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Port Angeles, Washington
May 2, 1995
CALL TO ORDER - Deputy Mayor Ostrowski called the special .meeting of the Port Angeles City Council
SPECIAL MEETlNG: to order at 6:30 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Deputy Mayor Ostrowski, Councilmembers Braun, Doyle,
Hulett, McKeown, and Schueler.
Members Absent: Mayor Sargent.
Staff Present: Manager Pomeranz, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B.
Becket, S. Brodhun, B. Collins, K. Godbey, S. Ilk, J.
Pittis, B. Titus, D. Sawyer, G. Kenworthy, and K.
Public Present: H. Schmidt, Jr.
ADJOURN TO The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 6:30 p.m. to discuss litigation for
EXECUTIVE SESSION: approximately fifteen minutes.
RETURN TO OPEN The meeting returned to open session at 6:50 p.m.
CALL TO ORDER - Deputy Mayor Ostrowski called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council
REGULAR MEETING: to order at 7:00 p.m.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Boy Scout Trip 1990, D.
ALLEGIANCE: Longmeier, P. Caldwell, S. Zenovic, and J. Kilmer, Leaders. Those participating
included: Z. Zenovic, D. Carlson, E. Caldwell, A. Eldred, P. Eykemans, C.
Pumell, B. Stokke, K. Belfield, M. Gardner, B. Ude, T. Warren, A. Filcher, and
J. Longmeier.
APPROVAL OF Councilman Braun moved to approve the'minutes of the special meeting of April
MINUTES: 14, 1995. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Councilman Doyle moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of April
18, 1995. Councilman Braun seconded the motion,which carried unanimously.
CEREMONIAL 1. Proclamation Recognizing the Week of May 21 through May 27, 1995 as
MATTERS/ National Public Works Week
Deputy Mayor Ostrowski read a proclamation recognizing the week of May 21
National Public through May 27, 1995, as National Public Works Week.
Works Week
National Maritime Day 2. Proclamation Recognizing May 22, 1995, as National Maritime Day.
Deputy Mayor Ostrowski read a proclamation recognizing May 22, 1995, as National
Maritime Day and introduced Harold Schmidt, a member of the National Maritime
Association, who provided a history of the maritime service.
Buddy Poppy Days 3. Proclamation Recognizing May as Buddy Poppy Month
Deputy Mayor Ostrowski read a proclamation recognizing May as Buddy Poppy
CITY CouNCIL Councilman Doyle attended a Real Estate Committee meeting; the items considered
COMMITTEE will be discussed either later in the agenda or at a future meeting. Councilman
REPORTS: Doyle also attended a Dispute Resolution teleconference, as well as a seminar on the
- 1 '
May 2, 1995
CITY COUNCIL Uniform Building Code.
REPORTS: Councilman Schueler attended a Cable TV Government/Education Channel Advisory
(Cont'd) Committee meeting where Channel 21 programming was reviewed. Manager
Pomeranz gave a brief explanation of Channel 21 and its goals. Councilman
Schueler also attended a Library Steering Committee meeting; the committee is
considering proposals from ten architectural firms who have expressed interest in
designing the new library.
Councilman Braun also attended the Real Estate Committee meeting and a Transit
Facility Committee, where finances and the moving schedule were discussed.
Councilmember McKeown had nothing to report.
Councilman Hulett attended a Public Information Committee meeting along with
Councilman Schueler. The Committee discussed non-City inserts with utility bills
and decided not to implement this service. Councilman Hulett also attended a
Visitors and Convention Bureau meeting, as well as a Chamber of Commerce Board
Deputy Mayor Ostrowski attended a meeting of the Peninsula Regional
Transportation Planning Organization. He announced that the ranking for ISTEA
funding placed the Discovery Trail from Deer Park to Old Olympic Highway. as No.
1. He also attended the Real Estate Committee meeting and the Clallam Transit
Board meeting.
