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Minutes 05/05/1922
~'f fi}~~'" mf; l~;~!ri;. ~, ft-\;-:~ I lfi~i . t~:;;'..'..: ~', . " ,;" ~('^ ~:~. 12 [:' .' . . . COIIIIISSION ..;,'" '. ..' '" .. . Proceediilgs 'of the' City - - 'Of the City, of Pori Angeles. W ishington ;.22r~ 0 d 192~_ ~ ~ '. . .... . _ ~ (?~_x1~"~_"":-l_~-<A.-_~~,-_. sr~,~ 0;~? .s-~._U4-~~_~_q._?!:j 'n_ . . ' ' '?fl~-.-0~_/.fl_:2::2_". ., --&~_~.~ ':;Ca+- /D ~-_,C(____.??t,.__ <;;~~~7~~~ e~_~_~~~~_.~-~--~~~~-~ ,() .. Ae.c. ," . " .~~..,:JJ?h_---.'- .'';'..I'~ .' ~-, ~~~~,-. "[T--([--7~'--~~-~-~"-:_- t7~ft......;.~>,-,~(O~.:...+ . '.' .' Z:"~-(,I~_CC'-'CJ'__ ~,~ .. ' ~.~~-~~-~~-~~ '~ ,~. '. '.' '. ' _'L~_~_~_c<..j-;~-~~-- , .(J'T., '~P.?~P, · {j ~ ,., . ' '~~-~~'. ~;, ~~-~~.~'~~-~-~ ~ ,. ' I.. U. ~ . '.~ /L..J~J.~ ~-~- ,-~..----.'-~'r'-",-" ' ,,' ,- ".,',. ....... .,'.. . . ,......, , //4 ~'g~_~~~-~-~ ~__~I' ." ,.Y' _/S2> ~-~J O(~,?<,~_~. " 0'0-:, ~,'~_~_"~ xI-.:a-...:. +:_~,_~a:~... 0_t,~~__;;',J..r:v_'~~_~-~, " c;- U --. - . ' . .:.J~~r,;;c~~,L-~~~ I .' 'n'",,'" .~ '!l: tr\C h ~1iIPBO~BiBOI:~o~:"'aec::~=~~~t8~~ esUm.t.B at the cost.,,,,!d _DIG. '..' 11'0. llIL~;n,!:!:,;ot . }DOD . . .:.. '''''18rr!'' 1 said \JDpro....m...t....otatom.Dt, :BmIT .RE80LVEQ~bi. the Clt:r ..d to .blclDd. aU of., till> . tory 0 . 'rtIDli.t. amouiit t~ .,COiuiutoaloD 1'01.1. tho e'. .~.~Of;P.ort '.:';bIO.'h ma:r;,be"lI'.rod-:.,,!...~t1 ~.t- 0: th:1 ~ro:oulci be bome . h:r. th.,. i~: ~r :. -).:!f;~~~~~1'era1.~aewert'~ he~"'~r>>~d ~ to'l 0 - ". rtC within ihe prop0ee4 ,'..,.... lii'lPiiot:~, That It. Ia.'the, IDteDUOD, be '. ~1IlI\rDCtild. .a1t"'1lod,!/,l,Ji" bl'1"k~, pro~ .[..trlct.'aDd .a BtatolD""t ot ~:t"" C1l3' Commlal~ll~ of the Clt:r.; 17&~ ~ 18. 171. aDd 178. ~!!tth. T"":.\ ~:D aggregate .......d'fOlD.UO~ 01 _ , ____,__._'~_ ror~~Port-~Anples to _ o~er_th~ C~~."'!' _~t.e'~ of .:?rt .~~1.~ ;~~~~gto-- - - be: real ~ estate.' exc~1181T1J Lot ~.'m., ~~~Uon.:or,:'" ~~~'}eewert C?m-. Y'~ Third. "t~~~_J, ~l-pe~=~, .,,~t ro~emeDt8;Wlthln aid dl8trlct.,&O-, g, at -l;he m~~ole' ~n~ the, ma7- ~ to .~.bJBCt!~~ of o~ ,- - II ding to_ the .alll!LtlO~.laat plaeed ~----'-'-~'- -_.._-- ~ line' of (the '~~y ~'between' aDf "~ of sa14 _lm~ro~IJH!Ilt,. 8:'0, caron -It (or tb~ PUfP088 of. .-enl ~ aD~ ,Fifth .~ta'-OD._ ~.., h~rebY ,no~ed~to.~ap~~~~ Pf&oo; UP, UDn~ together, '_1rlth__. _~sram . ~ID' tho CI~;,;"f Port AD' "Dt, ouch' oblecUoJ:l&' at~V}lbmoeUu~\ tam r1D~ Bllomns theroou tho loti, '~l~:land..th.Dee-~~te.rly._~.alODg or the Clt1;~~:un"lou.