HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/05/1937 May 5. 1937 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ""ll 489 193_ I I I I I The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.M. and was called to ordor by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present; Mayor Davis, Commissioners Henson and Masters, Attorney ~onniff and Clerk Rawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Applications for Licenses the following was granted: Earl Myers, Master ~lectrician ;Ii 1. 56 Police Judge, Thos. Geisness, reported 20 cases tried and $214.00 collected in fines for the month of April, 1937. Report ordered filed. The Commission examined and allowed the folloY/ing claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND IJames Hardware Co. . Glenns Servioe Station 'Paris Motor Co. City Treasurer K. O. Erickson Associated Oil Co. Olympic Printery City Treasurer ,Harris 8i Schuller James Hardware Co. Central Motor Parts & Machine Works Willson Hardware Co. L. Howard Seevers Todd Cycle "hojJ Lysall Weldin;; & Forge \'Iorks Fire Department Quick Print CITY' STRE"T F'UN!2 C1 ty Treasurer Epperson &: "ons Associated Oil Co. Harris & ~chuller Harry ~. Johnson Olympic Printery Paris Motor Co. 'Willson Hardware Co. Shell Oil Co. Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. C. B. Vail YIATER FUNJ I City Light Department Port Angeles ';onctete Products ';0. ,Olympic Printery 'Epperson & ....ons LIGHT FUND I City Light Department Olympic Printery Chas. Cline City Treasurer General Electric ~o. \'I. s. D3.rl~y (:0. Central Motor Parts & Machine "orks Harris & 0chuller Owl Drug Sto re LIBRARY FUN D ~Ci ty Treasurer IWheeler Publishing ';0. Demeo Library SUpplies Gaylord Bros, Inc. f! II 11 Filion Mill & Lumber "'0. Oity Electric ~o. Olympic Stationers I'Bessie h.noph SChlager Bros. Willson Hardware ';0. ~ames Y. Sneddon :'Puget Jound News Co. [M. R. Jmith Lumber & Jhin~le 00\' lau.........I"~ O~.,./~:rb )' ,L. 1. D. GENS L^.L FUllD 'IQUi ck "'rin t ~Olympio Printery Hose, etc. Oil, etc. Lubrication Suppli es Premium on Bond Gas Supplies " Ma tel' ial Hardware Repairs Hard Ylare pyrene Sharpen ""a\'1ll r,lov/er Repairs Volunteer Firemen Pay Roll Supplies Truck License Lumber Gas, etc. Repairs Hauling Dirt & ~ravel Supplies Parts Hard vJare Oil Pipe Steam Shove 1 I/O rk Light at rleservoir Sewer Pipe Printing Lumber Ha tel" Rent Prin tin" Hood - Miso. Payments Meters & iime Switches Traffic ciignals Shop Hork Meter Box !<'orms Light and .Iater Books Supp,lies Lumber Swi to h, etc. Sup:)lies Pet ty Cash Shrubs Hardware Repairing Chair Books Lumber Supplies " fJ ,'/-'I- ,.} 51 3;/ ).-,(., ~ ?-t'1 ThBre being no further business the Commission then adjourned. 11~~ City Clerk /f; ,!-I">''':; G; ,<S)~ r /' Ma yOI' So.r 1.<>')r 8.00 5.15 5.15 ~.75 5.00 <:8.50 2.30 .97 1.00 <:.87 .41 .14 11.05 1.<::5 15.fiG 99.00 12.50 1. 75 2.32 45.56 .50 300.10 12.60 .51 3.54 20.74 5':3.40 G 91.12 6.70 .87 35.50 8.16 2.01 8.16 12.00 2.50 161. 39 81. 36 1.69 4.84 2.19 11.75 16.50 4.85 22.43 9.30 7.78 1.35 6.30 :5.60 6.00 12.90 4.50 51.54 lG3.00 27.00 14.<:0 I' .....