FINANCE: 1. Bids for Francis Street Stormdrain Project
Bids for Francis Street Deputy Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information provided by the Public Works
Stormdrain Project Department. Councilman Schueler moved to accept the bid from Aurora
Engineering, Inc., for construction of the Francis Street Basin Storm Drain
Improvements for the amount of '$752,451.80 and authorize the Mayor to
execute the construction contract. Councilmember McKeown seconded the
motion. Discussion followed, and Council was given a fuller explanation of what
this project would accomplish. Manager Pomeranz noted this project has come about
in response to citizen requests to solve a flooding problem. A vote was taken on
the motion, which carried unanimously.
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Hulett moved to accept the Consent Agenda, including (1) Voucher
list for April 28, 1995 - $653,148.54; and (2) Payroll of April 23, 1995 -
$358,468.50. Councilman Braun seconded the motion which carded
ITEMS FROM THE Councilman Schueler asked to add an item to the agenda pertinent to Library
AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/ representation on the Cable TV Government & Education Channel Advisory
STAFF TO BE Committee. This was added as item E.8.
PLACED ON A Councilman Doyle noted the report in the Information Packet pertinent to Earth Day.
FUTURE AGENDA: He asked for a brief discussion in this regard; the matter was added to the agenda
as Item E.9.
LEGISLATION: A. Public Hearings
Anderson/Sawby Portion of Fourth Street: Request for vacation of City right-of-way
Deputy Mayor Ostrowski opened the public hearing at 7:50 p.m.
David Anderson, 904 Benjamin Street, petitioner, advised the Council that he would
like to change the street vacation request to the extent that only the radius on the
northeast end of Fourth Street would be included in the vaCation, and the remainder
of the original street vacation request would be excluded. He used the overhead
projector to demonstrate the specific area he hoped to have vacated.
Planning Director Collins addressed the Council and explained that, although the
Planning Commission recommended approval, the Planning staff had recommended
denial, as Mr. Anderson asked that the entire street be vacated. Approval of such
a vacation would reduce development opportunities by eliminating future use of the
Fourth Street fight-of-way between Benjamin Street and property to the south.
However, Mr. Anderson has since changed his request to only a small portion of
Fourth Street, which would be consistent with the normal development of a grid
May 2, 1995
LEGISLATION: street system. Therefore, Staff would have no objection to the revised proposal.
(Cont'd) Discussion followed, and further clarification was provided.
Street Vacation - Deputy Mayor Ostrowski closed the public hearing at 8:02 p.m.
Anderson/Sawby (Cont'd)
Attorney Knutson informed the Council members that they could adopt the ordinance
correcting the legal description, or direct staff to correct the ordinance and bring it
back to the next meeting.
Deputy Mayor Ostrowski read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
vacating a portion of Fourth Street adjacent to
Lot No. 6 of Pinebrook II Subdivision.
Councilmember McKeown moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by rifle, with
the legal description changes inserted in Paragraphs 2 and 3 in place of
Paragraph I as submitted. Councilman Doyle seconded the motion. Deputy
Director of Public Works Ridout stated that the compensation for the property would
be $1814.22. Councilmember McKeown amended her motion to include the
compensation amount. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried
'Because of the change in the street vacation, discussion was held concerning the need
to revise and subsequently adopt Conditions, Findings and Conclusions.
Councilmember McKeown moved to adopt Condition 1, Findings I - 5, and
Conclusions A - C with Condition 1 and Conclusion B amended as discussed.
However, Attorney Knutson pointed out that the Condition should be contained
within the ordinance. He suggested that the ordinance be corrected and brought back
to the next meeting rather than attempting to amend it tonight.
Councilmember McKeown moved to rescind the approval of the ordinance and
to have the Ordinance brought back to the next Council meeting. Councilman
Hulett seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Rezone Request - 2. REZONE REQUEST- REZ 95(04J02 - THOMPSON, 800 Block Georgiana.
