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Port Angeles, Washington
May 2, 1978
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewood at 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Anderson, Boardman, Buck, Duncan,
Hordyk, Wray.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Walrath, Deputy Clerk Caso.
D. Flodstrom, P. Rodman, D. Frizzell, P. Carr, R. Morgan,
J. Honnold, B. Myers.
Guests Present: C. Norwood, H. Pearson, S. Rakestraw, M. Norwood, P. Turney,
G. Stevens, T. Weed, E. Candell, J. Siemens, P. Siemens, E.
Riedel, B. Thompson, J. Drain, G- Snell, B. Lorentzen, P.
Brady, G. Sukert, Mr. and Mrs. D. Gase, V. Atwood, D. & D.
Pearce, C. Shillington, Mrs. A. Cowles.
Councilman Wray moved the Council accept and place on file as received the
minutes of the April 18, 1978 meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Buck and carried.
Mayor Haguewood opened the second public hearing on•the proposed projects
to be submitted under the HUD Small Communities Block Grant Program, and
requested comments or suggestions from the audience. There were no comments
and the public hearing was closed.
Councilman Buck then moved the Council adopt the Citizen Participation Plan
as part of the HUD pre-application regulations. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Hordyk. During discussion on the motion, Planner Carr briefly
explained the function of the Citizen Participation Plan, which is mainly
to establish when and how public meetings will be held and to establish
procedures for emergency decisions made by the Executive Board. On call
for the question the motion was then passed by the Council.
Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Resolution No. 26-78
Resolution No. 26-78
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port
Angeles, authorizing the signing of an Interlocal
' Cooperation agreement between the City and other
municipalities on the North Olympic Peninsula for
the purpose of submitting an application for Com-
munity Development Block Grant Funds.
Councilman Wray moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by
title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk
and carried.
Councilman Buck then moved the Council authorize preparation of the appli-
cation for the selected project, which is a Housing Rehabilitation and
Neighborhood Improvement Project. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Boardman and carried.
May 2, 1978
Mayor Haguewood read the minutes of the Planning Commission's meeting of
April 26, 1978 with the following action being taken by the Council:
A. Rezone: Gass/Cannon
Mayor Haguewood read that portion of the Planning Commission minutes
dealing with a request from Mr. Gass, Mr. Cannon, et al, to change
the zone at 1022, 1028, and 1034 Caroline Street from R5-7 to RB.
The Council then set a public hearing date of May 16,-1978 for this
rezone request.
B. Preliminary Plat: Mar-Lyn Hills: Gregory
Mayor Haguewood read that portion of the Planning Commission minutes
dealing with a request for approval of the preliminary plat of Mar-Lyn
Hills, consisting of seven single-family lots and one duplex lot on
2.4 acres, located west of the Golf Course Road and north of the Uplands
Division III. The Council then set May 16, 1978 as the public hearing
date on this preliminary plat approval.
C. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file the Planning
Commission minutes of April 26, 1978. The motion was seconded by Council-
man Wray and carried.
I. Johnie Key Annexation
Councilman Buck moved the Council take this agenda item from the table.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried.
