HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/04/1949 I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 543 ~ Mav 4. 19~ ............'".._"'..TKIl&'.7711~ \The Commission met in retular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers I present were: Iflayor Feeley, Commissioners Ro!linson and Taylor, Attorney Trommll and Cle",k Law. 'Minutes of the previous session were read and approved after one addition noted as follows: V~en certificatk of. completion of the Fire Hall is submitted by the Architect, the fourth and final estimate will be approved': and paid. Under the head of applications for building permits and licenses, the following were. granted: _ Building Pennits: ,'Stan Yoder Remodel and Repair Existing Building ,Front Entrance; 130 Hest Front 400.00'! Licenses: i;Morris R. Torvik Traveling Photographer, 3 Days 6.00' Under the head of unfinished business, pursuant to bids published for the sale of Lot 14, Blk. 349, Townsite, one bid was submitted as follows: W. H. rlogue, $35.00. It TIas moved by Commissioner Robinson that the I :bid be accepted, and property sold. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. IHidS for repair of No. Laurel Street were again considered. iference during tourist season, it was moved by Commissioner undertaken at a later date, either by the Street Department Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Owing to tin.e required for repairs and inter- : Taylor that both bids be rejected and repairs or by contract. Motion seconded ~ Commissioner IThe Commission discussed a petition previoilsly filed requesting vacation of an alley in Block 125, of n.w. Morse's Subdivision of Suburban Lot 8. The petition was ordered filed until notice of application for 'right of way for an East, West alley in t he said block a re presented. I rUr. Gregory, representative of General Engineering Company, Inc., presented a prepared proposal and agree- , ment for survey of electric power and diesel plant. klso could bB included water, streets, sewers, parking,: 'etc. Mr. Gregory informed that survey should include a comprehensive study of over-all conditions and IWOUld be a complete manual which vall answer all questions for year to come. Mayor Feeley informed that with investment the City now has in the diesel plent, contract with P.U .D., and Bonneville, the City needs good advise. It was the opinion of Commissioners Robinson snd Taylor tha t the decision of the Attorney IGeneral regarding diesel plant purchase should be received hefore the Commission make their decision. The /diScUSSion was postpor~d until the next session. Under the head of new business, it was moved by Commissioner Taylor that bids be published for trenching, -laying approximately 22,200 lineal feet of water pipe, and backfilling, on Francis and Race Streets, bids 'Ito be opened May 18th. Also that bids be published for installation of a septi~ tank at Lincoln Park, bids to be opened May 25th. Motion seconded by Commissioner Hobinson. All voted Aye.' Motion carried. JlOTICE TO BIDDERS I NoUee Is hereby gjY~n that sealecl I ~\~~k w~p l~: cr[:IVo~d P~~t t~~g~~~: WaRhlnglull, until M.lY Ill, 1949 at 10 A.M. anrl not later, at tile office of the City Clerk of thp. CItY of Port Angeles, 'Vashlngton, at the City Hall ()f S:J.ld City. The work cun~ templattld jg .for the- lmpro'\:~meTlt of Francis, Ra.~ et al strE.'eb; h3" the constru'C'tl.on of water. " maIns, appruxlmate quantities 22,200 lin, ft. trenching-and back- I filling. All bid!'! shall be acoompanloo hy n ccrtJfled check 1n the .sum or nOl less thall 5% of the amoultt bid and made pa~'able to the CJt:r TrelL<;.urer o[ the City of Port Ange-le!'l, "\Ya..'lh- Jngtoll, or tlle Bid will not be COD- ;'gjdered. A bond at 100% of the arn,:)unt of I the contract price must be furnished iby the suecessful bidder. P1l.lns and specification!! may be obta.lned from the, (;Jtv Clark upon deposltlng the 8uM ~o{~&.(jl), \vhleh Hum wUl be I'cful\~cd- if tbe plans and BJleclficntlolli3 ore I'eturned to the Clerk l>efOl'6 the bids are opened The City Commission rese-ryes thl; right to l'eject any or all bids. :1. E. LAW, City Clerk. 