Thompson Request to rezone two lots approximately 14,000 square feet, from R$-7,
Ordinance 2864 Residential Single Family, to CO, Commercial Office.
Deputy Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information provided by the Planning
Department and opened the public hearing at 8:10 p.m.
Kirk Thompson, applicant for the rezone, stated that this rezone is in compliance
with the Comprehensive Plan. The neighbors are not in opposition to this request.
Deputy Mayor Ostrowski closed the public hearing at 8:13 p.m., and Planning
Director Collins responded to rezone questions posed by the Council.
Deputy Mayor Ostrowski read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
rezoning property located in the 800 Block of
Georgiana Street from RS-7, Residential
Single Family, to OC, Office Commercial,
and amending the Official Zoning Map.
Councilman Braun moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, citing
Findings 1 - 11 and Conclusions A - C, as set forth in Exhibit "A", which is
attached to and becomes a part of these minutes. Councilman Hulett seconded
the motion, which carried unanimously, Clerk Upton pointed out that there were
only ten Findings, as there was a numbering error. Councilman Braun amended his
motion to Findings 1 - I0, which was agreed to by Councilman Hulett as seconder
of the motion. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
May 2, 1995
(Cont'd) REGULATIONS: Proposal to amend the subdivision/short subdivision
regulations regarding right-of-way access requirements in the case of one
Zoning Code Amendment existing habitable dwelling unit
Ordinance No. 2865
Deputy Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information provided by the Planning
Department and opened the public hearing at 8:20 p.m.
Councilman Hulett asked staff for an example of this scenario, which was provided
by Planning Director Collins.
There was no testimony, and the public hearing was closed at 8:25 p.m.
Deputy Mayor Ostrowski read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, creating an exception frOm short
plat fight-of-way access requirements in
limited circumstances and amending
Ordinance 2222 and Chapter 16.04 PAMC.
Councilman Hulett moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, citing
Findings I - 4 and Conclusions A , C as set forth in Exhibit "B", which is
attached to and becomes a part of these minutes. Councilmember McKeown
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
B. Ordinances Not Requiring a Public Hearing
Changing Order of C. Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings
Council Agenda
Resolution No. 5-95 I. Resolution Changing the Order of Council Agenda
Deputy Mayor Ostrowski read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City
of Port Angeles, Washington, revising the
Council's Rules of Procedure by changing
the order of business and amending
Resolution No. 37-91.
Councilman Hulett moved to pass the Resolution as read by title.
Counciimember MeKeown seconded the motion. Discussion followed, and
Councilman Schueler spoke in strong opposition to the resolution. It was his feeling
that the public should be made aware of what each Council member is doing.
Councilman Braun agreed with Councilman Schueler; however, Councilmembers
McKeown and Hulett indicated their preference at having the reports submitted after
members of the public have been afforded the opportunity of participating in the
public hearing process. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried by a
majority vote, with Councilmembers Doyle, Hulett, and McKeown voting for the
motion, and Councilmen Braun and Schueler voting in opposition.
Retention of Audio Tape 2. Adopting Retention Period for Audio Tape Recordings
Deputy Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information provided by the City Clerk and
read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City council of the City
of Port Angeles, Washington, adopting a
ten-year minimum retention period for
audio tape recordings of City meetings
and public hearings.
Councilman Braun moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Councilman
Doyle seconded the motion. Discussion followed and, in the interest of preserving
May 2, 1995
LEGISLATION: history, Councilman Schueler suggested the audio tapes be transferred to CDs so they
(Cont'd) can be kept permanently. Clerk Upton explained that the tapes get brittle and break
down. There ,.are many old tapes that may no longer be useable, and therefore, may
Retention of Audio Tape not be capable of being transferred to CDs. Manager Pomeranz offered to have staff
Recordings (Cont'd) look into alternative ways to store this information and bring this issue back to a
future meeting for further consideration. After further discussion, Councilman
Braun rescinded his motion. Councilman Doyle, as seconder, agreed. Deputy
Mayor Ostrowski requested that staff look further into this matter.