NOT~CE OF ~~~ Mayor Haguewood then opened the public hearing and requested comments '
CALL FOR BIDS from the audience or staff on the proposed annexation of approximately
city or Port Angeles, Light 60 acres of Beacon Hill and Fredericks Additions to Mount An eles Road
Department. g
NOTICE is hereby given that t0 the City. During the ensuing discussion, Planner Carr summarized
sealed bids will be received by
the City clerk, City of Port the proposed annexation area and commented on each of the fourteen
Angeles, 140 West Front Street, conditions stipulated by the Planning Commission in their recommendation
P.O. Box 711, Part Angeles,
Washington 98362, until 2:0o to the Council. These conditions are as follows: (1) assumption of
P.M. Thursday, April 27, t97a, bonded indebtedness;
and tnat the City will reject all (2) compliance with the annexation policy of March
bids received after the 7, 1972; (3) zoning will become RS-9, except that the White Creek ravine
scheduled closing time and
date. The bids will be opened will be Zoned P$P with boundaries adequate to protect the terrain and
', furniisn~ngt tnet forilowiny provide space for the proposed city trail system; (4) public access in
equipment and~or material: and t0 the White Creek ravine area shall be part of any development that
1 EACH 3+)OKVA ,
PAOMOUNTED 1nCllldeS Or COritalri5 Whlte Creek ravine; (5) no road directly connecting
TRANSFORMER: t0 Mt. An eles Road; (6) an develo ment shall include buffering on the
12,470 Ground Y~7200 -- g Y h
208Y•120 Ratlial Feetl western side of the proposed annexation area if that area is part of the
4,1A0 Ground Y•2400 x develo ment; 7 p
tz,47o Ground Y•72oo - P ( ) residential develo ment in the area shall include as a
480Y-277V minimum grading, gravelling and sealcoating of Porter Street and Campbell
Dual Voltage Loop Feed
t aid specifications may be Street and the improvement of Campbell Street - CQt. Angeles Road inter-
obtained from the Light section to standard width and surfaced to meet the needs of the in-
Department office at 240 West
Fronr Street, Port Angeles, creased traffic; (8) sanitary sewer shall be constructed to 8th Street
Washington, 98362. and Francis; p g
A certified check or bid bond (9) no direct clam in of storm water runoff into White
fh@ bideshlalaccompanyuea n Creek shall be permitted. As a minimum, a storm water retention basin
bid. All bids are to include for settling out pollutants shall be required before dumping into White
delivery F.O.a. Port Angeles, Creek; (10) development in the area shall be desi ned to buffer and
Wasfi,ngton, g
alas will be opened and and minimize the impact on White Creek ravine; (11) a Planned Unit
4 tabulated for the City Council Develo m
i for consideration by said pent approach shall be taken with consideration given to lower
May 2~t978 session Tuesday, density lots of about one-third acre along White Creek ravine and the
The Council reserves the annexation's western boundary to buffer impacts of development on the
right fo consider delivery time count residents and terrain;
i} and to accept or toreiectanvor Y (12) sanitary sewer shall be of sufficient
alt bids or any parr tnereof, size to service the whole area as if fully developed; (I3) storm sewer
The unit price shall prevail
and the City reserves the right installation must be considered with respect to Federal water pollution
ro correct any extensions or standards based upon the total runoff to White Creek that would occur
improper sales/~ es.
` Pub.: April 14,1,2111978 if the area were fully developed; (14) property owners in the annexation
lJ area shall develop property in a manner consistant with the goals stated
in the annexation agreement.
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CIYY COUNCIL MEETING LLN~C>v?oQ?o°i..En£~°-mops H~~a oEntt a«~r w~~a«Laa~P,
Ma 2 1978 oddm° >`"« m o
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3. Cont. y ~faa3am~oivn~g, _ ooLL3 .o~t~~3~«.°.u~.J..~w~m_°~Ea
following Planner Carr's presentation the Council heard comments from
members of the audience relating to the proposed annexation area's
sewer system. As there were no further comments from the audience,
Mayor Haguewood closed the public hearing and read the title of Ordi-
i~ Hance No. 1972 entitled,
Ordinance No. 1972
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles annexing
portions of Beacon Hill and Fredericks Additions
to the Mt. Angeles Road area of the City.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as
read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Council-
man Boardman. During discussion on the motion, it was decided that
the annexation should be subject to the annexation agreement, which
contains the 14 conditions attached to the annexation, that the Planning
Commissions reasons for recommending approval should be included in the
motion. Other areas discussed included the improvements to Campbell
Avenue and Porter Street, the relationship of the annexation policy
and the performance bond requirements to the entire proposed annexation
area, the restriction of ingress and egress onto Mt. Angeles Road, the
limited access into the area for emergency vehicles, and the possible
future annexation of the area to the south and west.
Councilman Hordyk then moved to amend his motion to include, "the
annexation is subject to the annexation agreement, the annexation is
approved for the reasons as stated by the Planning Commission, and~that
a 15th condition be stipulated in the annexation agreement which would
allow access to Mt. Angeles Road when the area to the south and west
is annexed to the City. Councilman Boardman se a~nded the amendment
to the motion. On call for the question, the amendment to the motion
was passed by the Council.
