HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/02/1963 170 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angelesl Washington MAY 2 19 -.ll ..:...;; H 'JIINTIMa eo. P.''''''M ..... _ _ -_ r The City Council met in regular session at ~:30 P.M. Officers present were I Councilmen Thorne, Haguewood, Cornell, willson and Wolfe; Manager Slankard, Moffett and Clerk McNeece. Mayor Maxfiel., Attorney It was moved by Councilman willson that minutes of the previous meeting and the special meeting April 29, be approved and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. Under the head of unfinished business, Councilman Cornell, Chairman of the Committee appointed to report and make recommendation regarding the sale of Lot 5, Block 34, on West First Street, reported that the committee recommends the sale of 'the' lot at a minimum of $4,300.00. It was moved by Councilman Thorne that the recommendation of the Committee be accepted and call for bids be published at a minimum of $4,300.00 for this lot. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and unanimously carried. The City Engineer reported regarding financing the re-decking of Tumwater Bridge. There II I is $29,500.00 budgeted in the Street Department for improvement tO,the Boulevard and it ~~a~~~~e t~~~ ~~ui~~a~~c~~~r~~~~:n~~ ~~=~~ ~~~i~i~~ :~~e~ r~~t U~~d t~is P~~e;h~o c~~~ ~~e II amount in excess of the $17,000.00 budgeted for re-decking Tumwater Bridge. The re-calll for bids has been published and bids will be opened at the council meeting May 16. I Licensing the sale and dispensing of soft drinks was again discussed. There appearlng to be no good reason for requiring a license to sell soft drinks, it was moved by Councilman Wolfe to dispense with soft drink licenses. Seconded by Councilman Willson and unanimoust ly carried. There will be no soft drink license required after June 30, 1963. ,I The City Attorney reported that he has not yet received an answer from the Division of 'Municipal Corporation concerning his inquiry regarding the legality of the City of the City Light Department paying for the Christmas decorations, as was requested by the Retail Merchants at the previous council meeting. ;' <' i</O The revisions of certain sections of the dances and dance hall ordinance having been made by the City Attorney, the ordinance was read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 1510 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles relating to dances and dance halls and amending Chapter 9 of the Code of the City 'of Port Angeles. It was moved by Councilman Willson that the foregoing ordinance be adopted as read. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and unanimously carried. This being the time set for the Public Hearing on the Final Assessment Roll of L.I.D. No. 185, the Mayor declared the hearing open. There being no written or spoken object- ions to the assessment roll, the public hearing was closed. The following ordinance was I then introduced and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 1511 j AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll of Local Improvement District No. 185 for the construction of certain sanitary sewers, and levying and assessing the amounts thereof against the several lots, tracts, parcels of land and other property as shown on said assessment roll. II It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the foregoing ordinance be adopted as read. I Seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimously carried. I . Transfer of location of certain City licenses having been approved by the Council at a t previous meeting, the following ordinance, as required by Section 16.5 of the Code of the City of Port Angeles, was introduced and read in full: I. I, J , ORDINANCE NO. 1512 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles approving the transfer of certain licenses. It was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the foreg'oing ordinance be adopted. Seconded by Councilman Cornell and carried. I Under the head of new business, the sixth (April) estimate of work done and material furnished by J. E. Work, Inc., on street improvement in pine Hill L.I.D. No. 184 was presented for payment. It was moved by Councilman Willson that the payment to J. E. Work, Inc.,' in total amount of $53,000.00 be approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe II and unanimously carried. It was moved by Councilman Cornell that the second fixed estimate of work done and mater-I"l ial furnished by the City of Port Angeles in the construction of streets in Pine Hill L.I.D. No. 184, as submitted by the City Engineer, in total amount of $6,000.00 be approv~1 ed. Seconded by Councilman Willson and unanimously carried. The thirty day period since the completion and acceptance of work done and material furn-! ished by Morris Construction, Inc., on construction of sanitary sewers in L.I.D. No. 185 I having elapsed and no incomplete, or defective work having been discovered for which the ........ I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington MAY 2 19.2..L -L.aHPRIN.,.,N....eci>p.2.n.--~~ City of Port Angeles makes claim, the City Engineer recommended that the retained per cen be paid the contractor. It was moved by Councilman Thorne that the retained per cent in total amount of $1,501.13 be paid Morris Construction, Inc., and to accept the job as completed. Seconded by Councilman Cornell and unanimously carried. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the American Legion be granted permission to use Port of, Port Angeles property for the annual carnival a.s in previous years. (Proceeds to go to the Junior Salmon Derby.) Seconded by Councilman Willson and carried. After discussion, it was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the request of Robert Bamford to attend the Northwest Public Power Accounting Workshop in Pasco, Washington, September I 11, 12 and 13, be granted, and any meeting held which he as a committee member would be required to attend prior to that date, be separately applied for. Seconded by Councilman 'I Thorne and carried. If the meetings come prior to a council meeting, the City Manager may authorize such trips as he deems necessary, then report to the council. permission for City Employees to take trips to attend meetings, etc., was discussed further. It was the general feeling of the council that the City Manager should screen the requests for apprpval