Break Deputy Mayor Ostrowski recessed the meeting for a break at 8:41 p.m. The meeting
re, convened at 9:00 p.m.
Payments to Contracting 3. Establishing PoNCY re: Payment of City Funds to Contracting Agencies
Resolution No. 6-95 Deputy Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information provided by the City Attorney.
At the request of the Council, Attorney Knutson clarified the payment policy and
how it would affect the different agencies. He stated that the letter would be
changed somewhat to make it more reader friendly.
Deputy Mayor Ostrowski read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, establishing a policy
regarding payment of City funds to
contracting agencies.
Councilman Braun moved to pass the Resolution as read by title.
Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Travel Policy 4. Revising Travel Policy re: Lodging Expenses
Resolution No. 7-95
City Manager Pomeranz explained that, in examining travel expenditures of the
recent past, it was decided by City staff that a message needed to be sent that the
City must be careful with the expenditure of City travel funds. Currently, the City
uses IRS per diems for meals. Staff felt it would be appropriate to utilize IRS
lodging per diems as a maximum for out-of-state travel, and amended the State of
Washington per diems to what was felt to be a reasonable rate. After further
discussion, Deputy Mayor Ostrowski read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City
of Port Angeles, Washington, amending
the Personnel Policies and Procedures by
revising the travel policy for lodging
Councilman Doyle moved to pass the Resolution as read by title.
Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Planning Commission D. Planning Commission Minutes/Action Items
Minutes/Action Items
Shoreline Management ANGELES, Ediz Hoolc Proposal to construct a multi-purpose pier (Marine
Permit - Port of Port Safety & Resource Center) in the IH, Imtustrial Heavy District.
Deputy Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information provided by the Planning
Department. He introduced Ken Sweeney, Planner for the Port of Port Angeles,
who gave a brief explanation of the proposal and responded to questions posed by
the Council. Mr. Sweeney indicated there would be approximately 120 jobs
created/retained, and 384 jobs induced, for a total employment factor of 504
positions. Manager Pomeranz expressed concern regarding attractiveness of Ediz
Hook, and he queried as to h°w this project might enhance the Hook. Mr. Sweeney
responded there were plans to construct a viewing tower in the vicinity of the
Waterfront Trail. Further, landscaping enhancements are part of the project as well.
Councilman Hulett moved to approve the Shoreline Management Permit SMA
95(04)149, subject to Conditions 1 - 11 and citing Findings 1 - 13 and
-5 -
May 2, 1995
LEGISLATION: Conclusions A - E as set forth in Exhibit "C", which is attached to and becomes
(Cont'd) a part of these minutes. Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried
Shoreline Management
Permit - Port of Port 2. Planning Commission Minutes of April 12, 1995
Angeles (Cont'd)
Councilman Hulett moved to accept the Planning Commission minutes of April
12, 1995. Councilman Doyle seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Law Enforcement E. Other Considerations
Advisory Board
1. Reappointment to Law Enforcement Advisory Board
Deputy Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information provided by the City Clerk.
Councilman Schueler moved to reappoint Jim Jones to the Law Enforcement
Advisory Board for a one-year term expiring June 1, 1996. Councilman Doyle
seconded the motion. Councilman Hulett questioned why people are being
reappointed for one year terms, when the point of the initial staggered terms of office
were so that not everyone on the Board was replaced at the same time. Manager
Pomeranz will have staff look into this. A vote was taken on the motion, which
carried unanimously.
