HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/04/1993 2472 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington May 4, 1993 CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Hallett called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order REGULAR MEETING: at 7:03 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Hallett, Councilmen Braun and Ostrowski, Councilwoman Sargent, and Councilmen Schueler and Wight. Members Absent: Councilman Nicholson Staff Present: Manager Pomeranz, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, S. Brodhun, L. Glenn, B. Titus, K. Ridout, T. Riepe and D. Sawyer. Public Present: J. Nelson, E. Cauffrnan, D. Randles, F. Sund, B. Sund, R. Berry, C. Alexander, B. Randles, C. Konopaski, J. Spiess, R. McMicken, C. Dougherty, J. McDermott, and F. Thomas. PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Amber Pittis' Camp Fire Group. ALLEGIANCE: Participating were Courtney Pittis, Carrie Brown, and Jennifer Hicks. APPROVAL OF Councilman Ostrowski moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of MINUTES: April 20, 1993. The motion was seconded by Councilman Braun and carried unanimously. CEREMONIAL Transit Employee Appreciation Day MATTERS/ PROCLAMATIONS: Mayor Hallett read a proclamation designating May 19, 1993, as Transit Employee Appreciation Day. He presented the proclamation to Councilman Ostrowski, who Transit Employee is a Transit Board member. Appreciation Day Yard of the Month Yard of the Month Award for May, 1993 Awards Yard of the Month Awards were presented to: Neighborhood Yard of the Month, 600 block of East 9th, including: Brenda Boucher, Donald & Sylvia Powless, James & Dina Riepe, William & Daphne Zuzich, Dave & Kathy Gronning, Dawn Williams, Fred & Mary Germeaux, Arlene Wood, John Miletich, Myron & Joyce Wallner, Frank & Rose Dunaway, John & Janet Zuzich, Reino & Eleanor Anderson and Raymond Trathen. The individual Yard of the Months Awards went to: Nick and Jan DeScala, 804 Seamount Drive; Jack & Penny Pittis, 217 East Park; Carroll Realty, 809 East lst; Merrill & Ring, Inc., 813 East 8th; Roland McMicken, 827 East 6th; and Bruce and Penny Beane, 1127 East 9th. FINANCE: Bids for landfill erosion repair project Landfill Erosion Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department. Repair Project Councilwoman Sargent moved to accept the Public Works recommendation and award the bid to Delhur Industries, the lowest bidder, in the amount of $139,724.62. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Braun. It was noted that the Engineer's estimate for the project was $185,000. A vote was taken on the motion which carried unanimously. -1- 2473 CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 4, 1993 CITY COUNCIL Councilman Ostrowski reported on a Coastal Corridor Tri-State meeting which was COMMITTEE held in Port Angeles. They are preparing for the fall convention, which will be held REPORTS: the latter part of September. Councilwoman Sargent attended the Oak Street meeting at the Port when they made their selection for the new convention center. She delivered a letter of concerns that were mentioned at Council, and requested that the City be involved. She also represented the City in welcoming the Lion's Club. It was the first big convention held in the VBMCC. Additionally, she attended the library open house and Project Care. Councilman Schueler attended the library open house and tour on April 25. The purpose of the tour was to acquaint people with the need for a new facility, and to show the new computer tracking system. He also participated in the Coast Guard Cutter Active's trip around the Harbor. Councilmen Ostrowski and Wight also attended this function. A helicopter sea rescue was performed by the Coast Guard. On April 28, Councilman Schueler participated in Project Care, which was intended to inform people of the services available to the elderly. A group called Paint the Town requested the Care Coalition to work with them and perform Paint the Town services all year around instead of once a year. Councilman Schueler also attended the Air Quality Forum at the Peninsula College. The purpose of the forum was to bring people together to seek answers for possible problems due to poor air quality. He also attended a Solid Waste Advisory Committee meeting. Council has employed Parametrix to perform a study on the City's solid waste stream. He feels Parametrix is going to do a very good job in developing ways to rectify the City's solid waste problems. This morning he attended the Health Advisory Committee meeting. Local health problems were discussed at this meeting. Councilman Braun attended a Capital Finance Committee meeting. They are still problem solving, and rating different aspects of City services for Growth Management. Mayor Hallett received an invitation to the Sequim Irrigation Festival; however, he will be on his way to Japan. Deputy Mayor Sargent already has a full agenda for that day, so Councilman Ostrowski offered to represent the City at this function. Mayor Hallett shared with Council the agenda for his Japan trip. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Ostrowski moved to accept the Consent Agenda, including: (1) Voucher list for April 30, 1993, of $523,351.19; and (2) Payroll for April 25, 1993, of $338,794.09. The motion was seconded by Councilman Braun. Following brief discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. ITEMS FROM THE City Manager Pomeranz requested that the matter of a City Council vacancy be AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/ added to the agenda as Item F.7. STAFF TO BE CONSIDERED OR Fire Chief Glenn requested Council consideration of a letter co-authored by the City PLACED ON A and County Emergency Services Department, to ARCO Marine regarding concern FUTURE AGENDA: with the upcoming oil spill drill on May 17 and 18. This will be added as agenda Item F.8. Councilman Schueler requested that Council revisit the issue of the 2nd Street Bridge. This will be added as agenda Item F.9. He also asked that the Council address the concurrency issue at tonight's Council meeting. This will be added as Item F. 10. Attorney Knutson advised the Council that, in regard to the concurrency issue, there will be a public hearing at the next Council meeting on a rezone recommendation from the Planning Commission. He cautioned Council about making specific comments before the public hearing occurs which could relate specifically to the rezone. A general discussion of the concurrency issue would be acceptable. LEGISLATION: A. Public Hearings Public Hearings 1. Municipal Code Amendment - ZCA 93(03)01 - City of Port Angeles, city- Minimum Street wide: Establishing minimum street standards for unopened plats within the Standards for City. (Continued from April 6, 1993) Unopened Plats Within City Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by Public Works. He then opened -2- 2474 CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 4, 1993 LEGISLATION: the public hea~g at 7i35 p.m. No one appeared to offer public testimony and (Cont'd) based on the recommendation from the Director of Public Works, Councilman Wight moved to continue the public hearing to the City Council meeting of June 1, 1993. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Sargent and carried unanimously. Annexation Petition 2. PETITION FOR ANNEXATION- LAPPIER, et al, - ANX 91(11)02, Melody Lane to Woodhaven Lane, east of current City limits: Request for annexation of approximately 51.66 acres of property east and south of the current City limits. (Continue public hearing to June 15, 1993 City Council meeting) Mayor Hallett opened the public hearing at 7:36 p.m. No one appeared to offer public testimony. Councilman Ostrowski moved to continue the public hearing to the City Council meeting of June 15, 1993. Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Appeal of Denial 3. APPEAL OF DENIAL OF EXTENSION OF TEMPORARY USE PERMIT, of Extension of CA UFFMAN- TUP 92(05)04, 1639 West Twelfth Street: Appeal of denial Temporary Use Permit- of a Temporary Use Permit to allow a travel trailer to be used as a Cauffman residential use during completion of a residence in a residential single- family district. Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department. He opened the public hearing at 7:40 p.m. Eric Cauffman, 1639 W. 12th Street, advised the Council that Finding /14, referencing his use of the trailer as a residence is incorrect. He did not live in the trailer, and he has evidence to prove this fact. Senior Planner Sawyer acknowledged that, if the applicant has such evidence, Finding//4 may be stricken. Mr. Cauffrnan related that the Planning Department was not even aware the temporary use permit had expired until he asked for an extension. He explained that construction is taking longer than anticipated, as his father, who was assisting him in the construction of the home, is no longer involved. No complaints have been filed by neighbors with regard to the trailer being used in this district. Mr. Cauffman would like the permit extended for four months. If the permit is not extended, it will take even longer to get the home completed. Councilman Schueler asked Mr. Canffman if he had looked into parking his travel trailer in one of the many RV parks in the area. Mr. Cauffman indicated he had, but it would cost him money othenvise invested in the home. In response to a question from Councilwoman Sargent, Mr. Cauffman felt he could have the home , completed by the end of July. Mayor Hallett closed the public hearing at 7:45 p.m. Councilman Braun moved to grant Mr. Canffman an extension of the temporary use permit through July 31, 1993, citing the following Findings and Conclusions: Findines: (1) May 8, 1992, the City's Administrative Hearing Officer denied a Temporary Use Permit request for the use because a travel trailer is a vehicle, not a building, and therefore could not comply with Section 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code for occupancy of temporary buildings, including mobile homes; (2) Temporary Use Permit No. TUP 92(05)04 was issued under appeal to the City Council June 2, 1992 for temporary occupancy of a travel trailer to be used solely by the applicant as a residential unit not to exceed 7 months during construction