HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/05/1943 ,.... 522 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington May 5, 1943 19_ - -- - .T~_ .. ..U...... U........ ...........~... '_"U.. ~gtOo The Commission flet in regular session at 10 A.M. and was called to order by Mayor Robinson. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Robinson, Co~~issioners Beam and Masters, and Clerk HawkL~s. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Applications for 3uilding Permite and Licenses the followi:1g were granted: Cleo Boyd, Enlarge Bedroom, Lot 9, glock 345, Townsite w. C. Warner, Shingle Roof, Lot 5, Block 198, Townsite Brown Mattress Ccm?any: Second Hand Dealer's License 150.00 2CC:.OO 15.00 w. Y. Phillips, Police Judge, reported 95 cases tried and $985.00 cellected in fines for the month of April, 1943. Report ordered filed. Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions the follcwing resolutions were introduced: RESOLUTION 1IHEREAS, The City of Port Angeles is the owner of the following described real property, having acquired the same by Treasurer 1 s deed dated May 7. 1941, and Ifay 3, 1943, under and by virtue .of the authority of Section 9393 of Remingtonfs Revised Statutes) Chapter 143 of the Laws of 1929, page 365, to-wit: Lots Three (3) and four (4), Block One Hundred Seventeen (117), T01ffisite of Port An!;e1es, Washington, and Lots Three (3), Four (4) and Fbe (5), Block Twelve (12), Tidelands of the First Class in the Port ~ngeles Goverruf.ent Tmvnsi te, and WHEREAS, Fioreboard Products, Inc., a corporation, has offered to purcr,ase the above describEd real prop- erty from the City of Port Angeles for the sum of $750.00, and VffiEREAS, The City Commission of Port Pngeles has viewed the said property and is of the opinion that the offer is fair value and is in excess of the amount paid by the City fer said property, ;>lus all L.I.D. assess~ents, including interest and other charges against the same. NOW, THEH;:FORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the said offer be accepted and that the Ci'y of Port Mgeles sell the said property at private sale to the said Fibrebcard Products, I"c., a corporation, for the sum hereinabove set forth, suoject to any other valid liens against the same; that the City Attorn~ be instructed to prepare a quit claim desd conveying said property t.o t.h~ purchaser, and that the city Clerk of the City of Port Angeles be and he is hereby instructed to exec"te said quit claim deed, and that the ~Ayor of the City of Port Angeles be and he is hereby instructed to countersign said quit claim deed. It was ffioved by Commissioner Beam that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Co~issioher Masteys. On ~Qll call all members votes aye. The Yayor declared the mction carried. RESO LUTION WHEREAS, The City of Port Mgeles is the owner of the follcwing described real property, heving acquired the same by Treasurer's deed dated J-pril 28, 1913, under and by virtue of the authority of Section 9393 of Re~ington's Revised Statutes, Chapter 143 of the Laws of 1929, page 365, to-wit: Lot Nine (9), Block One Hundred Fity-eight (158) of the Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington, and WHEREAS, Alvar H. Lager has offered to p'lrchase the above de"cribed real property from the City (Of Port Angeles for t:oe sum of $}25.oo, and WHEREAS, 1'he City C0!l11d ssion has viewed the said property and is of the OplnlOn that the offer is fair value and that at this time it is lo the best interpst of the City thet it should be acC'epted and the sale made. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HESOIVED, that the said offer be accepted and that. the City of Port Angeles sell the said propert)' at private sale to thc o8id Alvar H. Lager for the sum hereinabove set forth, subject to any other valid liens 8_f.'ainst the same; tha:-. tbe City Attorney be instructed to prepare a Quit c12im deed conveJ~ng said pr~perty to the purchaser, and that the City Clerk of the City of Port Fngeles be and he is hereby instructed to execute said quit claim deed, ano that the kayor of the vity of ~ort Angeles be and he is hereby instruct.ed to countersign said quit clairr. deed. It was ~oved by Co~issioner Beam thEt the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by :Gor.:mssio!1er }.!asters. On roll call all memhers \roted aye. The Ueyor dcclarec the rr:otion carried. RESOEUTION WrlEREAS, 'he City of Port Angeles is the owner of the following described property in the City of Port Angele s, to-wit: East ~ of Lot Twelve (12), Block Six (6) of Puget Sound Co-operative COlony'S Su~ivi5ion of the TO'lmsite of Port Angeles) Wr3shington~ which said pr2perty has been acquired by the City on foreclosure of delin.qusnt IDea] improvB:r.ent asseSE- ments under Chapte~ 205 of the Seesicn Laws of 1927, and ~mEREAS, Herma" C. W. Reetz has offered to purchase the above described real property from th~ City of Port Angeles for the sum of $40.00, and WHEREftBJ The City Commission has viewed the said props?"tyand is of the opil1ion that th~ ofJ"er is fair value and at this time it is to the best interest of the City that it should be accepted p,nd the sale ~ade.; NOW, THEREFOR~, BE IT RESOLVED, That the said offer be accepted and that the City of Port Angeles sell the] said p:-operty at private sale to the said Herman C. W. Reetz for the sum hereinabove set forth, subject to any valid liens against the same; that the vity Attorn~:l be instructed to prepare a deed conveying said , property to the purchaser~ ~nd that the City Treasurer be, and she is hereby authorized to execute the sai. deed in accordance vrith the provisions of this resolution and .LhRpter 275" Session laws of 1927. It was moved by GDmmissio~er Bearr. thRt the foregoing resoluti0n be a?~roved and adopted. Seconded by COIi'..vnssioner ~.!asters. On ~oll call all members voted aye. The r;:,gyor de~lB::ed the ~otion carried. ll.... I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ~la:v 5, 1943. 19_ .... 523 I I I I I RESOLUTION WHEP~.S, The City of Port Angeles is the owner of the follo~~ng described real prcperty, having acquired 'the same by Treasure ,., 5 deed dated April 30, 1943, under and by virtue of the authority of Section 9393, Chapter 143, of the Laws of 1929, page 360, to-wit: Two (2) Lots One (l)/ilnd Thrse (3), Block Two (2), Hartt and Cook Subdivision of S"burban Block 31 of the TO'imsite of Port Angeles, W~shington, and 1VHERE^S, Carroll A. S~ith has offered to purchase the auove descr~bed real property from the Cit, of Port Angeles for the sum of $400.00, paya'ole as follcws: $40.00 as a down payment and 1f15.oo on or 'oefore June 1, 1943, and $15.00 on or before the 1st day of eacn and every mor,th thereaF.Br until pa;d in full, togethGr with interest on monthly balances at the rate of 7% per annum and paij vdth the monthly installments, and WHEREAS, The Gity Commlssion has viewed the said property and is of the opinion that the offer is fair value and that at this time it is the best interest of the City that it should be aocepted and the sale made. NOW, THERo~ORE, BE IT RESOcVED, that said offer be acoepted and that the City of Port Angeles sell the said property at p:-ivate sale to the said Car:-oll A. Sdth for the sum hereinabove set forth, subJ'ct to an;}" other vRlid liens against tl:.e s8ille; th-'3-: t.he CityO.ttorney be ir.structed to prepare a quit claim deed conveyiAg said property to the purchaser, and that the City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles be and he is hreby .:nstr;lcted to execute said quit :::laim deed-, and that the l:ayor of the liity of Pert Angeles be ;md he is here;-,y instrtlcted to countersign SAid quit ::lRirr. deed when the purchase price and All accrued interest thereon has been gaid in full. It WPS fficved by CommissioGer Beam that the foreboing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by CO,";l,'tlissioner Masters. Gn rell call all rrembers ';oted aye. The l.:ayor declared the notioYl carried. RESOLUTIJ!