Fire Investigation 2. Inter-Local Agreement - Fire Investigation Task Force
Task Force
Deputy Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information provided by the Fire Department
and asked that Chief Becker clarify what the Fire Department is attempting to
accomplish with this Agreement. Chef Becker explained that this agreement would
be invaluable in investigating arson fires. He introduced Tom Lowe, Chief of Fire
District//3. Chief Lowe stated that the Board of Commissioners for District//3 has
agreed to sign this agreement. He agreed that this agreement is important in case of
A discussion followed, after which Councilman Braun moved to approve the
Interlocal Agreement for an Arson Task Force and authorize the Mayor to sign
the a~reement. Councilman Schueler seconded the motion, which carried
Ediz Hook Lease 3. Approval of Ediz Hook - Former Salmon Club Property
Deputy Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information provided by the Real Estate
Committee. Councilman Doyle moved to authorize staff to negotiate a lease with
Ron Shepherd, dba Thunderbird Boat House, and to present this negotiated
lease to the Council at its meeting of June 6, 1995. Councilman Hulett seconded
the motion. Ken Ridout, Deputy Director of Public Works, stated that the City was
in receipt of two proposals, with Mr. Shepherd's proposal being the better of the
two. Mr. Ridout then reviewed the proposal as presented by Mr. Shepherd. A copy
of the RFPs will be distributed to the Council. After further discussion, a vote was
taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
County Comprehensive 4. Comments on County's Comprehensive Plan
Deputy Mayor Ostrowski introduced Rich James, the Clallam County Senior Planner,
and requested that Mr. James give a presentation on this issue.
Using a map, Mr. James gave the Council a visual idea of the regional
comprehensive plan. He stated that the county-wide Comprehensive Plan has been
approved by the planning Commission, and currently the Board is holding work
sessions on it. Mr. James then gave an update on the four regional plans and stated
it is hoped that all plans will be completed in July. Mr. James reviewed the map,
explained the different zoning districts as well as the urban growth area, and quoted
from the Comprehensive Plan.
Meeting Extended Councilman Braun moved to extend the meeting past 10:00 p.m.
Past 10:00 p.m. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Discussion followed regarding the Comprehensive Plan, and Mr. James answered
questions posed by the Council.
Dave Sawyer, Senior Planner, explained that staff compiled a report with
recommended comments on the County's draft plan which is included in the packet.
May 2, 1995
LEGISLATION: Staff had worked with various citizen committees throughout the process of adopting
(Cont'd) the Plan, and the comments reflect the issues which staff feels need further work.
At the request of Council, Mr, Sawyer proceeded to clarify some of the comments
County Comprehensive and issues presented in the staff report.
Plan (Cont'd)
Mr. Sawyer reminded the Council that this is its last opportunity to make comments
to the County regarding the Regional Comprehensive Plan. Once it is adopted, it
will be set into law. It is important that the County and City Comprehensive Plans
compliment one another. Mr. Sawyer thanked and praised all those who worked so
hard in the development of the plan.
Discussion followed, and Mr. Sawyer continued to respond to questions posed by the
Council, to include comments on the land use map. Director Collins pointed out that
the City has not received the final changes made by the County, and the City will
want an opportunity to respond to these changes as well.
Staff recommends that the council authorize the Mayor or another individual to
present the City's comments at the County's public hearing of May 9, 1995, and to
request the County extend the time period for acceptance of written testimony until
May 22, 1995. Manager Pomeranz reminded the Council that Mayor Sargent will
not be able to attend the May 9 meeting and, therefore, the Council should appoint
someone to take her place. It was the general consensus of the Council that Planning
Director Collins ~md Senior Planner Sawyer be the City's representatives at the May
9 meeting.
Mr. Sawyer again reminded the Council that this is the last opportunity to discuss
the Regiomd Comprehensive Plan, and the three major issues are: 1) boundary of the
urban growth area; 2) land use issues within the UGA; and 3) urban services.
Councilman Doyle moved that City staff present comments to the County
Commissioners at the County Commission meeting of May 9, 1995, and that the
Council request that the County Commissioners accept additional written
comments to at least May 22, 1995, on the adoption of the County/Port Angeles
Regional Comprehensive Plan. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion.
Brief discussion followed, and Manager Pomeranz suggested that a Councilmember
attend the May 9 meeting to lend credibility to the fact that the comments are
Council concerns. Councilman Doyle volunteered to attend. A vote was taken on
the motion, which carried unanimously.