Mayor Haguewood then called for a_vote on the motionras_amended. The
motion to adopt Ordinance No. 1972 subject to the annexation agreement
with fifteen conditions and for the reasons stated by the Planning
Commission was unanimously passed by the Council.
B. Vacation Request: Norwood
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council take this agenda item from the table.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried.
Mayor Haguewood then opened the public hearing on a request by Mr. Clark
Norwood to vacate a portion of "A" Street, and requested comments from
the audience on this matter. During the discussion which followed,
Councilman Hordyk and Attorney Walrath discussed compensation for
vacated streets with Mr. Rick Roberts, and Mr. Norwood informed the
Council that, contrary to the information given at the April 18, 1978
Council meeting, he does have clear title to his property. However,
a prospective buyer would prefer that the street be vacated.
Mayor Haguewood then read a memorandum from Attorney Walrath concerning
the leasing of streets for private use. It was Attorney Walrath's
opinion that where the street has been neither opened nor occupied,
the City has authority to grant the owner of abutting property a permit
for the temporary use of that portion of the street as would revert to
such owner were the City to vacate the street. Attorney Walrath also
recommended that, should the Council decide that the temporary ob-
struction of this unopened right of way does not unreasonably impair
the public interest, it should direct him to prepare an appropriate
ordinance authorizing the issuance of a permit for such use.
May 2, 1978
3. Cont.
~ 42178C
City of Pori Angeles,
Light Department
NOTICE is hereby given that'
sealed bids will be received by
the City Clerk, City of Port
I Angeles, 140 West Front Street,
l P.O. Box 711, Pori Angeles,
I Washington 98362, until 2:00 (;,
.III P. M. Thursday, April 27, 1978,
~~ and that ;the City will reject all
bids received after the;
scheduled closing 11rhe„antl
date. the bids will be apened
publicly. at that time for
t /ui'n is hing the following
equipment and-or material:
Addendum to publication of
April 14 and April 21, 1978.
t 1 - Additional 12,470 ground
~ Y-7200 • 208Y~120 radial feed 300
KVA pad mounted
Bid spetlficatEOns may be
obtained from the Light
Department offi[e at 240 West
Front Street Port. Angeles,
Washington, 98362. ~
~ A certified check or bid bond
for 5 percent of the amount of "
The bid Shall accOmpeny~each
bid. All bids are to include
f delivery F.D.B. Port Angeles, ~
Bids will be opened and
f tabulated for the city Council
for consideration by said
Countll in session Tuesday,
nnay 2, 197a.
i The Council reserves the
right to consider delivery Time
and to acceptor to reject any or
all Dids or any part thereof.
The unit price shall prevail
~ and the City reserves the righlD-
to correct any extensions or
' improper ~ taxes.
Pub.: April 21, 24, 1978.
During discussion on Attorney Walrath's recommendation,' Mr. Norwood
stated that a permit of this type would adequately meet his needs.
Councilman Duncan then moved the Council deny Mr. Norwood's petition
to vacate a portion of "A" Street, and instruct Attorney Walrath to
prepare the necessary ordinance authorizing issuance of a permit for
the temporary use of that portion of a street as would revert to such '
owner were the City to vacate the street. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Anderson. During discussion on the motion, Councilman
Boardman suggested the Council consider a policy on view lots in the
City for future reference. On call for the question, the motion was
passed by the Council.
L.I.D. No. 201: 16th & "E" Street
After reading City Engineer Warder's Certificate of Evaluation and Out-
standing Assessments, Mayor Haguewood opened the preliminary public
hearing on L.I.D. No. 201 and requested comments from the audience.
The Council was then informed by Public Works Director Flodstrom that
several property owners of the LTD area have expressed a desire to re-
structure the boundaries of the LID, making it smaller. A meeting be-
tween the staff and property owners has been scheduled for Tuesday, May
9, 1978, to consider this restructure and Mr. Flodstrom suggested the
Council continue this public hearing until the May 16, 1978 regular
Council meeting at which time the ordinance officially forming the LID
can be considered.
The Council then heard various comments from members of the audience
concerning the amound of undeveloped land in the LID area, and dis-
cussed the possibility of bidding this LID and the Evans Street LID
together as one project. Councilman Buck then moved the Council con- '
tinue this public hearing until the May 16, 1978 Council meeting.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried.
