HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/03/1939 51 " Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington May~ 1959 19_ The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.M. and was called to order by l!a;yor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Henson and Masters, Acting Attorney Taylor and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Applications for Building Permits the following were granted: Ernest Boles, Construct House, Lot 20, Block 159, :l:ownsite C. A. Andrus, Addition to House, Lot 5, Block 285, Townsite I 500.00 1500 .00 Police Judge, Thos. Geisness, reported 55 cases tried and $250.50 collected in fines for the month of JApril, 1939. Under the head of New Business,- I C. W. Kilmer having made arrangements to move his Card Tables from 206 N. Laurel Street to 115 East Front Street, requested in writing that his card table License No. 4441 be transferred to his new location at 115 East Front Street. There being no objection the Commission instructed the Clerk to make said transfer as requested. A petition signed by H. W. Norton and others living in the district south of the Boulevard, was read, petitioning the City to discontinue the use of all water meters in their district. Tbe petition was referred to the Supt. of Utilities. Under the head of Unfinished Business,- I f.\I.I. jrUll mil..; '~J~:{\l:::~~/:::~~;:~;~'i?~~ir(,;:.j;;t ::~~;~J l~l~l;:':l~ f~ (: ;~~I~.~~,.~.] !,I::'I:~ rl~':: : ?g,:;~'~~:'i:~1 ~;' ,I; I ,\W~;1; 'Iil.,g- ~11l'1'l:-; 11.);(.'0. Ill' ol,t[lIIli",:1 rlll!1l ,~\\\1.1 ~: t~;~r;~~tl~t::.::~~l~:;..~ ~~,~ :~'I ~~:t:~l~j~~tl, Cil'- <'li'I'1i. . ('\lb. .\lllil ~(I.~I;; ~1r\Y l. , -- .~- -- ~ received Pursuant to published call, the City Clerk reported the following bids/for the purchase of One (1) Line Construction and Maintenance Truck for City Light Department use: BIDDERS PAUL T. PAULSON - V. A. SAMUELSON & CO. - PARIS MOTOR CO. Truck Oshkosh Model J .C.B. , Ford-Marmon Herrington Model 6lT F.W.D. Model HS NET PRICE TO CITY F .O.B. PORT ANGELES Graybar Body American Coach Highway Trailer Baker Grayber with M. M. Winch 5551. 95 4745 :00 5216 :00 4751.00 5151.95 4545.00 , 5016.00 4551.00 5094.69 5285.00 ., 4706.67 NET PRICE TO CITY F.O.B. Cleveland, Ohio Indianapolis, Ind. , I Clintonville, W~sr Graybar Body American Coach 4655.00 Highway Trailer Baker Grayber with M.M. Winch 4905.95 4705.95 4297.00 4097.00 4770.00 4570.00 4505.00 4105.00 4669.70 4278.48 The Bids were opened and referred to the Supt. of Utilities for checking and report beck to the COlDlllJ.ssion. Pursuant to published call, the City Clerk reported the following bids 1 received for the manufacture of Mineral Aggregate for Light Bituminou~ Surface Treatment and Non-Skid Seal Treatment: I . ," 'l~i',::'7,I::\E",:':;, ~l;;i~~I.,;I';;~"':2j. {'j,'r!.. "r tIle ('"h- of [,,,,.! .\111-;-,'[''''', \y;.~llill,,'I"IL. lI"t~1 ~Ia.\ ~:. I!I.~~I_ al 10 .1.'11.. ',,,\..1 nut 1,.t"I. Ht t:l" or,:!'I' ~"~Il.}h '\ L:,~l,~i;,~~ 'l;'~::~~i :li~ll~\\l:;l, I;::.. U'; (~ "i\\" 11:ll\ "r ";lid ('11\. Tilt, weJl''' ':\!I1\('H,plaleol I~ rOt" tIll' mHllllf;l\'. fUl-" ,,( .\1 i 1: l' ,,, 1 .\ l4'gl"'IoI;'" ((' {IJI" Llttht 1:.11 urnin"u;.l :O;ul"f:ll'(> T""'Hl11,<'l\l. :11111 X(ql_~),llJ ~1',,1 'I'h':I!!'H:lli. '1'11" '11"111;:1'." '"\,,11,,,,1 .11-,- 1(.1'111' ,"1 \'[1~. rflr I.j"dll Hi t III ,'~","" ~'\\l'-',(-, :"Jlld 1,lll}:1 cu, \0,\,'_ f"l X(,,:-~Idd :-:...:lli! 'I',,,,,,,,.,,,.. ,]] I,hl, ,,,,,tt :", ," I ( . . " , \ I '" : I I , 0' I I , :. , 1 . " - l' t j r ! , 0/ [ <'I ~ , .. - I, i I t II' ~1I11l ., I'ot If'~,, Ihllll ~.', " .11,,' ;'1, ')'1:. 