HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/03/1962 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington MAY 3 19~ L.. '" .'"':tINTING eo, P.~.2U .... The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 p.m. Officers present were: Mayor Maxfield, cilmen Smith, Thorne, Randall, Caldwell and Haguewood; Manager Slankard, Attorney Moffett and McNeece. coun~ c::rl I I It was moved by Councilman Randall that minutes of the previous meeting be approved and placed file. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. The City Manager reported on extending water system to the annexed area south of the Bouleva~, Street elevations will have to be established, a booster pump and surge tank installed, and the engineering department being too busy with L.I.D. work to check out elevations, recommended that when the engineering department finds time, grades be established for future improvements, and not install any water lines at this time. It was moved by Councilman Randall that the City Manager's recommendation be approved. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimously carried, Fees that the council have tentatively MemoJ;'ial Swimming Pool are: Swimming Fees: Inside City agreed on for swimming and other items at the William Shore Outside City or Non~ I City Residents $.15 Children $.25 Children .25 Juniors ,35 Juniors .50 Adults ,75 Adults Towel Rental to be ten cents (109) for both inside and outside city residents. Suit Rentals $.159 for children, .259 for juniors and .359 for adults; caps ten cents (109) for both inside and outside residents, No season passes were decided on at this time and no special group rates - these to be decided after further study and actual use, II It was moved by Councilman Haguewood that these rates as enumerated be adopted. Seconded by counc~l- man Thorne. Councilman Smith felt that these fees are not adequate and should be higher due to th~ anticipated cost of operation. The City Manager read a letter from Mrs. Frank Thompson expressingll her belief that the tax payers inside the City should be allowed free use of the pool or a low yearly I permit regardless of number in family. During discussion it was pointed out that during the sUllUnef , months there will still be free instructional periods as there has been in previous years provided 1,1" by the U.G.N., the City and the School District. On called vote, Councilman Randall, Haguewood, I Thorne and Caldwell voted "Aye". Councilman Smith voted opposed. Motion carried, : Under the head of new business, an application for lease" of City Lot No.4 on Ediz Hook to be utilf ized for a small seafood cafe was received from Fred C. Nichols, Jr. The Mayor reminded that thisll is the same lot on which a lease ~as rejected previously as it was originally set aside for a futu~e roadway. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the request be denied. Seconded by Councilman I'i Randall and unanimously carried. I' A communication from the Dry Creek Grange relative to the need of restroom facilities in the down- I town area was read, As this is not a budgeted item for this year's operation, it was moved by Councilman Haguewood that this matter be referred to the Budget Committee for consideration in 196: budget. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. II Two liquor license transfer applications were received ~ Harbor Tavern from Robert Lowell Hickam to Ward Pennington Ball and Frank Duane Trostle; Port Angeles Distributing Co. from Phillip E. Brown and David William Anderson to Richard Lee Brown and Phillip E. Brown. It was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the two transfers be approved. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. A notice was received from the Police Department that Red's Taxi is no longer operating because of vehicle difficulty and failure to comply with Sec. 23.4 of City Code. It was moved by Councilman Smith that permission be granted to call for bids for a new ~ ton pick- up truck for the Street Department. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. It was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the City Manager be authorized to call for bids for furn~sh- ing display cases, shelving units, conference table, catalog. reference units and other furnishings for the new municipal library. Seconded by Councilman Randall and carried, II The Mayor expressed appreciation for the One Cent Power Achievement Award presented by the NorthweJt Public ~ower Association to the City of Port Angeles for attaining an average cost of electricity II to its:residential cCnsumers the past year of one cent or less per kilowatt hour. This is the thi~ such award the City has received. II The following reports were presented for approval: Treasurer's Financial, Budget Receipts, Water Dept. Operating Statement, Billing and Work; Light Dept. Operating Statement, Billing and Work. Iff was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the reports as enumerated be accepted and placed on file. II., Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. . Claims payable were presented for approval in amounts of: General Funds, $31,484.35; Water Fund ~ $10,890.80; Pipeline Fund $111,814.76; Light Fund $23,556.57. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the bills as enumerated in total amount of $177,746.48 be approved. Seconded by Councilman , Haguewood and unanimously carried. The following estimates of work done and material furnished on the street improvement in upper and lower Peabody L.I.D.'s were presented for approval: Seventh (April) estimate ~ Olympia Oil and ! Wood Products Co., Inc., L.I.D. No, 180, $18,000.00; fixed estimate $3,000.00. Fifth (April) estill mate _ J.D. Shotwell Co., L.I.D. No. 183, $18,000.00; fixed estimate $5,000.00. It was moved by ~~~~~~~an Caldwell that ~rese estimates be approved. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimOUS11Y It was m~ved py Councilman Smith that the Payroll for April in total amount of $61,519.57 be appro ed. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. I A petition requesting repeal of Ordinance requiring yearly license for dispensing non-alcoholic ! beverages, ~!1earing twenty-seven signatures, twenty-five of which were residents of the City, was r:- ceived. After discussion, it was moved by Councilman Thorne that this matter be referred to the I Budget Committee for consideration. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. I ~ I I I I I I I I Proceeuings of t~e City Commission of t~e City of Port Angeles, Was~ington 119 MAY 3 19~ . ~. " '"'"""0 0..',"'" u.... petition bearing 103 signatures objecting to a trailer court being established on 4th and/or 5th 'nd Peabody Streets was received. Also a letter from The Port Angeles Hotel and Motel Association I sking for clarification of the full use to which this trailer court will be put, and petitioning ~or reconsideration of the 4th and Peabody rezoning granted April 19th, r. Floyd McRevey, James C. McCraig, Mr. Davis and Mrs. Nelson spoke in opposition to the variance; Some of the reasons being an already congested area where hundreds of school children must pass eacn day, and other persons having been denied variance on similar requests, Violet Hurlong was presentl ~nd spoke in defense of her variance application, During the lengthy discussion it was pointed out that the application for variance had been handled according to the City Code, and the Planning Corn. , ission and City Council had acted in good faith in granting the variance as there had been no oppoJ ~ition at the time of the hearing on the application for variance. Councilman Haguewood suggested ~hat since there are so many names on the opposing petition, it appears that the matter should be ~ent back to the Planning Commission, and start over again. He then moved to rescind the action of ~he Council at the previous session in the matter of granting the variance for the area to Violet Hurlong for the purpose of installing a trailer court. Motion was seconded by Councilman Thorne. After further discussion on called vote, all voted "Aye". Motion carried. ~t was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the request for variance be referred back to the Planning Commission, the Planning Commission set up a hearing, after due course, the matter be referred back to the City Council. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and unanimously carried. During further dis-I cussion on the subject of variances, the City Attorney suggested that the Council look at the City Code, ref. to variance, and make some decision as to What they want in the way of publication on these meetings then he would be happy to amend the Ordinance. A petition signed by ninety-eight people opposing the issuance of a liquor license to the trailer court at 4th and Peabody, if it should come before the Council at any time, because of the nearness to school property and the moral and physical danger to children who must walk along the intersecti n was discussed, Violet Hurlong assured that she has not filed for a liquor license for this locatioA timd has no intention of doing so at any time. I 'I I'under the introduction of Ordinance, the following Ordinance was introduced and read in full by the City Attorney: ~I ORDINANCE NO. 1485 i ~ AN ORDINfu~CE of the City of Port Angeles annexing an area contiguous to the City. ouncilman Smith asked that any further action on spending money for rights of way or improvements 