Zoning Ordinance Amendment: Liquified Natural & Petroleum Gas
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing and requested comments from
the audience on the proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to ban
liquified natural gas and liquified petroleum gas facilities in this
district. After a brief discussion between Councilman Hordyk and
Mr. Rick Roberts concerning why the City is prohibiting these facilities,
Mayor Haguewood declared the public hearing closed.
Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 1973
Ordinance No. 1973
AN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance No. 1709, the
Zoning Code for the City of Port Angeles, by
prohibiting liquified natural gas and liqui-
fied petroleum gas.
Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read
by title by Mayor Haguewood. The moiton was seconded by Councilman
Anderson and Carried.
Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 27-78 entitled,
Resolution No. 27-78
A RESOLUTION of the Council of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, declaring the intention of the City Council
to improve a certain area within the City by grading,
paving and draining gutters, and by doing all work
necessary in connection therewith, and fixing a time,
date and place for the hearing on this resolution of
A RESbLU71ON of the Council of The City o} Porf Angeles,
Washington, tleclaring the intention of the Cify Council to
~ improve a certain area within the City by,grad_ing, paving
and draining the streets therein and installing curbs antl ,
gutters, and by doing all work necessary in connection
therewith, and fixing a time, date and place for the hearing
on this resolution of intention.
BE 1T RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port
Angeles, Washington, as follows:
Section 1. Thai it is the intention of the City Council of the City
of Port Angeles, Washington, to order the improvement of the
area described in Exhibit A, attached hereto, antl incorpotated
by reference herein, by grading, draining antl paving the streets.
and alley therein and installing Curbs and gutters, and tloing all
other work necessary in connection with the improvements,
described in this resolution.
Section 2. The area descri6etl in Exhibit A shall be improved by
grading, paving and draining the streets and alley described in
Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated herein, antl by
tloing alE work necessary in connection therewith, including the
installation of curbs and gutters in Such Streets.
Section 7. The City's engineers are hereby direcietl to submit to
the Counfil ai or prior to the date fixed for the hearing on this
resolution a statement of the estimated cost and expense of such
improvements, the portion of such cost to be borne by the
property within the proposed improvement tlistricT, the local
improvement district assessments outstanding and unpaid
against the property therein, and the aggragate actual valuation
of the real estate, including 25 percent of the actual valuation of
the improvements in the proposed district affording to the
valuation Iasi placed upon ii far the purposes of general faxa/ion,
together with a diagram or print showing thereon the lots, tracts,
parcels of land and other property which will be specially
benefited by saitl improvements, and the estimated amount of .
the cost and expense thereof to be borne by each lot, tract or
parcel of land or other properly within the proposed
improvement district.
Section 4. All persons who may tlesire to oblect to the formation
of Such improvement district are hereby notified to appear and
present such obiectipns at a meeting pt the City Council to be held
in the
Council Chambers
134 West Frpnf Street
Port Angeles, Washington
at 7:30 p.m. on June b, 1978, which time and place are hereby
lixed for hearing of matters relating to saitl proposed
improvements antlall obi ec Lions thereto, and for determining The
method of paying for saitl improvements.
The City Clerk antl Engineer are hereby directed to prepare
and give notice of such hearing in the manner required by law.
PASSED by the Council of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, at a regular meeting of said Council this 2nd day of
Mav. 1976.
City of Port Angeles,
Marian C. Parrish,
City Clerk
C.T. Walraih,
City Attorney
£XH181T "A"
Beginning aT the center lineof Eva nS Avenue on the north right
o! way line of 6th Street.
Thence easterly along said right of way line to the lot line
4etween lots 15 and 16 in Block 2, Aldwell Su btlivisi0n;
Thence northerly along said lot 1'rne extended to the south right
of way line of Sfh Street.
Thence westerly along the south right of way line of 5th Street
to the east right of way lineof Evans Avenue.
Thence northerly along the east right of way line o1 Evans
Avenue to the north right of way lineof Sfh Street.
Thence easterly along the north right of way lineof 5th Street to
the lot line between lots 15 and 16 in Block 1, Aldwell Subdivision.
Thence northerly along said lot Tine extended to the south right
of way line of ath Street.