2"~bJlSh ~'[ay ? and 12~_ Correspondence from City and County' P .1'.J\. Councils was brought before the Commission requesting that the Commission re-consider use of a portion of the building on Lincoln Street for the Y .M.C.A. Youth Center. The Gommission was not opposed to use of a portion of the building, but could not make definite decision until thorough investigation is made regarding legality of the same. The P.T.J\. Councils, Planning Commission, and City Commission will meet for discussion, whereby a specific agreement may be reached. Mr. Keller appeared regarding the water system South of the Boulevard, and requested that the Commission meet with the P.U.D. Commissioners regarding the same. The meeting was scheduled for May 9th, if agreeable with the P.U .D. officia Is . Under the head of introduction of resolutions, the follewing was introduced: RESOLUTION 1947, the ~ity Commission of the City of Port known as the Zoning Ordinance, for the purpose' and creating five separate types of use i WHEREAS, on the 30th day of April, IAngelee, Washington, approved and adopted Ordinance No. 1167, of regulating and restricting the use of buildings and lands, districts in the City of Port Angeles, and, iWHEREAS, Section 13, Paragraph b, of the said Ordinance provides that the City Commission may bf llnanimous vote, grant speci~l permission to locate buildings contrary to the specific provisions of the Ordinance, in Ispecific cases where the topograph of the premises prevents the carrying out of the provisions cf the Ordinance regarding the pla cing of buildings, and, I 12,1 to tI'HEREAS Arthur Tobias has made application to the Commiesion for permission to construc t a garage on Lot !in Block 50 of the Townsite of Port Angeles, which petition shows and the City Commission finds the fact be that the topograph of said Lot 12 is such as to prevent the carrying out of the provisions of said Ordinance in regard to the placing of buildings thereon; INOW, THERt'1'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CI+Y COMEISSION OF THE CITY OF PCRT ANGELES, that the requirements of 'Ordinance No. 1167 in regard to the placing of buildings upon said Lot 12, be waived, and permit be grSl ted ~rthur Tobias for construction of garage thereon according to topographic requirements of the premises. ! lIt was moved by Conunissioner Robinson that the i;'oregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by :1layor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carrien. The Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: CURRENT EXPENSE RIND: 5tJ? !'l , City Light Dept. ICity Street Dept. James Hardware Co. -118 zel' s Cafe It. H. Hoyt Olympic Stationers 'olympic Printery _Richfield Oil Corp. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. , Angeles Co-operative Creamery :! Rent :6asoline :Fertilizer Jete. Meals for Prisoners Cuff Cases Guides, Sheets Office Supplies Gasoline, Oil Service 5202, 5509 Fi"e 5-Gal. Cans 50.00 4.411 65.51 93.06 5.15; 2.21': 17.37 176.74 65.02 28.35 ..... 544 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19.AL W.ay 4tb,~~1J;Jmll'd. CITY STREET RIND: 5'7-2. _.:Is' Richfield Oil Corp. Star Machinery Co. Olympic Prin tery I,Peninsula Plywood Corp. WATER WND: /~~ t3 Clallam ~djustment Corp. City Street Dept. City Light Dept. iPacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. J o IL'1S on and Bork 'Eppe rson & Sons LIGHT RIND: .<.:l"" ~ !.. If- Clallam County P:U.D. No.1 Olympic Printery elallam Adjustment Corp. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Schreiner Chevrolet Co. Richfield Oil Corp. City Water Dept. Zellerbach Paper Co. j,Line Material Co. General Electric Supply Corp. "Line Meterial Co. Epperson & Sons James Hardware Co. 9'-'1 SANITATION FUIID: /?J"'...... Ol;ympic Stationers .'Olympic Printery :ei ty Street Dept. Earl Davidson Clallam Adjustment Corp. PARK FUND: /&'f-!() Farmers Feed Store ,School Dist. No. 7, ~ec. Rev. Fund James Hardware Co. ,10lympic Printery J. H. Paque Johnson & Bork Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. City Street Dept. P. M. & T. C. FUND: ;:(3~-5!! Olympic Printery Johnson & Bork I,G & L Paint Supplies City Street Dept. 'IL. 1. D. REVOLVII~G FUND: If'/- '1-_'1 . City Treasurer Gasoline, Kerosene !lubber Bumpers Office Supplies One Load Core Blocks Collections Gas and Oil Hent and Lights Phone Lead Lumber April Power Supplies Collection Phone Repairs Ga so line Water at Sub-stn. Janitor Supplies Tool Hardware Line Trans f Lumber Tools Stencil Boards Office Supplies Gas and Oil Car Mileage for April Collection Commission Laurel Shrubs April Payroll Weed Killer, Fertilizer Warrants Repair Basketball Paint, etc. Servi ce 5288 Gas, Oil, Diesel Warran ts Paint, eto. Paint, Thinner Gas and Oil Taxes, etc., Lots 11-20, Blk. 434, Lots 8, 11, 12, 13, Blk. 393 There being no further business, the session was then adjourned. a. t,~ tl .... Ci ty Clerk k <z /tr 514.30 2.18 47.53 8.24 .16 64.25 53.78 49.56 2.38 12.30 20,938.50 23.12 10.18, 10.50' 8.14 116.59 111.05 34.05 7.14 157.16 573.63 6.03 6.75 . .82 24.36 130.42 41. 72 1.12 6.54 88.00 17.25 17.41 3.22 3.83 7.57 20.88 17.41 139.18 74.56 5.40' 184.49 Mayor I. I I I I