of trips by City Employees, report on their importance and make recommendation to the council. Also, a brief resume' of each trip should be made for the council. The following reports Were presented for approval: Light Department Operating Statement and Balance Sheet and the Water Department Operating Statement and Balance Sheet. It was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the reports be approved and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. The following claims including the payroll for April 16 - 30, were presented for approval! General Funds, $42,178.02; Water Fund, $17,692.39 - Warrants No. 11980-1l992; Pipeline Fund, $13,551.85 - Warrants No. 368 and 369; Light Fund, $79,283.85 - Warrants No. 11833- 11857. It was moved by councilman Thorne that the claims, including the payroll in total amount of $152,706.11 be approved. Seconded by Councilman Willson and unanimously carriec. A letter from Captain R. R. Waesche, U.S.C.G. concerning Port Angeles Harbor Regulations J and wiring requirements was referred to the Director of Public Works. A letter from James E. Robinson expressing gratitude for the use of the City Garage durin the recent Sweet Adeline Convention, was read and acknowledged. I Mr. John Driscoll's term on the Planning Commission having expired June 28, 1962, the Mayor reappointed Mr. Driscoll to serve out the six year term to June 28, 1968. It was moved by Councilman Willson that this appointment be approved. Seconded by Councilman I' Thorne and carried. The City Manager concurred with this appointment. The Mayor reported that he had inspected the "Krane Kar" which the Water Department owns, ! and for which the City Manager has been authorized to negotiate a sale. It was felt that:, this piece of equipment would be hard to sell. After discussion, it was moved by Counci11 man Willson that the City Manager be authorized to proceed with the sale to Mr. Schultz ;1 for a minimum of $300.00. Seconded by Councilman Haguewood and carried. , Letters were read from C. M. Anderson of Anderson Ford Company and Verne Samuelson of : Samuelson-Randklev Tire Company requesting a loading zone parking area in front of 101 : North Lincoln Street. After considerable discussion, it was moved by Councilman Cornell i I that the Chief of Police be given authority to discuss this matter with the owners and operators at this location and report back to the council. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe I and ca,rried. I This being the last council meeting that Manager Slankard will be attending as City Mana- I ger, the following resolution was introduced and read in full: RESOLUTION NO. 13-63 .' A RESOLUTION appointing an acting City Manager and establishing the salary. It was moved by Councilman Willson that the foregoing resolution, appointing John B. Warder as acting City Manager after May IS, 1963, until such time as a full time City Manager is appointed, be adopted and the additional salary be $175.00 per month. Seconde& by Councilman Wolfe and unanimously carried. I I Councilman Haguewood expressed appreciation of the association with Mr. Slankard during his four and one-half years as City Manager, and cited a number of improvements, that, I' even thoug~. the people of Port Angeles pay for them, have come about under Mr. Slankard's I direction. Councilman Thorne, Willson and Cornell concurred with these comments. The Mayor also expressed appreciation and well wishes to Mr. Slankard. The City Attorney read the easement prepared to allow P.U.D. to install their underground electrical cable to the site of their new warehouse on West 18th Street. It was moved by Councilman Thorne that the easement be approved as read by the Attorney. Seconded by Councilman Willson and unanimously carried. The Mayor acknowledged a letter from Mr. Wayne Budd, Field Representative for the Social I Security Administration, indicating that he would like to conduct an informational meeting in Port Angeles one evening each month. The Mayor informed Mr. Budd that the Council II Chamber could be made available one evening each month (the last Tuesday) for this purpose, and suggested that he contact the City Manager for final scheduling. ..... ,... ~ 172 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washin~on MAY 2 19~ L..e.H.,.Rn..,.'NGeO._._,....~14 .~ After considerable discussion regarding the City making the necessary installations toll furnish water to the residents in an area north of the Ahlvers Road, (this area is inside~ the City), it was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the matter be referred to the City Engini eer for a cost of installation and expected revenue report; also a report from the Light I ; Department on cost of and revenue from furnishing electricity for "thisrarea. Seconded by I' Councilman willson. Councilman Cornell suggested that the report include a recommendatia of where the funds could be made available for this installation. On called vote, all voted "aye", motion carried. The ordinance prohibiting soliciting, etc., in private residences without invitation by owner'was discussed. Mr. O'Neal, a resident -of Port Angeles inquired whether he would be allowed to do door to door selling as he has been doing for a number of years. It was brought out during the discussion, that if no one complains to the Police Department, I there is no charge, but if someone complained, declaring the salesman to be a nuisance, and would testify against him in Court, he would be penalized, have to pay a 'fine and be forbidden to sell from door to door again. ' Mr. Jarvis, owner of the Olympic Motel, asked that parking strip parking be allowed in front of his motel until such time as he can arrange financially tO,construct off-street parking. After discussion, the Mayor appointed a committee, Councilmen Wolfe, Thorne and Cornell, to study this problem and report back at the next meeting. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. c#il/JJu 72u--u ./ CITY CLERK ~ ~~, ~v ( . MAYOR '-A lfOTJ:CJ:; Or BALI: OF l NOTIC~he~~P;j~~Y that the! ~:~be~~ ~Jtb:~~g~i~~El;ji~cs~~lll~~i~;J d.to~r5~ BL'bJ:'Pae:,t)'-1.p.A. Mini. j :t~.~ se.t by City COUIl&U_j SeHI{'d b.Ids. will be received for :S,am!~ at C~ty Hall, 140 'Vel'll Fl'ont . ~~;;p.~JIC~n~u;~(l(lb~.r;:CC~I~I:I~rJ~ill9g; ~ ~~~o~~~ hfd. n~hCIeCltytlJC~u~~gl> r~:1 s~r"cs the r!g-ht to rejl."ct lln~' or alii bICls. JOH...r B. WARDER: Publlsl1ed: May ~c~~r~g ~:t~9~3.nD.gel'{ - I I I I