HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/04/1961 74 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington MAY 4 19~ , . H ."H.... 00, ...,," ~ !The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M., Officers present as follows: Mayor rMaxfield, Councilmen Smith, Richardson, Thorne, Caldwell and Haguewood, Manager Slankard, ~Attorney Moffett and ~lerk Law. lIt was moved by Councilman Thorne that minut~s of the previous meeting be approved and ,placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Richardson and carried. :Under the head of unfinished business, the Council reconsidered the sublease of Ediz Hook Tract No. ~ to A. C. Ramsdell. After investigation, it is decided that this 100 feet frontage is considered by the State as a street and access to the waterfront by the publi. Mr. Ramsdell informed of expenditures an, d.dU, e,to circumstances, withdrew his request for I sublease. It was moved by Councilman Richardson that the motion granting the sublease be rescinded. Seconded by Councilman Haguewood and carried. . - 'One bid to furnish 3,000 tons of paving'material was received from Randall Kilmer Constru~- tion Company: Bituminous Plant Mix @ $6.10 per ton. Three tons tack coat @ $60.00 per ton, ,It was moved by Councilman Richardson that the bid by Kilmer Construction Co. be accepted! ; Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. . j Del Guzzi Const" Inc., submitted the only bid for installation of curbs and sidewalks on ,the South side of Front Street from the Police Station to the Light Garage, in amount of I $2,2~0.00, sales tax not included. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the offer fO'1 curb and sidewalk construction be accepted., Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. I Pursuant to request, the Manager read report on results of investigation concerning in- crease of the City's Liability Insurance., Recommended, was increase as follows: $~OO,ooo:o~o on property damage and $50,000.00 on automobile property damage at total annual cost of $7,381.36, which includes the present basic liability coverage. Added coverage would cos $677.00. It was moved by Councilman Richardson that Liability Insurance be increased as ~ I recommended by the Manager. Seconded by Councilman Thorne. Councilman Caldwell expresse9 , desire to amend the motion to include if requirement of the City is determined by a repor~ I from the City Attorney. Councilman Richardson reminded that the Attorney recommended to I 'increase coverage at a previous meeting. There was no second. The original question was! requested and all voted Aye. Motion carried. ! The first progress payment to Harbert Canst. Co: for labor and material in amount of , $66,214.66 for rehabilitation of the main water line was presented for approval. It was moved by Councilman Thorne that progress payment .be. approved in amount of $66,214.66. , Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. . ! The temporary contract with Clallam County Fire District No.2 having expired, the Manage : read request for extension of fire protection. Attorney Doherty and Warren Eacrett : appeared for the District and requested an informal meeting with the Council to discuss I ' the matter. May 10th at 8:00 P.M. was ~ecided as date of meeting of the Council with the , Fire District Board. Under the head of new business, it was moved by Councilman Richardson that call for bids be published for installation of poles, wiring, and fixtures at the playfields. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that call for bids be published for replacement of a trencher and backhoe for the water department. Seconded by Councilman Smith anQ carried. The Council received a communication from the Clallam County Commissioners requesting appointment of a Council Committee to meet with the Commissioners and consider an agree- ment with the City to provide County jail service. All Council members will meet, if 'possible, at time and place as arranged by the Manager. It was moved by Councilman Richardson that April 18th minutes of the Planning Commission ! accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. ; Reports of City Departments were approved as follows: Police Judge. Fire, Water Balance' : Sheet, operating statement and work, Light operating statement. balance sheet and work .. I'report, It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that all reports be accepted and placed on I file. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. I Claims for payment were approved in amounts of: General Funds $37,428.04. Water Fund I $7,0~4.94. Pipeline Fund $68,290.94. Lght Fund $27,802.81 It was moved by Councilman "1 Caldwell that all claims be approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried.' It was moved by Councilman Richardson that payrolls for April in total amount of $~7,906.J3 be approved as 'paid. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. .... James F. Hooker requested in writing that his retirement be extended another year to June 1, 1962. The Mayor reminded that employees have been retired with 6~th birthday ex~ cept in cases of extreme hardship or certain advantages to the City. It was the under- ; standing of the Mayor, also Councilman Caldwell that extension would be one year to June 1. 1961. After further discussion regarding improvement petitions and contemplated construction, it was moved by Councilman Smith that retirement be extended for one year on account of work to be done. Seconded by Councilman Haguewooa. Councilman Caldwell I voted No. Motion carried. The Manager read summary of the State Auditor's report of City utilities, examination j having been recently completed. , Councilman Caldwell requested investigation of parking on the South side of Eighth betwee i Lincoln and Laurel Streets. The Police Department will investigate and report. Mr."Caldi well also commended the Manager for a sign placed at Haynes Park describing Ediz Hook. II IAlso cited need for planning program due to funds available from increase in gas tax. Th~1 Council and Planning Commission will consider a program. : rThe Manager submitted results of an actual count of residential units in the annexed area II' showing population of 2,086. ~ I I I I I I I I ~~ Procee~ings of t~e City Commission of t~e City of Port Angeles, Was~ington 75 ~ftJmj;iilllB~_ ___MAy-A__________ 19l1.L I.l!.MPRINTI"'GCO. f'.U~!W ~ ouncilman Smith suggested that resolutions filed with the State Highway be followed up by' ~equest that East First Street be widened, Whites Creek fill to City Limits. Also reminded I~f request by J. R. McDonald for improved water service at 14th and Q Streets, and dumping,! ,ff other than fill material at Fifth and Peabody. 'IPaul Johnson. County truck driver, emphasized the need for fencing on both sides of the Eiohth Street bridges. The Police Department will check and report. II ~ . . IFrank Parosa and Dale Woodside appeared and complained about water service during main Iline replacement. The Mayor advised that it is not possible to predict what water servicel will be during the project, The Manager informed that the Contractor has spent about [$40,000.00 iQ effort to supply temporary service and it is hoped that customers can be kep' informed<W'l1en shut-off is expected. Also in extreme cases the City will try to help out. II I . ~nder the head of introduction of Resolutions, the following was introduced and read: IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION NO. 1aQ A RESOLUTION of the Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, declaring the intention of the City Council to improve a certain area within the city by the construction and installation of trunk and lateral storm sewers therein, the grading, ballasting and ggX~~~u2ti8~r~~iBCJM,~:~~~ ~O~t~H~~.~~!