Thence southwesterly along said right of way of ath Street To
the lot line between lots 8 and 9, Edgecliff Subdivision.
Thence southeasterly along said lot line to the northeasterly lot
line of lot 24, Edg eclif} Subdivision.
Thence southwesterly along said lot line to the south lot line of
sago lot 24, Edgecliff Subdivision.
Thence easterly along saitl south lot line of lot 24 extended to
the southeast corner of lot 23, Edgecliff Subdivision.
Thence northerly along the east lot line Of saitl lot 23 to the lot
line between Io1s 22 and 23, Edgecliff Subdivision.
Thence northeasterly along the south lot lines of lots 12 and 14
to the east lot lineof lot l9, Edgecliff Subdivision.
Thence south an a line a5 feet west of and parallel to the east tat
lineof Tax 1011924 of Suburban Ipt 34, d distance Of 150 feet.
Thence east a distance of 125 feet to a point on the lot line
between Tax lots 1678 and 1651.
Thence south on said Tax lot line to the north right of way line
of 6th Street.
Thence east along the north right of way of 6th Street t0 the
point of beginning.
EXH181T "B"
Evans Avenue 6th Street 4th Street
5th Street Eyans Avenue 350!1. west of Evans
East Cul De Sac (no name) SOU th from 4th Street
West Cul De Sac (no name) South from '4th Street
4th~Sth alley West of Evans Avenue
I,MARIAN C. PARRISH, the duly chosen, qualffled and acting
Clerk of the City of Pori Angeles, Washington, DO HEREBY
CERTIFY THAT the foregoing is a true antl complete copy of
Improvement Resolution 27-78, passed by the City Council at a
regular meeting thereof held The 2nd day of May, 19x8.
}f~---D~ATED/th'i~s 2nd day of May, 1978. Marian C. Parrish
iPub.: Mayne,/1 S, 1978
May 2, 1978
4. Cont.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read
by title by Mayor Haguewood which sets a public hearing date of June 6,
1978 on this proposed LID. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck
and carried.
Mayor Haguewood introduced and'read by title Resolution No. 28-78 entitled,
Resolution No. 28-78
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of
Port Angeles authorizing the Mayor to sign sub-
lease Agreements with ITT-Rayonier, Incorporated,
for Ediz Hook Lease Lots Five and Six.
Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read
by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk.
During discussion on the motion, Manager Whorton informed the Council that
beach improvements and road maintenance are included in the lease agreement.
On call for the question the motion was passed by the Council with Council-
man Anderson abstaining.
Manager Whorton briefly summarized Finance Director Orton's memorandum
concerning a plan to upgrade the City's present PBX telephone system by
installing a Dimension 400 switchboard at City Hall. This device is driven
by mini-computer technology, and can be programmed to furnish and enhance
existing system features. The total cost to acquire and install the Di-
mension 400 is $33,202 with a non-contract installation fee of $2,577 and
an ongoing monthly charge of $557.
Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Resolution No. 29-78
Resolution No. 29-78
A RESOLUTTON of the City Council of the City of Port
Angeles authorizing the City Manager to sign a con-
tract with Pacific Northwest Bell for the Dimension
Telephone System.
Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foreging Resolution as read by
title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan.
During discussion on the motion, Councilman Buck expressed his concern over
the City's recent expenditures. On call for the question the motion was
passed by the Council.
Mayor Haguewood read a Letter from Mr. H. Hafsahl of the Western Testing
Laboratories, Inc., requesting office and laboratory space on the Owens
Brothers Dock until October 1, 1978 when permanent quarters at the Airport
Industrial Park will. be available. Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read
by title Resolution No. 30-78 entitled,
Resolution No. 30-78
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port
Angeles authorizing the City Manager to sign a short-
term lease Agreement with Western Testing Laboratories
for space on Owens Bros. Dock.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read
by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray
and carried.
May 2, 1978
Mayor Haguewood read a letter from Mr. Don Lind, owner of Olympic Delivery
Service, requesting a solution to the problem of downtown street delivery
areas. At present there are very few truck and/or loading zones in the
downtown area, and Mr. Lind has been informed by the Police Department
that delivery trucks cannot double park or use any open red zone for
delivery stops. '
Mr. Lind, who was present at the meeting, stated that he would be willing
to pay for yellow zones or loading zones, but only on the condition that
these areas be used by commercial vehicles only with a time limit.