~:~t.~~> = :;:ts or parcels ot1a,za.11 ~-other t~.ceDterUDB~f&a!daUe1,tbrough ~Oll.:roo~;~~tn ~~~~""!~ '- rt ~"'hICh;~Dl&Y-~b8~8l'ec1.11,.. ..__________ ~,.~l,Oe.ts. 11Ii,h18.Hn,.aud 118iof ID,!.th '.,llclttJO:o~I?-~\'~<!~~r:; ~:~tt::'d ~ b:r.~oaldt ImproT.mout. the, l TOWIIlIIIo ~. of ;" po~,~ Angel.s; ; W,:;"h1ugtcl~. oj. on, ~ tho '; ~,~, ..~ Dr 'and \ tho OBtlmated.' amount ot;. tho ~ishIDgtou.".aud!t'l'1I!\JiatlDg>~OD ol,~'JIa:r.;.:.18Z1., , ,0. I d exJIODIG olBnch Impro- ----.-...----.-.-.- ;tII~: 'eaaterlJ. margin of.:::~d'block of~: teD.;.iO~cloc~ "\.i &aiel I COB\ a:o be borne by each lot. tract '7i~i& dlalaDce of abo1lf.2046 reet.- ~.::wblch Ume an, all here: ~e~rcel at land or'other prOpert1 __~__.__.._. ",,",~~.-;1t1tll/.aUtloll~.,.,t ~n> b~~~~~~~~:r~!.!d ~erelD ~~~~~ ;:catch _: n..h' ~ts.oP- ;;;Ung't w / said i: prop0004' Improft.1ijj Flllh: ciTb~tTth..Tcost ~ DUd I u- i . " anel ,,",81 wI~\~ ~UDd.. meDi~'~.and; all ~obJBcUODl ~ t.heI'8to'penle of . Bald llllproTement shall be_. I' ,:.f the 4latrlct b~relDatte~ d6.~ . , d f "r determlntng ~ ID:l!lthodot b' e by and assessed ap.\nst the ~d: and all o~~er,1rOr~ ,10., ~on- ~;e: ;ayment ~ for; the _~ ame.1'ri&.; v::'ertJ d Ua~le ~_theretor le'J wlt;bID :.D..teee.aecU....,....OD. ..;y.th....:..:..re.-:.."..~to....'..lI'..:~I..\. :a,: ~i ::t::;e b:f ~,::,.s.~~:'Yll7tna.I:nm:;:.. :~~ ~::r1~~ a:10o;::g .:.=.: a::'~\ - - . ~mJ&te i a' .1~1 ! lm:~T8~~t ~;' ~I P&YmeDt."'e:rafj:~~ not' be; llab~e i 1D ~ alQ'J D1I.Dner . ~Gr . :tr\Ct theretor. 'I Th. . for jj FODrlh:'i,That tho C~t:r JlDII\Doer I aD:r portion 01 said cost !,r - --------- :~,...lI'.r to .M co. here-lshaUsDbmlt to tho.CIt:r:,Co~OD of sald:lmpro'fOm.DL..'.... I"D~.abaU,~fInt d Bt'or prlor.to;th,'datil tblld.~ '\.PaBBOdlb:rIt)1'.CI~.Commlla\oD . .:...----- " :r.~...!"'m!"'.t..t.:.b~Ck" .~t. .atd hear\Dg.".all .,!",d.~rma; aullS/P..i1'.:b:r,~.,Commlll1o!,.r at J""!D&loM.l-:.Al1o ~- Uoii::-wred)b PIDaIleeW.tlith';'I~:!!.~~'~, ,fli8ut,. to be douolD with, tlitl:linditdiilii:ilO ;;.-- . '-- 111ji!lPld.P-~,' lto .",,1... e.Pik7 . ~f.il~:'." ,-, ',e"r~'I,~.,IIUt~ ,~aa,.op,~_~ on. '"",4' 7: " .(}.... .",. " . ~~" '. .';. ,.' a..:t. ~~~~~~- - . :--.., -~-~-~- .~.~-~~~~4tJkU4;..d,.~.~~~1 S~." _, =-I..' ~. _~~~. ~~. _.If-.'~., ,_H........~. '~- .. '.... . ..~ '. , ~ -?-2-,' 'J. _0.. cO ~ ~_&...e...~ ~__,~_ .~~/.~-~.---_.. _". " ,.', "~..:c~:.:. ~1 ~_ '- , If I \ I \ I '11 "1 , "1 '1 ~.{ r~. H \ 1:j;