of a single-family residence in the RS-7, Residential Single-Family District at 1639 West Twelfth Street; (3) The applicant requested reissuance of a Temporary Use Permit for continued occupancy of a travel trailer until May, 1993, as a residence during construction of a single-family structure; (4) During a public hearing for the initial Temporary Use Permit the applicant indicated his intent was to complete the single-family residence by October, 1992. Building permit No. 6027 (June 5, 1992) was issued with that understanding; (5) The applicant has shown substantial construction progress to date; and (6) Section 17.95.060 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code allows the Planning Director to issue permits for temporary occupancy of temporary structures used in conjunction with construction or reconstruction projects with conditions for up to one year; Conclusions: (A) Construction of the single-family residence is proceeding in a manner which indicates that occupancy of the travel trailer is temporary; and (B) Section 17.95.060 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code does not permit the Administrative Hearing Officer to -3- 2475 CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 4, 1993 LEGISLATION: issue Temporary Use Permits for occupancy of temporary units beyond one year. (Cont'd) The City Council does have the authority to grant a longer extension. Councilwoman Sargent seconded the motion. A brief discussion followed. Appeal of Denial Councilman Wight offered clarification that, based on the regulations, the of Extension of Administrative Hearings Officer had no choice but to render a decision denying the Temporary Use Permit - extension. That is an authority delegated to Council. Councilman Schueler stressed Cauffman (Cont'd) that, if Mr. Cauffman is granted an extension to the end of July, the mobile home must be off the site by that time, and he should not seek another extension. A vote was taken on the motion which carried unanimously. Appeal of Denial 4. Appeal of Denial of a Conditional Use Permit - Spiess, CUP 93(04)03, 204 of Conditional West Fifth Street: Appeal of denial of a conditional use permit to allow a Use Permit - building design and inspection service as a Home Occupation in the RI-ID, Spiess Residential High Density District. Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department. He opened the public hearing at 7:55 .p.m. John Spiess, 204 West Fifth Street, owns North Olympic Building Design. He serves on the County Advisory Board for the Construction Code, also the Appeals Board for the County, and Appeals Board for the City of Port Angeles. He has been involved with the City and County since 1974. There have been no parking problems in the two years he has lived at this address, even with the park across the street. If parking is a problem, his landlord has given permission to put in a one-car parking stall, but this would involve taking down a 20 to 30 year old lilac tree. He is willing to keep a log, and if there is a parking problem he would report back to Planning. It is Mr. Spiess' intention to close his office on 8th Street, and eventually phase out his business altogether. In order for Mr. Spiess to sell his business, he must show a profit. In order to show a profit, he must close the 8th Street office, because the overheard is too high. There being no further public testimony, Mayor Hallett closed the public hearing at 7:57 p.m. Councilman Schueler moved to permit the Conditional Use Permit, citing certain Conditions, Findings and Conclusion. Councilman Braun seconded the motion. Councilman Schueler wished to remind Council and the community that this particular site has not only a park across the street, but also the Washington Apartments, which has no off-street parking. On the other comer is Cherry Hill Florist, which has no off-street parking. Urban developments frequently have not had large amounts of off-street parking; therefore, he feels Mr. Spiess should not be held responsible today for what already exists on that particular block, as he would make such a small impact on parking. ~Wight agreed that parking would make a~_~.~._~gligible impact ~n the d~er, he disagr~~remise. Operating a business ~~fi~l~, as the zoning codes and conditional use ~ ~. ~hecommumtys . _ '_ ___W_ightfu_.rther ~~e.and. the C.U.P..~...not ~ .only, he .would be .inclined support the motion. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~;~ Lengthy discussion followed and Councilman Schueler requested an explanation of what types of Home Occupations and other commercial uses are allowed in an RHD. Planner Sawyer explained Home Occupation Permits, and what they allow. Offices and retail type activities are not allowed. Mr. Sawyer also pointed out that in relation to Conditions and Findings, there are actually two reports that are attached in Council's binders. First is the report that went to the Hearing Officer for the original recommendation for approval. The report Councilman Schueler used in conjunction with the citation of Conditions, Findings and Conclusions is that of the Hearings Officer. Mr. Sawyer recommended that, if the Council's intent is for approval, the Council should go back to the original hearing report for Findings and Conclusions. There are three different Findings which need to be clarified: /15, which relates to the parking issue already discussed; #6, concerning comments received from the neighbors regarding the proposal; and #7, which indicates that there are no employees other than himself for the use. One of the neighbors called this afternoon in reference to this application. The only Condition needing to be changed would be Condition B, in the first report, which deals with pedestrian impacts. Councilman Wight stated parking would probably make a negligible impact in the described situation, but that operating a business in a residential zone should not be allowed unless spe. q~f. ic ~e.quired ~l'c'Qpditi°ns se~ar met, because thru zoning codes and the conoll;lona! use reg. ,lal:lons areup l:oprol;'ect-1;lIe residential standards. 2476 CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 4, 1993 LEGISLATION: Councilwoman Sargent pointed out that if Council went with those, Condition 1 (Cont'd) states that no clients may visit the premises. Mr. Sawyer stated that was the condition that Mr. Spiess could not live with, and therefore the original application Appeal of Denial was denied based on input from that comment and the parking issue. That is why of Conditional Mr. Spiess has appealed at this time. That would have to be addressed also. If there Use Permit - had been even one off-street parking spot, the CUP would not have been denied. Spiess (Cont'd) However, there is no off-street parking and Staff did not wish to set a precedent by allowing this Home Occupation without off-street parking. Mayor Hallett concurred with Staff, it would not be wise to set a precedent for allowing Home Occupations where them is no off-street parking available. Councilman Schueler wanted to modify the motion to reflect the Findings and Conclusion are from Director Brad Collins report. However, Mayor Hallett suggested the original motion be withdrawn and an effort made to rephrase the motion. Councilman Schueler withdrew his original motion. Mr. Sawyer informed Council that his office received a phone call today regarding the application. A sjgn is out front, and it appears operations have already begun, so #6 should be discussed with the applicant. Councilwoman Sargent moved that Council concur with the Staff report of April 1, citing Condition 2 as Condition 1, and Findings 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 and Conclusions A through D. Councilman Sehueler seconded the motion. A vote was taken on the motion, which failed by a 1-5 vote. Councilman Wight moved that Council approve the Conditional Use Permit, citing the following Conditions, Findings and Conclusions: Conditions: (1) One (1) off-street parking space must be provided; and (2) Use of the basement for commercial use (blueprinting, drafting, etc.) will require compliance with the Uniform Building Code which requires a second exit from that area, prior to such use; Findings: (1) The applicant has applied for a Conditional Use Home Occupation Permit in order to conduct a building design, drafting and building inspection service as a Home Occupation, in the RHD, Residential High Density District. The applicant has indicated his proposal to operate the business with no employees on site; (2) The purpose of the Home Occupation Conditional Use is to ensure that an occupation or business undertaken within a dwelling unit located in a residential use district is incidental to the primary use and is compatible with the residential character of the neighborhood (Section 17.86.010 PAMC); (3) The applicant's description of client visits (1 ;~6 per day with 8 per week) would indicate operation will take place five (5) days a week. The applicant has not indicated what days those will be. Section 17.86.040 (Home Occupations) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code (PAMC) indicates that hours of operation shall be from 9 AM to 5 PM, unless otherwise specified by the Planning Director; (4) The residential uses in this area do not provide the required residential parking spaces (2 per dwelling unit); therefore, there are many residential vehicles parked in the street. Additionally, there is a park directly across (east) Oak Street from the site which visited by way of both pedestrians and passenger vehicles as well; (5) At least one parking space would be required if the applicant intended to have clients visit the residence. There are no parking spaces available on-site for either the existing residential use or the proposed home occupation; (6) The applicant has indicated there will be no employees other than himself for the use; (7) Vehicular parking congestion would be increased if clients were expected to visit the premises; (8) Signs not larger than 10 square feet, lighted, but not flashing or intermittent may be permitted in the RHD District; (9) The Planning Department will forward official action concerning the permit decision to the Public Works Department for determination of utility charges; and (10) Failure to comply with the