Coastal Corridor Grant 5. Letter of Support for Coastal Corridor Grant.
Deputy Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information provided by the Planning
Department. Councilmember McKeown moved to authorize the Mayor to sign
the letter in support of the grant application. Councilman Hulett seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
Director Collins suggested the letter be amended to include Highways 111 and 117.
Councilmemher McKeown moved to include Highways 111 and 117 in the letter.
Councilman Hulett seconded the motion. A brief discussion followed, and a vote
was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
WPPSS Cost-Sharing 6. Approval of WPPSS, (Washington Public Power Supply System) Cost-
Litigation Settlement Sharing Litigation Settlement
Deputy Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information provided by the City Attorney's
office. He asked Attorney Knutson for a brief summary of the issue.
Attorney Knutson reviewed the effort to consummate the settlement of the WPPSS
cost-sharing litigation. He stated that the recommendation being made will not cost
the City anything directly. The BPA Director has informed the City that it could
have a less than 1% effect on rates.
Councilman Doyle moved to approve the cost-sharing case Settlement
Agreement, Memorandum of Understanding, and Release of Chemical Bank
unconditionally and without'reservation and authorize the Deputy Mayor to
execute the same. Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried
May 2, 1995
LEGISLATION: Z Consideration of Contract with Department of Community, Trade, and
(Cont'd) Economic Development for Phase II of the Housing Rehabilitation Program
Consideration of Contract Deputy Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information provided by the PUblic Works
for Phase II of Housing Department, and Manager Pomeranz informed the Council of the success of the
Rehabilitation Program Program to date. Councilmember McKeown stated that it was exciting to see the
success in neighborhoods that would not normally be able to afford such
improvements. Manager Pomeranz reviewed the criteria for the program and stated
the benefits were long-range.
Discussion followed, and the Council directed questions to various members of staff
for further clarification of the program. Councilman Braun moved to anthorize
the Mayor to sign the contract with the Department of Community, Trade and
Economic Development, accepting $500,1}00 in Block Grant funds for the
implementation of Phase II of the Port Angeles ttousing Rehabilitation Project
for low-moderate income city residents. Councilmember McKeown seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
Library Representative 8. Library Representative to Serve on Cable TV Advisory Committee
on Cable TV Advisory
Committee Councilman Schueler explained that at the last Cable TV meeting, it was noted that
different agencies were represented on the Cable TV Advisory Committee.
However, the Library had no representation. Several years ago, Mr. George Stratton
of the North Olympic Library System expressed interest in this Committee, and it
was suggested that Mr. Stratton be invited to participate in this Committee.
Councilman Schueler moved to add another position to the Cable TV Advisory
Committee, with that position be filled by someone from the North Olympic
Library System. Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried
Earth Day 9. Earth Day
Councilman Doyle noted that in the Information section of the packet, there were
reports on the Earth Day landfill activities, and requested PUblic Works Director
Pittis give a brief report on this issue.
Director Pittis reported that while the City may have lost revenue for that day, the
good that resulted by the removal of such debris as old refrigerators far exceeded any
cost factors. The event was a huge success.
Clerk - / ~MVayor
Exhibit "A"
REZONE REQUEST - RES 95(04)02 - Thompson
Findings & Conclusions:
1. The request is to rezone two vacant 50' x 140' Townsite platted lots, totaling 14,000
square feet of property currently zoned RS-7, Residential Single Family.
2. The site is identified as commercial in the Comprehensive Plan. The following goals and
policies have been identified as being most relevant to the proposal: Land Use Map Goal,
Policies, and Objective Goal A., Policies 1 and 2; and Commercials and Policies Goal
D., Policies 1 and 2.
3. The site is adjacent to a large area of commercial property which extends from
immediately east of the property a distance of three full blocks to Jones Street and from
Front Street to the marine bluff area which houses the Olympic Memorial Hospital. The
commercial area along the west side of Race Street in this area extends only two lots west
of Race Street with the exception of the subject block which is characterized by a five lot
indentation at present.