~ WHEREAS, The Ci,y of Port Angelos is thoowner of t.he followiri[; de8cr:bed reel proocrty, havirig acquired the S;:;lffiS b:-{ Tnnsul'erls deed d3tgd April 28, 194-:, under and by virtue of the authority of Section 9393, Chapter 14,3, o~ the Le.ws of 1929, page 3ES, to-wit: Lots Eight (8) and :!:rie (9), 310ck Sixty-three (63), Lewis & !.:,8stick Subdivision of Suburban lot 22 of Port Angeles, ',fashington, and WHEREAS, James C. Burdick and Shirley 1. 2urdick, husoand and wife, have offered to purchase the above described real prDperty frum the City of Port Angeles for the sura of $325.00, payaule as follc'Hs: ,,35.00 as A: ccvm payment and $15.00 on or before Jtme 1, 194~; Bnd $15.00 on or before the 1st. da:," of each. Bnd evr;ry month thereafter until paid in full, together with interest on monthly balances at th3 rate of 7% per ar~r.um and paiC: with the ::uJr:thly installrr,ents, and WHERE~SJ The G~t:l Comrrrission has viewed tile saj.d proparty and is of ths opinion that the offer is fair value and tha~ at this time it is the be"t in~erest of the City that :t should be acceptej and the sole made. I: OW , THEREFORE, BE IT RESCLVED, that said offer be a::epted and that the Gity of Port Angeles sell the said property at private sale t the said James C. Burdick and 5hirleJ' 1. Burdick for the sur;! tereinabove set forth, suL":ect to any oth'::'r valid lien.s against the same; that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a q'.1it claim deed~onve?ing said proper+:':v- to thepurchBser.l arId thAt the City Clerk of the Git.y c:' Port J~gele5 be and he is hereby instr~c~ed to execute said qvit clairr. deed, and that th8 Maya' of the Cit;y of Port JI.ugeles be and he is nere':>J' ino::tru:ted to countersign said quit claim deed when the purchase price and all 2CCrUec. interest thereon has bee:1 paid in full. It W2S . moved by Conunissioner Bea.m thRt the foregoing resclutLm be approved and adopted. Seconded hy . Corrm~35ioner 1~8ters. On roll call all members voted aye. Tte Mayer declared the metioG carried. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The City of Port fnee;es is theovmer of the following described real property, having acquired the sam" by Treasurer's deed dated April 29, 1913, unde, ,nd by virtue of th" a uthority, of Section 9393,. Chapter 145 of the' Laws of 1929, tD-wit: Lots Fiye (5) and Six (6), 310ck Three Hundred Thirty-two (332), Townsite of Port Angelesj Washington, and WHERF.o,S, Harris E. P'Jrvis has offered to purchase the above described real property from the Ci~y of Port A:1geles. .lor the sun, of $5CC.OO, p?yabL- as follows: ~30.00 as a down payr.:ent and $10.00 on or before June 15, 1943, and $10.00 on OT cefore the 15th day of each ana every ~onth thereafter until paid in full; together with interest cn monthly balanoes as the rate of 7% per anr.um and paio with the m0nthly install- ments J and W'dERE~S-, The City Gcrrr:'.isGior.. has vievred the said property and is of the opinion that the offer is faj_r velue and that at this time it is the best inter"st of the City that it s[',Quld be accepted am tho sole mad~ . KOY/, THEREFCRE, BE IT RESJl'rED, 'that said offer be accepted and that the City of Po:-t Angeles sell the said :oroperty at private sale to the said Harrls E. Purvis for the BUrr. hereir.above set forth, subject to any other