The Council discussed this matter briefly with Mr. Lind and then Councilman
Hordyk moved the Council refer this to a work session. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. A work session was then scheduled
for Tuesday, May 9, 1978.
Mayor Haguewood read a letter from Pastor Edwin Eigenberg of the Seventh-
Day Adventist Church, requesting the Council consider sewer service on a
contract basis for a new church to be constructed on five acres located
southwest of the Moose Hall on Mt. Angeles Road. Councilman Wray then
moved the Council instruct the Seventh-day Adventist Church to apply for
annexation to the City. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson.
Following a brief discussion between the City and a representative from
the church, the motion was passed by the Council with Councilman Boardman
voting "NO."
Councilman Duncan explained to the Council that this request from the ,
Elwha Tribal Council is for governmental support of their request to
BLM for additional time to prepare an in-dept study of the possible
effects of an oil port on the Straits of Juan de Fuca fisheries. This
report will coincide with a report being prepared by the United States
Fish and Wildlife Department.
Councilman Buck then moved the Council notify the Elwha Tribal Council of
its decision to support the Tribal Council's proposal to BLM. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried.
Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from the Public Works Department con-
cerning a request for utility service and/or annexation from Mr. John
Siemens. Under a prior agreement several years ago with former City
Manager Hal Puddy and City Engineer Warder, Mr. Siemens was proceeding
with construction of his home thinking that all necessary arrangements
for utility service had been worked out. Since that time the City has
clarified it's annexation policy which now does not allow for new ex-
tensions of utilities outside the City. Mr. Siemens has agreed to proceed
with an annexation request, if so directed by the City Council, and has
requested temporary utility service in the interim.
Councilman Wray then moved the Council direct Mr. Siemens to apply for
annexation to the City, with temporary utility service in the interim,
and refer this matter to the Planning Commission. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Buck and carried.
May 2, 1978
Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Parks Director Frizzell requesting
authorization to dynamite a large rock which is located approximately
fifty feet inside the race track fence near the access road of Civic
Field. The top six to nine inches of the top of the rock will be blasted
and then filled over with dirt and sod.
Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council authorize the Parks Department
to dynamite the rock. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and
Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Parks Director Frizzell requesting
Council advice on whether the Parks Department should complete its plan
for beautification of the east entrance to the City, or cooperate with
interested individuals and organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce
for an attractive entrance sign to the City. The Parks bepartment and
Public Works Department have designed a landscaping and irrigation plan
for this area, however, there has been much interest expressed regarding
a well designed "Welcome to Port Angeles" sign for incoming traffic.
The Council discussed this matter briefly with Manager Whorton, Parks
Director Frizzell and Public Works Director Flodstrom. Councilman Duncan
then moved the Council authorize the staff to work together with the
interested parties on this City entrance beautification plan. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Wray. During discussion on the motion,
Mayor Haguewood appointed Councilman Duncan as the Council representative
on this project. On call for the question the motion was passed by the
Mayor Haguewood appointed Councilman Anderson to serve as the Council
representative on this Board, which deals mainly with alcohol related
Mayor Haguewood read a PROCLAMATION declaring the month of May,1978 as
Family Camping Month in Port Angeles.
Manager Whorton informed the Council that plans have been made to add a
legal intern to the City Attorney's office and a secretary to the Planning
Department. However, at present there is insufficient space in City Hall
for these staff additions. Manager Whorton then requested authorization
from the Council to search for this much needed office space to move either
the Attorney's office or the Planning Department, or both.
After a brief discussion between the Council and Manager Whorton on this
matter, Mayor Haguewood suggested Manager Whorton look into the possibility
o£ renting additional office space, for consideration at the May 9, 1978
work session.
Mr. Greg Wright, supervisor of the Diversified Industries Recycling Center,
addressed the Council concerning the Recycling Center's current efforts in
Clallam County. Mr. Wright outlined the existing conditions of the Center,
the proposed programs, one of which includes a cardboard collection route in
Port Angeles, the commitment required of the City and the County, and the
benefits derived from this operation. The presentation concluded with Mr.
Wright urging City support and cooperation of the Recycling Center.