Home Occupation regulations may result in revocation of the permit (Section 17.86.300 PA_MC) and shall prevent further extension of this permit (Section 17.96.070(F)); and Conclusions: (A) As conditioned, the Home Occupation will not adversely affect surrounding properties; (B) As conditioned, the use is in compliance with Section 17.86 (Home Occupation Chapter) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code; (C) The Home Occupation does not introduce any hazards, such as noise, dust, smoke, odors or vibrations in excess of those normally found in residential areas; (D) The home occupation must comply fully with the conditional use permit provisions of the PAMC or the permit will be revoked; and (E) As conditioned, the home occupation will not significantly increase local vehicular or pedestrian traffic nor add to the on-site parking situation in the vicinity. Councilwoman Sargent seconded the motion. After brief discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried by a majority vote, with Mayor Hallett voting in opposition and Councilman Schueler abstaining. -5- 2477 CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 4, 1993 LEGISLATION: B. Ordinances not requiring public hearings (Cont'd) City Council compensation increase City Council Compensation Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Human Resources Manager. Increase- Councilman Wight moved that Council change the compensation for City Ordinance No. 2761 Council, Mayor and Deputy Mayor as proposed in the Staff memo, prepared on his behalf, raising the Mayor compensation from $300 to $450, the Council's compensation from $200 to $350 per month, and adding $50 per month for the Deputy Mayor's expenses. Councilman Schueler seconded the motion. Councilman Wight pointed out that serving as a City Council member can be a f'maneial detriment, particularly to those who are either self-employed, or employed and have to take time off to perform Council duties. He felt it was time to increase the compensation in order to make it more viable for other people to participate in City government. The last compensation increase was in 1985. Councilwoman Sargent agreed it was time for an increase; however, she felt the proposed increases are too high. This is a volunteer job. Commission members also put in long hours, but receive no compensation at all. Consideration was given to the language of the Ordinance and the Council's interpretations of who would qualify for compensation increases. Attorney Knutson assured Council that the Ordinance was in compliance with State law. After further discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried by a E P~ majority vote,-~47, with Mayor Hallett and Councilwoman Sargent voting in opposition, q- z Councilman Wight moved for adoption of the Ordinance as read by title. Councilman Braun seconded the motion. Mayor Hallett read the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2761 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles establishing salaries for the elected officers of the City of Port Angeles and repealing Ordinance No. 2367. A vote was taken on the motion which carried by a majority vote, with Mayor Hallett and Councilwoman Sargent voting in opposition. Public Nuisances - C. Resolutions requiring public comment Resolution No. 17-93 I. Public nuisances Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department. Mayor Hallett inquired as to whether there was any public comment pertinent to the nuisances. There being none, he read the Resolution by title, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 17-93 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, declar- ing the existence of a public nuisance and requiting the elimination of such nuisance. Councilwoman Sargent moved to pass the Resolution as read by rifle. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ostrowski and carried unanimously. D. Resolutions not requiring public hearings None. 2478 CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 4, 1993 LEGISLATION: E. Planning Commission Minutes/Action Items (Cont'd) Planning Commission minutes of April 28, 1993 Planning Commission Minutes/Action Councilman Braun moved to accept and place on file the Planning Commission Items minutes of April 28, 1993. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wight. A correction was offered to Page 12, first line in Reports of the Commission, where the word, "because" should be changed to, "became". A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. Water Service F. Other Considerations Outside City I. Water service outside city Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department. Jani McDermott, 2040 Hooker Road, a realtor associated with Realty World, was present to represent Mr. Clark, who owns the property. Mr. Clark's lot is one of the few around which could provide affordable housing because of its price. By denying City water service, Council could render the lot valueless, and eliminate a family home. Approximately a year ago, her office contacted a City water engineer and was told there shouldn't be any problem in obtaining City water services. Ms. McDermott indicated