valid liens against tL-l€ s?mej that the City Attorr.ey be instructed to Jrepare a quit claim deed conveying said property to the purcha3er, and thAt the Cit.y Clerk of the City of Port Angeles be and he is hereby instructed to execute said quit clairr. deed, and thet tho ~ayor o~ the Ci~y of Port A0geles be and he is hereby instructed to ccuntersign SFd d quit clai:n de'2d wher. the purchase price and all accrued inter~ est thereon has been paid in full. It was rnOV9C by .commissioner Bearr, t:-::at the foregoing resolutto:1 be approved and adopted. Seconded by Com.issioner jA.asters. On roll call all members voted aye, The tayor' declared the ITotion carried. The Corr.miss:..or, exami{~ed 2nd ~'llowed the folloy,r:ing claims and ordered WArrant5 drawn for sa;r.e: CiJRf(E~:'" EIPEtlSE_ FC"r; Port Anrrel,-" s Evening ~:ews 01J.'1!1?ic St-8:ioners Publica tio ilS Supplies (Cor.tinued next page) 36.47 W.~4 J iH 1i} t1J , 'i) , s1 4~ ~ r'" 524 h'av 5, 1943 Proceedings of the City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Washington 19_ J ..... CURRE~T EIPEKSE FUN~ - Continued Olympic St8tir- t-J.ers City Light Larrick I s cafe Western Unio~ Tel Go. Tidewater ~ssociated Oil Co. Olympic Stationers Pecific Tel & Tel Co. leufrrcan-lliller Co. Automatic Pa;ts Service 1~cKesson & Ro'vbins, Inc. rl If II Rub:;er Starr.p, etc. Office Rent Meals for Prisoners Telegram Ga soline /ldd ing !I.a chine Rolls, e tc. Service Shades Parts Dru!;s . F'rancis Pea rSOIl Kell.' & DeVine Tide'mt9" Associat9d Oil Co. EvenL'1~ :Jews Press, Inc. Expense Account Tj re Repair G3 solino Cards &. Posters I CITJ_ STREEL.f.J1E12 D. A. Masters, Sr. Tidewater Associated Oil Va. Kelly & DeVine Car Ialeage Gas & Oil Tire & Tire Repair ~J!::R FUN~ City Light Depa rtment , Street Dept. Angelos Gravel & Supply Co. Olympic Tir; & Rubber Co. Autoll'.otive Parts Service Janes Hardware Co. Centrel lioto"s Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Hooker EIe ctrochemical Co. Rent & Lights Gas & Oil Supplies Oxygen Cas Truck Parts Tools Rebuild Uotor Pipe Bands & Mauls Chlorine LIGHT_IUND City Water Dept. Homer Bla ck A. W. VI.,O Chas .E. Bea.,., Olympi.c Sta tioners Chas. J. Filion Co. Port Angeles Evening News Willsan Hardware Co. Line M-3:.erial Ce. . " Wat.er at Store Ga mge Rent Car Expense " Remington Rand Inc. Ink & Tape Cross trrr:s Advertiseme nt Lamps, etc. Street ligh~ Fixtur25 Cut-outs & Fuses Billing ~!B chine CD.:ETERY FUtm Todd' 5 G-,fcle Shop Sharpen Lawn Mower LIBRARY FUND J ennilu Norris, Lib rarian f. A. Young Fort L!lngeles Evening i\evrs United Jao it or Supply Co. The Library of COIJ.gress Johnson ~ug & Barge Co. The Arboretum Four.d ation A. C. 'cClurg & ~o. Edwi n All en CoropanJ" .. /I P Petty Cash Pruning Shru~bery Subscripti .:-m Janjtor's Supplies Catalog Cards Coal Book Books Wilcox & Follett Co~pany PARK FUND Evening New8 Press, Inc. Anceles Gravel & Supply Co. tl II 11 Placard s Lime Wire Glcbes, ete. Radio Tubes Hardware Willson Hardwar~ Go. The Electric Company Willson Hardware va. hI.Jl. GUArANTY FUlm City Treasurer . . Ta xes " Taxes W~ Lot 12, Blk 6, P.S.C.C. hr..~ii~7QlyIt!Q_ 'ulm City Treasurer . Il Taxes 11 5.20 50.00 90.38 .63 6::' .20 4.~3 n.lC 10..76 3.65 5.00 I} 4.12 20.80 ,?'I{ 2.32 15.30 23.44 -0- 25.80 244.CO ') '7~ 8.49 32.57 3E-85 ".57 7 .41 47.23 l' 2.32 85.49 ",{t,""""- 24 .~O 14.97 1.90 3.:;0 13.70 20.4b 4.38 127.21 23.76 i). 446 . ~7 127.48 13 47.<4 "Y" 1457.1i8 1. 55 I 2.8r I 10.00 9.00 21.12 5.55 186.95 3.75 ,,'1 3.88 ~?'3 /" 2.64 9.64 177.74 6.90 2.06 8.34 ?, ).o1~ 6.42 7.73 1.02 215.95 71 159.70 '6 d --- 445.96 3.10 o( 21.82 ) rG ./ 99.58 6.65 7J1Yld/r, , ,~ There being no further b')sine:::s the COJ1ll7".ission then adjourned to meet on Tuesday, ~'ay 11, 1943! at 10 0' clock. City Clerk I!~j Of~ lleyor 1- I I I I