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Port Angeles, Washington
May 4, 2004
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Headrick called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order
REGULAR MEETING: at 6:00 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Members' Present: Mayor Headrick, Councilmembers Braun, Erickson,
Munro, Pittis, Rogers, and Williams.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Quinn, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Upton, B. Collins,
M. Connelly, G. Cutler, D. McKeen, T. Riepe, Y.
Ziomkowski, and D Bellamente.
Public Present: H. Schmidt, R. Peterson, L. Bissonette, E. Tschimperle, J.
Hall, S. Feiro, T. Ahlgren, D. Cross, and C. Kidd. All
others present in the audience failed to sign the roster.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Councilmember Pittis.
PUBLIC CEREMONIES, 1. Proclamation Recognizing "Transit Employee Appreciation Day" - May 12,
Mayor Headrick read the proclamation recognizing Transit Employee Appreciation
Proclamation Recognizing Day. The proclamation was accepted by Councilmember Braun, Chairman of the
"Transit Employee Clallam Transit Board of Directors.
Appreciation Day" - May
12, 2004
Proclamation Recognizing 2. Proclamation Recognizing "National Maritime Day" - May 22, 2004:
"National Maritime Day" -
May 22, 2004 Mayor Headrick read the proclamation recognizing National Maritime Day. Harold
Schmidt accepted the proclamation, expressing appreciation to the City for past
proclamations issued and for the commemorativeplaque placed at Veteran's Park. Mr.
Schmidt advised the Council that a similar plaque will be placed in Olympia this
coming Friday. Councilmember Erickson expressed her personal appreciation to Mr.
Schmidt for the many contributions of the Merchant Marines.
Proclamation Recognizing 3. Proclamat~'on Recognizing "Older American Month "- May, 2004:
"Older American Month" -
May, 2004 Eleanor Tschimperle, accompanied by other members of the senior population,
accepted the Older American Month proclamation that was read and presented by
Mayor Headrick.
Announcement of New 4. Announcement of New Business Locating in Port Angeles:
Business Locating in Port
Angeles Councilmember Rogers advised the Council that Jim Haguewood, Executive Director
of the Clallam County Economic Development Council, was present to submit some
May 4,200~
Announcement of New very good news for Port Angeles. Mr. Haguewood announced that a new member of
Business Locating in Port the Port Angeles business community, Residential Media Associates, Inc., will be
Angeles (Cont'd) relocating its web page business to Port Angeles from southern California. RMA's
President and Chief Executive Officer, Jim Ciaciuch, spent over a year looking for the
next "Tech Town", and of particular importance in the decision was the community's
home town atmosphere, clean air, good schools, and outdoor lifestyle. Other key
factors identified by Mr. Ciaciuch included the existence of broadband connectivity,
the innovative Skills Center, and the spirit of cooperation and assistance on the part of
many individuals in the community. Mr. Haguewood indicated that RMA plans to hire
up to ten employees for initial operations, with an expansion to twenty within a year.
Councilmember Rogers shared her enthusiasm at the good news, noting that Craig
Johnson from Capacity Provisioning was present this evening to hear the
announcement. She noted that many personal relationships made this endeavor come
to fruition. Councilmember Rogers made a presentation this past week on the matter
of the investment in telecommunications County wide. All partners in the private
sector have invested over $61 million, and the fruits of that investment are now starting
to be realized. She indicated there will be another exciting announcement later in the
month. The Council applauded the efforts to bring Mr. Ciaciuch's business to Port
Presentation of Indonesia 5. Presentation of Indonesia Trip by Mike Quinn and Glenn Cutler:
Trip by Mike Quinn and
Glenn Cutler Manager Quinn and Public Works & Utilities Director Cutler, donning formal wear
from Indonesia, presented information relative to their recent trip to Indonesia under
the auspices of the International City / County Management Association, Building
Institutions of Good Governance. Manager Quinn advised the Council that, as part of
the project, he and Director Cutler spent a week with their counterparts in Berau,
Indonesia, and five different projects were identified as recipients of technical
assistance from Port Angeles. The regency, similar to a county, has a population of
137,000, with 60% residing in the City of Tanjung Rcdeb. The project areas involve
solid waste, drainage, capital facilities planning, water systemplanning, and education,
all of which were summarized by Manager Quinn. He indicated this will be a good
experience to share expertise, and he advised the Council that 10 - 12 representatives
of Berau will be visiting Port Angeles in August to see the various operations. Over
the next year, it is anticipated that representatives of Port Angeles will travel to Berau
on two more exchanges; the project is to be completed by September, 2005.