111:1 1'1111 111,,,1,. "".' "hI, ~:~" \::';~Iil' ~~_~ \ II.<:~;:~,~:: \~:;;. ;;~; ;~lll.~.\:,',;~~,1 'I.I.~: A hr>nrl lor ]<111': ..r' tlu. ..lll"lJllt "r tiff' l'lIhfl,,,'" Ill'I.." 'UW.1 1". _,i\lL~ IlIl<h,'" I.y ! I". ~U\"'--,~ - . .j! hi 1<1.'] Jij~3i',~,11~~i~;i,'~~,;;~!l I I'lt..' l'I,.>!'j(o If'Ub. April ~~r 1. I J. D. SHOTWELL Mineral Aggregate, Light Bituminous Treatment 6000 cu. yds.@.95 . It Non-Skid Seal Treatment 1000 cu. yds.@ 1.40 Total 5700.00 1400.00 7100.00 NICHOLS & OWENS Mineral Aggregate, Light Bituminous 'treatment 6000 cu. yds.@.95 n It Non-8kid Seal Treatment 1000 cu. yds.@1.75 1'otal 5700.00 1750.00 7450.00 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Mineral Aggregate, Light Bituminous Treatment 6000 cu. yds.@2.00 12000.00 I ~ .. Non-Skid. Seal Treatment 1000 cu. yds.@ 2.10 2100.00 Total 14100.00 I The bids were opened and referred to the City Engineer for cheCking and report back to the Commission. The Commission examined and allowed the following cla:iJns and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Quick Print Seattle Rubber Stamp Co. Port Angeles Evening News Light Department Evening News Press The Fehly Studio Voucher Foms License Plates Publications Office Rent Supplies Films & Prints 26.00 62.50 55.65 50.00 6.85 6.49 ... ,... 52 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington May 5, 1959 19_ James Y. Sneddon Thos. T. Aldwell I. ". Groves Mrs. L. W. Carder The Texas Go. Harold Hibbs Plumbing & Heating Co. R. M. Barton The Texas Go. C. LeRoy Sarff Eveiling News Pre ss C. W. Payne F.l.re Department Repairing. Chairs Insurance on Police Patrol Car Meals f or Prisoners Handcuffs GasOline Supplies Lumber Gasol ine Filing Saws Fire Permits Repairs at Flr Hall Volunteer Pay Roll yO 'l\\ /' 3.00 84.50 35.70 2.50 54.25 3.23 21.47 51.00 1.50 12.90 41.68 312.00 I CITY STREET FUND Howard-Copper Corp. Angeles l'OUIrlry Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. D. A. Masters The Texas Co. Frank Macdonald & Sons Western Tractor & Equipment Co. Marshall Wells Co. Parts Manhole Cover Pipe Car Hire Gasoline Repairs Parts Hardware . 11.40 2.50 16.30 'i}'V 28.50 ~ /" 201. 50 '17 49.35 14.65 9.52 40.00 23.05 24.05 464 .10 X) 4.44 24.24 '1>\-\ 4.09 25.00 5.50 5.78 5.00 29.17 54.88 .0- 1.83 1.25 .)..'1 21.55 ?- 56.04 56.15 47.68 10.54 10.70 5.30 1.70 q~ 3.92 51 11.75 \ 2.94 2.50 6.48 1.17 111.51 129.04 I WATER FUND Purmaid Dai ry OlympiC Printery i The Texas Co. Federal Pipe & Tank Co. , Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. , Wallace & Tiernan Sales Corp. Seattle Plumbing Supply ~o. City Light Department V. A. Samuelson & Co. Rent Offlce Supplies Gasoline Wood npe Valve Boxes Chlorinator Supplies Fittings Office Rent Truck Repairs LIGHT FUND Port Angeles Evening News Osta E. Eddy Olympic Printery The Texas Co. Central Motor Parts & Machine Works C. H. McDonald Jobbers Supply Co. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. S. H. White General Electric Supply Co. V. A. Samuelson & Co. Advertising Garage Rent Office Supplies Gasoline Street Light Box Truck Lubrication Wire Sleeves Meter & Sockets Car Hire Wire Truck Repairs I LIBRARY FUND Hertzberg Bindery Gaylord Bros. Inc. J ennilu Norris Pacific Pulp & Paper Corp. The H. R. Huntting Co. The Union Library Ass'n Universal Bock ~o. The Caxton Printers, Ltd. Edwin Allen Co. The Puget Sound News Co. Books Supplies Petty Cash Subscription Books L.I.D. GUARANTY FUND City Treasurer Assessments The Commission then adjourned to meet Thursday, May 4, 1939, at 2:30 P.II-. ?;~ City' OJ.erk ~~ .1 Mayor I. ....