HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/04/1976 I I 'I 111 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington May 4, 1976 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:30 P.M. II ROLL CALL Members Present: Councilmen Anderson, Buck, Haguewood, Hordyk, Ross, Wray. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Taylor, Clerk Parrish. D. Flodstrom, P. Carr, H. Kochanek, K. Rodocker, P. Rodman, J. Warder, R. Parrish, T. Honnold, R. Willson. Guests Present: B. Odell, J. Tucker, W. Williams, O. Hagge, M. Smith, D. Ernst, A. Fletcher, L. Stefani, R. Hoagland, H. Gray, J. P. Lieuranne, R. J. Clark, W. Smith, R. Philpott, L. White, P. Doherty, E. Cairns, B. Cairns, D. Jones, M. Doherty, J. Plaskett, M. Mattila. III MINUTES Councilman Hordyk moved the minutes of the April 20, 1976 meeting be accepted and placed on file as received. The motion was seconded by 'Councilman Wray and passed by the Council. IV FINANCE 1. Bi d Awards. Councilman Wray moved the Council award the bid for 12-5>.," Corey Type Hydrants to the one and only qualifying bidder Pacific Water Works Supply, Inc. at a total bid price of $4,417.06 including sales tax, and the bid for 12-6" Flanged Gate Valves and 15-8" Ringtite Gate Valves to low bidder Pacific State Cast Iron Pipe Co., at a total bid price of $3,818.92 as recommended by the Public Works Director Flodstrom. The motion was seconded by Councilman Haguewood and carried. It is noted that Pacific State Cast Iron Pipe Co. bid $3,875.46 on the Hydrants, however, their equipment did not meet City specifications and their bid therefore was not considered. Other bids received on the 27 gate valves were $3,980.56- Western Utility Supply, Seattle; $4,122.27 - ITT Grinnel Corp., Seattle; and, $4,356.42-Pacific Water Works Supply, Seattle. 2. 'Marine Drive and Truck Road Signalization Project. Councilman Buck moved the Council approve payment of $173.19 to Harstad Associates, Inc. for final inspection of subject project, $332.63 to Harstad Associates for engineering services on the signalization project, and $8,439.30 to Signal Electric, Inc. contractor on the project, as final payment less retainage. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and passed by the Council. 3. Payroll. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve $95,627.85 Payroll. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and carried. V ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA - None. VI LEGISLATION ~ 1. Mayor Olson presented a Certificate of Appreciation signed by Mayor Olson and Manager Whorton to James Tucker, representing ITT Rayonier Corporation, in honor of ITT Rayonier's fiftieth anniversary and to recognize their many contributions to this community. Mr. Tucker thanked the Council for the "Certificate" and stated ITT Rayonier has had a long and pleasant association with the City and has high aspirations for the next fifty years. 112 City Council Meeting May 4, 1976 VI LEGISLATION 1. cont. Councilman Ross then moved the Council authorize Manager Whorton to prepare an appropriate Resolution for the City Council to officially go on record in support of ITT Rayonier's application to the Washington State Department of Ecology for a one-year variance from emission I standards relating to ITT Rayonier's recovery furnace. The motion was seconded by Councilman Haguewood and carried with Councilman Anderson . abstaining. RESOLUTION NO. 5-76. 2. The minutes of the Port Angeles Planning Commission April 26, 1976 meeting were read by Mayor Olson and resulted in the following Council action. ' Councilman Wray moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve a one-year conditional use permit for Anna A. Fletcher to operate a card personalizing and gift shop as a home occupation at 108 E. Whidby in the RS-7 zone. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and passed by the Council. Councilman Ross moved the Council concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and approve a conditional use permit for Jay P. Jessup for the construction of a duplex on Lots 5 and 6 of Block 414 Townsite located on the south side of West 14th Street between "B" and "c" Streets in the RS-7 zone. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carri ed. The two above motions effect corrections to the Planning Commission minutes of their April 12, 1976 meeting. Councilman Wray moved the minutes of the Planning Commission April 26, I 1976 meeting be accepted and placed on file. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and passed by the Council. 3. Councilman Hordyk moved the minutes of the Board of Adjustment April 27, 1976 meeting be accepted and placed on file as read by Mayor Olson. Councilman Haguewood seconded the motion and it carried with Councilman Ross abstaining. Councilman Ross requested it be noted for the record that her appear- ance at the Board of Adjustment's April 27, 1976 meeting in reference to Valley Properties, Inc. variance request is explained by the fact that the City Council does not have the power to act upon Board of Adjustment decisions as all actions of the Board of Adjustment are final and conclusive with the exception of an applicant's application to the Superior Court of Clallam County for relief on a Board of J Adjustment decision. 4. Mayor Olson introduced the next agenda item relating to the First and Front Street Intersection proposed improvement. It is noted that this matter is continued from the April 20, 1976 meeting wherein the Council decided discussions with representatives from the State Highway Department were necessary. Manager Whorton then reported that a meeting on the proposed realignment I was held at 3:00 P.M. on May 4, 1976 at City Hall and was attended ., by a majority of the people who are concerned with this intersection along with D. Ernst and M. Smith of the State Highway Department. Referring to an engineering drawing of the intersection, Manager Whorton pointed out the problem areas discussed at the meeting which included the high accident rate of the Golf Course Road and First Street intersection, access to Gray Motors and the proposed Thurman Supply, Penn Street extension to the North, ingress and egress for the proposed McDonald's and Skippers fast food establishments, and the establishment of a circulation pattern so the log trucks are not brought to a stop. I' . I "', City Council Meeting May 4, 1976 , :~5mu~o~ r ~~~~~: o~:~i ~~i ~t \ ~-~o~c~wc C D~O~~ ~O~~~ E~~ -_ COC~~~~C ~ ~~g_~Q -c~ .0 - ~u ~&u~-u o~ v~-~_o~c ~O~~C ~~c ~~ > ~ ' .~- CO~ W~~A - 0_00( ~Eo oo(~ ' ~o>~~ ~~~ 0 >C~~~~ !~~~ -- ~u I ~>-5~::~..~ U~c~g~'a:'.8~lci &-~ u ::: 1:::J:.g:C=~-~uf ...,~e;::~~i~'tIu~:~o.. "5~.!!z ~ [' NLL.t-.g:E&:.c S>.~ .'tr; D..C:"'E~-" i'~g.IO<~- ~~~~~~-;-Q~~~~o~:u~~~~i~~ .~~~a~ ~ U~4~~E~~~~~E~~:~&~5o~a~~~;c~~~ ~Bt~~~~-~J~~~;~g ~5u,g1<~EL:~ i ~~~J:~ E;:;EEa~~.?:It~.!.55.;:;t:!!~-:;JE .. z~=~2~~cE8~~cE;5~=NIt~Eu:i~a~ ~ ~i~~6~8BeE 8~iB~~ !~8~~ ~:~. ~ 113 VI LEGISLATION 4. cont. He then explained that the alternatives arrived at after an extended discussion on these problems included the curtailment of the Golf Course Road traffic intersecting with Front Street at the islands. The rerouting of this cross traffic would eliminate the need for a barrier on Front Street and the need to extend Penn Street to the north; these two exclusions from the realignment plan would assure Thurmans' Supply of a,building site and would provide the necessary access pattern to both Grays Motors and Thurmans Supply. McDonalds and Skippers both desire to exit on Front Street, Manager Whorton reported. This exit would be safe only with a realignment of the intersection to secure adequate sight distance and would require the businesses to utilize a common exit, Manager Whorton stated. Following Manager Whorton's presentation, the Council devoted consi- derable discussion to this matter. Items the Council discussed with City Management and the State Highway representatives included the possibility of a traffic light being installed at the Golf Course Road and First Street intersection; the possibility of installation of additional and larger speed limit signs reducing the speed limits for eastbound and