HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/03/1956
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
May :3
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IThe. Port Angeles City Council met in regular session,at 7:30 P.M. and was called to order by M<\yor Smith.
,Offl.cers present were: COWlCilmen Brown, Neer, Sandison, .Matthieu, \volt'e and McFadden City Mana er
Vergesr, Attorney Sever,rI)S and Clerk Law. . _' g
'It wa:;; lIIWed by COUwilJnan Sandison that minutes of the previous meeting be 'approved. Seconded by
CounciJJnan Brorm and carried.
Unde:- the head of UDt'inished business; bids to furnish pipe and fittiJV;s for the Water Department
racel. ved as fo llews:
990~ .16!'. B & S. Class .1OQ Cast Iron_@ 9.732
846!. '14~ B & S Class 100 Cast Iron @ 5.547
3,0061 6'! B & S Class 150 Cast Iron @ 1.808
9oo!. 16~' M, J, Class 100 Cast Iron @ 7.252
846! 14~ M. J. Glass 100 Cast Iron @ 6.007
3,006!. 6~ M. J,Class 150 Cast Iron@1.978
1, 16~' x 12'" x 16" x 6" Cross '. '
2 16~ 9r? Bends . '. @ 136.40
All prices F.O.B. Port Angeles
. 4,692.76
21.,2. 40
990'16" ;I. & S Class 100. Cast Il'9n @.6.54
8461 14~ B & S Class 100 Cast Iron @ 5.39
3,006! 6~ B & S Class 150 Cast Iron @ 1.765
99O! 16~ M..J.Class 100 Cast Iron @ 7.06
846!. 14~ M. J. Class 100 Gast Iron @ 5.85
3,0061 6~ M. J. Class 150 Cast Iron @ 1.935
900' 16"E & S Class 100 @ 6.715
84M 14~ B & S Class 100 @ 5.635
3,0061. 6~ B & S Class 150 @ 1.775
990! 16~ M. J. Class 100 @ 7.235
8461. 14'! M. J. Class 100 @ 6.095
3,006! 6'! M. J. Class 150 @ 1.945
1.. 16~ x 12" x 16"'ox 6" All Bell Cross
2 16~ All Bell 900 Beni!? . @ 132.34
2 16~ All Bell 90 M. J, @ 171.38
1 16~ x 14" All Bell Reducer
1 16~ x 14~ M. J. Reducer
Prices F.O.B. Port Angeles
. 4,559.94
3,00616".Class_150 Simples Tral)Site @ i.53
3,006!. 6~ Class 150 Il:ing-Tibe Transite @ 1.58
Prices include one coupli~' and. two rubber rings
per length ard F .O,B. Car, Port Al,geles
It was moved by Councillllan Wolfe tint the bid by Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co.rw' be accepted for the
14" and 16" Cast Iron pipe and that the offer by J.ohns-Manville Sales. Corporation for 6" Transite pipe
be.accepted. Motion seconded by Cowx:ilman McFlldden and carried. .
Pursuant to publications, the following bids were received for purchase of llealProperty:
Donald J. Smith, Lot 16, Block 34, Townsite, $65.0.00 u'
It was moved by .Councilman Sandison that the offer be accepted. Seconied by Councilman Matthieu and
Ho_rd V. Doherty, Lot 17, Block ]41, TcMnSite, $411.00
It was moved by.Cound.':lroan Neer that bid for $4lJ,.00 be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and
The City Engineer filed pay estimates for L.I.D. No. 167 as follows:.
Osberg Construction Compaz\V, 13th estimate (April) Tumwater Ac~ess Road, Unit "An $4,172.53
F. H. Jarnagin, 8th estiJnate (April), Front.)ltreet ani Alley, Unit "C". . . 6,174.05
It was moved by COWlCiJJnan Sandison. that ,the pay estimate for L.I.D. No. .167 be approved and warrants
issued on L.I.D. No. 167 Construction FuDi in pa,yment of same" am. _the Clerk authorized to issue
warrants No.. 425 to and including 433 for $1,000.00 each, ard warram. no. 434 in amount of $1,346.58
on the L.I.D. No. 167 FuDi bearing int.erest at the rate of 3 3/1Q, per annum, dated Ma;y 7, 1956, to supply
the necessary funis to .be deposited in the L.I.D. No. 167 Construction Fund. Motiop. seconded by Councilman
Neer and unan:iJnous~ carried.
Fixed Estimate claims for Local Improvewnt Districts:
L.I.D. No. 167 H. N. Hansen, stakes and .hubs .
Robert. Clawson, car mileage for April
L.I.D. No. 169 City Treasurer, postage .
It was moved by Councilman Matthieu that fixed estimate claims
man Bro.m and carried.
be approved and paid.
Seconded by Council-
Pay estimate to Donald 1f. Close Company for street light installation as per contract in amount of
$S,357.97, also claim vQucher for $752.70, cost of traffic light installation, were filed for approval.
It _s lIIWed by Coun::ilman Samson that pa.y estimate and claim voucher be approved and paid. Seconied
by Counc1lJDan Matthieu and carried.