Director Cutler then shared several pictures taken on the trip, most of which depicted
the various areas needing technical assistance and consultation. Brief discussion
ensued, after which Manager Quinn presented Mayor Headrick with the Seal of the City
of Berau, which was a gift from the Bupati of Berau.
Introduction of New City 6. Introduction of New City Attorney, Bill Bloor:
Attorney, Bill Bloor
Manager Quinn introduced the new City Attorney, Bill Bloor, and his wife, Sandy.
Noting he was impressed with Mr. Bloor's credentials and municipal experience,
Manager Quinn presented Mr. Bloor with a City lapel pin. Mr. Bloor indicated his
delight at joining the staff of the City of Port Angeles.
Break Mayor Headrick recessed the meeting at 6:45 p.m. for refreshments in honor of Mr.
Bloor. The meeting reconvened at 7:00 p.m.
May 4, 2004
FINANCE: 1. Marine Life Center Contract:
Marine Life Center Parks & Recreation Director Connelly introduced representatives of the Marine Life
Contract Center, Dr. Bill Eaton and Susan Feiro, after which he reviewed the proposed contract
with Peninsula College for the operation of the Marine Life Center. Director Connelly
noted that past contracts have typically been written as annual agreements; however,
it has been proposed that the agreement now be written for a term of three years. In
addition, he summarized a change relating to Peninsula College's role regarding its
ability to manage its own docent program in exhibits and the education program.
Councilmember Rogers, referhng to telephone calls received concerning the contract,
expressed the importance of volunteers in the community. To that end, she felt it
important that financial accounting reports be made available to the Friends of the
Marine Life Center in the interest of maintaining a good relationship between all parties
Councilmember Munro recommended that an arbitration clause be incorporated in the
language of the contract and, following further discussion, Councilmember Munro
moved to authorize the Parks & Recreation Director to sign the agreement with
Peninsula College for the years 2004 through 2006 for operation of the Marine
Life Center, with an arbitration clause added to the contract as mutually agreed
to by the City Attorney and Peninsula College. The motion was seconded by
Councilmember Rogers and carried unanimously.
Reid Middleton Contract 2. Reid Middleton Contract for City Pier Repair Design:
for City Pier Repair Design
Director Cutler summarized the proposed contract with Reid Middleton for engineering
services related to the repair and maintenance of the City Pier. In 2003, the firm of
Echelon Engineering inspected the Pier and identified structural pilings and braces in
need of repair. City staff negotiated a contract with Reid Middleton in an amount not
to exceed $28,000. Following brief discussion, Councilmember Pitti$ moved to
approve and authorize the Mayor to sign an agreement for professional services
with Reid Middleton, Inc., for an amount not to exceed $28,000. The motion was
seconded by Councilmember Braun and carried unanimously.
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilmember Braun moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include: I.) City
Council Minutes of April 20, 2004; 2.) Expenditure Approval List - April 23, 2004 -
$465,478.53; and 3.) Electronic Payments - April 23, 2004, - $1,635,781.00.
Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
CITY COUNCIL Councilmember Pittis reported that he and Councilmember Munro had participated in
COMMITTEE the COPS training. He felt the police officers from Olympia and Bellingham did an
REPORTS: excellent job conducting the training, and it was most beneficial in terms of learning
other alternatives and perspectives in policing the community.
Councilmember Rogers, along with Councilmembers Braun and Munro, attended a
recent briefing on the Emergency Management Plan. She has also been very busy on
matters related to telecommunications, and she asked that recognition be given to
Economic Development Director Smith for his recent efforts in business recruitment.
Councilmember Braun noted that a recently revised animal control ordinance will be
forthcoming to the Council for consideration. He was pleased to see provisions
incorporated in the ordinance relative to dangerous dogs.