4. Residential uses are located one block north, one-half block south, and extending west
along the marine bluff area toward Downtown Port Angeles.
5. A Determination of Non-Significance was issued for the rezone on March 20, 1995, with
no appeal.
6. The property was unsuccessfully proposed for rezone to Commercial Office in 1991.
7. The City's Comprehensive Plan redesignated the property as commercial in June, 1994.
8. Notice was provided of the proposal to rezone to property owners within 300 feet of the
proposed area. A total of 29 notices were mailed on March 20, 1995. No negative
comment has been received from either the general public or the surrounding property
owners as a result of the posting/publication/mailing process.
9. The site is adjacent to other commercial zoned (CO) property.
10. The CO Zone contains landscaping standards as a buffer.to surrounding residential uses.
A. As approved, the rezone is in the public use and interest and is compatible with the
surrounding neighborhood.
B. As approved, the rezone is consistent with the Goals and Policies of the Comprehensive
Plan, specifically, those identified in Finding No. 2. The Comprehensive Plan identifies
the site as commercial.
C. Circumstances have changed since the property was denied a rezone in 1991, as the
Comprehensive Plan now identifies the site as commercial.
Adopted by the~.ox! Angeles City Council at its meeting of May 2, 1995.
..__~sper Ostro'~4dv-Deputy Mayor
A--TTEST: C~c~ J. L~pt~nn, City ~-~erk
Exhibit "B"
MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT - MCA 95(04)04 - Subdivision Regulations
Findings & Conclusions:
1. The short subdivision ordinance has been reviewed with respect to an exception to right-
of-way access design standards.
2. The comprehensive Plan, in particular Growth Management Goal A., Land Use Goal A.,
Policy A.2., Goal B., Policy B.I., Policy B.2., Policy B.3., Goal C, Housing Policy
A.5, Capital Facility Goal A., Policy A.9., and goal B., have been reviewed with respect
to the proposal.
3. The standards for right-of-way access and lot design interact to limit site planning for lot
4. A Determination of Non-Significance was issued for the proposal on April 5, 1995.
A. The Municipal Code Amendment is in the public use and interest.
B. The Municipal Code Amendment is consistent with the comprehensive Plan Goals as
identified in the staff report.
C. The Municipal Code amendment is consistent with the intent of chapter 16.04 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code.
~'~~ by th/e~ngeles City Council at its meeting of May 2, 1995.
~--P~.s~/ O;[roWs~puty Mayor
A~FEST: d-~.ck~ J. Upt~,- City C~erk
Exhibit "C"
SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT - SMA 95(04)149 - Port of Port Angeles
Findings & Conclusions:
1. The proposed project shall satisfy the condition of approval for VAR 95(03)02.
2. The proposed project shall satisfy the conditions/concerns of the Army Corps of
Engineers hydraulic approval (issued March 20, 1995).
3. The project shall comply with all of the mitigation measures of the MDNS issued by the
Port of Port Angeles on June 13, 1994.
4. The proposed project shall satisfy the concerns of the City's Public Works Department
as follows:
a) Plan view sheet No. 1 prepared on September 20, 1994, should be revised to
reflect Ediz Hook Drive as the fronting street rather than Marine Drive.
b) Proposed eventual expansion of public access by construction of a viewing tower
at the site could possibly be improved by locating the tower at the sail and paddle
park where parking is available or participation in improvements at other access
locations on the harbor.
c) Disposal of materials not suited for marine disposal at an upland site within the
City will require a clearing and grading permit.
d) Parking will require a site layout including drainage to be submitted for review
and approval by Public Works.
e) Vehicle access crossing the Waterfront Trail will necessitate structural section
improvements and installation of crosswalk markings and signage.
f) Water and sewer services serving vessels will require special protective devices
and measures.
g) Sanitary force main completion is currently programmed for 1996. Interim
- measures may be required to serve the development if sewer services are needed
prior to completion of the sewer force main.