westbound traffic approaching the First-Front intersection; the problems associated with the traffic re-routing proposal as they relate to Plaza traffic exiting on Front and the hazards of the Golf Course Road grade to the south during the winter; the responsibility for acquisition of the required right-of-way for realignment of the inter- section; the State Highway Department's request for guidance on whether said agency should pursue the realignment of the curves; and, the final design of the realignment which will be determined by the public hearing process. At this point, Public Works Director Flodstrom informed the Council that a decision on the entrance and exit of McDonalds and Skippers is required before a building permit can be issued and recommended the businesses not be allowed to exit on Front Street without realignment. Councilman Ross then moved the Council allow ingress and egress of the two businesses on First and Penn Streets only. Councilman Haguewood moved to amend the motion to include the elimination of the northerly extension of Penn Street. Councilman Hordyk seconded the amendment. Councilman Wray seconded the motion as amended. On called vote, the motion to allow ingress and egress of the businesses on First and Penn Streets only and the elimination of the northerly extension of Penn Street was passed by the Council. Following this action by the Council, Councilman Buck moved that if the right-of-way is donated to the City, the curve will be realigned and one common exit only would be allowed on Front Street. for the two businesses. Councilman Hordyk seconded the motion. On the Mayor's call for discussion on the motion, the common exit and proposed realignment plan was discussed, with the State Highway Department indicating to the Council that the proposed realignment plan showing the right-of-way will be presented to the Council. On call for the question, the motion was passed by the Council. 5. The public hearing on annexation of the Plaza to the City of Port Angeles was opened by Mayor~Olson at 8:30 P.M. As there were no comments from the audience on the Mayor's call, the hearing was declared 'closed at 8:33 P.M. :>lIlta---04/.......Q C>:~t= ~ ~;:~~~ ~a: g'.ij~ ~u.~.! ~'g~ ~w<( c .. u . roo C1I e...ollJ 10 t5I~ 8:GJ:: 2!Q.~~ -oX Q.-rc:E"OfC 'E=~ ~u.~~~~c:~f~~~~ ~o .... 01._ -GiD.. ~ ~ w _::,!:; Itloa. Ql<<l1] ~w~~~~ nJo-a~* ....u OJ::' C:>-lj) v of:zu Q. o=.;:ui~ ZOW.~ QjU~o z~~~~ ~~~;o ~u Q.r-,. u"J__4: ! ~~~ m ...: c:: uu.. QJ"O t'l:I ,:,l_.c :gE~I~ o-(tlGJUl '" c_ .....- 0 't:Q)O-.J ~:E 5~ f ~]:c~~ ~ 1tI &.w"t V)~_~.c _ ClI rg Q'I.L .2~:E.~~ -lJ'J__l/) ~ ~ 0E~~~E~ f~~ ~~T-- ~i~~=t;~ :'g~ 'E~~ - al~~~ c-o- f~~. O.Eu.... c:: $c ~ .v...;e ~1)~~~.E~ tlOe ~ 3~ ~ ,-C._-'ll.lOQ: o..'l...Q. ro Go ~~~~~~ i1)~g ~ og ~r-l1ICs::." "CQj<(:l.,.0 ~ ~ 00- 0..2<( IDZ:1o-;; 0.:0 i.--:i~1 \ol 1U'l:.8::g_~g8EltlEC u::" ~ ,~~"O~ 5?:~ ~~.E~~ a ~ '" ~~5~(L~ ..:;;_~~~ ~ ~ =i~~o8~u~~g~ ~ 4: ~-tO~l,._ ':.~,l '0 ~ .... Ql. ~t ;~ Q.II 0.= ~ ~ 'g-.5 u; taro ="'0 ~U) .~~u;~~ ~ ~~,5~ , m~ =o~e ,- .<: -::- L~'" <OJ) ~ Q.tO'O ...J J 114 I L City Council Meeting May 4, 1976 VI LEGISLATION 5. cont. Mayor Olson then read in full Ordinance No. 1877 entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 1877 AN ORDINANCE annexing territory referred to as the Plaza to the City of Port Angeles. (Effective May 7, 1976, the date of publication of the Ordinance.) Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by Mayor Olson. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and unanimously passed by the Council. 'I, 6. The proposal submitted by Clallam County for the purchase of Roosevelt property was the next matter taken under consideration by the Council. Mayor Olson requested a report from the Committee representing the City in the negotiations with the County. Councilman Haguewood briefly reported on the property acquisition meetings and recommended the Council reject the County's proposal as submitted to purchase only a portion of the Roosevelt property from the City, and instruct Council Committeemen Ross and Haguewood to continue negotiations with the County at the work session meeting scheduled for Monday, May 10, 1976. Councilman Wray moved the Council reject the County's counter proposal as submitted and instruct Councilmen Ross and Haguewood to continue negotiations with the County at the scheduled May 10, 1976 work session for the implementation of the building of the Courthouse. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk. On the Mayor's call for discussion on the motion, Councilman Anderson urged the task force to expend a cooperative effort to reach an agreement on the site chosen by the people II as the location for the new County Courthouse. County Commissioner Doherty and Treasurer Clark were in attendance and stated the County's ' proposal is flexible and requested a counter proposal from the Council. Mayor Olson and Councilman Buck assured the County officials of the City'S intent to cooperate on this matter through its representatives at the May 10, 1976 work session. On call for the question, the motion was passed by the Council. 7. In reference to Bicentennial Year 1976 and the City's 114th Birthday as Second National City on June 19, 1976, Leo White presented a report on the activities that are planned in celebration of this significant period in the history of the City of Port Angeles. Organizations that have projects ongoing or planned for the Bicentennial celebration include the City's Schools, the National Park, Rotary Club, Volunteer Group - County Historical Quilt, Religious Organizations, J. C. 's, Arts in Action, Derby Days, County Fair and the Lion's Club, according to Mr. White; he briefly described the projects each organization is participating in. Mr. White also reported on the Liberty Bell project, specifically the site for the placement of the Liberty Bell and the bell housing. It is noted that on March 1, 1976 the Council appointed a Committee to pursue the location, design, and construction of the bell housing and provide a recommendation report to the Council. The committee members are Leo White, Bill Smith, Don Frizzell, Councilman Hordyk, and a Park Commission member. f After meeting on this matter, it was the decision of the Committee that the Liberty Bell should be located in the Senior Citizens Center Park, Mr. White reported. He stated an estimate for construction of a log bell tower has been received from Owens Brothers in the amount of $3,750.00. He requested a decision from the Park Department prior to receipt of the C bell on the exact location of the housing in the park. It is the hope of the Lion's Club that the Liberty Bell will be ready to jOin in the National Bell ringing on July 4, 1976, Councilman Hordyk and Mr. White stated. Councilman Ross hopes the bell will be ready for the City's, birthday on June 19, 1976. I I I 115 City Council Meeting May 4, 1976 VI LEGISLATION 7. cont. Mayor Olson reported that Wednesday May 5, 1976 is Student Government Day and approximately fifty-one students will be participating in this activity, a portion of which will assigned to City Departments for the day. 8. Mayor Olson read in full Ordinance No. 1878 clarifying City Council meeting dates for work sessions and briefing sessions entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 1878 AN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance No. 1670 of the City of Port Angelesestablishing the date and place for regular meetings of the City Council. Councilman Anderson moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by Mayor Olson. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and unanimously passed by the Council. (Ordinance No. 1878 provides for the informal briefing session to be held in the City Council Chambers at 134 W. Front Street commencing at 7:00 P.M. with the formal Council meeting starting at 7:30 P.M. as usual.) 9. Councilman Buck moved the Mobile Concessionaires subject be taken from the table. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson. On called vote, Councilmen Anderson and Buck voted "AYE," Councilmen Haguewood, Hordyk, Ross and Wray voted "NO." Motion denied. This subject was left on the table. 