Mayor Headrick reported that he and Manager Quinn had again met with the County
on the issue of a revenue-sharing agreement. He felt progress has been made, and the
two parties agreed to proceed to the design phase for sewer services in the eastern
May 4, 2004
RESOLUTIONS: Support of Nippon Paper Industries USA:
Support of Nippon Paper Manager Quinn presented a resolution intended to reaffirm the City's commitment to
Industries USA Nippon Paper Industries in its pursuit of operational efficiencies to enhance the bottom
Resolution No. 8-04 line and the business climate of the community. Manager Quinn advised the Council
that, in light of the upcoming Sister City exchange with Mutsu City, plans have been
made for City officials to meet in Tokyo with top officials of Nippon to present the
signed resolution showing the City's support for their operational efficiencies, as well
as the cooperative partnership between the City and Nippon. Manager Quinn stated his
intention to convey the City's commitment to a long, beneficial, and thriving
relationship with Nippon.
Manager Quinn indicated the draft resolution had been reviewed by the members of the
Finance Committee, and it was suggested that the resolution be shortened somewhat.
Therefore, it was recommended that paragraphs 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, and 9 be deleted from the
language of the resolution. In addition, referencing paragraph 5, Manager Quinn
suggested the following language revision: "...whose multi-million dollar facilities and
operations produce an eco-friendly and sustainable paper product ...", and he then
further explained the intent of the resolution. Councilmember Eriekson moved to
pass the Resolution as amended, the title of which is as follows:
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
reaffirming its commitment to Nippon Paper Industries U.S.A. Co.,
Ltd., and other businesses to pursue operational efficiencies that
support a strong business climate.
Couneilmember Pittis seconded the motion. Individual Councilmembers spoke in
support of the Resolution, particularly as it relates to business retention efforts in the
community. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. [Clerk's
Note: The title of the final Resolution was subsequently changed to delete the words,
"and other businesses".]
OTI-IER 1. Schedule Fluoridation State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Appeal
CONSIDERATIONS: Hearing for the Evenings of July 28 - 29, 2004:
Schedule Fluoridation Attorney Bloor explained that the City Council needed to schedule an open record
State Environmental hearing on the appeal of a Determination of Non-Significance on the fluoride issue.
Policy Act (SEPA) Appeal He indicated that Attorney Knutson had communicated with the opposing attorney, and
Hearing it was agreed that July 28 and 29, 2004, would be acceptable dates for conducting the
hearing. The reason for suggesting two dates was due to the anticipated length of
testimony to be presented. Attorney ttloor advised the Council of the importance of
an open record hearing in that it is the occasion when evidence is received on both the
pro's and the con's of the issue. The suggested action for the Council is to formally set
the hearing dates of July 28 - 29, 2004. Councilmember Williams moved to schedule
the Fluoridation State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Appeal Hearings for the
evenings of July 28 - 29, 2004.
The question was asked as to what time the hearing would be conducted;
Councilmember Erickson felt the hearing should be set for 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Mayor Headrick, asking if the time frame would include questions from Council,
indicated he had questions as to the procedure and format to be followed. On point of
order, Councilmember Williams inquired as to whether the motion had been seconded.
May 4, 2004
OTHER Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion. Manager Quinn recalled that there
CONSIDERATIONS: would be three hours available for presentation of materials and testimony. He thought
(Cont'd) that Council deliberations might add to the projected time frame. However, Mayor
Headrick indicated there may be questions by Council of the witnesses, which could
Schedule Fluoridation take even longer. He felt that extensive questioning could result in less time available
State Environmental for witnesses. Attorney Bloor, responding to Councilmember Piths, felt that much of
Policy Act (SEPA) Appeal the information will be the same as that already submitted, and each side will have the
Hearing (Cont'd) responsibility of presenting their information in the time allotted.
Councilmember Williams posed questions as to whether the binders of information will
be reissued with additional information, what the ground roles for conducting the
hearing will be, and what is the location of the hearing. After further discussion, Mayor
Headrick suggested that Council proceed in setting the dates for the hearing and, in the
meantime, ask staff to seek clarification as to how the hearing is to be conducted.
Councilmember Williams felt it important to fully clarify the process so that the media
can properly disseminate the information to the public.
Councilmember Erickson indicated she would support the motion only if the Council
would place a limit of three hours on each evening. Lengthy discussion followed, and
questions remain as to whether Council can question witnesses at the time of testimony
and whether there will be opportunity for rebuttal. Attorney Bloor advised the Council
that it is intended the rebuttal will be a part of the three-hour period.
