HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/02/2006 I e e CALL TO ORDER- REGULAR MEETING: ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: PRESENTATIONS, CEREMONIAL MATTERS & PROCLAMATIONS: 2006 Jr. Teen America Scholarship Program National Public Works Week Mental Health Month Older Americans Month 5891 I .t!. .4; ,~i: * ,;:. CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington May 2; 2006 ... -, Mayor Rogers called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:04 p.m. Members Present: Mayor Rogers, Deputy Mayor Williams, Councilmembers Erickson, Munro [arrived at 6:22 p.m.], and Wharton. Members Absent: Councilmembers Braun and Headrick. Staff Present: Manager Madsen, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Upton, G. Cutler, D. McKeen, T. Riepe, Y. Ziomkowski, T. Pierce, D Bellamente, C. Johnson, T. Rife, C. Jacobi, D. Homan, and B. McKenzie. Public Present: P. Schaefer, T. See, M. Lang, E. Christie, A. Saville, B. Townsend, R. Johnson, K. Troup, D. Reed, P. Carey, G. Whitman, C. & Y. Bayuga, A. May, C. Kidd, T. Weed, L. Rotmark, P. Lamoureux, V. Flake, B. Weiner, F. Cameron, C. Schultz, and W. Wilson. All others present in the audience failed to sign the roster. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Councilmember Wharton. 1. Proclamation: 2006 Jr. Teen America Scholarship Program: Mayor Rogers read and presented a proclamation to Port Angeles Miss Jr. Teen Delegate, Chantell Schultz, a Stevens Middle School student. 2. Proclamation: National Public Works Week: A proclamation declaring the week of May 21 - May 27, 2006, as National Public Works Week was read and presented by Mayor Rogers to Public Works & Utilities Director Cutler. 3. Proclamation: May 2006 as Mental Health Month: Mayor Rogers, joined by City Finance Director and Peninsula Community Mental Health Center Board Member Ziomkowski, introduced Peter Casey, the new Executive Director ofthe Mental Health Center. The Mayor read and presented a proclamation declaring May, 2006, as Mental Health Month in Port Angeles. 4. Proclamation: May 2006 as Older Americans Month: Mayor Rogers read and presented Senior Center Manager D Bellamente with a - I - 5892 CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 2, 2006 Older Americans Month (Cont'd) Transit Employee Appreciation Day WORK SESSION: LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON TIDS OR FUTURE AGENDAS & PUBLIC COMMENT: Break CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: RESOLUTIONS: Amendments to Travel Policy Resolution No. 8-06 proclamation declaring May, 2006, as Older Americans Month. Ms. Bellamente was joined by members of the Senior. Center Board and the Senior Games Steering Committee. e 5. Proclamation: May 1 J as Transit Employee Appreciation Day: Mayor Rogers read and presented a proclamation to Clallam Transit General Manager Terry Weed, de~laring May 11,2006, as Transit Employee Appreciation Day. None. Manager Madsen asked to move Agenda Item H.l. to Executive Session, since it relates to a property acquisition. Ken Troup, Secretaryrrreasurer of Teamsters Local # 589, 1305 "C" Street, represented the Police Department's records clerks and dispatchers, providing an update on negotiations and pleading the case for salary increases. Mr. Troup discussed mediation that is underway, as well as other issues pertinent to the negotiations. Peter Ripley, 114 E. 6th Street, #102, urged the Council to adopt a proclamation recognizing Disability Awareness Month. James Trekas, 1938 W. Hamilton Way, expressed his view that the proposed development of the Oak Street property would benefit very few citizens. He felt the property should be left available to public access. Tom See, 1701 W. 11th Street, discussed the rationale of the new solid waste rates, sharing observations as to discrepancies between residential and commercial rates. Based on his expertise as an analyst, Mr. See reviewed what he deemed to be erroneous conclusions, and he discussed mixed messages being sent on recycling. Paul Lamoureux, 602 Whidby, asked about information that will be provided to the public when the water system becomes fluoridated; a response was provided by Director Cutler. Mr. Lamoureux also discussed strategic planning sessions being conducted and costs associated with many of the stated goals, and he expressed his feelings on water rates. Mayor Rogers recessed the meeting for a break at 6:59 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:14 p.m None. J. Amendments to Travel Policy: Finance Director Ziomkowski reviewed proposed changes to the City's Travel Policy, indicating it requires periodic review in order to ensure compliance with all Federal and State regulations. She noted that one of the major changes relates to the authorization level for the City Manager for travel reimbursements in excess of $1 ,500. Following brief discussion, Mayor Rogers read the Resolution by title, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 8-06 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending the Personnel Policies and Procedures by revising the tuition reimbursement, travel, and vehicle use policy. e - 2- e Amendments to Travel Policy Resolution No. 8-06 (Cont'd) Medical Waiver Cost Share Program Resolution No. 9-06 ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: Skateboard Ordinance . CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 2, 2006 5893 Councilmember Wharton moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Erickson. Discussion ensued regarding the use of cell phones and hands-free phones. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. 2. Medical Waiver Cost Share Program: Manager Madsen reviewed the proposed Medical Waiver Cost Share Program, whereby employees covered by dual medical insurance would be given the opportunity to waive the City's medical insurance. The City would split the cost of the premium, with one-half of the savings for the City and one-half for the employee. Attorney Bloor added that the A WC plan specifically allows for this type of option to be granted to City employees. Mayor Rogers read the Resolution by title, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 9-06 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles. Washington, authorizing the City Manager to implement a program that allows certain employees under the Association of Washington Cities medical plan to waive coverage. Deputy Mayor Williams moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Wharton and, following discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. Skateboard Ordinance: Police Chief Riepe presented the proposed Skateboard Ordinance for a first reading, noting that it provides for the regulation of skateboards, roller skates, in-line skates, bicycles, and similar devices in the downtown area and on arterials. He indicated that it also addresses safety rules and has a seizure component. Chief Riepe reviewed the specific parameters, indicating that Railroad Avenue also constitutes the Waterfront 'Frail, so bicycles and skateboarders must stay off the sidewalk in the area of the ferry. Attorney Bloor added that, under the prior structure, Police Officers dealt with regulatioris that were fairly vague and general, so staff has attempted to tailor something that fits Port Angeles. Mayor Rogers conducted the fITst reading of the Ordinance by reading it by title, as follows: ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, relating to the use of skateboards, roller skates, in-line skates, bicycles, and similar devices, and creating a new chapter, Chapter 10.26, of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Kevin Thompson, 130 W. Front Street, representing the Port Angeles Downtown Association, spoke in support of the Ordinance, as it will give the Police Officers the opportunity to enforce a stricter law that will be in the best interest of the downtown patrons, as well as the skateboarders themselves. Cherie Kidd, 101 E. 10th Street, also spoke in support of the Ordinance, as she has seen an increase in the number of skateboarders who should use the new skateboard park built for them. Peter Ripley, 114 E. 6th Street, #102, spoke in support of the Ordinance, as the City has a park for the skateboarders, and they should be encouraged to. use the facility for its intended purpose. - 3 - 5894 CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 2, 2006 ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: (Cont'd) Skateboard Ordinance (Cont'd) PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL: PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: Downtown Gateway Project Funding & Parking Landfill Disposal of Derelict/V acant Buildings and Structures FINANCE: Request to Bid for Medic Unit Replacement Discussion ensued among Council and staff regarding the skate park, the fact that portions of the Waterfront Trail are not defmed as a sidewalk, the suggestion to set aside a lane on Railroad Avenue, the application of the forfeiture section, the use of skateboards on arterials and the associated need for safety, the issue of motorized wheelchairs, and the absence of baby strollers in the Ordinance language. Attorney Bloor advised the Council that this Ordinance does not address motorized wheel~hairs; Manager Madsen added that State law makes impeding traffic in any way illegal. Peter Ripley informed the Council of safety and reflective materials available for motorized wheelchairs, adding that disabled citizens in wheelchairs are to be treated as pedestrians. Attorney Bloor indicated that Chapter 10.26.020 of the Ordinance could state that it does not apply to power chairs or scooters. The matter was continued to May 16, 2006. e None. None. 1. Downtown Gateway Project Funding & Parking: This item was moved to Executive Session. 2. Landfill Disposal of Derelict/Vacant Buildings and Structures: Director Cutler reviewed the proposal to accept construction debris from derelict buildings and structures for disposal at the Landfill, as staff reviewed calculations for the remaining capacity anticipated at the Landfill up to its closure date of December 31, 2006. He indicated ~e Port Angele~ Forward Committee, the Utility Advisory. Committee, aI?-d other: COmmunity lea?ers are supportive of the proposal to help the process of improving the appearance of the CitY. Based on the available air space at the Landfill, Director Cutler proposed he be authorized to offer a reduced tipping fee, with 50% off the current rate up to 70,000 cubic yards. Mayor Rogers emphasized the City is being mandated to close the Landfill by the Federal Government. Deputy Mayor Williams moved to permit acceptance of up to a maximum of 20,000 cubic yards of construction debris at a reduced rate as set by the Director of Public Works & Utilities for the demolition or maj or renovation of derelict buildings and structures. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Erickson. Brief discussion ensued concerning a previous list of derelict buildings that had been provided to the Council wherein contacts could be made with property owners concerning the acceptance of the debris at a reduced rate. Director Cutler responded to a question regarding derelict fishing gear. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. 1. Request to go to Bidfor Medic Unit Replacement: Fire Chief McKeen advised the Council he has worked to develop a fully funded apparatus replacement program, and he discussed the need to replace an ambulance that is twenty years old. The replacement costs were inadvertently left out of the Budget, but the Finance Committee and Health & Safety Committee forwarded recommendations of approval. He distributed information on return on investment, which drew compliments from Councilrnember Munro. Deputy Mayor Williams, in honor of Councilmember Braun, moved to add the medic unit replacement in the 2006 Budget and authorize staff to proceed with the purchasing process. Councilmember Munro seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. e - 4 - FINANCE: (Cont'd) e Landfill Slope Stabilization, Project 02- 21 ,Ele.ctric Rebuild "A" Street \ ) ;Supstation, Project,O-;H 6:> e_,_.,t.., . Equipment Purchase - Two- Way Dump Bodies Contract with Clallam Business Incubator, Inc., for Economic Development CONSENT AGENDA: INFORMATION: e EXECUTIVE SESSION: ";';-,\{;:,{,'i\:: .[/t> ,'" ':'''t'! CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 2, 2006 2. Landfill Slope Stabilization, Project 02-21: Director Cutler provided a summary' of bids received on the Landfill Slope Stabilization Project, after which Deputy Mayor Williams moved to award and authorize the Mayor to sign a contract with Glacier Construction Services, Inc., ofMulkiteo for the Port Angeles Landfill Slope Stabilization, Project 02-21, in the amount of $2,071,098.17, including sales tax. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Munro and carried unanimously. 3. Electric Rebuild "A" Street Substation, Project 04-16: ., ,. ~ ..r Director Cutler reviewed the singular bid submitted for the electric rebuild of the "A" Street Substation, noting the bid was below the Engineer's Estimate. This is one of the last substations having relays changed out. Councilmember Munro moved to award the project and authorize the Mayor to sign the contract with Olympic Electric Company, Inc., of Port Angeles, Washington, in the amount of $99,939.24, including sales tax. Councilmember Wharton seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 4. Equipment Purchase - Two-Way Dump Bodies: Director Cutler introduced Bill McKenzie, the new Fleet Manager, after which he summarized the purchase of two-way dump bodies for truck chassis. Following brief discussion, Councilmember Munro moved to authorize the City Manager to sign a contract with America's Body Company for the purchase offour two-way dump bodies. Deputy Mayor Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 5. Contract with Clallam Business Incubator, Inc.Jor Economic Development: Manager Madsen presented information on the contract with Clallam Business Incubator, Inc., noting the City is one of the primary sponsors of the Incubator, which is ready to operate and has an Executive Director in place. As per commitments made, the City is prepared to enter into a contract to receive economic development services and to help the Incubator provide services to the City, as there is a need for outside expertise. Discussion was held on the [mancial aspects of the contract, as well as funding sources. Deputy Mayor Williams moved to approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the 2006 Contract with Clallam Business Incubator, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $80,000. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Erickson and carried unanimously. Councilmember Munro moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include: 1.) City Council Minutes of April 18, 2006; 2.) Expenditure Approval List: 4/8/06- 4/21/06, $850,734.78; 3.) Purchase Water Utility Materials, Project 06-13; and 4.) DOE Coordinated Prevention Grant G0500055 Amendment No.1. The motion was seconded by Deputy Mayor Williams and carried unanimously. Deputy Mayor Williams noted the upcoming absence of Mayor Rogers, inquiring as to his authorization to sign City documents in her absence. Councilmember Erickson moved to authorize the Deputy Mayor to sign the appropriate City documents in the Mayor's absence. Councilmember Munro seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. None. Base~ on input from Attorney Bloor, Mayor Rogers announced the need for an Executive Ses~ion under the authority ofRCW 42.30.110(b) and (i) - real estate and potential litigation for approximately 45 minutes, with action that may follow. The -5- 5895 ~! \~- )~ .;: 5896 CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 2,2006 EXECUTIVE SESSION: (Cont'd) RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: Executive Session convened at 8:30 p.rn. and,'at 9:15 p.m., it was extended for an additiona155 minutes by announcement of the Mayor. The Executive Session concluded at 10: 10 p.m., and the Council convened in regular open session. No action was taken. The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.rn. - 6- I)o~ 1Ap:n^- Becky J. Upt Ci lerk e. e