10. Mayor Olson introduced a draft Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1835 which adopts the Uniform Building Code by supplementing said ordinance with new provisions providing for the setting of thermal insulation standards for new residential occupancy construction, Councilman Haguewood :moved the Council set the' hearing date for..Nay 13,,1976, 7:30 P.M._on the Unifc;mll Buildi ng Code.- the motion was seconded by Counc; lman Wray and passed. 11. Councilman Hordyk moved the Sale of Morse Creek Gravel Pit item be taken from the table. Councilman Ross seconded the motion and it carried. After reading Public Works Director Flodstrom's memorandum on the City- owned Morse Creek Gravel Pit property, Mayor Olson requested a report from the Council Real Estate Committee. It is noted that the City has received correspondence from Sunnyside Enterprises, Inc., expressing an interest in the purchase of this City-owned property. Real Estate Committeeman Councilman Ross reported that the Committee spent considerable time researching and analyzing this matter and their recommendation to the Council is that the property be put up for sale by bid in two separate parcels contingent upon there being a merchantable easement providing access to the parcel described as the Gravel Pit, the unumbered 4.97 acre lot. I Councilman Ross then moved the City establish a minimum bid on each parcel of $40,000.00. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk. During the discussion which followed, Attorney Taylor was instructed to develop a package for the public sale of this property for Council approval at the May 18,1976 meeting. On call for the question, the motion carried. 12. Mayor Olson read Resolution No. 4-76 entitled, RESOLUTION NO. 4-76 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, concerning the need for a Sewer System Evaluation Survey to complete our Facilities Plan. ll~ City Council Meeting May 4, 1976 V I LEGISLATION 12. cont. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read in full by Mayor Olson. The motion was seconded by Councilman Haguewood and unanimously passed by the Council. Councilman Hordyk moved to accept and place on file the Clallam County Humane Society March 1976 Work Report. Councilman Haguewood seconded the motion and it carried. 13. I 14. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve the PROCLAMATION signed by Mayor Olson proclaiming the Week May 8 through May 25, 1976 as Armed Forces Week, with the theme for the week being "Honor America." The motion was seconded by Councilman Haguewood and passed. 15. Manager Whorton recommended the Council set the date for the second Council meeting in June on Monday, June 14, 1976 due to Council members attending the AWC annual convention in Spokane June 15 through June 18, 1976. Councilman Wray moved the second Council meeting in June be changed to Monday, June 14, 1976 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers at 134 W. Front Street. The motion was seconded bv Councilman Haquewood and carried. A" Noti ce of Meeti ng Change" wi 11 be 1 ega lly pub 1 i shed in the Daily News on June 4 and June 11, 1976. 16. Manager Whorton reported concerning a letter received from Walla Walla Mayor H. "Nig" Gradwohl informing the City that the Walla Walla City Council have passed a Resolution concerning pension reform, and requesting supportive action from the Port Angeles City Council. The Council authorized Manager Whorton to prepare a Resolution in support of Walla Walla legislative action for Council consideration at the May 18, 1976 meeting. 17. Manager Whorton noted for the record and the news media that a City Council - Planning Commission work session is scheduled for Thursday, May 6, 1976 at 7:30 P.M. to discuss the draft of the Comprehensive Plan. I VII STAFF REPORTS 1. Councilman Ross moved the Council accept and place on file the March 1976 Light and Water Work Reports. Councilman Hordyk seconded the motion and it carried. 