The Council agreed that the motion should include a limit of three hours for each
evening, which was agreed to by the maker and the seconder of the motion. A
vote was then taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
East Entrance Welcome 2. East Entrance Welcome Sign:
Director Connelly introduced the matter of an east entrance welcome sign noting that,
over the past few years, a considerable amount of effort has been undertaken to beautify
the entry corridor to the City, especially from the east end. The first project every
spring involves the tulips and daffodils beyond the City limits and, in addition, the City
was able to complete its first installment of street trees. The Port Angeles Forward
Executive Committee recently heard a presentation from staffand a landscape architect
that was developed at the direction of the Council to create a landscape plan for the
entire Front Street corridor from Ennis Street to Lincoln Street. Director Connelly felt
it important to note that the welcome sign project being proposed is one that subscribes
to one of the Council's major goals of beautifying the City and enhancing the entry
Jackson Smart, Jackson Signs, addressed the Council while Andrew May distributed
pertinent information. Mr. Smart summarized past discussions regarding the need for
a welcome sign, the various locations considered for the placement of such a sign, and
the recent attention to installing "signscapes" in the community. He described the
proposed sign in detail, outlining the various components of the sign that depicted the
theme, "Where the Mountains Greet the Sea". Mr. Smart, joined by Mr. May, further
discussed the design, selection of plantings, and the attention to preservation and safety.
Responding to a question from Councilmember Piths, they related the incorporation of
the past, present, and future in the theme of the sign as it relates to the natural beauty
of the area. Mr. Smart directed attention to the outstanding quality of the lettering and
the other components in the interest of longevity.
Councilmember Munro, having attended a number of meetings of the Parks &
Recreation Commission, assured the Council there was a great deal of support for the
sign. He felt the costs were reasonable, and he was supportive of ongoing maintenance
being provided by the Rotary Club. Mr. May informed the Council that the Rotary
Board had just seen the proposed sign earlier in the day, and a unanimous vote was
May 4, 2004
East Entrance Welcome taken to present the sign to the membership for further action and funding. In response
Sign (Cont'd) to an inquiry from Councilmember Williams, Mr. Smart indicated the area will be well
lit for evening enhancement and for security purposes. Councilmember Williams
cautioned Messrs. Smart and May in terms of positioning the sign so as to not block the
vision triangle. Mr. May agreed it was important to not block ingress and egress to
Thurman's, and he assured the Council that all these factors had been taken into
consideration. Councilmember Rogers, speaking in support of the sign, was
appreciative of the patience involved in fmally seeing the sign come to fruition. Mr.
Smart informed the Council that the Port Angeles Business Association had developed
a Highway Beautification Committee, and an additional area for placement of flowers
has been adopted on the north side of Highway 101.
Following further brief discussion, Councilmember Pittis moved to approve the
design and funding as recommended by the Parks, Recreation and Beautification
Commission and as presented by Mr. Smart and Mr. May for the installation of
a new landscaped City gateway entry sign to be located on the north side of Front
Street in the vicinity of Thurman's. The motion was seconded by Councilmember
Erickson and carried unanimously.
INFORMATION: Manager Quinn advised the Council that a status report on Goals & Objectives had
been included in the Information Agenda. He then advised the Council that three
Councilmembers plan to attend the upcoming conference of the Association of
Washington Cities. He asked that anyone planning to attend thc pre-conference
workshop notify Sam Martin of their plans so that appropriate arrangements can be
made. Councilmember Rogers informed the Council that she had submitted paperwork
to become a candidate for the AWC Board.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: Based on informationprovided by Attorney Bloor, Mayor Headrick announced that the
Council would hold an Executive Session. The Executive Session was called for the
purpose of considering the selection of a site or the acquisition of real estate when
public knowledge regarding said consideration would cause a likelihood of increased
price, as allowed by RCW 42.30.110(1)(b). The Mayor announced that the Executive
Session would be concluded at approximately 8:45 p.m. TheCouncil then went into
Executive Session at 8:29 p.m.
RETURN TO OPEN Thc Executive Session concluded at 9:00 p.m., and the Council reconvened in regular
SESSION: open meeting.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
~ichard A. Fl~ic~,-Mayor B~cky J. Upto~ C~t~erk