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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
May 5, 19<<
The Commission met in regulJor session at 10 A. M. and was called to order by Mayor Robinson. Roll call
shOlfed the following officers present: Mayor Robinson, Commissioners Beam and Masters, and Attorney
The minutes of the previous session were read and approved.
Under the head of applications for llli1ding Permits and Licenses the follorlng were granted:
B. G. BrandBtrom, Addition to house, Lot 18, Block 242, Townsite
Robert Fowler, Put new Biding on house, Lot 17, Block 261, Tmmsite
J. J. Dailey, Build garage, Lot 22, Block 2, London Park
Joe Crompton, Build garage, Lot 12, Block 1, Hartt and Cooke
Frank Laine, Peddler's License, (May 1, 1944, oranges)
200 .00
Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions the following resolutions were introduced:
WHEREAS, The City of Port Angeles is the owner of the follClll'int: described real property, having acquired
the same by Treasurer's deed, dated April 19, 1944, under and by virtue of the authority of Section 9595 of
Reffiington's Revised Statutes, Chapter 145 of the taws of 1929, page 565, to-wit:
Lot Thirteen (15), Blook Two Hundred Six (206),
Townsite of Port ~ngeles, Washin~on, and
WHEREAS, Eleanor Nelson, has offered to purchase from the City of Port Angeles the above described real
property for the sum of 1150.00, payable as fol101l's: 115.00 as a down payment aUd $10.00 on or before the
28th day of ~ay, 1944, and $10.00 on or before the 28th day of each and every month thereafter, until paid
in full, together with interest at the rate of 7% per a.nnum on monthly balances and paid with the monthly
installment, and
WHEREAS, the City Conunission has viewed the said property and is of the opinion that the offer is fair
value and is in excess of the amount paid by the City for said property, plus all L. 1. D. assessments,
including interest and other charges against the eame.
1/0\1, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the said offer be accepted and that the City of Port Angeles sell the
said property at private 6g1e to the sgid Elegnor Nelson, for tile sum hereingbove set fortll, subject to any'
valid liens against the same; that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a quit claim deed conveYinl
said property to the purchaser, gnd that the City Clerk of the City of :Port ;ngeles be, and he is hereby
instructed to execute said quit claim deed, and that the lI.ayor of tile City of Port Angeles be, and he :13
hereby instructed to countersisn said quit claim deed when the purchase price and all accrued interest
thereon has been paid in full.
It lOllS moved by Comissioner Masters that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by
Comnissioner Beam. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried.
WHEREAS, The City of Port Angeles is the Cll'ner of the following described real property in the City of
Port Angeles, to-wit:
Lots Three (5) and "our (4), "lock Ninety-nine (99),
Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington,
which eaid property has been acquired by the City on foreclosure of delinquent local improvement aSSess-
ments under Chapter 205 of the Session taws of 1927, and
WHEREAS, Basil Decker and Orpha Crabb, have offered to purchase the above described real property from the
City of Port Angeles for the sum of $105.00.
WHERE'.S, The City Commission has viewed the said property and is of the opinion that the offer is fair
value and is in excess of the amount paid by the City for sgid propert.y, plus all L.r.D. assessmente, in- I
cluding interest and other charges against the same.
NOW, TIlEREFORE, BE IT RESOLm, That the said offer be Qccepted and that the City of Port Angeles sell the I
sold property at private sale to the said Basil Decker md OrPha. Crabb, for the SUlll hereinabove set .forth, I
subject to any other valid HeM against the same; that the City Attorn~ be instructed to prepare a deed
conveying said property to the purchaser, and the City Treasurer be authorized to execute the said deed in
accordance with the provisions of this resolution and Chapter 275, Sessions taws of 1921 , when the purchase!
price and .11 accrued interest thereon has been paid in fall. I
It was moved by Comissioner Beam that the foregoing resolution be lIpproved and adopted. Seconded by Co....
missioner }(asters. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor dec1a.red the motion carried.
Under the head of Reading lInd Passage of Ordinances, the following Condemnation Ordinance passed its
2nd reading by title:
I AN ORDINANCE ordsring and providing for the condemnation, under the right of eminent demand by the City of I
Port Angeles, of certain parcels of land hereinafter described, to be used for the maintenance of a water
pipe line from llorse Creek to the City of Port Angeles as the same is now established over and lIcross the
said land, together with a strip of land five (5) feet on either side of said pipe line and the right to go
upon and acrose .aid land for the purpose of maintenaoe, repair or renSll'Rl thereof and damaging the remain-I
, del' of said rproperty, if necessary, and providing compensation for the owners.
J. R. McDonald report as dog catcher for months of March and ftpril, 1944, was read and oreered filed.
W. F. Phillips, Police Judge, reported 102 cases tried and $1276.00 collected in fines for month of April,
1944. Report ordered fil84.
Under the head of Petitions I
The Petition of Edward Anton and others, owners and residents of Evan's Subdivision of Suburban Lot 156,
Townsite of Port Ange1~s, requesting a re-f'Ul"vey of said property to correct an error in the original plot-!
ing, came before the.Collllission for consideration.