Manager Vel'geer read from Pla~ Collllllission proeeedings, recomnendatiollS. cornerning requests for
vacatiollS previous~ filed: G. Feola, vacation of alley running North Ilnd Sonth througtJ. Block 129. It
was moved b,y COllIllilman 1folfe that recomnendation be accepted and request denied. Seconded by COWlCilman
Neer and carried. Request by Theodare Carlson and A. P. Konopaski for vacation of Liberty Street from the
alley between Fifth and Sixth streets to the Alley between Sixth and Seventh StreetS. It was moved by
Councilman Brown that reoDIIIID.endation approving vacation be' accepted. - Request by School District No. 17
:for vacation of streets ani alleys betl<een 12th and 15th Streets am. 0 and F Streets. It was moved by
:Councilman "Iolfe that request be referred to the attorney_to ascertain if the,present Governing Bodies can
!legally make collllllitments involving future Officials. Motion seconded by Coun::ilman Brown and carried.
IUnier the head of new business, Council accepted petition requesting that Local Improvanent District
,..- 496
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
MiI1' 3
~nt; nllAn
be e~'~~~~;:';';~;"~;;;;~~-= of sanitary: ~ewers in BlockB 248 am 24? It was moved by Councilman
Bram to prooeed with L.I.D. as requested. Seconi'!'i by CoumiJJnan,Sandison.and carried.
It was ~oved by Counci~ -McFadden that the 'Police Ju:lg~ls report 'for March shlMing $2,464.50 fine~
collected be accepted I!lld filed. Secollied by,_CoWX:ilJllan Matthieu am carned.
It \<as moved by Councilman Br<MlI tm;t monthJ,y reports of utilities ani report~ 'showing receipts and ~end-
,itures of City Departmwts be approved ani placed on file, Seconied by COUllC~1man Mcfadden and earned.
'Merton Davis, J;., appeared, before the Council and requested - ~ennis~ion, for Amencan Legion ~ sponsor.
'Carnivallocaled on Port Fill. After ,discussion am due connd'lrat~on ~t was moved ~ Courm.lman Sandison
:that Carnival be permitted to locate ,!n Fi,lJ. if the same is prop'erJ,y conducted incl.uding clean-up. _ :
;SeCOnded by Councilman Neill' am carri~d. ,
~The Police Chief submitted report on ~equested i~pection of P~ace TaveI'n prior to app~cat;ion for dance
'license. Reports reveal that room is ,not adequateJ,y lighted,. dO,es not have State authorJ.,ty .and not ,
'suitable for proper policing, all as z;equired by Ordinance No. 136? The Chi~f theref?re reconnnellie~ that
'application be denied, It was moved 0/ Councilmall Near that ~oum~l concur \il. th Ch~ef S recoIlllllendat~oIlS.
,Seconded by Coumilman ~latthieu and carned. "
Unier the head of int.roduction of Resolutions, the follOwing were introduced ani read in full:
I RESOLUTION NO., 11;-56 . I
'A RESOLUTION transferring the amount or $500.00. wi thin the Maint,enance and Operation classificationpf the
Sanitation Departnent. budget. -'. ,
, I
,It was moved by CouncilJllan Matthieu that the Resolution be approved and adopted. Second~ br CoureiJman
Neer and carried. ' , I
, RESOLllTION NO. 15 -5 6 ,
'A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angal~s IISking-the necessary bui:lget appropriation from available funds
\:r.ithin.the L:i<5ht Department for tI)e cohteDl}>lated irstsllation of'a 69,000 Volt Terndnal structure and
appropriation of additional funds such' as are necessary tOl'the eomplet!i:on ,of the installation of a ,
3,750 KVA Substation in the westend of'the City, and appropriation of such funis as ~ be necessary, for
the consJruction of a 69,000 Volt Transmissi,on lino from Seconi Snd Valley Street to said- substation, and
Fibreboard Products Incorporated. ' . ,
~ , '
It was moved by Councilman Neer that the foregoiqg Resolution lie adopted. Seconded by Councilman McFadden
and carried. ' ,. ,
A RESOLUTION of the Ci i;yof Port Angeles appropriating the sum of $150.00 to COVer tm' pe.yment of taxes
and compensation to the owner in ,!-Ccordance with caUSe nWIher 1302; of the Superior Court for'Cla11am
County entitled City of Port A~es vs M. LaMere et al and such sums as lll1q be necessary to cover the costs
: of sai d proceeding. . ,
lIt was moved by Councilmanl'lol1'e that ~he resolution be apprOved and adopted. Seconded by Counci~n
!Sandison and carried. ' . .
I ' "
,Joseph D. Ferguson filed letter of protest against declaring and establishing a public alley from. .Jones
Street to ~Iashington Street through Blocks 124 and 125, of D. 1,'. Morse Subdivision of SUburban Lot ,8,
Townsi te.
Under the head of reading and adoption of Ordinances, the follOW'ing was placed on fim! reading:
! ORDINAM:E W. 1368 '"
AN ORDINANCE deClaring the alley as the sSIllll"is !low, cOllStructed and in use and operation between Lots
20 and, ~ of Block 124 and conne cting the alley in the Easterly portion 01' said block 1<ith Chambers '
Street, and the alley as the same is 00" in use ani operation between Lots 21 ani 20 in Block 125 cordlectig
I the alley in_ the Wester~ portion of said Block 125 with Chambers Street, all in D. 1,'. Morse SUbdiVision.
I' of Suburban J..ot 8, Twns~te of Port Angeles- to be a public' alley, and providing a.continuous <1J.1ey
through Blocks 124 ani 125 of said D. W. Morse Subdivision. ,
i It was m~ed by Councilman McFadden'too-t the foregoing OrdinaIx:e' be passed final reading and adopted.
Seconded_ by CouncilJIlan Brow and carried.
No further business appearing the meeting was declared alljourned.
Q. G, :L~M/'
!l City Clerk
Mayor ..'