that Realty World was never told there is policy against water service outside the City. There is presently a private water line running through the middle of the property, and no one knows where it came from. They are requesting approval of the water hook up, and if this is not approved, they need to know what to do to get approval. Mayor Hallett pointed out that if the property owner wants city services, they must annex into the community. This has been City policy for the past five years. Ms. McDermott wanted to know if it would be possible for just those two lots to be annexed, and the time frame for receiving water services once an annexation is approved. Attorney Knutson was not aware of any legal limitations on the size of an area to be annexed; however, annexations are subject to the approval of the Boundary Review Board. With regard to timing, the City could expedite an application for annexation. The Boundary Review Board has the discretion of summarily approving annexations of less than 10 acres in size. Hazel Alt, Realty World, indicated the water line is servicing two homes behind the property under discussion. Councilwoman Sargent pointed out that there would be no incentive to annex if the City provided services to non-residents. It is City policy to deny city services to non-annexed property. Councilman Wight suggested that the property owners meet with the Planning Department to look into the possibility of annexing this property. Break Mayor Hallett recessed the meeting for a break at 9:09 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:30 p.m. Agreement with 2. Agreement with Duncan McKiernan re: Centennial Bell sculpture at City Duncan McKieman - Pier Centennial Bell Sculpture Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the City Attorney. Councilman Braun moved to approve the recommendation submitted and authorize the Mayor to sign the Agreement with Duncan McKiernan regarding the ownership and liability of the Centennial Bell. Councilwoman Sargent seconded the motion. Discussion followed, and Councilman Schueler asked for background information regarding ownership and liability. Attorney Knutson and Councilwoman Sargent provided a brief history. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. Lease Agreement 3. Lease agreement for temporary Fire Hall for Temporary Fire Station Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by Fire Chief Larry Glenn. Councilman Braun inquired as to who would be responsible for property taxes during the term of the lease. Chief Glenn answered that Mrs. DelGuzzi-Frizzell has agreed -7- 2479 CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 4, 1993 LEGISLATION: to be responsible for the taxes during the period of the lease. Councilwoman Sargent (Cont'd) inquired as to whether the building had staff approval. Chief Glenn said that the building was perfect for their needs, and staff is satisfied with using it for their Lease Agreement temporary quarters. for Temporary Fire Station (Cont'd) The money for the lease expenses will come out of the Bond issue. However, because the building will be empty during construction, a significant savings should be realized. Renovations to the temporary Fire Hall will run approximately $10,000, with a great deal of the work being done by the firefighters. The building will not have to be returned to its original condition when the City lease is terminated. Councilwoman Sas,gent moved that Council authorize the Mayor to sign the lease for the temporary Fire Station relocation with Lisa DelGuzzi and Virginia DeIGur~i Frizzell. Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Chief Glenn advised the Council that he hoped the matter of soliciting construction bids for the Fire Hall will be submitted to the Council at its next meeting. Coast Guard Lease 4. Approval of Coast Guard lease at City Pier at City Pier Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department. Conncilwonum Sargent inquired as to whether the increase in the lease will cover the dredging costs which will be incurred by the City. Deputy Director Ridout answered that it would, and that the City is also going to apply for a Grant to help defray those expenses. Councilwoman Sargent moved to accept the Coast Guard's counter proposal for moorage at the City Pier, and authorize the Mayor to execute the lease agreement. Councilman Wight seconded the motion. Councilwoman Sargent included in her motion authorization for the City Clerk to initial the 24 general clause pages. A brief discussion followed regarding dredging. A vote was taken on the motion which carried unanimously. First Federal Savings 5. First Federal Savings letter of support re: Community Housing Letter of Support Development Organization City Manager Pomeranz requested that this item be removed from the Agenda. Employment Agreement- 6. Employment agreement - City Manager City Manager Mayor Hallett indicated that information on this item had been disbursed previously. Councilwoman Sargent delineated the proposed changes, to include: (1) If the City ~_~/~. Manager is terminated during the life of the agreement, the City would pay him f, enn.