HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/02/1934 II"'" 206 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington nJ,w,y 2,1934 193_ 'i'he Commission met in RebU-lar session at 10 a.m.and was called to order by l'RJor DavJ Roll call showed the folloning officers present. I~yor Davis,Commissioners Lutz and Mas tel'S ,A ttorney Pluomer u'lld Clerk ':aI'lkins. The ],:inutes of the previous session nere read ann approve i. Police Jud,':e Thos.Geisness reported 29 cases tried and )144.00 in fines collected for the month of Apr11,1934. :) Under the head of building permits and licenses the following were granted,- L.E.Stark,dance at I.O.O.F.Hall,April 27,1934. Atiyeh Bros. ,peddlers license 1 day (April 26,1934) Ane;eles Gravel and Supply Co. ,remOd.el front of store,Lot 10,Blk 16,ll.R.Smith Mrs.I.[.E.3arl, Garage, Lot liO,Bloek G3,Le\'lis t: IJastieh's Sub. Ben E.':lood.S, Garage, l,ot 17, Block 3, Lutz's Sub. John Olson, 1"ioodshed, Lot 17, Block 173, Townsite H.H.Hutehinson, Alldition to residence, Lot 11, Block 150, Townsite 5.00 10.00 Sub. 100.00 65.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 Under the Head of Intruduction of Ordinances the follovling ordinances were introduced read in full and placed on their First and Second readings,- AN ORDInANCE Setting forth conditions creating an emergency re~uiring the constructio of Jail ~uarters; l'roviding for the expendi tux'e of money and the issuance of warrants, to pay for same; Declaring an emergency to make the ordinance immediately effective. All ORDINANCE Authorizinp; ?nd providing for HIe const,'uction of certain extensions of the water systeM on EdizJLMk T,ighthouse'Reservation;Cre"ting a fundifor the co~struc- tion O~l~ame; .and_dec~aring an emergency. ':IHERE,iS, the Uni ted 3ta tes has let contracts for the construction of certain building and improve~cnts as a part of a hydroplane basc upon tile property knonn as Ediz Hook Lighthouse Reservation,Port Angsles,TIashington,and has re~uested the City to extend their water supply system to said improvements for water sorvice for domestic use and fire protection, and :<REREAS. the City has agreed to ~ake the necessary extensiJns and to provide water in amounts and volurw reQuired by the United States Gover~Mcnt, Which extension rell.uires the construotion of about three miles of water line, . AN ORDnl.Al1CE Authorizing Paris Eotor Company, Inc., a corporation,to lay,con51truct, main tain. 011cra te and repair a pipeline for the transportation of gasoline under, along and across certain portions of st~eets and alleys in the City of Port Angelcs. CUR'\EHT EXPSllSE. FlJ!lD,- The Commission examined and allov/ed the following claims and ordered wal'rants drawn for sa~e.- Street Denartment Street Department Fire Departrwnt Thos. B.l.lurray J. R.J.lcDonald J.E.McDonald Ci ty Treasurer Pav roll Pa~' roll Pay 1'011 Special Police Killing and disposing dogs Commission on dog licenses Motor Cycle license IIO'V WATER FUND.- l'later Department City Treasurer Pay 1'011 GasoliIle (T~ansfer) L ~S ,l1 LIGHT Fill'll.- Light Department Gate City Machine ~orks S.H.','1hite City Treasurer City Treasurer Ci ty Treasurer City Treasurer Elmer Stanley Duncan & Bong Ulmer Printing Co. Mook's Electric Service R.1.Price 'lIes tinghouse Electric Supply Co. r: II Pay 1'011 Desk,ehair,etc., Car hire Stopvalve,etc.,(Transfer) FilinG fees FeJeral Tax stamps Hood Cedar poles Supplies Ba ttery Janitor service Confui t Clock Mochanism Fitting ".. ').7 () /' ~ I~FY Guaran ty Fund,- City Tro9.surer Lie;ht Investment Fund,- City Treasursr 7arrants purchased 'heo' h"'. " ,"0,"'" b"'",, 'h, ',,","',,',n '~~~n. J; l>>!L~~ ~/ ~ Taxes on Lots 3 & 4,Block 323, Townsite City Clerk l.[ayor ~ 1f o 958.~O 58.33 27.00 6.00 25.00 ~7.00 1. 25 637.37 48.32 1138.67 51. 95 25.00 13.20 2.00 8.11 3.00 5.00 99.15 3.60 16.95 5.00 39.18 4.80 4.31 99.22 949.15 I I I I I