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May 2, 1968
The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P. M. In the absence of the Mayor, the
Clerk called the meeting to order and Councilman Maxfield was elected Mayor pro tem
for this meeting. Other officers present were Councilmen Thome, Settger, Schroeder,
Basom and Ranta; Manager Herrman and Attorney Moffett.
A motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Ranta and carried,
to approve and place on file minutes of the Council meeting of April 18, 1968.
A motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Thome and unani-
mously carried, to approve and pay Pay Estimate No.5 in amount of $76,280.54 to
Harold Kaeser Co. for construction of the Interceptor Sewers, and Pay Estimate No.3
in the amount of $64,662.77 for Waste Water Treatment Plant, and $14,690.03 for
Pumping Stations to Teeples and Thatcher.
A, motion was made by Councilman Thorne, seconded by Councilman Schroeder and
unanimously carried, to approve for payment Claims Vouchers in the amount of
$119,525.92; Payroll Transfers $42,736.10; Interdepartmental Transfers $16,656.44;
Budget Transfers $31,725.63; and loan to Sewer Construction Fund of $200,000.00
from the Light Fund and $50,000.00 from Current Expense Fund.
A motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Thorne and unani-
mously carried, that the City Manager be instructed to proceed with the trade of City-
ownep. Lots IS, 16, 17 and 18, Block 407, to Mr. Einar T. Christiansen for Lots 1, 2,
19 and 20, Block 407.
A motion was made by Councilman Basom, seconded by Councilman Schroeder and unani-
mously carried, to table the request that the City top the trees on the south side of
People's Store Parking Lot until the Council has an opportunity to view the situation.
A letter from the County Commissioners appointing Mayor Wolfe as representative
to the Community Action Board was read.
A motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Ranta and carried,
that Councilmen Bettger and Basom be the Representatives at the Olympic Regional
Planning Commission meeting May 21, 1968, and to leave appointment of a pennanent
Representative and an Alternate Representative up to Mayor Wolfe.
The City of Port Angeles Calendar for Formulation and Adoption of Annual Budget
was read, and the Council expressed appreciation for this information.
A motion was made by Councilman Bettger and seconded by Councilman Ranta, that
the City Manager be authorized to proceed with sale of a portion of the gravel pit by
auction at a minimum price of $3,500.00. After further discussion, Councilman
Bettger moved to amend the motion to include the description of the property - approxi-
mately 2i acres' described as the West 300 feet of Lot 5, Railway Addition, Section 8,
Township 30 North, Range 5 WWM. The motion to amend was seconded by cour(?n:...
man Ranta i?nd unanimously carried. The motion as amended was unanimously passed.-
A motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Schroeder and
unanimously carried, to authorize the City Manager and City Attorney to draft an
ordinance annexing the Vandelac property in accordance with their petition. (The
Review Board met on April 25, 1968 and approved of the annexation.)
A motion was made by Councilman Ranta, seconded by Councilman Thorne and unani-
mously carried, to table action on continuing with the Workable Program for further
stud y .
A motion was made by Councilman Schroeder, seconded by Councilman Ranta and unani-
mously carried, that the City Manager provide a report of costs of the proposed
developments in the Lincoln Park (camp sites and restrooms with showers) .
May 2, 1968 (contd.)
A motion was made by Councilman Thorne, seconded by Councilman Bettger and
unanim:)usly carried, that the City Manager be authorized to go ahead and
enlarge the lake at Lincoln Park and proceed with the shoreline deveiopments
as shown on the mapped plans.
A motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Schroeder I
and carried, to accept and place on file the Park Board minutes of April 29, 1968.
A motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Thorne
and unanimously carried, to approve and place on file the fol.lowing reports:
Progress of Construction - Sewer Project, Equipment Rental Operating Statement
for March, Municipal Judge Report for March, Sanitation Dept. Revenue & Expenses
for March, Street Dept. Cost Report for March, Out-of-town reports of Librarian
Dick Miller, John Warder and Paul Reed and Civil Service Commission Minutes of
April 11, 1968.
A motion was made by Councilman Thorne, seconded by Councilman Bettger and
carried, to approve the transfer of Liquor License from Elson A. Brewer and
Helen M. Brewer to Charles Frederick Erb, Club Billiards.
A motion was made by Councilman Bettger and seconded by Councilman Thorne,
to deny approval of change of location (Liquor License) from 124 West Front Street,
d/b/a Log Cabin Tavern, to 214 East Front Street on the basis of its location
(next door to the Salvation Army) and the Building Inspector has not checked for
zoning compliance. Councilmen Thome, Basom, Schroeder and Bettger voted
"Aye, It Councilman Ranta voted ','!\To;" Motion passed.
A motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Basom and I
unanimously carried, to delay the second Council meeting in May to the 23rd.
(Due to A. W. C. A. Convention.)
A motion was made by Councilman Thorne, seconded by Councilman Bettger and
unanimously carried, to accept the Ten-year Capital Improvement Plan - 1969-19'78 _
for further study.
A motion was made by Councilman Basom, seconded by Councilman Schroeder and
unanimoUSly carried, to set June 6, 1968 as hearing date on the request for re-
zoning of the si 0.1 Suburban Lot 76, Townsite of Port Angeles, to allow a
permanent type trailer park, and in the meantime it be referred to the Planning
Commission for review and a report back to the Council.
A motion was made by Councilman Basom,' seconded by Councilman Bettger and
unanimoUSly carried, to honor the City's pledge and the $2,500.00 budgeted for that
purpose be sent to the County Treasurer for the Mental Health Program.
Other subjects discussed were: The letter of appreciation from P. A. Lions Club
for replacing fireplace at Picnic Area on Ediz Hook; deSirability of amending
Building Code to make provisions concerning architectural barriers in public
buildings (ingress & egress to building, designed with handicapped in mind);
need, for Free Left Turn signs onto one-way streets from two-way streets; the I
City Manager reported that a "Don't Walk" traffic sign would cost approximately
$8 50.00 plus installation costs, wiring, etc.; Councilman Thorne reported
progress at the old Children's Hall "going great"; and suggested the City Manager
check into the laws to prohibit sale of pornographic literature to minors; the need
for washing or sweeping due to the dust on Railroad Avenue; a Proclamation by the
Mayor proclaiming the first week in Mayas "Toastmaster Week "; a (buncil Work
session was set for May 7, 1968 at 7 P. M. at the City Hall; Mr. Alfred Solway
inquired as to when he can expect water line in on Regent Street (City Manager to
investigate); and Mr. Glenn Ross and Mr. Joe Adamich complained about the City
May 2, 1968 (contd.)
Light project at the sound end of Cherry Street and suggested negotiating with
P. U. D. concerning joint use of their poles.
The meeting adjourned at 9;50 P. M.
Jl ~ 7nA-_ 7J;<>A' 0 .J
:\:0'1'1C;]'; IS llEIlEH\' (O]\'I,;\' that
the fullvwing (h::~C:::l"il)ed Ilr(}p:,'rt:r ,\"ill
be Hold at Ynulic Auctlun Jllne. 24,
)!)(,S, at l;:t).(f A.M., III the City H!\lt~
,.:L9bhy, 1.10 \\.c:~t Front l':itr..:et, Pol't
..-\ngel~s. '\\~nshingtun.
Al)proxbn!\tcly ::1:% aores descrlb-
t1l as the Wut 301l feet of Lot 5,
Ra1lway AddU.i.on, section 3
'Townsite, 3-0 N. R,.ange 05, W.W.lil.
l,ocat;;ld on the "\'"('!'It bank or ).for:<w
Crt'('k south of )-{I~lnY;\). 1i.I1.
. )[lnimum aC\lcptalJle ht<l, $:l,50(l,OO.
.'Su('('ct-;~ful ljh]'(lf:~' will b~ n"~{Jull'e(i to
depo,.:it ](1% of bid 3t time of sale.
;'l'ei'T'rts fl.'.ailal'l~ ,f>" balance-up to
"l\\'i'ntv-four C!4) month::; with G',(I
, mh"I'c'~t on \mpalll balan('(!
)>O;\'ALD D, Hl.;]lR;\I.,;\,
CH.... nInnug"er.
!:l~lJsncd: ~ !\~~.~ ~S:-.-~
LA tTlloIDSEN 1I0'l1X.EV A3J)
ScalC'd bids \....m be received by the I
Clt;)o. lJf Port .t\ngelc~. of Chtlhlln.
~~~~~" Cj~~,a~l~~~~~~ll:, ~~t)"tI~al7ffl~~ i.