---~ months' salary; (2) Cashout for accumulated leave would be at 100%; (3) The agreement would contain a statement that, in the event the City Council cannot increase the salaries of City employees for economic reasons, the City Manager will be treated in the same manner; and (4) Renewal of the agreement for an additional three years. After brief discussion, Councilman Wight moved to modify the contract as proposed in the staff memo of April 20, 1993, and renew it for a three-year period. Councilman Braun seconded the motion. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. City Council Vacancy 7. City Council Vacancy City Manager Pomeranz stated that Council has a vacancy coming up, as Councilman Nicholson will be moving to Walla Walla. With Council's permission, he would like to place an advertisement with the media to inform the public of this vacancy and invite letters of interest from those individuals wishing to fill the vacancy. Councilman Nicholson would like to remain on Council through June of 1993. If the City advertises now, interviews could be conducted during the first meeting in June, and have the new person on board July 1. Councilman Wight moved to have the City place the advertisement. Councilman Schueler seconded the motion. A brief discussion followed. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. -8- 2480 CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 4, 1993 LEGISLATION: 8. May 17/18 Oil SPill Drill - City to co-sign letter re: change in location of (Cont'd) drill Oil Spill Drill Fire Chief Glenn advised the Council that ARCO Marine plans to have an oil spill drill on May 17/18. ARCO recently decided to move the drill from the City's Regional Emergency Operations Center to the Veto Burton Memorial Community Center. The VBMCC is not where the City would be operating during a real emergency, so Chief Glenn feels the effectiveness of the drill will be jeopardizedby this move. Chief Glenn is asking Council to approve a letter, copies of which'he distributed, to be sent to ARCO Marine, stating displeasure with the move, and letting them know that the City will still participate in the drill, but explaining the City's concern that the location will diminish the effectiveness of the drill. The letter will be co-signed by Clallam County Commissioner Cameron and Sheriff Hawe. Council agreed with Chief Glenn. The drill would be much more realistic if they use the REOC rather than the VBMCC. Councilman Wight explained the procedures followed in the event of a real oil spill, and the responsibilities involved. Councilwoman Sargent moved to send the letter. Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Chief Glenn informed the Council that the Exxon Long Beach, which is the twin sister of the Exxon Valdez, is at the Port. The Captain has agreed to allow three members of the City Council and three members of the County tour that vessel, Thursday at 1:30 p.m. This is quite an honor, as they just don't allow tours. The vessel will hold 63 million gallons of oil. Seeing this ship makes you realize the importance of the Drill to be held on May 17. Councilwoman Sargent and Mayor Hallett both expressed interest in taking the tour. Extend Meeting Past Councilman Wight moved to extend the meeting beyond 10:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. Councilwoman Sargent seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 2nd Street Bridge 9. 2nd Street Bridge Councilman Schueler hoped to revisit this issue with the idea that perhaps any interested parties, Council and Staff, could meet with Ms. McDonagh and her representatives, to discuss the possibility of either the Olympic Peninsula Land Trust or the City acquiring the McDonagh property in consideration of some monetary advantage; consider putting a bridge across Peabody Creek instead of a culvert; and possibly turning the property into a park in the future. Councilman Schueler also suggested the possibility of honoring Mrs. McDonagh as the current owner, by naming it the McDonagh Park. He expressed the hope that these ideas could be pursued before the City called for bids on the bridge project. He has discussed this with Mrs. McDonagh and she is in agreement to discuss this further. Manager Pomeranz suggested that any Council member interested in taking part in these discussion meet with staff prior to and further meetings with Mrs. McDonagh. Councilman Schueler was in agreement. Manager Pomeranz will talk with Councilman Schueler further and put something together for Council consideration. The Real Estate Committee should also be involved in this. Parks Director Brodhun advised the Council that there are a number of other groups who have had similar discussions with Ms. McDonagh about acquisition of the property for purposes of a park. Concurrency 10. Concurrency Councilman Schueler opted not to discuss concurrency at this time. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m. Clerk's Note: After adjournment of the meeting, Mayor Hallett asked that notification be made in the minutes as to his absence, as well as that of Councilman Braun, from the May 18, 1993, City Council meeting. ~'lerk ~' ,j / c~.~--Lt~C~ -9-