May 2, 1978
After several comments and questions from the Council, Mayor Haguewood
suggested Public Works Director Flodstrom meet with the representatives
of the Recycling Center to find out what commitment is required of the City
and report his findings at the May 16, 1978 regular Council meeting.
Mr. Rick Roberts questioned the Council concerning City owned property and
suggested this property be offered for sale to put it back on the tax records.
Mayor Haguewood informed Mr. Roberts that the City just recently held a sale '
of City owned property and that these sales are an ongoing project. Mr.
Roberts also questioned the Council in regard to a parcel of City of property
on Ninth Street which is in poor upkeep due to sewer runoff from adjoining
residents. Councilman Duncan then moved the Council direct the staff to in-
vestigate this matter and report back to the Council. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Buck and carried.
Manager Whorton informed the Council that there would be a short Executive
Session after tonight's meeting to discuss a legal matter.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept the items on the Consent Agenda in-
cluding Vouchers Payable of $406,173.28 and Payroll of $120,544.87. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. Items approved under the Consent
Agenda are as follows:
1. Approve payment of $1,064.57 to CH2M/Hill for engineering services on the
Sewer System Evaluation Study and Overflow Evaluation from February 25,
1978 to March 24, 1978.
2. Authorize the Light Department to call for bids for the sale of 62 surplus
3. Approve the Board of Adjustment minutes of April 3, 1978.
1. Councilman Hordyk: biscussed the progress of the water meter.instailation
with Public Works Director Flodstrom and suggested an ad be run in the 1local
newspaper suggesting that those residents who presently have their meters
start reading them once a week or once a month to see how much water they
are using before the water rates are put into effect. Discussed the pro-
gress of the work being done at Civic Field with Parks Director Frizzell.
Questioned Manager Whorton about recommendations to the County on the over-
crowded City jail facilities.
2. Councilman Wray: Mentioned the chip plant that will be going in at Pen
Ply. Pointed out that he has seen trucks between First and Second Street
on Lincoln facing the wrong side of the street while unloading freight.
Mentioned that glass is being left in the streets after auto accidents.
Suggested a plaque be place near the Liberty Bell for the benefit of the
tourists. Informed the Council of a recent Supreme Court ruling which
states that utilities can not be shut off without first giving 30 days
notice. Noted that bonds have gone up by 3/4 of 1~ and will be going
up further in the future.
May 2, 1978
Councilman Duncan: Expressed the need for the Council and the staff to
meet together to discuss the Norther Tier proposal, Mayor Haguewood
scheduled the May 9, 1978 work session for this discussion. Discussed
the scheduled public input meetings for the Downtown Improvement Project
with Manager Whorton.
Councilman Anderson: Mentioned that Heckman Motors is still parking cars
on the City sidewalks and requested that Mr. Heckman be asked to refrain
from this practice.
Mayor Haguewood: Informed the Council that the State Highway Department
will be holding a public meeting on Tuesday, May 16, 1978 at the School
Administration Building to discuss traffic problems in Port Angeles.
Manager Whorton: Informed the Council that the BLM meeting scheduled for
May 2, 1978 has been postponed until May 15, 1978. Announced that there
will be a meeting May 22, 1978 at Sea-Tac with the Administrator of
Bonneville as the scheduled speaker.
Attorney W~lrath: Announced that Mr. Greg Richardson will be serving the
City as a Legal intern beginning May 8, 1978.
The meeting adjourned to an Executive Session at 10:00 P.M.
C ty Clerk
O 1 Legal NoH'Ces~~
-~~ 51478A / ~1~~
Noi_iceis hereby given that
City Of Port AngelES` has
requested a modification of
NPOES Waste Discharge
Permit No. WA~002397~3 is
extend. 7he~ required date for
meeting secondary treatment
from July 1, 1971 to July 1, 1963
at the latest, as authorised and
requiretl bySec lion 301 lit 111.
Federal Water 'Pollution
Con tr 0l Act.
Interested persons are
invited to submit written
co m menis regarding the
proposed action within 30 days
of this pU blic notice to:
Department of Ecology
Southwest Regional Office
Olympia, Wa. 9850e
P ublishi May 1d, 15, i6, 17, 18,
19, Tl, 1978.