5. The proposed project shall satisfy the concerns of the City Light Department as follows:
a) All new buildings shall maintain a minimum of 12.5 feet clearance from existing
overhead powerlines.
6. The applicant shall provide a physical separation along the full length of the Waterfront
Trail and the subject site except for approved driveway access areas prior to final
approval for use of the pier.
7. The applicant shall retain a qualified archaeologist to be on site and monitor any
excavation activities. Upon discovery of evidence of possible archaeological significance,
the applicant shall follow the recommendations of the archaeologist for proceeding,
consistent with all relevant state and federal historic preservation laws.
8. The project shall comply with all of the requirements of the City's Environmental
Protection Ordinance.
9. The project shall provide public waterfront access from the City's Waterfront Trail.
10. The project shall comply with the Uniform Fire Code.
11. Utilities shall be underground where feasible as agreed upon by staff and the Port's
1. The applicant, the Port of Port Angeles applied for a Shoreline Substantial Development
Permit on December 13, 1994 which is included in the staff report as Attachment A.
2. The application is to construct 1) an approximately 10,000 sq. fi. warehouse/office
building, 2) an approximately 29,000 sq. ft. multi-purpose pier, trestle, and mooring
dolphins, and 3) beach/md fill.
3. A Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance (MDNS) was issued by the Port of Port
Angeles SEPA Responsible Official on February 10, 1995.
4. The Port received substantial comments on the MDNS and revised the project to address
many of the concerns.
5. The application and hearing process was advertised in accordance with the legal
requirements of the City of Port Angeles and the State of Washington.
6. The multi-purpose pier and associated warehouse and office building is proposed on Ediz
Hook which is part of the intensely developed Port Angeles Harbor on a site that has
previously been used as a log transfer and storage facility for the majority of the past fifty
- years.
7. The subject site and proposed project is adjacent and directly accessible to the City's
Waterfront Trail.
8. The Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program, Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance
have been reviewed with respect to this application.
9. The upland portion of the subject site is designated as Industrial and the over water
portion of the project is designated as Open Space in the Comprehensive Plan.
10. The upland portion of the subject site is zoned IH (Industrial, Heavy) and the over water
portion of the project is zoned PBP (Public Buildings and Parks).
11. The subject site is designated Urban Environment in the City's Shoreline Master
12. Hydraulic project approval was issued by the Corps of Engineers on March 20, 1995.
13. Areas located on the pier can provide some of the required parking spaces.
A. Based on the staff report analysis, public review and comment, the Planning
Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the findings listed above, the proposed
multi-purpose pier is dependent on its location, and use of the shoreline.
B. Based on the staff report analysis, public review and comment, the Planning
Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the findings listed above, and as
conditioned above, the project should achieve the intent of the City's Comprehensive
Plan's Land Use Policy H 3, Open Spac~ Policies I 1 & 2, and Conservation Policies D
C. Based on the staff report analysis, public review and comment, the Planning
Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the findings listed above, and as
conditioned above, the project should achieve the intent of City's IH and PBP zones.
D. Based on the staff report analysis, public review and comment, the Planning
Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the findings listed above, and as
conditioned above, the project should achieve the intent of The City's Shoreline Master
Plan Urban Environments's Policies C 1, 3 & 4, D 1 a & 2, F 1 a, b & e, 7 b, 8 b &
f, 17a&c, 18a, b&c, and 19a.
E. Based on the staff report analysis, public review and comment, the Planning
Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the findings listed above, and as
_--~--. conditioned above, the project will not be detrimental to the shoreline.
/Adopt~cd by the p/ort~s City Council at its meeting of May 2, 1995.
~'~--.P~sl~er Ost'rowski, DepUty Mayo;- -
ATTF_~;I': (,~k~ J. UptOn, ~ity-Clerk