2. Mayor 01 son 4976A NOTICE OF CALL FOR BIDS NOTICE is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the City Clerk, City of Port Angeles, 140 West Front Street, P.O. BOX'\ 711, Port Angeles, WA 98362, until 2:00 P.M. May 3, 1976, and the C1ty will reject all bids received .tler the s~heduled closing Urne and date, and Will beopeneo publlciy at that time for furnishing the following equipment and-or material: .. 12 - 51/..11 Corey Type Hydrant 12 . 6" Flange Gate Valves 15 . 3"Rino.T;te..Gate Valves Bid specifications may be obtained from the City Engineer, 140 West Front Street, P,O. Box 711, Port Angeles, WA 98362, A certified check or bid bond for 5 percent (5 percent) 01 the amount of the bld snail accompany each bid. AU bids to include delivery F,O,B, Port Angeles, WA, BidS will be opened and tabulated for the City Louncil for consideration by said Council in session MaY.. 4, 1976. The Cou-ncil reserves the right to consider delivery time and to accept or to reiect anyor all bids or imy part :hereof. The vnit price sha'l prevail and the City reserve~ the- right to correct any extensions or improper sales taxes.' David Flodstrom Director of Public Works PUb April 9,'076, ;_1.-~ Read E. L. Hauff's "thank you" letter for "Certificate of Appreciation"; read request letter from Clallam and Jefferson Counties Senior Citizens for Council representation as their conference Monday, May 17, 1976, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church - Councilman Buck will represent the Council. Councilman Hordyk expressed his opposition to the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services' attempts to regionalize and direct the activities of the Senior Citizens and their Centers. Presented Marlys Mattila, the Daily News I reporter assigned to cover the Council meetings, with a gift of appreciation for her excellent reporting on Council activi- ties, as Marlys will soon be assigned to writing feature articles for the newspaper and other Daily News reporters will be covering City activities. 117 City Council Meeting May 4, 1976 VII STAFF REPORTS 3. Councilman Ross: Commented that the picture of the City Council is placed too high on the Council Chambers wall for viewing. 4. Councilman Wray: Commented on City Department's posting "Notices" on the City's utility poles; Ordinance No. 402, passed December 1912, prohibits the posting of advertising matter upon any poles belonging to the City; Manager Whorton will check into this ~ Ordinance for necessary modification. Reported in detail on the Northwest/City of Port Angeles/ Bonneville serious energy situation; Manager Whorton recommended the City take a position in opposition to Initiative No. 325 relating to nuclear energy; Light Superintendent Honnold also reported to the Council on this matter at this time. 1- VIII ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned to "Executive Session" on response to the lawsuit filed by DSHS seeking water improvements at 9:35 P.M. ~~,p~u City C 1 er k ~.tlt>v-, 4~~ Mayor I . 4V76A NOTICE OF CALL FOR BIDS NOTICE isnereby gi,en that sealed bids will be re<:eiYe<! by the City Clerk, City of Porf Angeles, 140 Wesf Front Street, P.O, Box 711..Port Angeles. WA 98362. unfil 2:00 P,M, May 3. 1976, and the City'will reiecl all bidS recei,ed alfer the scheduled ClOSing time and date, and will be opened publiciy at that time for furnishing the foliowing equipment and.or maferial: 12 - 51;"" Corey Type Hydrant 12 - 6" Flange Gafe Val,es '. 15.8" Rinq-Tife Gate Val,es Bid specificafions may be obtained from the City Engineer, 140 West Fronf Street, P,O, Box 711, Port Angeles, WA 98362_ , A certified check or bid bond for 5 percent (5 percent) of the amount ot the bid shall accompany each bid. All bids to include delivery F.O.B, Port Angeles, WA, , Bids will be opened and tabulated for the City Council for consideration:by said Council in session May4, 1976. The COlJncil reserves the right to consider delivery time and to accept Dr to reject any or all bids or any part thereof_ The unit price shall preyaii and the City rese"es the right to correct any edens-ions or improper sales taxes. , David F1odstrom Dire<:torof Public Works Pub,: April 9, 16, 1976, '-~.. I