It was moved by Commissioner u..sters that the matter be turned over to the City Engineer for checking. Se-
. conded by Vayor Robinson. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
!/lay 5, 1944
lunder the head pf New Business:
..'E. L. Qlrren having assigned his right title and interest in Lot 9, Block 8, of the Pu&et Sound Co-operative
IColony1e Subdivision of the Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington Territory-, to Benjamin E. Walking anp. .
'I!yrtle E. Walking, husband and wife, requested in writing that when the contract of sllle ie- completed that
the deed to eaid property be issued to. the said Benjamin E. Walking and lIyrtle E. Walking, husband and wife.
The sale of said property was ~llthorized rq' resolution dAted January IS, 1944 and recorded in Vol. 20 Page
602 of COlllUbsioners ProCeedinge. c"
There, bein, no. objections the City Clerk 1I'8S inetructed to issue deed to said property when all the terms
of the sale are completed to BenjRlllin E. Walking and IIyrtle E. Walking, husband and wife.
J. R. lIcDondd Services 25.00
Olympic Printery Rubber Stamp 1.08
Angeles Radiator Shop Flush & Repair Radiator 1.~.8
Tid81l'8ter Associoted Oil. Co. Gasoline 2(1.00
City Light Dept. Rent 50.00
City Treasurer Street Lights, Fire Hydrants 1006.15
City Treasurer Water Rent, flush Tank 106.54
Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Service #'661-W r ~ ?7 51 4.75
Fire Dept. volunteer Firemen, Payroll 84.00
D. ~. Uasters, Sr. Car Expense 21.20
Frank Macdonald & Sons "hop Work 17.59
Tid81l'ater Associated Oil Co. Gasoline, etc. 200.87
Samuelson Kotor Co. Recap Grader Tires 13.{"CJ3 170.07
Samuelson Motor Co. Truck Recaps 26.50
City Street Dept. Gasoline & Oil 41.20
City Lil:ht Dept. Light Service 55.54
Port Aneeles Auto Supply Co. Supplies 2.21
D & B Battery & Elec. Co. Truck Rep'irs 4.55
James Hd:n Co. tantern repairs ~5.09
Kelly & Devine Tire Repairs 1.03
Fry Drug Co. First Jir Supplies 4.50
Willson Hdw :co Misc Supplies 28.?6
J. R. McDonald Sacks 8.24
Federal Pipe & Tank Co Material & E{uipment 115.46
Seattle Plumbing Supply Co Fittings 3Io~( 66.63
liity Treasurer Express Chgs .40t,)~ -J t..~. . . ~ '
City Water Dept Water for Substation 1.90
A. W. Ward Ca r Expense 10,10
Pacific Tel & Tel Tel Service :1B .40
P A Evening News Advertising 18.70
Associated Oil Co Gasbline 25.60
The Olympic Printery Printing & Supplies (006'f 15.54
City Treasurer Li,ht II Water 8.60
Jennllu Norris Petty Cas h 1.€5
Mrs. fl. M. Fisher Subscription 4.50
11l. A. Young Prunini Shurhbery 15.00
I Willson Hdw Co Fertilizer 4.55
I Evening News Press, Inc. Envelopes 4.69
I Pa cHic Tel & Tel Service 1467 4.l'5
Paoific Pulp & Paper Industry Subscription 4.00
j The Ma cmillan Co., Publishers Book 2.06
A. C. McClurg & Co. Books /6?- '7l.L lW.88
The Puget Sound N8lI's Co. Books 2.5?
Pacific Tel & Tel Service No. 1550-J 2.75
Anderson I s Service Parts & La bar 19.06
James Hdw Hardware 5.10
Port Angeles Thrift Market Toilet Tissue 2.06
City Tre~ surer Light & Water at Parks 23.49
City Treasurer Light & Water 1+'!.f 31.80
zellerbach Paper Co. Seat Covers 9.82
C. A. Wolverton Ce r Expense 26.55
Sanderson Safety Supply Co . Valves, Hose & Nozzle 50.07
Tidewater Associated Oil Co. Gasoline 19.80
Pa cHic Tel &. Tel Co Service #800 & #872 7.60
Western Auto Supply Polish .44
City Treasurer Light & Water 28.39
City Tre~surer tight. 1757W 1.50
Pacifice Tel & Tel Co Service #1795, 929M, 61W, 1656W, 1796'1 17.14
Pacific Tel &. Tel Co Service #PL 14, PIJ.5, PlJ.6, PlJ.7 ;:, D .:S1.58
I City Trea surer Light at Police Sta tion 12.10 ~
. Pacific Tel & Tel Co Service #18, 1552, 1627 12.15
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
ilay 5, 1944
Larrick,rs Cafe
Tidewater Associated Oil Co
Meals for Ftisoners
Assts. L.I.D. 104 Undo 16, Elk 59.57
Asets. tot 15, Blk. 206 6.65
City Treasurer
City Treasurer
April, 1944
Victory tax withhelcl for -: '1646.119
': _~f.'
Ci t;y Treasurer
There being no further business the l:ommission adjourned to ",est Wednesday, !.lay 10, 1944, Hat 10 A. !.I._
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