'n this area be held up until June. The Mayor explained that this is a small area on the East end bf Front Street, the residents of that area having signed a petition to be annexed to the City. By! State-Law the City by Ordinance can annex this area, providing a committee composed of the County Supt. of SchOOlS, the Mayor and the Chairman of the County COllUI\issioners meets and determine that a ~eview board is not required - if the valuation of the area is below $200,000 and ten acres," can Waive the review board - then it comes directly before the Council for annexation. In this case no ~lection is required as 100% of the owners have signed the petition for annexation. The Annexation Committee met, and after the annexation had gone its legal procedure, the Attorney referred the mat-! ~er to the Mayor, the cOllUI\ittee was called, the review board was waived and the Ordinance is ready for action by the Council. I [t was moved by Councilman Randall that the Ordinance be adopted and May 10th be set as the effective 'date of annexation. Seconded by Councilman Haguewood. After further discussion, on called vote, I". ~ll voted "Aye". Motion carried. ~e Mayor read notice from the Chairman of the Washington State Beautification Committee, which is , sponsoring the statewide World's Fair Cleanup and AntiLitter Week competition, expressing congratu-I ~ations to the City and citizens of Port Angeles for placing in one of the top three positions in ~heir category. The Mayor also commended Mr. Slankard, Chairman, for a great job done on the re- port which placed Port Angeles in one of the top positions. 1 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. d ctf ~ /h-fh) CITY CLERK ~~~~ NOTJ:GE OF CALL 1 FOR. BIDS XO'TIC},ISHJi:H.EB~ GlVEN that! sealt'f1 bllls wjll Lc te(:eivcd b}T tlle Cit;\'- of PIl!'t AIlJ't~h's. 'Ya::;bingtorL. until ,'30 P. 1\1., Tlmr:;day, May 17, 1~62, for fu!'nislilng:s, buuk di:;JJlay cal'\es, l"ht'lvlng uni,/>, clJufen:mcc table, catalog l"('fel't'llee IInlls, el<~.> a;ol; per tile Sllc('jfjc.atj'Jn>l all filf'. All ,Yidf: l;1llall he l'luhmltt,'d to the ell)' 1'lran~'et., 140 \\"lJ"'t Front Street, t~()rt ~\,ngeles, \Va.!;\hlngton, BI(t~ will IJO opened a.t the Urn" noted abo,--e 1n the' Council Cha.mtJ(,u of the Pollee 'Bu!Juillg. Blds r"",eived after time for bill Qpellli1s: will not b.'. conSider. d. ..' Inten>llt('d l)ldder~ mav consult itn ;\Ir. HIJb~l.t BrUce, City Lillrftr. iall for further Information relative 'to the ppeclf!eatlon!O >lllll anv alter_j {nate. propol'aL (l"'!J1.lred. The City !CounCIl rN'("'VPf:\ tile right to .a.ccept', any \)1(1 or any porlloll thQreof and m;oy desirQ tCJ award a ]Jortron of ~fur'ni!lhlllgH to mQre tlu~n ono 1Ilddel', whichever III th(' OpllllOJ1 of the elt:!f Council iE! best for the City. Each bid shall be fJ.ccompanied b:l' a certified check, a bank cashier'S check, or a bid bond in an nmount not less than. flYe (i>) percent of the a.mount bid. NO'fICE OF CALL rOB BIDS I NOTICI<: is HEREBY GIVEN thllt) ~('a.led lllas win be rec,"h'ed by the ~~~~el~~anu~1i[ ?~o t~~('l:;:~~' p~f J>r.o~~ !.i~; ~:lC: ~o~~t:~~ti~Vnes~l~rm~o~~~~(~ 'haN:1 and I5teel tower in H.f".f"AJraance ;~:~~l ~lr~~I~gOenr f~~~i~~ ~;~f_il~'''\,f:wt~o~; _The pr()]lo~al JnlJ.:l' be submitted for 'either R "Structural" type rlveted.~ !;~~::cj f);y~e ..~t~;lt;, ~a~~o7.':;)eo~s t1; )a.I~h:hN~n~han include the completei steel structure. and base and thp.' ;~f~~~~g o~~rOdorpQ~~\5 ~~~nfh:rr~~o~~j! ~~!"nll r~\~ii~ a~e w;roo~c~~es orh~~~1 CI~~e City CO\lllcll will review a.ll r~cl:e:~~~l~~n~tl ~~;~1~~Clf~11cPh:~ C)II June 7, J9G.2 In the Council Cham. hers 'rhe City rp.~eTve~ the. right to accept or r(!oJeetRn~i or all bids and ,dO the work by ~t.y i::S~:;;~~~D pul)liehed: J,fa.y 24 a.nt'l 31. 19~Z. NOTICE. OP . CALL FOB. 'mns--'" NO'I'I(;J'~ IS HEREBY G[VEJ),[ that Eiealr.d lllds wll1 be received by the City of Port Angeles, Washlngton, '~~:II~ 7~:;~G~'cig;kl ~~f;r~n:l~~~r:d~Irl plck.up truck a~ p~r the f.cllowlp.g minimum speclficatlons: l-New 1962 lh ton P1CK.UP TRUCK EMy Length G* feet. 135 h.p. - 6 cylinder engine. 3 speed tran!IDllssion. G:7Q x 11) tires with spare. .-\ir Conditioner, Heater. Defroster Dual Swipes. Winashicld Washer 10 Amp Generator. TradlHn Hha]) be 1 19-17 % ton Do(!g~ I'j('K-Up \yhllJh may be viewed at the City Light Garage upon notice. Blds ~ho.l] be submitted the City Mo.n:\gcr on or before 7:30.o'clock P. M" June 7, 1%2. The City Council will review all bids in regular COlin. ell meetini:; held at 7:3Q o'clock P,M. on the $une date. 'rhc Ctt:(r re~erves the ri~ht to ac- c<mt or reject an".OT all bid fl. M. .W. SLANKARD City ?o,[rtna,gcr Publlshecl: M~Y~_24 and ~1. !:::. M. W. SL,\:;';:KARD elt)' Ma.na.gar PublishC>d: May ~ I\nd 10, 1~62.