~e,~~~g~s~2y" '. . ' the constructlon 'of sldewalks and'drlveways where requested by toe owner, and by dOlng all work necessary 1n con- nection therewith, and fixing a time, date and place I for the hearing on this resolution of intention. . t was moved by Councilman Richardson that the foregoing Resolution be approved and passed ~ixing date of hearing June 1st, 8:15 P.M. at the Roosevelt Junior High building. Seconde ~y Councilman Caldwell and unanimously carried. ~ Ihe County Auditor filed certified results of recent election held April 20, 1961, to deci~e as to whether or not residents of an area south of the city desire to be annexed to the I city. Results were: for annexation 461. Against annexation 265. Council approved and I ccepted certification. I, ~he following Ordinance was introduced and read fixing effective date: ORDINANCE NO. ~ AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles relating to and providing for the annexation to the City of Port Angeles of certain contiguous territory. ~t was moved by Councilman Richardson that the foregoing Ordinance fixing effective date bf annexation May 12, 1961, be approved and adopted. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and farried. ~ursuant to publications, the hearing was opened on adoption of an Ordinance accepting the ~odification of Ordinances and establishment of an Ordinance Code. No objections having ~een made or filed, the following Ordinance was introduced and read in full: :\ ORDINANCE NO. 1.11Q AN ORDINANCE adopting a codification of the ordinances of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, entitled "The Code of the City of Port Angeles, WaShington", provid- ing for the repeal of certain ordinances not included therein. with certain exceptions, and for other purpoSes hereinafter set out. it was moved by Councilman Haguewood that hearing be closed and the foregoing Ordinance adopted, fixing effective date May 12, 1961. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried, II No other business appearing, the meeting was adjourned., II j II 9-e~ u CITY CLERK YOR NOTICE or OALL'FOB BIDS .Minimtlm reach j2 ieet. NOTl.CE OF AI. rOB:iJ:m:s- ., l'OTICEISHDHEBY Gl"VeN that D()x type construction. Xmje(! l~ llCl'e iven that Maled I sealed bids will be rccelved by the Full f1QW mlClonlC filter lm1.. 'Wlll 1m l",celled at the office Clt... of POI t AnKcles, 1Vashlngton, Pump 1(; GPM fi mted RP:M jor the Ch~ l'If><.llagcI up to 7 30 Ilt 'the office of the CIty MUIlCIgel, :.\hmmlJm spall u1 stablll::;ur S feet ,,("lock P M r(Jr Inhor III connLctlOn l~~ ~'e~~ ~ron\II~;relk u~Wt 7f~~ A~ L;:~lil~~tl~~f'lue llIaue uy !iam~ ~~~~~o;~~ 1;~;~~I;:~jo;;,Uo\l~~~I~~ 1~~I~~t..:. ~uCr~i~b[ni :;~~i~~~ilf~1l~~tl~~it~~e1~ J~:;r c:~;;~~~~~ ~; lNer:~~~]~hf ~la~~/: I ~ikl~g~ifli;;~ld:O~~OIJ~~~r!i~el~~u~~~~~ ~1~~O~~~e IIDC The contra.ctor shall talce J}\ rehn.l}Jhtnthm. of the llghtlflg fl.t the Box type con!<tructlon full fWllle On tho now machine - Une Interna-- Civic Flelcl m -llt"('ordance wIth a 45UfJ'O~~ndl~196uai~V'~L ~~on1~re~~~~~~; 'I{~;i~~r"'1~ra~k~ooe I ~~~~~a:lt:;PI~~\lnc%~i~:e~ ;'~~Ir;~l~t;~ ""e't .$l~e~'e motor. and may be seen at the Scnlec GO] In,,s on file and made part of thiS- ii~~~~lSttai~iS;:dl'~ro~hW~~~.hood. ~~:Yel: t~~~~gt~g(~c~c~~?o?!t~ej~~t I~l~i~c:.:r ~~~J~' be fil('d with tile City Irl~~kt~~alo~~il~c~nlo/i~~~craJ.:Cf=, I nny or an~ portj~~ ,~. aSlA~~c.o\.RD. ~ ~~ll~~eflelJ~~d ~~ ~;y ~f~n~'J\J1cC~t 12 V()lt electrknl ayf!tCIll. ., _ City M.Q.n,lgeJ:, 7:30 p, l\T, m the Council Chnmbcrs. Elgh[ lSpl"cd trn.nsnlis~ion.sllUttlc. IPUb1l3~_'~.E'~_ "_ _ A ti% hid hU'l\l tllm<L be suhmltted Front. Axle: Industrial type, solid Iln fayor of nle. elly UI~ Ule total Gfr~';f;r t)'IlE' UrcfI: rear 14.9 x 24 _: t~~O~~~h~f t~l(!~~~~i)tT~~I):-l;~ :~1~ebi~~- 6 ply' Front 7.50 x 16 _ e ply. I alld re!'erve!< the l'lr::ht to a('cept a Hour meter'LOA D;'R~~U~C[i1 bj~ t1s inb~t~~e s~~~~n f~: i~:' L';;fJ~;. bucket 56 In. or more in City. 1\1. ..~r. SLAl'lURD, " Double acting cylinder", It" City Manager ' F'ull nO'W..-. m i("ronlc fl1tc.,r in lJY.' ~~~Il~hC~y~!l~ _ ~ ...J drnullc s....stem. Lift r.a.pacity 2000 lbs, lndustrlal type ha.ck hoe Two bllcketli: one 18" and one 24". :lItnimum swing lllO degrCQs, Foam ~p~se_8.t on ~