I 'lent. Front Street, Port Angeles,
\V;~slunglU!l, lmtJl 2:00 }:l.M., June ri,
t.9~~. t{nd then .and there. he op.ened'
a.nd rend 3(uud, tOl' furni~hiJ\g- of all
nec~~l:..I'Y lalJol', matC!rlals and equ;lp"
m e,n t, and performIng all \york rc.
q~Jr-ed for the imprO\'ement of .Q39
ntde oC elt;\-' of .Port Angot:lt~5 Mrcets
h:r construcHng a thl'ee spall l'e-
11lfO:l:'cp<l concrelf!. bridge o..'er Pea-
lJody Creek on I..auridscIl Boulevard
~~h:~I~o~tt.y of Port Ange-lc~, ~'lnd
Bff1s rece!YN] after the time fix.eo
for OE}cning ",HI not he cOHHideTcd,
Planfi. ~pc,cij'ientions and form of
contra-ct documents may. be t;~xnmln(l:d
at lhe Cily of Port Angel~I'$' Engjn~
ecring Office, at 17G8 ~mith Tower,
Seattle, 1-ViU~hington. nt the A.ssocla.t~
N! Gcneral Contractors ot Amerjca ~
Inc., r:15 \\'c"t Harrif'lJn Street, Sent:
Uf:', 'V3..'3hington, and at the lj.!rlJl
Rluenl1. 112 .il1ercer SLrcet, Seattle.
\"a.slllngtOTl, and may he (lbt.'l'ln~d at
,the- City of Port Angcl-cs' E!lg"ineC1'ing
:OfCicot' upon deposit of Twe:ntr rive
($:l5.00) 1)0])0\['.0;;:, payaple to the City
or Por-t Angeles Th.~ full n.mouht of
dCPo:Rlt for- one complete set or docu.
inent~ will bl" returnee] to c:l.cl1 actu-
:11 bidder- wallin a. Tcn~{)nablc time
nftf:'i" rectipt of bid;!l:. AU other de-
posit!'; ,,,.111 he rdun(]cd with deduc-
Unn not (>xceedlng COSt of rcproduc-
linn of' the plan.ll:, upon :return of
:1.11 document!': in good condition
within ten (10) days .after date of
npening bids. nftf'r which time said
(l<x:umcnt~ wm be forreited.
Erlch bid shnll be accolnpnnh'rl by
:l c;("l'ttfi~r] r.::h.('c'k, caFlhi~r's che-;::k
or bid b(H'ld mnclc payable to the
Clt.r of Port AnlieJeR in am.nunt not
l('~s: than five rH't'"('(>nt Ui %) of the
amount of hlr1. T!w Cit:r ('If Po.rt Ange-
l~~ reS(lr\'cs the rjght to reject ,,,-ny
)~I~s~ll bids ::~l: :at::A:~;:ali~
Cit~. ~nt!fn(>e!'
r'il'H Pul,l:lpation: l\'ffl..y 1 G, 19f:S
'L-il:';l Publication: May 23. 1968.
V,, ,.j 0_
~ '('\"P'~
' , Mayor Protem - I
- N01:JCln I~ hereby giyen Umt s~.al--
ed bld~ wHl be recei....ed b). the City'
lHanager 01 the Cit:F of Port .l\_ngr.lc!'1.
140 "We$t }"l'ont Str-p.ct, until ~;O{):
\P'~-'[" .lnnc 3, HlGS fot': .
Varion. p-ole-.tne 'Tr.aJLSf-ormers, :
Lumtna1r.. &; Bal1a..t, aDd Con..
1 4nctors.
Quantities .wd p})('ciflcation5 arel
. nvailuble at the oHler: o( the City.
)t~l.:l(~e;~'I[I('(1 check or I)id hond for'
f) % of tho nirt-O\l n t. )) Id sbal 1 ~ic-com- ~
pall:\" each bid. 1
Th~ City Council J'escn:el'; the I
righl to a..ccclll or reject any or all
bfd:5, ])O~ALD D: HE1~}DI.:\~ l
eit)." ~13:Uag-oE'T 1
PubHshed: ~_lu.y :)3 & 30, 1!J6S. ..
r 1
a Public Hearing wHI be h~ld 0111
June G, 1~G8. at 7:30 P,M., In the_I
Council 'Ch:unl,('r~ at Oak ,~ I'Tont!
Streets, on the request for- RE-.
ZCJ);J~~h O~h of Subur1mn J~ot 76.
T(twn~i tc of Port A.ng~tu...'4. ,
i~i\r~l1~'; 'ttht~~~~~~:t~~. type TraUet.,
Am.' person desirin!i; to objec.t to i
s;:\id 'RE-ZOi"ING nta:r file n. written,
11To;test with the elt)' Clerk.
B, E. l\t(':\,EECE
City CIC'\"k
I'ul)li~11ca: !Ilny 2\..1~l;~.