chief Gallagher, read and presented a proclamation to
Police Officer Dan Morse, honoring his efforts in saving the life of a Port Angeles
resident who had suffered from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
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May 1, 2007
Recognition of Retiring
Police Chief Tom Riepe
P AMC Amendments -
Title 16, Subdivisions
Birthday Greetings
Business License
5. Proclamation in Recognition of Retiring Police Chief Tom Riepe:
Fire Chief McKeen presented a montage of pictures showing the life of retiring Police
Chief Tom Riepe, after which Mayor Rogers read and presented a proclamation to Chief
Tom Riepe, who is retiring after 30 years of dedicated law enforcement service to the City
of Port Angeles. Chief Riepe was joined by his wife, Becky, in receiving a standing
ovation. Police Chief Spinks, City of Sequim, presented a plaque to Chief Riepe on
behalf of the Olympic Peninsula Narcotics Team; Clallam County Sheriff Bill Benedict
presented Chief Riepe a plaque from the County Sheriffs Department; representatives
of the Kitsap County Sheriffs Department, Lt. Mandeville and Officer Mahoney,
provided commentaries on past memories and experiences with Chief Riepe; and Clallam
County Commissioner Doherty expressed appreciation to Chief Riepe for his service,
professionalism, and support. Chief Riepe expressed words of appreciation to the City
and the Police Department, stating it was an honor and a privilege to serve.
Mayor Rogers recessed the meeting at 6:55 p.m. for a reception in honor of Chief Riepe.
The meeting reconvened at 7:20 p.m.
P AMC Amendments - Title 16, Subdivisions:
Planning Manager Roberds reviewed proposed amendments to Title 16, Port Angeles
Municipal Code, regarding an exception of street standards in short plats that are interior
to industrial sites in the Industrial Heavy (IH) zone. The proposed change creates the
potential for additional industrial lots within sites to be served by private streets rather
than public streets. In keeping with the requirement to conduct a first reading of the
Ordinance, Mayor Rogers read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending a
portion of the Short Plat Subdivision Regulations, Chapter 16.04,
Title 16, of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Mayor Rogers opened the public hearing at 7:25 p.m. There being no public testimony,
the public hearing was continued to May 15,2007.
At this time, Mayor Rogers and the Council extended birthday greetings to
Councilmembers Headrick and Wharton.
Business License Ordinance:
Manager Madsen opened discussion on proposed changes to the City's business license
regulations, indicating the City currently has limited business license requirements with
only certain types. of businesses required to be licensed. Over the last several years,
discussions have been held among the staff, Council, and the community regarding an
expansion of the business license requirements in the City. At this time, a complete
rewrite of the Ordinance is being presented to expand the types of businesses from a
limited view to a requirement that all businesses in the City would be licensed. He asked
for discussion on several key points: the scope of the license and registration
requirements, i.e., those domiciled in the City or also those from other areas who do
business in the City; Council's policy on the fee structure; and the appropriate
enforcement elements of the Ordinance. He added that the regulations and associated
fees are not being introduced for purposes of generating revenue, but are necessary in
order to cover the City's costs to administer the Ordinance.
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May 1, 2007
Manager Madsen explained why the business license information is important, citing a
situation during a winter storm whereby the City's emergency contact information proved
insufficient, and the City was unable to contact the property owner in a timely manner,
likely resulting in significant cost to the property owner. By having appropriate
information available to emergency personnel, these types of situations could be avoided.
Also, from his economic development background, Manager Madsen felt it crucial to
have an understanding of the businesses in the City, as well as the types of businesses not
here. The lack of business information is a hindrance in planning for economic
development and prosperity for the entire community. One ofthe powers granted to cities
by the State is that of maintaining current and accurate information on businesses, so the
business license process would be the most efficient means of obtaining the information.
The business license issue has been considered by the Community & Economic
Development Committee, as well as the Finance Committee.
Business License
Ordinance (Cont'd)
Mayor Rogers facilitated discussion among the Councilmembers, beginning by stating her
experience on the EDC Board and its efforts to do demographics; it was impossible to
obtain a comprehensive list of businesses in Port Angeles. For that purpose, she saw a
huge benefit for the City to be able to communicate with its businesses in a means other
than utility bills. From a safety standpoint, it is important to know the types of products
being kept by businesses. She also asked how the City could tout the businesses in the
community ifthey didn't even know who they are. She learned of a company operating
a business from a residential basement with nine employees, but if something happened
and the Fire Department had no knowledge of the employees, a tragedy could occur. She
also felt this to be license parody, as other businesses have been required to have a license
for many years.
The Councilmembers engaged in discussion, considering such aspects as pre-fire planning
and enforcement. Attorney Bloor discussed the enforcement alternatives, ranging '[rom
a soft approach to that of a hardline approach that could incorporate a delinquent charge,
making a business owner criminally liable of a misdemeanor or gross misdemeanor, or
the enforcement could be linked to a certificate of occupancy where a business couldn't
occupy the premises without a license. Discussion also focused on whether convicted
felons could obtain a license, the various types of information that might be garnered on
the application, and situations where emergency contact information is important.
The Council also considered concern expressed that some may think this is the first step
toward a B & 0 tax, so the intent of the Ordinance should be clearly stated. It was
suggested that a repealer be placed in the Ordinance such that any attempt to impose a B
& 0 tax would automatically repeal the license Ordinance. Discussion also focused on
possible land use violations that may be discovered through the license process. Manager
Madsen reiterated the purpose of the Ordinance is to have more information on the
businesses, but it would be unconscionable to allow a business to operate out of a home
that presents a tragic hazard to an entire neighborhood. The better course of action would
be for the City to help find an appropriate location for such a business. The Council
considered the necessary educational effort that must take place and agreed to provide
assistance in visiting service clubs prior to the implementation date of July 1 st. Manager
Madsen indicated there would be a 6-month grace period to give businesses ample time
to seek a license. The opinion was expressed that the City should license only those
businesses domiciled in the City at a fair and reasonable fee.
Councilmember Petersen moved to direct staff to prepare an Ordinance for
presentation to the Council, using the concerns expressed by the Council as
guidelines in preparing that Ordinance. Councilmember Braun seconded the
motion. The question was raised as to whether a public hearing would be conducted.
Attorney Bloor responded that a public hearing is not required, and Manager Madsen
indicated it would be an open public meeting. He added that staff would take the
Council's guidance in preparing an Ordinance for a first reading May 151\ moving
forward to a second reading and adoption on June 51\ with implementation July 1 st. A
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May l, 2007
Business License
Ordinance (Cont'd)
Boating Facilities
Program Grant, Ediz
Hook Boat Launch
Piling Replacement
Resolution No. 9-07
Milwaukee Grade Right
of Use Agreement with
National Park Service
question was also asked as to whether this Ordinance would be subject to the Initiative
and Referendum process; Attorney Bloor indicated he would research the matter. A vote
was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
Manager Madsen added a Resolution for Boating Facilities Program Grant, Ediz Hook
Boat Launch Piling Replacement Project 06-38, as Agenda Item G.!. Councilmember
Wharton asked to add discussion on climate change as Agenda Item H.2.
Peter Ripley, 114 E. 6th, #102, indicated he would be submitting his proposal on the
"Disability Assistance Trust Organization" (D.A. T. 0.) to the Developmentally Disabled
Advisory Committee. In addition, he asked the council to seek public input from
businesses on the proposed license regulations.
Councilmember Braun lauded the Recreation Division's efforts in bringing numerous
tournaments to the City. Deputy Mayor Williams requested information related to return
on investment on the tournaments.
Boating Facilities Program Grant, Ediz HookBoat Launch Piling Replacement
Project 06-38:
Public Works & Utilities Director Cutler submitted information on the availability ofa
grant program to assist in the Ediz Hook Boat Launch Pile Replacement Project through
the Inter-Agency Committee (lAC) for Outdoor Recreation. He summarized the grant
match requirement of 25%, and the project estimated cost of $145,000. The Finance
Committee forwarded a recommendation for approval by the Council. In response to
concern expressed by Councilmember Munro, Director'Cutler indicated that staff is
reviewing the potential for partial financial support from user groups. Councilmember
Petersen clarified that her vote would be tied specifically to the receipt of this grant.
Mayor Rogers read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, authorizing
application for funding assistance for a Boating Facilities Program
(BFP) project to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation (lAC)
as provided in Chapter 79A.25 RCW, Boating Facilities Program.
Deputy Mayor Williams moved to pass the Resolution as read by title, supporting
the submission of a resolution for a Boating Facilities Program Grant, Ediz Hook
Boat Launch Piling Replacement Project 06-38, and authorize allocation of grant
matching funds not to exceed $55,000. Councilmember Munro seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
Milwaukee Grade Right of Use Agreement with National Park Service:
Director Cutler provided information relative to the National Park Service submitting a
request to the City to allow portions of the City-owned Milwaukee Railroad Grade west
of the Lower Elwha Road to be used for temporary construction and operation access to _
the Elwha Water Treatment Plan and Elwha Surface Water Intake construction sites. The .,
proposed agreement was reviewed by the Utility Advisory Committee and recommended
for approval by the City Council. Cou~cilmember Munro moved to approve and
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Milwaukee Grade Right
of Use Agreement with
National Park Service
Climate Change
2007 Contract with
Economic Development
Timber Harvest
Contract Award
Lower Elwha Klallam
Tribe Wastewater
\.' , '" ;:.\ '. ~/
May 1, 2007
authorize the City Manager to sign an agreement with the National Parks Service
to allow portions of the City-owned Milwaukee Railroad Grade west of Lower
Elwha Road to be used for temporary construction and operation access to the
EWTP and ESWI construction sites. Councilmember Wharton seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
Climate Change:
Councilmember Wharton addressed the matter of research conducted on what local
government can do on climate change. The Association of Washington Cities
recommended the City work with ICLEI, Local Governments for Sustainability. She
talked to a regional program officer, who expressed a willingness to work with the City
as relates to a carbon assessment and budget. Mayor Rogers indicated that, based on a
previous discussion on the matter, the Council agreed to retain its focus on current City
projects and responsibilities. Councilmember Wharton urged the Council to consider
doing a baseline study to be certain efforts are pointed in the appropriate direction.
2007 Contract with f';conomic Development Council:
Mayor Rogers welcomed Patti Morris, 301 Bird Song Place, Vice President of the
Economic Development Council, who acknowledged Councilmember Petersen for her
service on the EDC Board, as well as Mayor Rogers for her leadership. She also
appreciated City Manager Madsen's efforts toward the agreement on a funding
partnership. She indicated the EDC will be working on its goals for economic
development, and it looks forward to a closer partnership with the City. Manager Madsen
then provided a summary of the contract with the EDC, after which Councilmember
Petersen moved to approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the 2007 contract with
the Clallam County Economic Development Council in the amount of $20,000 +
$2,500 for in-kind services. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Braun.
Discussion ensued, with the Councilmembers expressing a desire to see the Economic
Development Council in the forefront of economic development in the community. A
vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
On another matter of economic development, Councilmember Petersen reminded the
Council ofthe City's partnership in a microclimate study conducted by Dr. Greg Jones,
.'l-,:lBiologist, regarding the growing of grapes in the Port Angeles area. She announced that
Dr. Jones would be sharing the study results this coming Friday in the City Council
Chambers. She expressed appreciation for the City's involvement in this endeavor.
Timber Harvest Contract Award:
Director Cutler summarized the need to harvest timber on City property acquired from
the Department of Defense, property that will be used to construct the Port Angeles Water
Treatment Plant and related facilities. He reviewed bid information, after which
Councilmember Munro announced he had no discussions with this contractor or any other
potential bidder on the contract. Councilmember Petersen moved to award and
authorize the Mayor to sign the contract with Ryfield Properties, Inc., of Port
Angeles, in the amount of $23,873.58, for the P A WTP Timber Sale Contract. The
motion was seconded by Councilmember Wharton and carried unanimously.
3. Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe Wastewater Agreement:
Director Cutler reviewed the proposed agreement with the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe
for treatment of the Tribe's wastewater because the groundwater table will increase at the
Reservation when the Elwha Dams are removed. He reviewed the agreement in depth,
noting it had been discussed and recommended for approval by the Utility Advisory
Committee. The language of the agreement was discussed with and approved by the
Department of Ecology concerning the CSO and the sewer plan. Discussion followed,
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May 1, 2007
Lower Elwha Klallam
Tribe Wastewater
Agreement (Cont'd)
with Director Cutler answering questions posed by the Council. The service will start as
soon as deconstruction of the dams commences; however, the Tribe could start service
sooner depending on the condition of their septic systems. Deputy Mayor Williams
moved to approve and authorize the Mayor to sign an agreement with the Lower e
Elwha Klallam Tribe to accept wastewater from the Reservation for treatment at
the City's Wastewater Treatment Plant. Councilmember Wharton seconded the
motion. Brief discussion ensued on pre-treatment requirements, rates, and the Council's
appreciation of staff efforts on the agreement. A vote was taken on the motion, which
carried unanimously.
Councilmember Braun moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include: 1.) City
Council minutes dated April 17, 2007; and 2.) Expenditure Approval List - 4/7 - 4/20 -
$928,571.27. Deputy Mayor Williams seconded the motion, which carried
Director Cutler informed the Council of Front Street waterline repairs scheduled for early
tomorrow morning. He also referenced a pre-construction conference held on the 8th
Street Bridges Project, noting that demolition, whicl). will take approximately 30 days, is '
estimated to begin on June 11th. Regarding the Gateway Project, Primo Construction
indicated it is planning to install construction fencing mid to late May, with pile drivings
to follow in June. Mass excavation will follow shortly thereafter. The project should be
completed in August or September, 2008.
Manager Madsen read the succession plan for replacing the Police Chief, and he
announced the appointment of Deputy Police Chief Terry Gallagher as Acting Police
Chief. He engaged the services of Prothman Company to conduct a nationwide
The meeting was adjourned at 9:28 p.m.
Becky J. Upto, i lerk
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